",(?!.*\\))" returning "Invalid Regex" error in R - regex

I've got a string that I'm working with and I'm trying to select only the commas that are outside of the parentheses so that I can split the string based on that. Here's the string I'm working with:
"LIVINGSTON (Townships of Brighton, Deerfield, Genoa, Hartland,, Oceola & Tyrone), MACOMB, MONROE, OAKLAND, SANILAC, ST. CLAIR, AND WAYNE COUNTIES"
I'm trying to use the regex mentioned in the question title and it's telling me that it's not valid. Presumably this is because the closing parenthesis that is supposed to be escaped is being recognized by R as the parenthesis closing the match group and so the second parenthesis is throwing everything off. I'm just curious about how to work around this. Here is the syntax I'm using:
counties <- "LIVINGSTON (Townships of Brighton, Deerfield, Genoa, Hartland,, Oceola & Tyrone), MACOMB, MONROE, OAKLAND, SANILAC, ST. CLAIR, AND WAYNE COUNTIES"
tmp <- strsplit(counties, ',(?!.*\\))')
I can obviously just do the inverse of what I'm doing now and instead of splitting the text on the commas outside of the parentheses, simply replace the commas inside of the parentheses and then split the string on commas, but I'd like to know why this isn't working.

I believe the reason your regex isn't working is because it's very Perl-ish, which requires the perl=T flag. I think it is also slightly malformed in that you should check for opening and closing parentheses to be complete... I think this is a general solution matching not just your specific case:
counties <- "LIVINGSTON (Townships of Brighton, Deerfield, Genoa, Hartland,, Oceola & Tyrone), MACOMB, MONROE, OAKLAND, SANILAC, ST. CLAIR, AND WAYNE COUNTIES"
tmp <- strsplit(counties, ",(?![^(]*\\))", perl=T)

Because you have an unbalanced ),
should be:
counties <- "LIVINGSTON (Townships of Brighton, Deerfield, Genoa, Hartland,, Oceola & Tyrone), MACOMB, MONROE, OAKLAND, SANILAC, ST. CLAIR, AND WAYNE COUNTIES"
tmp <- substr(counties, ',(?!.*\\)')

If i have understood the question correctly, try this:
strsplit(gsub("\\(.*\\)", "", counties), ",")[[1]]


Extract info inside parenthesis in R

I have some rows, some have parenthesis and some don't. Like ABC(DEF) and ABC. I want to extract info from parenthesis:
I wrote
gsub(".*\\((.*)\\).*", "\\1",X).
It works good for ABC(DEF), but output "ABC" when there is not parenthesis.
If you do not want to get ABC when using sub with your regex, you need to add an alternative that would match all the non-empty string and remove it.
X <- c("ABC(DEF)", "ABC")
sub(".*(?:\\((.*)\\)).*|.*", "\\1",X)
See the IDEONE demo.
Note you do not have to use gsub, you only need one replacement to be performed, so a sub will do.
Also, a stringr str_match would also be handy for this task:
str_match(X, "\\((.*)\\)")
str_match(X, "\\(([^()]*)\\)")
Using string_extract() will work.
df$`new column` <- str_extract(df$`existing column`, "(?<=\\().+?(?=\\))")
This creates a new column of any text inside parentheses of an existing column. If there is no parentheses in the column, it will fill in NA.
The inspiration for my answer comes from this answer on the original question about this topic

R: how to convert part of a string to variable name and return its value in the same string?

Suppose I have a string marco <- 'polo'. Is there any way I can embed marco in the middle of another string, e.g. x <- 'John plays water marco.' and have x return 'John plays water polo.'?
The solution David kindly offered does work for the hypothetical problem I posted above, but what I was trying to get to was this:
data <- c('kek','koki','ukak','ikka')
V <- c('a|e|i|o|u')
Rather than deleting all vowels, which the solution can manage (gsub(V,'',data)), how do I specify, say, all vowels between two k's? Obviously gsub('kVk','',data) doesn't work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you want all vowels between two "k" letters removed, I propose the following:
V <- '[aeiou]'
data <- c('kek', 'koki', 'ukak', 'ikka', 'keeuiokaeioukaeiousk')
gsub(paste0('(?:\\G(?!^)|[^k]*k(?=[^k]+k))\\K', V), '', data, perl=T)
# [1] "kk" "kki" "ukk" "ikka" "kkksk"
The \G feature is an anchor that can match at one of two positions; the start of the string position or the position at the end of the last match. \K resets the starting point of the reported match and any previously consumed characters are no longer included which is similar to a lookbehind.
Regular Expression Explanation
Or, to use the example as given:
V <- 'a|e|i|o|u' ## or equivalently '[aeiou]'
dd <- c('kek','koki','ukak','ikka','kaaaak')
## [1] "kk" "kki" "ukk" "ikka" "kk"
I guessed that you might (?) want to delete multiple vowels between ks; I added a + to the regular expression to do this.

Replacing the first vowel-consonent occurence with consonent-vowel using sub in R

I know that it should be something like this but definitely I am missing something in the syntax:
I expect to have "bammmm" as output
Error: unexpected string constant in "yy=sub(r'\b[aeiou][^aeiou]*'"
I am not sure how is the exact syntax.
Please run your code in RStudio or any R compiler. I am new to regex and you giving me Python code wouldn't help me to understand the situation. Thanks!
This is what you want
I'll explain how it works:
If you ask me to substitute any vowel-consonent with any consonent-vowel? It doesn't make much sense. Should I change ab to ba, ce, or da? It can be any one of them. You never specified any relationship between the vowel in vowel-consonent and the vowel in consonent-vowel. Therefore, it doesn't make sense to put a regular expression in the 2nd argument. As a result, you are not allowed to.
If you want to achieve what you asked for. You can add brackets to the regular expression in the 1st argument. The first ( marks group 1, second ( marks group 2, etc. (note, group 0 is the whole matched string.) You can use \1, \2, ... in the second argument to put the matched group there.
As an alternative to using a regular expression for this, there's a nice string reversal function in example(strsplit)
> strReverse <- function(x)
sapply(lapply(strsplit(x, NULL), rev), paste, collapse="")
> dd <- "abmmmm"
> paste(strReverse(substr(dd, 1, 2)), substr(dd, 3, nchar(dd)), sep = "")
[1] "bammmm"

Regular Expressions for City name

I need a regular Expression for Validating City textBox, the city textbox field accepts only Letters, spaces and dashes(-).
This answer assumes that the letters which #Manaysah refers to also encompasses the use of diacritical marks. I've added the single quote ' since many names in Canada and France have it. I've also added the period (dot) since it's required for contracted names.
Building upon #UIDs answer I came up with,
^([a-zA-Z\u0080-\u024F]+(?:. |-| |'))*[a-zA-Z\u0080-\u024F]*$
The list of cities it accepts:
St. Catharines
San Fransisco
Niagara on the Lake
villes du Québec
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
And what it rejects:
I didn't add in the use of brackets and other marks since it didn't fall within the scope of this question.
I've stayed away from \s for whitespace. Tabs and line feeds aren't part of a city name and shouldn't be used in my opinion.
This can be arbitrarily complex, depending on how precise you need the match to be, and the variation you're willing to allow.
Something fairly simple like ^[a-zA-Z]+(?:[\s-][a-zA-Z]+)*$ should work.
warning: This does not match cities like München, etc, but here you basically need to work with the [a-zA-Z] part of the expression, and define what characters are allowed for your particular case.
Keep in mind that it also allows for something like San----Francisco, or having several spaces.
Translates to something like:
1 or more letters, followed by a block of: 0 or more spaces or dashes and more letters, this last block can occur 0 or more times.
Weird stuff in there: the ?: bit. If you're not familiarized with regexes, it might be confusing, but that simply states that the piece of regex between parenthesis, is not a capturing group (I don't want to capture the part it matches to reuse later), so the parenthesis are only used as to group the expression (and not to capture the match).
"New York" // passes
"San-Francisco" // passes
"San Fran Cisco" // passes (sorry, needed an example with three tokens)
"Chicago" // passes
" Chicago" // doesn't pass, starts with spaces
"San-" // doesn't pass, ends with a dash
Adding my answer if anybody needs its while searching for Regex for City Names, Like I did
Please use this :
As many city names contains dashes, such as Soddy-Daisy, Tennessee, or special characters like, ñ in La Cañada Flintridge, California
Hope this helps!
Here is the one I've found works best
for PCRE flavours allowing \p{L} (.NET, php, Golang)
/^\p{L}+(?:([\ \-\']|(\.\ ))\p{L}+)*$/u
for regex that does not allow \p{L} replace it with [a-zA-Z\u0080-\u024F]
so for javascript, python regex use
/^[a-zA-Z\u0080-\u024F]+(?:([\ \-\']|(\.\ ))[a-zA-Z\u0080-\u024F]+)*$/
White listing a bunch of character is easy, but there are things to watch for in your regex
consecutive non-alphabetical characters should not be allowed. i.e. Los Angeles should fail because it has two spaces
periods should have a space after. i.e. St.Albert should fail because it's missing the space
names cannot start or end with non-alphabetical characters i.e. -Chicago- should fail
a whitespace character \s !== \, i.e. a tab and line feed character could pass, so space character should be defined instead
Note: When building regex rules, I find https://regex101.com/tests is very helpful, as you can easily create unit tests
js: https://regex101.com/r/cgJwc0/1/tests
php: https://regex101.com/r/Yo3GV2/1/tests
Here's one that will work with most cities, and has been tested:
^[a-zA-Z\u0080-\u024F]+(?:. |-| |')*([1-9a-zA-Z\u0080-\u024F]+(?:. |-| |'))*[a-zA-Z\u0080-\u024F]*$
Python code below, including its test.
import re
import pytest
CITY_RE = re.compile(
r"^[a-zA-Z\u0080-\u024F]+(?:. |-| |')*" # a word
r"([1-9a-zA-Z\u0080-\u024F]+(?:. |-| |'))*"
def is_city(value: str) -> bool:
valid = CITY_RE.match(value) is not None
return valid
# Tests
("1", False),
("Toronto", True),
("Saint-Père-en-Retz", True),
("Saint Père en Retz", True),
("Saint-Père en Retz", True),
("Paris 13e Arrondissement", True),
("Paris 13e Arrondissement ", True),
("Bouc-Étourdi", True),
("Arnac-la-Poste", True),
("Bourré", True),
("Å", True),
("San Francisco", True),
def test_is_city(value, expected):
valid, msg = validate.is_city(value)
assert valid is expected
^[a-zA-Z\- ]+$
Also this might be useful http://www.cheatography.com/davechild/cheat-sheets/regular-expressions/
use this regex:
After many hours of looking for a city regex matcher I have built this and it meets my needs 100%
expression for testing city.
St. City
Some Silly-City
City St.
Too Many Words City
it seems that there are many flavors of regex and I built this for my Java needs and it works great
This will help identify some city names like St. Johns, Baie-Sainte-Anne, Grand-Salut/Grand Falls
I like shepley's suggestion, but it has a couple flaws in it.
If you change shpeley's regex to this, it will not accept other special characters:
^([a-zA-Z\u0080-\u024F]{1}[a-zA-Z\u0080-\u024F\. |\-| |']*[a-zA-Z\u0080-\u024F\.']{1})$
I use that one:
^[a-zA-Z\\u0080-\\u024F.]+((?:[ -.|'])[a-zA-Z\\u0080-\\u024F]+)*$
You can try this:
The above regex will:
Restrict leading and trailing spaces, hyphens
Match cities with names like Néewiller-près-lauterbourg
Here are some fun edge-cases:
's Graveland
's Gravendeel
's Gravenpolder
's Gravenzande
's Heer Arendskerke
's Heerenberg
's Heerenhoek
's Hertogenbosch
't Harde
't Veld
't Zand
100 Mile House
6 October City
So, don't forget to add ' and 0-9 as a possible first character of the city name.

How to use stringr and regexp to remove spaces and digits from end of strings?

I need to write a basic regular expression in R that I cannot figure out. What I am trying to do is to remove the number and space from the data, so that "Flagstaff 24" becomes "Flagstaff".
data <- c("Flagstaff 24", "Los Angeles 23", "Cleveland 29", "Cleveland 29", "Seattle 22")
However as my numbers are either one or two digits I cannot just trim the end. What I have tried are the following expressions that do not work:
str_split_fixed(data, ".\\d", 1)
I'm trying to wrap my head around these expression structures!
You can just use gsub() for this. (No need for the stringr package.)
gsub("\\s*\\d*$", "", data)
[1] "Flagstaff" "Los Angeles" "Cleveland" "Cleveland" "Seattle"