Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier sliding window (MOA implementation, weka) - weka

I am facing the following problem:
I am trying to implement a MNB classifier in a sliding window. I implemented a LinkedList of the size of the window and store all instances of the stream which have to be considered in it. When a new instance arrives which doesn't fit in the window anymore the first instance is removed. To remove the corresponding word counts I implemented the following method which basically is the same as trainOnInstanceImpl() by moa just backwards:
private void removeInstance(Instance instToRemove) {
int classIndex = instToRemove.classIndex();
int classValue = (int) instToRemove.value(classIndex);
double w = instToRemove.weight();
m_probOfClass[classValue] -= w;
m_classTotals[classValue] -= w * totalSize(instToRemove);
double total = m_classTotals[classValue];
for (int i = 0; i < instToRemove.numValues(); i++) {
int index = instToRemove.index(i);
if (index != classIndex && !instToRemove.isMissing(i)) {
double laplaceCorrection = 0.0;
if (m_wordTotalForClass[classValue].getValue(index) == w*instToRemove.valueSparse(i) + this.laplaceCorrectionOption.getValue()) {
laplaceCorrection = this.laplaceCorrectionOption.getValue(); //1.0
(-1)*(w * instToRemove.valueSparse(i) + laplaceCorrection));
Now if I output the m_wordTotalForClass[classValue] I get different results for a classical MNB over a stream with 3000 instances from instance 2000-3000 as from the sliding window MNB (see above) with a window Size of 1000. And the only differences are that it outputs a 1 instead of a 0 at some points but not always. I guess this has something to do with the laplace correction. Maybe there is a problem with rounding in the if-statement:
if (m_wordTotalForClass[classValue].getValue(index) == w*instToRemove.valueSparse(i) + this.laplaceCorrectionOption.getValue())
so that we not always enter the part where the laplace value is set.
Does anybody have an idea?
I am kind of going crazy as I have been thinking about where the problem may be for the last three days. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


is there a way to set an "unknown" variable like "x" inside a sine-equation, and change its value afterwards?

I want to write an audio code in c++ for my microcontroller-based synthesizer which should allow me to generate a sampled square wave signal using the Fourier Series equation.
My question in general is: is there a way to set an "unknown" variable like "x" inside a sine-equation, and change its value afterwards?
What do I mean by that:
If you take a look on my code i've written so far you see the following:
void SquareWave(int mHarmonics){
char x;
for(int k = 0; k <= mHarmonics; k++){
mFourier += 1/((2*k)+1)*sin(((2*k)+1)*2*M_PI*x/SAMPLES_TOTAL);
for(x = (int)0; x < SAMPLES_TOTAL; x++){
mWave[x] = mFourier;
Inside the first for loop mFourier is summing weighted sinus-signals dependent by the number of Harmonics "mHarmonics". So a note on my keyboard should be setting up the harmonic spectrum automatically.
In this equation I've set x as a character and now we get to the center of my problem because i want to set x as a "unknown" variable which has a value that i want to set afterwards and if x would be an integer it would have some standard value like 0, which would make the whole equation incorrect.
In the bottom loop i want to write this Fourier Series sum inside an array mWave, which will be the resulting output. Is there a possibility to give the sum to mWave[x], where x is a "unknown" multiplier inside the sine signal first, and then change its values afterwards inside the second loop?
Sorry if this is a stupid question, I have not much experience with c++ but I try to learn it by making these stupid mistakes!
#Useless told you what to do, but I am going to try to spell it out for you.
This is how I would do it:
#include <vector>
* Perform a rectangular window in the frequency domain of a time domain square
* wave. This should be a sync impulse response.
* #param x The time domain sample within the period of the signal.
* #param harmonic_count The number of harmonics to aggregate in the result.
* #param sample_count The number of samples across the square wave period.
* #return double The time domain result of the combined harmonics at point x.
double box_car(unsigned int x,
unsigned int harmonic_count,
unsigned int sample_count)
double mFourier = 0.0;
for (int k = 0; k <= harmonic_count; k++)
mFourier += 1.0 / ((2 * k) + 1) * sin(((2 * k) + 1) * 2.0 * M_PI * x / sample_count);
return mFourier;
* Calculate the suqare wave samples across the time domain where the samples
* are filtered to only include the harmonic_count.
* #param harmonic_count The number of harmonics to aggregate in the result.
* #param sample_count The number of samples across the square wave period.
* #return std::vector<double>
std::vector<double> box_car_samples(unsigned int harmonic_count,
unsigned int sample_count)
std::vector<double> square_wave;
for (unsigned int x = 0; x < sample_count; x++)
double sample = box_car(x, harmonic_count, sample_count);
return square_wave;
So mWave[x] is returned as a std::vector of doubles (floating point).
The function box_car_samples() is f(k, x) as stated before.
So since I can't use vectors inside Arduino IDE anyhow I've tried the following solution:
void ComputeBandlimitedSquareWave(int mHarmonics){
for(int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++){
mWavetable[i] = ComputeFourierSeriesSquare(x);
if (x < sample_count) x++;
float ComputeFourierSeriesSquare(int x){
for(int k = 0; k <= mHarmonics; k++){
mFourier += 1/((2*k)+1)*sin(((2*k)+1)*2*M_PI*x/sample_count);
return mFourier;
First I thought this must be right a minute ago, but my monitors prove me wrong...
It sounds like a completely messed up sum of signals first, but after about 2 seconds the true characterisic squarewave sound comes through. I try to figure out what I'm overseeing and keep You guys updated if I can isolate that last part coming through my speakers, because it actually has a really decent sound. Only the messy overlays in the beginning are making me desperate right now...

Computing analytical signal using FFT in C++

I'm currently lost trying to figure out how to implement an equivalent version of MATLAB's hilbert() function in C++. I'm very new to signal processing, but, ultimately, I would like to figure out a way to phase shift any given signal by 90 degrees. I was attempting to follow the method suggested in this question on MATLAB central, which appears to work based on tests using GNU Octave.
I have what I believe to be a working implementation of both FFT and the inverse FFT, and I have tried implementing the method described in the answer to this post in order to compute the analytical signal. I have tried doing this by applying the FFT, setting the upper half of the array to zero, and then applying the inverse FFT, but, based on graphs I made of output from a test, there must be a problem with the way I have implemented finding the analytical signal.
What would be a suitable way to implement the hilbert() function from MATLAB in C++ given a working implementation of FFT and inverse FFT? Is there a better way of achieving the 90 degree phase shift?
Checking the MATLAB implementation the following should return the same result as the hilbert function. You'll obviously have to modify it to match your specific implementation. I'm assuming a signal class of some sort exists.
signal hilbert(const signal &x)
int limit1, limit2;
signal xfreq = fft(x);
if (x.numel % 2 == 0) {
limit1 = x.numel/2;
limit2 = limit1 + 1;
} else {
limit1 = (x.numel + 1)/2;
limit2 = limit1;
// multiply the first half by 2 (except the first element)
for (int i = 1; i < limit1; ++i) {
xfreq[i].real *= 2;
xfreq[i].imag *= 2;
for (int i = limit2; i < x.numel; ++i) {
xfreq[i].real = 0;
xfreq[i].imag = 0;
return ifft(xfreq);
Edit: Forgot to set the second half to zeros.
Edit2: Fixed a logical error. I coded the following up in MATLAB which matches hilbert.
function h = hil(x)
n = numel(x);
if (mod(n,2) == 0)
limit1 = n/2;
limit2 = limit1 + 2;
limit1 = (n+1)/2;
limit2 = limit1+1;
xfreq = fft(x);
for i = 2:limit1
xfreq(i) = xfreq(i)*2;
for i = limit2:n
xfreq(i) = 0;
h = ifft(xfreq);

Tallest tower with stacked boxes in the given order

Given N boxes. How can i find the tallest tower made with them in the given order ? (Given order means that the first box must be at the base of the tower and so on). All boxes must be used to make a valid tower.
It is possible to rotate the box on any axis in a way that any of its 6 faces gets parallel to the ground, however the perimeter of such face must be completely restrained inside the perimeter of the superior face of the box below it. In the case of the first box it is possible to choose any face, because the ground is big enough.
To solve this problem i've tried the following:
- Firstly the code generates the rotations for each rectangle (just a permutation of the dimensions)
- secondly constructing a dynamic programming solution for each box and each possible rotation
- finally search for the highest tower made (in the dp table)
But my algorithm is taking wrong answer in unknown test cases. What is wrong with it ? Dynamic programming is the best approach to solve this problem ?
Here is my code:
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
struct rectangle{
int coords[3];
rectangle(){ coords[0] = coords[1] = coords[2] = 0; }
rectangle(int a, int b, int c){coords[0] = a; coords[1] = b; coords[2] = c; }
bool canStack(rectangle &current_rectangle, rectangle &last_rectangle){
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
if(current_rectangle.coords[i] > last_rectangle.coords[i])
return false;
return true;
//six is the number of rotations for each rectangle
int dp(std::vector< std::vector<rectangle> > &v){
int memoization[6][v.size()];
memset(memoization, -1, sizeof(memoization));
//all rotations of the first rectangle can be used
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
memoization[i][0] = v[0][i].coords[2];
//for each rectangle
for (int i = 1; i < v.size(); ++i) {
//for each possible permutation of the current rectangle
for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j) {
//for each permutation of the previous rectangle
for (int k = 0; k < 6; ++k) {
rectangle &prev = v[i - 1][k];
rectangle &curr = v[i][j];
//is possible to put the current rectangle with the previous rectangle ?
if( canStack(curr, prev) ) {
memoization[j][i] = std::max(memoization[j][i], curr.coords[2] + memoization[k][i-1]);
//what is the best solution ?
int ret = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
ret = std::max(memoization[i][v.size()-1], ret);
return ret;
int main ( void ) {
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
std::vector< std::vector<rectangle> > v(n);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
rectangle r;
scanf("%d %d %d", &r.coords[0], &r.coords[1], &r.coords[2]);
//generate all rotations with the given rectangle (all combinations of the coordinates)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
for (int k = 0; k < 3; ++k)
if(j != k) //micro optimization disease
for (int l = 0; l < 3; ++l)
if(l != j && l != k)
v[i].push_back( rectangle(r.coords[j], r.coords[k], r.coords[l]) );
printf("%d\n", dp(v));
Input Description
A test case starts with an integer N, representing the number of boxes (1 ≤ N ≤ 10^5).
Following there will be N rows, each containing three integers, A, B and C, representing the dimensions of the boxes (1 ≤ A, B, C ≤ 10^4).
Output Description
Print one row containing one integer, representing the maximum height of the stack if it’s possible to pile all the N boxes, or -1 otherwise.
Sample Input
5 2 2
1 3 4
Sample Output
Sample image for the given input and output.
Usually you're given the test case that made you fail. Otherwise, finding the problem is a lot harder.
You can always approach it from a different angle! I'm going to leave out the boring parts that are easily replicated.
struct Box { unsigned int dim[3]; };
Box will store the dimensions of each... box. When it comes time to read the dimensions, it needs to be sorted so that dim[0] >= dim[1] >= dim[2].
The idea is to loop and read the next box each iteration. It then compares the second largest dimension of the new box with the second largest dimension of the last box, and same with the third largest. If in either case the newer box is larger, it adjusts the older box to compare the first largest and third largest dimension. If that fails too, then the first and second largest. This way, it always prefers using a larger dimension as the vertical one.
If it had to rotate a box, it goes to the next box down and checks that the rotation doesn't need to be adjusted there too. It continues until there are no more boxes or it didn't need to rotate the next box. If at any time, all three rotations for a box failed to make it large enough, it stops because there is no solution.
Once all the boxes are in place, it just sums up each one's vertical dimension.
int main()
unsigned int size; //num boxes
std::cin >> size;
std::vector<Box> boxes(size); //all boxes
std::vector<unsigned char> pos(size, 0); //index of vertical dimension
//gets the index of dimension that isn't vertical
//largest indicates if it should pick the larger or smaller one
auto get = [](unsigned char x, bool largest) { if (largest) return x == 0 ? 1 : 0; return x == 2 ? 1 : 2; };
//check will compare the dimensions of two boxes and return true if the smaller one is under the larger one
auto check = [&boxes, &pos, &get](unsigned int x, bool largest) { return boxes[x - 1].dim[get(pos[x - 1], largest)] < boxes[x].dim[get(pos[x], largest)]; };
unsigned int x = 0, y; //indexing variables
unsigned char change; //detects box rotation change
bool fail = false; //if it cannot be solved
for (x = 0; x < size && !fail; ++x)
//read in the next three dimensions
//make sure dim[0] >= dim[1] >= dim[2]
//simple enough to write
//mine was too ugly and I didn't want to be embarrassed
y = x;
while (y && !fail) //when y == 0, no more boxes to check
change = pos[y - 1];
while (check(y, true) || check(y, false)) //while invalid rotation
if (++pos[y - 1] == 3) //rotate, when pos == 3, no solution
fail = true;
if (change != pos[y - 1]) //if rotated box
if (fail)
std::cout << -1;
unsigned long long max = 0;
for (x = 0; x < size; ++x)
max += boxes[x].dim[pos[x]];
std::cout << max;
return 0;
It works for the test cases I've written, but given that I don't know what caused yours to fail, I can't tell you what mine does differently (assuming it also doesn't fail your test conditions).
If you are allowed, this problem might benefit from a tree data structure.
First, define the three possible cases of block:
1) Cube - there is only one possible option for orientation, since every orientation results in the same height (applied toward total height) and the same footprint (applied to the restriction that the footprint of each block is completely contained by the block below it).
2) Square Rectangle - there are three possible orientations for this rectangle with two equal dimensions (for examples, a 4x4x1 or a 4x4x7 would both fit this).
3) All Different Dimensions - there are six possible orientations for this shape, where each side is different from the rest.
For the first box, choose how many orientations its shape allows, and create corresponding nodes at the first level (a root node with zero height will allow using simple binary trees, rather than requiring a more complicated type of tree that allows multiple elements within each node). Then, for each orientation, choose how many orientations the next box allows but only create nodes for those that are valid for the given orientation of the current box. If no orientations are possible given the orientation of the current box, remove that entire unique branch of orientations (the first parent node with multiple valid orientations will have one orientation removed by this pruning, but that parent node and all of its ancestors will be preserved otherwise).
By doing this, you can check for sets of boxes that have no solution by checking whether there are any elements below the root node, since an empty tree indicates that all possible orientations have been pruned away by invalid combinations.
If the tree is not empty, then just walk the tree to find the highest sum of heights within each branch of the tree, recursively up the tree to the root - the sum value is your maximum height, such as the following pseudocode:
std::size_t maximum_height() const{
if(leftnode == nullptr || rightnode == nullptr)
return this_node_box_height;
auto leftheight = leftnode->maximum_height() + this_node_box_height;
auto rightheight = rightnode->maximum_height() + this_node_box_height;
if(leftheight >= rightheight)
return leftheight;
return rightheight;
The benefits of using a tree data structure are
1) You will greatly reduce the number of possible combinations you have to store and check, because in a tree, the invalid orientations will be eliminated at the earliest possible point - for example, using your 2x2x5 first box, with three possible orientations (as a Square Rectangle), only two orientations are possible because there is no possible way to orient it on its 2x2 end and still fit the 4x3x1 block on it. If on average only two orientations are possible for each block, you will need a much smaller number of nodes than if you compute every possible orientation and then filter them as a second step.
2) Detecting sets of blocks where there is no solution is much easier, because the data structure will only contain valid combinations.
3) Working with the finished tree will be much easier - for example, to find the sequence of orientations of the highest, rather than just the actual height, you could pass an empty std::vector to a modified highest() implementation, and let it append the actual orientation of each highest node as it walks the tree, in addition to returning the height.

Getting values for specific frequencies in a short time fourier transform

I'm trying to use C++ to recreate the spectrogram function used by Matlab. The function uses a Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT). I found some C++ code here that performs a STFT. The code seems to work perfectly for all frequencies but I only want a few. I found this post for a similar question with the following answer:
Just take the inner product of your data with a complex exponential at
the frequency of interest. If g is your data, then just substitute for
f the value of the frequency you want (e.g., 1, 3, 10, ...)
Having no background in mathematics, I can't figure out how to do this. The inner product part seems simple enough from the Wikipedia page but I have absolutely no idea what he means by (with regard to the formula for a DFT)
a complex exponential at frequency of interest
Could someone explain how I might be able to do this? My data structure after the STFT is a matrix filled with complex numbers. I just don't know how to extract my desired frequencies.
Relevant function, where window is Hamming, and vector of desired frequencies isn't yet an input because I don't know what to do with them:
Matrix<complex<double>> ShortTimeFourierTransform::Calculate(const vector<double> &signal,
const vector<double> &window, int windowSize, int hopSize)
int signalLength = signal.size();
int nOverlap = hopSize;
int cols = (signal.size() - nOverlap) / (windowSize - nOverlap);
Matrix<complex<double>> results(window.size(), cols);
int chunkPosition = 0;
int readIndex;
// Should we stop reading in chunks?
bool shouldStop = false;
int numChunksCompleted = 0;
int i;
// Process each chunk of the signal
while (chunkPosition < signalLength && !shouldStop)
// Copy the chunk into our buffer
for (i = 0; i < windowSize; i++)
readIndex = chunkPosition + i;
if (readIndex < signalLength)
// Note the windowing!
data[i][0] = signal[readIndex] * window[i];
data[i][1] = 0.0;
// we have read beyond the signal, so zero-pad it!
data[i][0] = 0.0;
data[i][1] = 0.0;
shouldStop = true;
// Perform the FFT on our chunk
// Copy the first (windowSize/2 + 1) data points into your spectrogram.
// We do this because the FFT output is mirrored about the nyquist
// frequency, so the second half of the data is redundant. This is how
// Matlab's spectrogram routine works.
for (i = 0; i < windowSize / 2 + 1; i++)
double real = fft_result[i][0];
double imaginary = fft_result[i][1];
results(i, numChunksCompleted) = complex<double>(real, imaginary);
chunkPosition += hopSize;
} // Excuse the formatting, the while ends here.
return results;
Look up the Goertzel algorithm or filter for example code that uses the computational equivalent of an inner product against a complex exponential to measure the presence or magnitude of a specific stationary sinusoidal frequency in a signal. Performance or resolution will depend on the length of the filter and your signal.

Implementing FFT low-pass filter in C with FFTW

I am trying to create a very simple C++ program that given an argument in range [0-100] applies a low-pass filter to a grayscale image that should "compress" it proprotionally to the value of the given argument.
I am using the FFTW library.
I have some doubts about how I define the frequency threshold, cut. Is there any more effective way to define such value?
//fftw_complex *fft
//double[] magnitude
// . . .
int percent = 100;
if (percent < 0 || percent > 100) {
cerr << "Compression rate must be a value between 0 and 100." << endl;
return -1;
double cut =(double)(w*h) * ((double)percent / (double)100);
for (i = 0; i < (w * h); i++) {
magnitude[i] = sqrt(pow(fft[i][0], 2.0) + pow(fft[i][1], 2.0));
if (magnitude[i] < cut) {
fft[i][0] = 0.0;
fft[i][1] = 0.0;
I've changed my code to this, but again I'm not sure this is a proper way to filter frequencies. The image is surely compressed, but non-square images are messed up and setting compression to 100% isn't the real maximum compression available (I can go up to ~140%).
Here you can find an image of what I see now.
int cX = w/2;
int cY = h/2;
cout<<"TEST "<<((double)percent/(double)100)*h<<endl;
for(i = 0; i<(w*h);i++){
int row = i/s;
int col = i%s;
int distance = sqrt((col-cX)*(col-cX)+(row-cY)*(row-cY));
fft[i][0] = 0.0;
fft[i][1] = 0.0;
This is not a low-pass filter at all. A low-pass filter passes low frequencies, i.e. it removes fine details (blurring). You obviously need a 2D FFT for that.
This code just removes random bits, essentially.
The new code looks a lot more like a low-pass filter. The 141% setting is expected: the diagonal of a square is sqrt(2)=1.41 times its side. Converting an index into a row/column pair should use the image width, not some random unexplained s.
I don't know where your zero frequency is located. That should be easy to spot (largest value) but it might be in (0,0) instead of (w/2,h/2)