Qt Libraries are not included - c++

I checked if the question exists but it doesn't seem to help me. I'm clearly new to Qt, i installed Qt Creator 5.4 in my Windows 7 Ultimate. I installed everything Qt 5.4 provides and also installed MinGW 4.9.1. The problem is when i open a console application project it immediately gives these errors. I tried different projects and error is the same.
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: core
I tried to check intellisense for include and it didn't show ANY library to me.
When i hover to include it gives : QCoreApplication: No such file or directory
I highly doubt Qt can't find it's own libraries. How can i show it to QtCreator ?
Additional info : Run button and everything related to run is disabled.
Any help will be appreciated, thanks :)

Maybe your project's path contains non ASCII characters.
Try a new project somewhere like C:\MyApp


cmake problems with qt creator hello world

How can I choose platform for cmake with QT creator?
This is my project settings:
My cmake settings (what i am supposed to put as platform/kit?):
This gives me gives me crazy output here:
Whats wrong here? I do have rc.exe in my path:
UPD: As asked, I've checked vcvars32.bat:
(what am I expected to see here also??):
I have managed to walkaround the problem in the end by removing MSVC2017, Windows SDK and reinstalling MSVC 2015 + Windows SDK for W10. But this is not enough, in this crazy dialog:
you have to select ...ninja+codeblocks and this allows to run cmake sucessfully. Why VS14 setting here causes problems -- this remains a mystery for me.

Building glfw3 programs in CodeBlocks 16.01 in Windows 7 failed

I am using CodeBlocks 16.01 in Windows7. I have downloaded GLFW windows binary from here. I have copied include and lib-mingw to my project folder. Have provided the include and lib-mingw directories for Compiler and Linker options respectively in the build options. In the Linker settings tab, I have added glfw3,gdi32 and opengl32. I'm running the sample program given in the documentation page of the GLFW website. The program is compiling. While building a warning and an error message is displayed:
Warning: .drectve `-aligncomm:"__glfw",5' unrecognized
init.c undefined reference to `__chkstk_ms'
Have googled a lot, but in vain. Any help would be great.
Today the problem is solved. The problem was with the compiler settings in CodeBlocks. In CodeBlocks, under "Settings" tab "Compiler"->"ToolchainExecutables", it was "Dev C++". I installed TDM-GCC-32 (http://tdm-gcc.tdragon.net/download) 32 bit version. Then changed "Dev C++" with the directory where TDM-GCC-32 is installed in my computer.
Next in "Settings"->"Debugger" option, I selected "GDB/CDB Debugger" and "Default". Then provided the path of gdb32.exe located in the TDM-GCC-32/bin directory.
I think as I had installed Dev C++ before installing codeblocks, Dev C++ was selected by default (not sure). For those who are facing similar problems but DEV C++ is not their case, updating TDM-GCC may help.
However, this DEV C++ compiler was working for older GLFW 2.7. Today, I have also found another problem with this DEV C++ one. I was using freeglut. When I was including iostream along with GL/glut.h similar "undefined reference to `__chkstk_ms'" error message was appearing.
But now, it is ok. Thank you all :)
looks like you need to add library(.lib) with this stuff. .h file has been
deployed already so you need to detect it. Then you can google for library.

error: C1083: Cannot open include file: 'ui_MainWindow.h': No such file or directory, Qt Creator

I'm trying to get a project that I downloaded from Github (https://github.com/Y-Vladimir/SmartDeblur) working in Qt Creator 3.4.1. However, when I build the project I get the two errors below.
I literally just installed Qt today, but from what I can gather those two ui files should be automatically generated when I compile. I think it might have something to do with the fact that I'm using an old version of Qt (4.8, the same version the Github project uses). I found this answer that seems related, but I couldn't get it working.
Can someone help me figure this issue out? Thanks

Simple GUI application crashes in Qt 5

After I downloaded and installed Qt 5. I opened Qt creator 2.6.1 and created a new simple GUI application. But when I try to run it, I get the following error:
C:\Qt\Qt5.0.0\5.0.0\msvc2010\include\QtCore\qglobal.h:46: error: C1083: Cannot open include file: ‘stddef.h’: No such file or directory
What is the problem and how can I solve it ?
You need to install the Windows platform SDK.
By the way: you used the wrong term (I assume). You application didn't crash it refuses to compile.
Hope this may help (a similar issue discussed here):

Basic Qt app crashes upon launch

When I launch a basic Qt app within Eclipse, it crashes with a ".exe has stopped working" error.
The context :
its the basic app obtained when creating a Qt GUI project (with a MainWindow), nothing was changed in it, haven't even added a button
PATH has all the necessary stuff (mingw, msys, qt)
project properties and eclipse paths should be ok too (c++, qt, mingw)
the .pro file is ok, no file missing
clean & rebuild, as well as relaunching eclipse doesn't resolve the problem
upon compilation there is no error, just an ignored "cannot lstat `ui_.h': No such file or directory". No relevant result found when searching around that.
if launched, stops with the afforementionned error. Details show its the app that crashed, with error code c0000005, offset 00002cb20. Search results tells me c0000005 is access violation, but where would that come from ? It's the basic app...
tried to launch with eclipse being in admin mode to prevent accesss violation, didn't help
if launched in debug mode, stops with error "Can't find a source file at ../mingw/main.c". I thought I forgot something when I installed mingw, so I did its setup again, but that did not create that file. No relevant search results here either.
my setup: eclipse classic x32 with c++ & php stuff, qt 4.8, win7 x64
I'm getting lost here. I already worked with Qt under Eclipse before (on winXP and vista), got my bunch of installing problems but this one is a first. Anybody went through this already ? Any leads on how to find where the access violation is happening ? Reading this question makes me think it's a Qt Eclipse Integration problem, but how can I circumvent that ?
Thanks for any leads !
Your project doesn't have a TARGET = set in the .pro file. This was probably caused by an Eclipse/Qt plugin wizard screw up, so just typing a new target may not work, other files may have to be renamed manually.
FWIW development on the Qt plugin for Eclipse was halted some time ago, building outside of Qt Creator is definitely one way of making life more difficult for yourself.