NPM repo missing file - ember.js

I have a git repo for an Ember Addon:
It passes all unit tests. It has been published to npm as ui-responsive-toolbelt. I have used npm's "link" functionality to test locally that this "addon" (in Ember parlance) works fine in consuming application when included in the package.json file as a dependency.
Surprisingly, and I'm completely flummoxed on this, when npm installs this dependency into an Ember project directory it brings across a vast majority of the files without complaining. From NPM's perspective it appears to be a clean install. Unfortunately an addon depends heavily on it's "entry point" which is the index.js in the root directory of the repo. I have very clearly included this file in the repo but for some reason it is not being brough over!
I have tried this on two computers and three Ember projects and all have the same outcome. Please help!
the error message I get from Ember-CLI when I try to start the server with ember serve is:
The package ui-responsive-toolbelt is not a properly formatted package, we have used a fallback lookup to resolve it at /path/to/project/node_modules/ui-responsive-toolbelt. This is generally caused by an addon not having a main entry point (or index.js).
This message is repeated twice and then I get:
The ui-responsive-toolbelt addon could not be found at /path/to/project/node_modules/ui-list/node_modules/ui-responsive-toolbelt.

I confirmed that your repo looks fine
npm install ui-responsive-toolbelt does not download the index file
So the problem is that npm publish is not working properly. There is a bug filled for that.
What you can do is publish again your addon using a recent npm version (or play with older versions) until you see that the index file is added too.


React/Webpack Publishing to npm

I have a component that I've built using webpack and gulp to manage and build. It's all done and ready to be published.
How do I only publish the build public/* directory for consumption by other apps?
Currently the build works fine and I'm committing/pushing everything to GitHub, but the publish to npm really only needs the bundle.js and main.css files, correct?
How would I do this? Currently npm publish is pushing everything up and then using <variable> = require('<package>')is giving me the error:
Error: Cannot find module '<package>' from '/Users/<username>/Apps/<project>/app/assets/javascripts'
This is a rail project that we're using browserify to handle allowing require(...) and is working for other npm packages.
What am I missing?

Uncaught Error: Could not find module `ember-qunit`. Odd out-of-the-box ember-cli behavior

I believe I may have an environment issue here, but I'm quite stuck as to what I can to do resolve it. I created an ember-cli project, committed it to git, added a few things. I ran the typical npm install && bower install commands and tried ember s.
Although the site loads fine, when I browsed to the http://localhost:4200/tests/ to ensure qunit was up and running, I had a few errors.
Uncaught Error: Could not find module `ember-qunit` imported from `ember-project/tests/test-helper
Uncaught Error: Assertion Failed: The tests file was not loaded. Make sure your tests index.html includes "assets/tests.js".
Immediately this raised a red flag, as I have created several ember projects before and not run into similar issues. I had my partners (I'm in school) checkout the project, run the npm install && bower install && ember s and the qunit module worked fine for them!
I've tried to git clone a new repo several times, I've even went so far as to uninstall node and bower completely, but no matter what I try I cannot seem to pull up a normal /tests checkout.
My partners were both running VMs - Ubuntu and Debian, while I'm on a mac, but that seems like it shouldn't be too big of an issue, especially since I created the project!
I've looked several places for this (here, here, and here), but I cannot seem to come to a conclusion which works for me.
I do have an identical bower.json as the rest of my group. I've included the picture below of my file structure, my bower.json, and my tests/index.html.
Here are some environment stats:
ember version: 1.13.13
node: 5.0.0
os: darwin x64
bower: 1.7.1
One thing that I did notice is a difference when I do this to see npm's version, but I'm not sure if that matters or not.
ember -v
npm: 2.14.10
npm -v
npm: 3.5.2
It appears to be a regression from the work in ember-cli beta. You can track the progress here
For now, you can add
to ember-cli-build.js as a workaround.

Is there an easier way to debug ember addons

I have been just starting out with ember addon and one of the difficulty I am facing is to debug it. I have a separate repo for my addon(lets name it my-addon for now), and everytime I make any change, I have to
1) commit it
2) push the changes
3) go to consuming app and then re install the app from git(atleast re-run npm install git:address so I get the latest changes)
4) run ember g my-addon (because I am in older cli)
5) do build
6) and check if things are working
This process is kinda tedious, I was wondering if I can place the addon(all of it) within the consuming app itself, atleast in the dev phase so I can just build my ember app and test the addon in the consuming app itself, and once I feel good about, push it to my local git repo.
Any thoughts or approach on how you folks do it - or may be I am just missing out something and doing it wrong!
If you use ember-cli you can link your local addon in the consuming app. You can find all details in the user guide
Note that watchman doesn't observe local addon symlinked (there are couple of issues opened both on ember-cli and watchman). I've resolved removing watchman falling back to NodeWatcher (I'm on mac)
I am pretty sure the solution provided by #GUL must work too, but what worked for me was:
1) in the consuming dev app, I created a folder called addons and placed all my addon code there
2) in consuming dev app, in package.json I added :
"ember-addon": {
"paths": [
and that worked for me!
The top answer is best here. I just wanted to offer an alternative that is useful in certain situations. npm pack at root of in development addon. Then cd back to parent project. npm install ../ember-composable-helpers-2.2.0.tgz. And then check if things are working.
npm pack will create a tarball as if published on npm.

Is the ember cli addon installation broken in Ember Cli 0.1.11?

I'm using ember cli for some small test projects to evaluate the concepts. Normal use of ember cli works for me. After 10 created small projects and using blueprints and the pod structure I decided to try the development and usage of addons. The creation of addons was not the real problem.
The problem is I can not successfully install a created addon. I also tried to install other addons created by other ember-cli users. The result is always the same. I got no error message and the addon could be found inside the node_modules directory of the addon consuming application but there is nothing installed in the app directory and it's sub directories !!!
What can I do to find the problem ?
Do you have a public available addon which could be installed definitely without problems ?
Are there log files which could be inspected to see more details (hidden error messages) ?
Best regads
The current Ember CLI version is 0.0.12. I'm not aware of any issues with addon installations. If the issue persist, you should create an issue on ember-cli issue tracker.

Can't "ember server" but "npm start" works

Although I successfully installed ember-cli, I cannot run ember server. It said -bash: ember: command not found. But when I ran npm start, that worked.
According to the package.json file, npm start is referring to ember server.
But why didn't ember server work?
The way I fixed this problem is by running ember init in the repo, and let it override all the testing related files and skip all the files related to the project, like routes/app.js.
Oh, Yeah~
Based on your comments, it sounds like you may have installed npm or another part of the node toolchain with sudo. Here are some common ways to install the toolchain--I can say from experience that avoiding using sudo in package managers (and everything possible) is often the way to go.
Hope this helps--let us know if it was something else.