Databases vs Files (performance) - c++

My C++ program has to read information about 256 images just one time. The information is simple: the path and some floats per image.
I don't need any kind of concurrent access. Also, I don't care about writing, deleting or updating the information and I don't have to do any kind of complex query. This is my pipeline:
Read information about one image.
Store that information on a object.
Do some calculation with the information.
Delete the object.
Next image.
I can use 256 files (every image has the same information), 1 file with all the information or a PostgreSQL databases. What will be faster?

Your question 'which will be faster' is tricky as performance is dependent on so many different factors, including OS, whether the database or file system are on the same machines as your application, the size of the images etc. I would guess that you could find some combinations that would make any of your options faster if you try hard enough.
Having said that, if everything is running on the same machine, then a file based approach would seem intuitively to be faster than a database, just because a database generally provides more functionality, and hence does more work (not just serving requests but in the background also) so has to use more of your computing power.
Similarly, it seems intuitive that a single file will be more efficient than multiple files as it saves the opening (and closing if necessary) operations associated with multiple files. But, again, giving an absolute answer is hard as opening and closing multiple files may be a common use case that certain OS's have optimised, hence making it as fast (or even faster) than a just using a single file.
If performance is very important for your solution, it is hard to avoid having to do some comparative testing with your target deployment systems.


Extreme performance difference, when reading same files a second time with C

I have to read binary data into char-arrays from large (2GB) binary files in a C++ program. When reading the files for the first time from my SSD, reading takes about 6.4 seconds per file. But when running the same code again or even after running a different dummy-program, which does almost the same before, the next readings take only about 1.4 seconds per file. The Windows Task Manager even shows much less disk-activity on the second, third, fourth… run. So, my guess is Window’s File Caching is sparing me from waiting for data from the SSD, when filling the arrays another time.
Is there any clean option to read the files into file cache before the customer runs the software? Any better option than just already loading the files with fread in advance? And how can I make sure, the data remains in the File Cache until I need it?
Or am I totally wrong with my File Cache assumption? Is there another (better) explanation for these different loading times?
Educated guess here:
You most likely are right with your file cache assumption.
Can you pre load files before the user runs the software?
Not directly. How would your program be supposed to know that it is going to be run in the next few minutes?
So you probably need a helper mechanism or tricks.
The options I see here are:
Indexing mechanisms to provide a faster and better aimed access to your data. This is helpful if you only need small chunks of information from these data at once.
Attempt to parallelize the loading of the data, so even if it does not really get faster, the user has the impression it does because he can start working already with the data he has, while the rest is fetched in the background.
Have a helper tool starting up with the OS and pre-fetching everything, so you already have it in memory when required. Caution: This has serious implications since you reserve either a large chunk of RAM or even SSD-cache (depending on implementation) for your tool from the start. Only consider doing this if the alternative is the apocalypse…
You can also try to combine the first two options. The key to a faster data availability is to figure out what to read in which order instead of trying to load everything at once en-bloc. Divide and Conquer.
Without further details on the problem it is impossible to provide more specific solutions though.

c++: how to optimize IO?

I am working on a mathematical problem that has the advantage of being able to "pre-compute" about half of the problem, save this information to file, and then reuse it many times to compute various 'instances' of my problem. The difficulty is that uploading all of this information in order to solve the actual problem is a major bottleneck.
More specifically:
I can pre-compute a huge amount of information - tons of probabilities (long double), a ton of std::map<int,int>, and much more - and save all this stuff to disk (several Gb).
The second half of my program accepts an input argument D. For each D, I need to perform a great many computations that involve a combination of the pre-computed data (from file), and some other data that are specific to D (so that the problem is different for each D).
Sometimes I will need to pick out certain pieces of pre-computed information from the files. Other times, I will need to upload every piece of data from a (large) file.
Are there any strategies for making the IO faster?
I already have the program parallelized (MPI, via boost::mpi) for other reasons, but regardless, accessing files on the disk is making my compute time unbearable.
Any strategies or optimizations?
Currently I am doing everything with cstdio, i.e. no iostream. Will that make a big difference?
Certainly the fastest (but the fragilest) solution would be to mmap the data to a fixed address. Slap it all in one big struct, and instantiate the std:::map with an allocator which will allocate in a block attached to the end of the struct. It's not simple, but it will be fast; one call to mmap, and the data is in your (virtual) memory. And because you're forcing the address in mmap, you can even store the pointers, etc.
As mentioned above, in addition to requiring a fair amount of work, it's fragile. Recompile your application, and the targeted address might not be available, or the layout might be different, or whatever. But since it's really just an optimization, this might not be an issue; anytime a compatibility issue arises, just drop the old file and start over. It will make the first run after a change which breaks compatibility extremely slow, but if you don't break compatibility too often...
The stuff that isn't in a map is easy. You put everything in one contiguous chunk of memory that you know (like a big array, or a struct/class with no pointers), and then use write() to write it out. Later use read() to read it in, in a single operation. If the size might vary, then use one operation to read a single int with the size, allocate the memory, and then use a single read() to pull it in.
The map part is a bit harder, since you can't do it all in one operation. Here you need to come up with a convention for serializing it. To make the i/o as fast as possible, your best bet is to convert it from the map to an in-memory form that is all in one place and you can convert back to the map easily and quickly. If, for example your keys are ints, and your values are of constant size then you could make an array of keys, and an array of values, copy your keys into the one array and values into the other, and then write() the two arrays, possibly writing out their size as well. Again, you read things in with only two or three calls to read().
Note that nothing ever got translated to ASCII, and there are a minimum number of system calls. The file will not be human readable, but it will be compact, and fast to read in. Three things make i/o slow: 1) system calls, if you use small reads/writes; 2) translation to/from ASCII (printf, scanf); 3) disk speed. Hard to do much about 3) (other than an SSD). You can do the read in a background thread, but you might need to block waiting for the data to be in.
Some guidelines:
multiple calls to read() are more expensive than single call
binary files are faster than text files
single file is faster than multiple files for large values of "multiple"
use memory-mapped files if you can
use 64 bit OS to let OS manage the memory for you
Ideally, I'd try to put all long doubles into memory-mapped file, and all maps into binary files.
Divide and conquer: if 64 bits is not an option, try to break your data into large chunks in a way that all chunks are never used together, and the entire chunk is needed when it's needed. This way you could load the chunks when they needed and discard them when they are not.
These suggestions of uploading the whole data to the RAM are good when two conditions are met:
Sum of all I/O times during is much more than cost of loading all data to RAM
Relatively large portion of all data is being accessed during application run
(they are usually met when some application is running for a long time processing different data)
However for other cases other options might be considered.
E.g. it is essential to understand if access pattern is truly random. If no, look into reordering data to ensure that items that are accessible together are close to each other. This will ensure that OS caching is performing at its best, and also will reduce HDD seek times (not a case for SSD of course).
If accesses are truly random, and application is not running as long as needed to ammortize one-time data loading cost I would look into architecture, e.g. by extracting this data manager into separate module that will keep this data preloaded.
For Windows it might be system service, for other OSes other options are available.
Cache, cache, cache. If it's only several GB it should be feasible to cache most if not all of your data in something like memcached. This is an especially good solution if you're using MPI across multiple machines rather than just multiple processors on the same machine.
If it's all running on the same machine, consider a shared memory cache if you have the memory available.
Also, make sure your file writes are being done on a separate thread. No need to block an entire process waiting for a file to write.
As was said, cache as much as you can in memory.
If you're finding that the amount you need to cache is larger than your memory will allow, try swapping out the caches between memory and disk how it is often done when virtual memory pages need to be swapped to disk. It is essentially the same problem.
One common method is the Least Recently Used Algorithm for determining which page will be swapped.
It really depends on how much memory is available and what the access pattern is.
The simplest solution is to use memory mapped files. This generally requires that the file has been layed out as if the objects were in memory, so you will need to only use POD data with no pointers (but you can use relative indexes).
You need to study your access pattern to see if you can group together the values that are often used together. This will help the OS in better caching those values (ie, keeping them in memory for you, rather than always going to the disk to read them).
Another option will be to split the file into several chunks, preferably in a logical way. It might be necessary to create an index file that map a range of values to the file that contain them.
Then, you can only access the set of files required.
Finally, for complex data structures (where memory mapped files fail) or for sparse reading (when you only ever extract only a small piece of information from a given file), it might be interesting to read about LRU caches.
The idea will be to use serialization and compression. You write several files, among which an index, and compress all of them (zip). Then, at launch time, you start by loading the index and save it in memory.
Whenever you need to access a value, you first try your cache, if it is not it, you access the file that contains it, decompress it in memory, dump its content in your cache. Note: if the cache is too small, you have to be picky about what you dump in... or reduce the size of the files.
The frequently accessed values will stay in cache, avoiding unnecessary round-trip, and because the file is zipped there will be less IO.
Structure your data in a way that caching can be effective. For instance, when you are reading "certain pieces," if those are all contiguous it won't have to seek around the disk to gather all of them.
Reading and writing in batches, instead of record by record will help if you are sharing disk access with another process.
More specifically: I can pre-compute a huge amount of information - tons of probabilities (long double), a ton of std::map, and much more - and save all this stuff to disk (several Gb).
As far as I understood the std::map are pre-calculated also and there are no insert/remove operations. Only search. How about an idea to replace the maps to something like std::hash_map or sparsehash. In theory it can give performance gain.
More specifically: I can pre-compute a huge amount of information - tons of probabilities (long double), a ton of std::map, and much more - and save all this stuff to disk (several Gb).
Don't reinvent the wheel. I'd suggest using a key-value data store, such as berkeley db:
This will enable saving and sharing the files, caching the parts you actually use a lot and keeping other parts on disk.

What is the fastest design to download and convert a large binary file?

I have a 1GB binary file on another system.
Requirement: ftp/download and convert binary to CSV on main system.
The converted file will be magnitudes larger ~ 8GB
What is the most common way of doing something similar to this?
Should this be a two step independent process, download - then convert?
Should I download small chunks at a time and convert while downloading?
I don't know the most efficient way to do this...also what should I be cautions of with files this size?
Any advice is appreciated.
Thank You.
(Visual Studio C++)
I would write a program that converts the binary format and outputs to CSV format. This program would read from stdin and write to stdout.
Then I would call
wget URL_of_remote_binary_file --output-document=- | my_converter_program > output_file.csv
That way you can start converting immediately (without downloading the entire files) and your program doesn't deal with networking. You can also run the program on the remote side, assuming it's portable enough.
Without knowing any specifics, I would go with a binary ftp download and then post-process with a separate conversion program. This would break the process into two distinct and unrelated parts which would aid in building and debugging the overall system. No need to reinvent an FTP system and lots of potential to optimize the post-processing.
To avoid too much traffic I would in a first step compress and transfer the file. The conversion process, if something goes wrong or want another output can be redone locally without refetching the data.
The only precaution is not to load the whole stuff in memory and then convert but do it chunk-wise like you said. You can prevent some unpleasant effects for users of your program by creating/pre-allocating a huge file of the max expected size. This to avoid running out of disk space during the conversion phase. Also some filesystems do not like files bigger than 2GB or 4GB, that would also be caught by the pre-allocation trick.
It depends on your data and your requirements. What performance requirements do you have? Do you need to finish such as task in X amount of time (where speed is critical), or is this something that will just be done periodically (in which case speed is not essential)?
That said, you will certainly get a cleaner implementation if you separate the work out into two tasks - a downloader and a converter. That way each component can be simple and just focus on the task at hand. All things being equal, I recommend this approach.
Otherwise if you try to download/convert at the same time you may get into situations where your downloader has data ready, but the converter needs more data before it can proceed. Again, there is no reason why your code cannot handle this, but it will make the implementation more complicated and that much more difficult to debug / test / validate.
It's usually better to do it as separate processes with no interdependency. If your requirements change in the future you can reuse the pieces, or use them for other projects.
Here are even more guesses about your requirements and possible solutions:
Concerned about file integrity? Implement something that includes integrity checks such as sequence numbers, size fields and checksums/hashes, and just enough transaction semantics so that the system knows whether a transfer completed or didn't.
Are uploads happening on slow/congested links, and may be interrrupted? Implement a protocol that allows the transfer to resume after interruption.
Are uploads recurring, with much of the data unchanged? Implement something amenable to incremental update, so you upload only the differences.

Decreasing performance writing large binary file

In one of our softwares we are creating records and storing them in a binary file. Once the writing operation is completed we read back this binary file. The issue is if this binary file is less than 100 MB then its performance is good enough, but once this file grows larger its performance is hit.
So, I thought of splitting this large binary file ( > 100 MB) into smaller ones ( < 100 MB). But it seems this solution is not gaining the performance. So, I was just thinking what can be the better approach to handle this scenario?
It will be really great help from you guys to comment on this.
Maybe you could try using an Sqlite database instead.
It is always quite the difficult to provide accurate answers with only a glimpse of the system, but have you actually tried to check the actual throughput ?
As a first solution, I would simply recommend using a dedicated disk (so there are no concurrent read/write actions from other processes), and a fast one at that. This way it would be just some cost of hardware upgrade, and we all know hardware is usually cheaper that software ;) You may even go to a RAID controller for maximizing throughput.
If you are still limited by the disk throughput, there are new technologies out there using the Flash technology: USB keys (though it may not seem very professional) or the "new" Solid State Drives may provide more throughput than a mechanical disk.
Now, if the disks approach are not fast enough or you can't get your hands on good SSDs, you have other solutions, but they involve software changes, and I propose them off the top of my hat.
A socket approach: the second utility is listening on a port and you send it the data there. On a local machine it's relatively fast, and you parallelize the work too, so even if the size of the data grows, you will still begin treating fairly quickly.
A memory mapping approach: write to a dedicated area in live memory and have the utility read from that area (Boost.Interprocess may help, there are other solutions).
Note that if the read is sequential, I find it more "natural" to try a 'pipe' approach (ala Unix) so that the two processes execute concurrently. In a traditional pipe, the data may not hit the disk after all.
A shame, isn't it, that in this age of overwhelming processing power, we are still struggling with our disk IO ?
If your App is reading the data sequential migrating to a DB would not help to increase performance. If random access is used you should consider to move the data into a DB,especially if different indices are used. You should check whether enough resources are available, if loaded completly into memory virtual memory management could have an impact to performance (swapping,paging). Depending on your OS setting a limit for file io buffers could be reached. The file system itself could be fragmented.
To get a higer quality answer you should provide informations about hardware,os,memory and file system. And the way your data file is used. Than you could get hints about kernel tuning etc.
So what is the retrieval mechanism here? How does your application know which of the smaller files to look in to find a record? If you have split up the big file without implementing some form of keyed lookup - indexing, partitioning - you have not addressed the problem, just re-arranged it.
Of course, if you have implemented some form of indexing then you have started down the road of building your own database.
Without knowing more regarding your application it would be rash for us to offer specific advice. Maybe the solution would be to apply an RDBMS solution. Possibly a NoSQL approach would be better. Perhaps you need a text indexing and retrieval engine.
How often does your application need to retrieve records? How does it decide which records to get? What is your definition of poor performance? Why did you (your project) decide to use flat files rather than a database in the first place? What sort of records are we talking about?

Fastest small datastore on Windows

My app keeps track of the state of about 1000 objects. Those objects are read from and written to a persistent store (serialized) in no particular order.
Right now the app uses the registry to store each object's state. This is nice because:
It is simple
It is very fast
Individual object's state can be read/written without needing to read some larger entity (like pulling out a snippet from a large XML file)
There is a decent editor (RegEdit) which allow easily manipulating individual items
Having said that, I'm wondering if there is a better way. SQLite seems like a possibility, but you don't have the same level of multiple-reader/multiple-writer that you get with the registry, and no simple way to edit existing entries.
Any better suggestions? A bunch of flat files?
If what you mean by 'multiple-reader/multiple-writer' is that you keep a lot of threads writing to the store concurrently, SQLite is threadsafe (you can have concurrent SELECTs and concurrent writes are handled transparently). See the [FAQ [1]] and grep for 'threadsafe'
[1]: FAQ
If you do begin to experiment with SQLite, you should know that "out of the box" it might not seem as fast as you would like, but it can quickly be made to be much faster by applying some established optimization tips:
SQLite optimization
Depending on the size of the data and the amount of RAM available, one of the best performance gains will occur by setting sqlite to use an all-in-memory database rather than writing to disk.
For in-memory databases, pass NULL as the filename argument to sqlite3_open and make sure that TEMP_STORE is defined appropriately
On the other hand, if you tell sqlite to use the harddisk, then you will get a similar benefit to your current usage of RegEdit to manipulate the program's data "on the fly."
The way you could simulate your current RegEdit technique with sqlite would be to use the sqlite command-line tool to connect to the on-disk database. You can run UPDATE statements on the sql data from the command-line while your main program is running (and/or while it is paused in break mode).
I doubt any sane person would go this route these days, however some of what you describe could be done with Window's Structured/Compound Storage. I only mention this since you're asking about Windows - and this is/was an official Windows way to do this.
This is how DOC files were put together (but not the new DOCX format). From MSDN it'll appear really complicated, but I've used it, it isn't the worst API in Win32.
it is not simple
it is fast, I would guess it's faster then the registry.
Individual object's state can be read/written without needing to read some larger entity.
There is no decent editor, however there are some real basic stuff (VC++ 6.0 had the "DocFile Viewer" under Tools. (yeah, that's what that thing did) I found a few more online.
You get a file instead of registry keys.
You gain some old-school Windows developer geek-cred.
Other random thoughts:
I think XML is the way to go (despite the random access issue). Heck, INI files may work. The registry gives you very fine grain security if you need it - people seem to forget this when the claim using files are better. An embedded DB seems like overkill if I'm understanding what you're doing.
Do you need to persist the objects on each change event or just in memory and store on shutdown? If so, just load them up and serialize them at the end, assuming your app runs for a long time (and you don't share that state with another program) then in memory is going to be a winner.
If you've got fixed size structures then you could consider just using a memory mapped file and allocate memory from that?
If the only thing you do is serialize/deserialize individual objects (no fancy queries), then use a btree database, for example Berkeley DB. It is very fast at storing and retrieving chunks of data by key (I assume your objects have some id that can be used as a key) and access by multiple processes is supported.