Regex for at least one alphabet and shouldn't allow dot(.) - regex

I have written the regex below but I'm facing an issue:
As per the above regex, df45543 is invalid, but I want to allow such a string. Only one alphabet character is mandatory and a dot is not allowed. All other characters are allowed.

Just add the digits as allowed characters:
See demo
In case you need to disallow dots, and allow at least 1 English letter, then use lookaheads:
(?!.*\.) disallows a dot in the string, and (?=.*[a-zA-Z]) requires at least one English letter.
See another demo
Another scenario is when the dot is not allowed only at the beginning. Then, use

You need to use lookahead to enforce one alphabet:
(?=.*?[a-zA-Z]) is a positive lookahead that makes sure there is at least one alphabet in the input.

You can use this:
(Use a case insensitive mode, or add A-Z in the character classes)

you can add the first part of your regex which is ^[^.]* to the end to be like this
try this Demo


Regex - Alternate between letters and numbers

I am wondering how to build a regex that would match forever "D1B2C4Q3" but not "DDA1Q3" nor "D$1A2B".
That is a number must always follow a letter and vice versa. I've been working on this for a while and my current expression ^([A-Z0-9])(?!)+$ clearly does not work.
By combining the letters and digits into a single character class, the expression matches either in any order. You need to seperate the classes sequentially within a group.
I might actually use a simple regex pattern with a negative lookahead to prevent duplicate letters/numbers from occurring:
The reason I chose this approach, rather than a non lookaround one, is that we don't know a priori whether the input would start or end with a number or letter. There are actually four possible combinations of start/end, and this could make for a messy pattern.
I'm guessing maybe,
might work OK, or maybe not.
Demo 1
A better approach would be:
Demo 2
which would depend if you'd like to have an empty string valid or not.
Another idea that will match A, A1, 1A, A1A, ...
See this demo at regex101
\b the word boundary at ^ start requires at least one char (remove, if empty string valid)
\d? followed by an optional digit
(?:[A-Z]\d)* followed by any amount of (?: upper alpha followed by digit )
[A-Z]?$ ending in an optional upper alpha
If you want to accept lower alphas as well, use i flag.

Regular Expression for Password strength with one special characters except Underscore

I have the following regular expression:
I am using it to validate for
At least one letter
least one capital letter
least one number
least one special characters
least 8 characters
But along with this I need to restrict the underscore (_).
If I enter password Pa$sw0rd, this is validating correctly, which is true.
If I enter Pa$_sw0rd this is also validating correctly, which is wrong.
The thing is the regex is passing when all the rules are satisfied. I want a rule to restrict underscore along with above.
Any help will be very appreciable.
I think you can use a negated character class [^_]* to add this restriction (also, remove the initial .*, it is redundant, and the first look-ahead is already at the beginning of the pattern, no need to duplicate ^, and it is totally redundant since the total length limit can be checked at the end):
See demo
You can try this..* at start is of no use.See demo.

Here a word is a string of letters, preceded and followed by nonletters

I asked his question earlier but none of the responses solved the problem. Here is the full question:
Give a single UNIX pipeline that will create a file file1 containing all the words in file2, one word per line.Here a word is a string of letters, preceded and followed by nonletters.
I tried every single example that was given below, but i get "syntax error"s when using them.
Does anyone know how I can solve this??
if your regex flavor support it you can use lookarounds:
(?<!..): not preceded by
(?!..): not followed by
If it is not the case you can use capturing groups and negated character classes:
where the result is in group 2
^|[^a-zA-Z]: start of the string or a non letter characters (all character except letters)
$: end of the string
or the same with one capturing group and two non capturing groups:
(result in group 1)
In order to be unicode compatible, you could use:
\pL stands for any letter in any language
\PL is the opposite of \pL
When your objective is to actually find words, the most natural way would be
However, this assumes normal word boundaries, like whitespaces, certain punctuations or terminal positions. Your requirement suggests you want to count things like the "example" in "1example2".
In that case, I would suggest using
Note that you don't actually need to look for what precedes or follows the alphabets. This already captures all alphabets and only alphabets. The greedy requirement (+) ensures that nothing is left out from a capture.
Lookarounds etc should not be necessary because what you want to capture and what you want to exclude are exact inverses of each other.
[Edit: Given the new information in comments]
The methods below are similar to Casimir's, except that we exclude words at terminals (which we were explicitly trying to capture, because of your original description).
Test here. Note that this uses negated positive lookarounds, and not Negative lookarounds as they would end up matching at the string terminals (which are, to the regex engine as much as to me, non-alphabets).
If lookarounds don't work for you, you'd need capturing groups.
Search as below, then take the first captured group.
When talking about regex, you need to be extremely specific and accurate in your requirements.

Block all caps sentences

I'm trying to use a regex expression to block all caps sentences (sentences with only capital letters) but I can't succeed at finding the pattern. I was thinking about ^[a-z] but this doesn't work at all.
Any suggestion?
You can perhaps use something like this to make sure there's at least one lowercase character (note that's this is some kind of reverse logic):
(Unless the function you're using uses regex against the whole pattern by default, you can drop the beginning and end of line anchors)
If you want the regex to be more strict (though I don't think that's very practical here), you can perhaps use something of the sort...
^[A-Z.,:;/() -]*[A-Z]+[A-Z.,:;/() -]*$
To allow only uppercase letters, and some potential punctuations (you can add or remove them from the character classes as you need) and spaces.
Simply look for [a-z]... If that matches, your sentence passes. If not, it is all caps (or punctuation).
It depends on what flavour of regex you're using but if you have one that supports lookaheads then you can use the following expression:
It won't capture anything but will return false if the letters used are all in caps, and return true if any of the letters used are lower case.
Can't ^[A-Z]+$ simply suit your needs? If it matches, it means that the input string contains only capital letters.
Demo on RegExr.
The following regex
will find any line containing only uppercase letters and whitespace between either start of line, or the preceding full stop.
It appears that you want to detect sentences that have words that have upper case nested inside the word, ex: hEllo, gOODbye, worD; that is any word that has an uppercase after a lower case, or any word with two or more uppercase beside each other.
uppercase after lowercase
two or more paired uppercase
Combined them with alternation,

Regular expression (alphanumeric)

I need a regular expression to allow the user to enter an alphanumeric string that starts with a letter (not a digit).
This should work in any of the Regular Expression (RE) engines. There is a nicer syntax in the PCRE world but I prefer mine to be able to run anywhere:
Basically, the first character must be alpha, followed by zero or more alpha-numerics. The start and end tags are there to ensure that the whole line is matched. Without those, you may match the AB12 of the "###AB12!!!" string.
Full explanation:
^ start tag.
[A-Za-z] any one of the upper/lower case letters.
[A-Za-z0-9] any one of the upper/lower case letters or digits,
* repeated zero or more times.
$ end tag
As Richard Szalay rightly points out, this is ASCII only (or, more correctly, any encoding scheme where the A-Z, a-z and 0-9 groups are contiguous) and only for the "English" letters.
If you want true internationalized REs (only you know whether that is a requirement), you'll need to use one of the more appropriate RE engines, such as the PCRE mentioned above, and ensure it's compiled for Unicode mode. Then you can use "characters" such as \p{L} and \p{N} for letters and numerics respectively. I think the RE in that case would be:
but I'm not certain. I've never used REs for our internationalized software. See here for more than you ever wanted to know about PCRE.
I think this should do the work:
You're looking for a pattern like this:
That one requires one letter and any number of letters/numbers after that. You may want to adjust the allowed lengths.