Django Rest Framework Ordering on a SerializerMethodField - django

I have a Forum Topic model that I want to order on a computed SerializerMethodField, such as vote_count. Here are a very simplified Model, Serializer and ViewSet to show the issue:
class Topic(models.Model):
An individual discussion post in the forum
title = models.CharField(max_length=60)
def vote_count(self):
count the votes for the object
return TopicVote.objects.filter(topic=self).count()
class TopicSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
vote_count = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
def get_vote_count(self, obj):
return obj.vote_count()
class Meta:
model = Topic
class TopicViewSet(TopicMixin, viewsets.ModelViewSet):
queryset = Topic.objects.all()
serializer_class = TopicSerializer
Here is what works:
OrderingFilter is on by default and I can successfully order /topics?ordering=title
The vote_count function works perfectly
I'm trying to order by the MethodField on the TopicSerializer, vote_count like /topics?ordering=-vote_count but it seems that is not supported. Is there any way I can order by that field?
My simplified JSON response looks like this:
"id": 1,
"title": "first post",
"voteCount": 1
"id": 2,
"title": "second post",
"voteCount": 8
"id": 3,
"title": "third post",
"voteCount": 4
I'm using Ember to consume my API and the parser is turning it to camelCase. I've tried ordering=voteCount as well, but that doesn't work (and it shouldn't)

This is not possible using the default OrderingFilter, because the ordering is implemented on the database side. This is for efficiency reasons, as manually sorting the results can be incredibly slow and means breaking from a standard QuerySet. By keeping everything as a QuerySet, you benefit from the built-in filtering provided by Django REST framework (which generally expects a QuerySet) and the built-in pagination (which can be slow without one).
Now, you have two options in these cases: figure out how to retrieve your value on the database side, or try to minimize the performance hit you are going to have to take. Since the latter option is very implementation-specific, I'm going to skip it for now.
In this case, you can use the Count function provided by Django to do the count on the database side. This is provided as part of the aggregation API and works like the SQL COUNT function. You can do the equivalent Count call by modifying your queryset on the view to be
queryset = Topic.objects.annotate(vote_count=Count('topicvote_set'))
Replacing topicvote_set with your related_name for the field (you have one set, right?). This will allow you to order the results based on the number of votes, and even do filtering (if you want to) because it is available within the query itself.
This would require making a slight change to your serializer, so it pulls from the new vote_count property available on objects.
class TopicSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
vote_count = serializers.IntegerField(read_only=True)
class Meta:
model = Topic
This will override your existing vote_count method, so you may want to rename the variable used when annotating (if you can't replace the old method).
Also, you can pass a method name as the source of a Django REST framework field and it will automatically call it. So technically your current serializer could just be
class TopicSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
vote_count = serializers.IntegerField(read_only=True)
class Meta:
model = Topic
And it would work exactly like it currently does. Note that read_only is required in this case because a method is not the same as a property, so the value cannot be set.

Thanks #Kevin Brown for your great explanation and answer!
In my case I needed to sort a serializerMethodField called total_donation which is the sum of donations from the UserPayments table.
UserPayments has:
User as a foreignKey
sum which is an IntegerField
I needed to get the total donations per User but only donations that have a status of 'donated', not 'pending'. Also needed to filter out the payment_type coupon, which is related through two other foreign keys.
I was dumbfounded how to join and filter those donations and then be able to sort it via ordering_fields.
Thanks to your post I figured it out!
I realized it needed to be part of the original queryset in order to sort with ordering.
All I needed to do was annotate the queryset in my view, using Sum() with filters inside like so:
class DashboardUserListView(generics.ListAPIView):
donation_filter = Q(payments__status='donated') & ~Q(payments__payment_type__payment_type='coupon')
queryset = User.objects.annotate(total_donated=Sum('payments__sum', filter=donation_filter ))
serializer_class = DashboardUserListSerializer
pagination_class = DashboardUsersPagination
filter_backends = [filters.OrderingFilter]
ordering_fields = ['created', 'last_login', 'total_donated' ]
ordering = ['-created',]

I will put it here because the described case is not the only one.
The idea is to rewrite the list method of your Viewset to order by any of your SerializerMethodField(s) also without moving your logic from the Serializer to the ModelManager (especially when you work with several complex methods and/or related models)
def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
response = super().list(request, args, kwargs)
ordering = request.query_params.get('ordering')
if "-" in ordering:['results'] = sorted(['results'], key=lambda k: (k[ordering.replace('-','')], ), reverse=True)
else:['results'] = sorted(['results'], key=lambda k: (k[ordering], ))
return response


Filter by URL Kwargs while using Django FilterSets

I have an endpoint that can follow this format:
Model C has a FK to B, which has a FK to A. I should only ever see C's that correspond to the same A and B at one time. In the above example, we should...
filter C by those with an FK to B id = 5 and A id = 2
also filter C by the field 'word' that contains hello.
I know how to use the filter_queryset() method to accomplish #1:
class BaseModelCViewSet(GenericViewSet):
queryset = ModelC.objects.all()
class ModelCViewSet(BaseModelCViewSet, mixins.RetrieveModelMixin, mixins.ListModelMixin):
def filter_queryset(self, queryset):
return queryset.filter(ModelB=self.kwargs["ModelB"], ModelB__ModelA=self.kwargs["ModelA"])
I also know how to use a Filterset class to filter by fields on ModelC to accomplish #2
class ModelCFilterSet(GeoFilterSet):
word = CharFilter(field_name='word', lookup_expr='icontains')
But I can only get one or the other to work. If I add filterset_class = ModelCFilterSet to ModelCViewSet then it no longer does #1, and without it, it does not do #2.
How do I accomplish both? Ideally I want all of this in the ModelCFilterSet
Note - As hinted by the use of GeoFilterSet I will (later on) be using DRF to add a GIS query, this is just a simplified example. So I think that restricts me to using FilterSet classes in some manner.
I'm not sure this would be of help in your situation, but I often use nested urls in DRF in a way that would be convenient to perform the task. I use a library called drf-nested-routers that does part of the job, namely keeps track of the relations by the provided ids. Let me show an example:
from rest_framework import exceptions, viewsets
class ModelBViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
# This is a viewset for the nested part that depends on ModelA
queryset = ModelB.objects.order_by('id').select_related('model_a_fk_field')
serializer_class = ModelBSerializer
filterset_class = ModelBFilterSet # more about it below
def get_queryset(self, *args, **kwargs):
model_a_entry_id = self.kwargs.get('model_a_pk')
model_a_entry = ModelA.objects.filter(id=model_a_entry_id).first()
if not model_a_entry:
raise exceptions.NotFound("MAYDAY")
return self.queryset.filter(model_c_fk_field=model_a_entry)
class ModelAViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
queryset = ModelA.objects.order_by('id')
serializer_class = ModelASerializer
from rest_framework_nested import routers
router = routers.SimpleRouter()
router.register('model-a', ModelAViewSet, basename='model_a')
model_a_router = routers.NestedSimpleRouter(router, 'model-a', lookup='model_a')
model_a_router.register('model-b', ModelBViewSet, basename='model_b')
In this case I can make a query like that will only return the entries of ModelB that point to the object of ModelA with id 2. Likewise, will return only the corresponding object of ModelB in case it is related to ModelA-id2. A further level for ModelC would act correspondingly.
Sticking to the example, by now we have filtered the entries of ModelB related to a particular object of ModelA, that is we have received the relevant queryset. Next, we have to search for a particular subset within this queryset, and here's where FilterSet comes in play. The easiest way to customise its behaviour is by writing specific methods.
import django_filters
class ModelBFilterSet(django_filters.FilterSet):
word = django_filters.CharFilter(
def get_word(self, queryset, name, value):
return queryset.filter(word__icontains=value)
In fact, you don't even have to use a method here; the way you pasted would work as well (word = CharFilter(field_name='word', lookup_expr='icontains')), I just wanted to point out that there is such an option too.
The filter starts its job with the queryset that has already been processed by the viewset and now it will just narrow down our sample using the given parameter.
I haven't tried this with a three-level nested URL, only checked on the example of two levels, but I think the third level should act in the same way.
Figured it out. So creating a filter_queryset() method overwrites the one that is in the GenericAPIView class (which I already knew).
However - that overwritten class is also responsible for using the FilterSet class that I defined. So by overwriting it, I also "broke" the FilterSet.
Solution was adding a super() to call the original class before the one I wrote:
def filter_queryset(self, queryset):
queryset = super().filter_queryset(queryset)
return queryset.filter(asset=self.kwargs["asset"], asset__program=self.kwargs["program"])

Django DRF serializer Custom relational fields How to build return value of to_internal_value?

I'm trying to implement something very similar to Djang Rest Framework tutorial Custom relational fields.
For the reminder, the provided code snippet is:
import time
class TrackListingField(serializers.RelatedField):
def to_representation(self, value):
duration = time.strftime('%M:%S', time.gmtime(value.duration))
return 'Track %d: %s (%s)' % (value.order,, duration)
class AlbumSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
tracks = TrackListingField(many=True)
class Meta:
model = Album
fields = ['album_name', 'artist', 'tracks']
And "This custom field would then serialize to the following representation" (quoted in the tutorial):
'album_name': 'Sometimes I Wish We Were an Eagle',
'artist': 'Bill Callahan',
'tracks': [
'Track 1: Jim Cain (04:39)',
'Track 2: Eid Ma Clack Shaw (04:19)',
'Track 3: The Wind and the Dove (04:34)',
I understand that and have implemented it for my particular case.
What I don't understand is the way to implement to_internal_value(self, data) as I want to provide a read-write API.
I understand that to_internal_value(self, data) should return an AlbumTrack object, but I don't understand how to build it. In particular how to get back the Album related id?
If we post the JSON structure above, to_internal_value(self, data) will be called once per track with 'Track 1: Jim Cain (04:39)'... for data values. I don't see how we can update the tracks model from those data values.
It seems that you're trying to implement writable nested serializers. While nested serializers are read-only by default, the DRF has a section that explains how to implement writable ones:
Since you want the TrackListingField to serialize the Track model it should inherit from ModelSerializer:
class TrackSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Track
fields = ['order', 'name', 'duration']
You'll then have to override the create method for AlbumSerializer:
def create(self, validated_data):
tracks_data = validated_data.pop('tracks')
album = Album.objects.create(**validated_data)
for track_data in tracks_data:
Track.objects.create(album=album, **track_data)
return album
Please note that the above will make one database query per track. You can make use of Track.objects.bulk_create to make only one query to create all tracks.
To answer your initial question about to_internal_value, you can see what the default is by adding this print statement to the overridden to_internal_value:
class TrackSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
def to_internal_value(self, data):
default_return_value = super(TrackSerializer, self).to_internal_value(data)
return default_return_value
In the case of a ModelSerializer the DRF uses an OrderedDict output for to_internal_value. Your custom to_internal_value would have to extract the order, name and duration from the data string using a regex, and put them in an OrderedDict. However in this case it'd probably be easier to use a dictionary as representation for the tracks.

Queryset for django-select2 widget being ignored

In my project I am using Django-Select2 heavily, particularly its ModelSelect2Widget as my users frequently need to select from lists of 2,000-6,000 items. In all my uses of it up 'til now, the queryset for the widget has always been called as ".all()" instances of a model, for the user to select from, and there's been no issues.
Now, however, I have implementations in different parts of the project for which filtering the queryset of options for the widget is necessary. In all of these cases, however, any modification of the queryset seems to have no effect, and I'm wondering if there is a problem with the widget itself.
In the primary case, the items in the database are boolean-flagged as active/inactive (about 65% inactive), and I need to only have active items available for the end-user to select.
I'm able to filter the queries correctly via the shell.
In the form definitiion, any filtering (".filter(flag_active=True)", or even setting the queryset to ".none()" has no effect – there is no apparent change in the options in the dropdown/autocomplete. Being that it is a select2 input, I can only view a small number of items at a time, but both the initial retrieved population and the winnowed-down selection as I type indicate that the filters are not been followed.
class Inventory_product_base(models.Model):
id = models.UUIDField(primary_key=True,default=uuid.uuid4,null=False)
upc = models.CharField(max_length=96,null=True,blank=True)
name = models.CharField('Item name',max_length=96,null=False)
flag_active = models.BooleanField("Active item",default=True)
price = models.DecimalField(max_digits=8,decimal_places=3,null=True,blank=True)
unit_of_measure = models.CharField('UOM',max_length=24, choices=UNITS_OF_MEASURE,default='EACH')
spec = models.CharField(max_length=36,null=True,blank=True)
category = models.ForeignKey(Inventory_category,on_delete=models.CASCADE,related_name='cat_products')
subcategory = models.ForeignKey(Inventory_subcategory,on_delete=models.CASCADE,related_name='subcat_products')
note = models.CharField(max_length=275,null=True,blank=True)
def __str__(self):
return str(
class InventoryCatalogUpdateProductsForm(forms.ModelForm):
parent_product_base = forms.ModelChoiceField(
attrs={'data-placeholder': 'Select product...', 'data-width': '100%'},),)
class Meta():
model = Inventory_unit_catalog
fields = ('parent_product_base',)
class InventoryCatalogUpdateAllProductsForm(forms.ModelForm):
parent_product_base = forms.ModelChoiceField(
attrs={'data-placeholder': 'Select product...', 'data-width': '100%'},),)
class Meta():
model = Inventory_unit_catalog
fields = ('parent_product_base',)
InventoryCatalogUpdateProductsFormset = modelformset_factory(model=Inventory_unit_catalog,form=InventoryCatalogUpdateProductsForm,extra=10,can_delete=True)
InventoryCatalogUpdateAllProductsFormset = modelformset_factory(model=Inventory_unit_catalog,form=InventoryCatalogUpdateAllProductsForm,extra=10,can_delete=True)
if product_flag == 'active':
formset = InventoryCatalogUpdateProductsFormset(queryset=parent_unit_catalog.products.filter(flag_active=True))
formset = InventoryCatalogUpdateAllProductsFormset(queryset=parent_unit_catalog.products.all())
As noted, if I change the above queryset to .none() (or anything else, either in the widget or in the view) there is no difference in the rendered choices in the select2 field.
I've tried separate, parallel forms and formsets. Originally I tried for a more sophisticated approach, to pass a parameter and have the different querysets selected within a single form, by adding the following:
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.product_flag = kwargs.pop('product_flag')
super(InventoryCatalogAddToForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
print("__init__ has product_flag: ",self.product_flag)
if self.product_flag == 'active':
self.fields['parent_product_base'].queryset = Inventory_product_base.objects.filter(flag_active=True)
print("Screened for flag_active=True")
self.fields['parent_product_base'].queryset = Inventory_product_base.objects.all()
print("Screened for flag_active=False")
and I was able to verify by the debug prints that the correct filter choices were executing, but without any effect. So I moved back to a simpler, more direct approach of separate forms, and still nothing.
Any advice would be welcome. My project is several months in and Django-Select2 is one of the foundations across it, I would hate to learn that it cannot filter the select2 input and I would need to find a replacement.
self.fields['parent_product_base'].queryset sets the queryset for the formfield (i.e. allowed choices for validation).
Use self.fields['parent_product_base'].widget.queryset to set the widget's choices.

How to sort after dehydrate creates all data in Tastypie

I want to BookResource to perform join (book table with author table) with dedydrate(...) function. Final result should be sorted by table Author.
dehydrate(...) is called for each item in Book table.
class Author(Model)
author_name = models.CharField(max_length=64)
class Book(Model)
author = models.ForeignKey('Author')
book_name = models.CharField(max_length=64)
class BookResource(ModelResource):
class Meta(object):
# The point here is Book table can be sorted. But, final result
# should be sorted by author_name
queryset = Book.objects.all().order_by('book_name')
resource_name = 'api_test'
serializer = Serializer(formats=['xml', 'json'])
allowed_methods = ('get')
always_return_data = True
def dehydrate(self, bundle):
author_id = # author is foreign key of book
author_obj = Author.objects.get(
# Construct queryset with author_name. Same as join 2 tables.
# But, I want to sort by author.['author_name'] = author_obj.author_name
return bundle
# This is called before dehydrate(...) is called. Not sure how to use it.
def apply_sorting(self, obj_list, options=None):
return obj_list
1) How to sort result by author if using above code?
2) Could not figure out how to do join. Can you provide alternative?
Thank you.
Very late answer, but I ran into this lately. If you look at the Tastypie resource on the dehydrate method
there is a series of methods called. Shortly, this is the order of calls:
full_dehydrate (field by field)
return self.create_response
You want to focus on the second last method self.alter_list_data_to_serialize(request, to_be_serialized)
the base method returns the second parameter
def alter_list_data_to_serialize(self, request, data):
A hook to alter list data just before it gets serialized & sent to the user.
Useful for restructuring/renaming aspects of the what's going to be
Should accommodate for a list of objects, generally also including
meta data.
return data
Whatever you want to do you can do it in here. Consider that to be serialized format will be a dict with 2 fields: meta and objects. the object field has a list of bundle objects.
An additional sorting layer could be:
def alter_list_data_to_serialize(self, request, data):
sord = True if request.GET.get("sord") == "asc" else False
key=lambda x:[request.GET.get("sidx", default_value)],
return data
You can optimize it as is a bit dirt. But that's the main idea.
Again, it's a workaround and all the sorting should belong to apply_sorting

Is it possible to order by an annotation with django TastyPie?

I'm trying to order by a count of a manyToMany field is there a way to do this with TastyPie?
For example
class Person(models.Model):
friends = models.ManyToMany(User, ..)
I want PersonResource to spit out json that is ordered by the number of friends a person has...
is that possible?
I know this is an old question, but I recently encountered this problem and came up with a solution.
Tastypie doesn't easily allow custom ordering, but it is easy to modify the queryset it uses.
I actually just modified the default queryset for the model using a custom manager.
for instance:
class PersonManager(models.Manager):
def get_query_set(self):
return super(PersonManager self).get_query_set().\
class Person(models.Model):
objects = PersonManager()
friends = ...
You could also add the annotation in Tastypie, wither in the queryset=... in the Meta class, or overriding the get_object_list(self,request) method.
I wasn't able to get the results ordering as per coaxmetal's solution, so I solved this a different way, by overriding the get_object_list on the Resource object as per Basically if the 'top' querystring parameter exists, then the ordered result is returned.
class MyResource(ModelResource):
class Meta:
queryset = MyObject.objects.all()
def get_object_list(self, request):
most_popular = request.GET['top']
result = super(MyResource, self).get_object_list(request).annotate(num_something=Count('something')).order_by('num_something')
result = super(MyResource, self).get_object_list(request)
return result
I have not used TastyPie, but your problem seems to be more general. You can't have custom ordering in a Django ORM query. You're better off storing tuples of the form (Person, friend_count). This is pretty easy:
p_list = []
for person in Person.objects.all():
friendcount = len(person.friends.all())
p_list.append((person, friendcount))
Then, you can use the built in sorted function like so:
sorted_list = [person for (person, fc) in sorted(p_list, key=lambda x: x[1])]
The last line basically extracts the Persons from a sorted list of Persons, sorted on the no of friends one has.