Securing Restful Web Services with OAuth2 with JWT - web-services

Hi i am new to Apache cxf rest API security side.I want to rest API which have good security with authorization.I found Apache cxf gives Ouath2 security features( And i need to use json web token( to send to API for authorization.Simply i need to use secured line for send request to rest API.So far i have simple design.
And my REST api have CRUD Operations to database.I thought send JWT as Access token in request header.And API side verify the user and send data back to user.I have two questions.First one is Is this the best design for this kind of application.And second one is if this is best way how to generate Tokens and is that we need to keep those tokens in server side.

Yes it's a good design
I can explain it with github web api's
First u validate urself for using API by sending client id and callback url in request (here u specify access level ie.scope) and u receive a code
Then u exchange this code for access token (this time with client secret included in req parameter)
This access token received is used for all future calls made by u on behalf of user
Nd ya u store this token and refresh token at server
Although this is specific to github , similar flow follows for twitter , linked in and slightly different for facebook web api's


django-rest-framework-social-auth requires a client secret for convert token

I am making an Android application with a Django based backend.
The Django server has a REST API to serve user data which I want to protect. I only want my users to log in via Google (or FB which I'm going to implement in the future).
I am using django-rest-framework-social-auth to implement the authorization in the backend.
So the flow as I understand is like this:
The client (my android application), does the whole Google OAuth2.0
flow and obtains the access token
The the client then wants to
convert the Google access token with one with which it can access my
backend server API endpoints. To do this it calls the convert-token
API endpoint implemented in django-rest-framework-social-auth
Now that it has the API access token, it can include that in the header of all further API calls and receive the private data.
Now my concern is, the django-rest-framework-social-auth convert-token endpoint also needs the client-id and client-secret generated by django-oauth for the application. So I will have to store the client-secret somewhere in my mobile app, which entirely defeats the purpose of authenticating whether the request came from the app or not, because someone can decompile the apk and get the app and make token exchange requests on my app's behalf.
Is there any way around this? Is there a "standard" way to implement this which I don't know?

How to implement OAuth when the resource and auth servers are same

I have a Django Rest API with JWT authentication which is the backend for a Angular frontend. There are many clients who use the service with our frontend. Now some enterprise clients wanted to integrate the APIs from their system's backend. I don't want to remove JWT from current APIs. I am planning to create new APIs in the same backend with OAuth token for those users.
I wonder what is the best way to implement OAuth for this scenario.
I am thinking Client Credentials grant type is the best way.
Question1: Am I right that client credentials is the right approach ?
For those enterprise users, it is sufficient they get just access token through the UI interface so that they can access all our APIs.
But here the problem is one additional step of getting the Client ID and Client Secret first and using that to get Access Token.
Question 2: What is the use of client ID and client secret ?
Question3: Should my backend hide the process of generating Client ID and Client secret and just give Access token (or) give them Client ID and Client Secret and ask then to generate access token ?
Question 4: If I am giving them Access Token without client id and secret, is that fine to have infinite expiry time? and
TLDR; How to implement OAuth when the resource server and auth servers are same ?
There are 4 grant types in oAuth2 which is meant for different scenarios.
client credential : the consumer (app) make calls to back-end using the bearer token created using apikey(or clientId) and secret only. Mostly used for anonymous calls where generic information is retrieved.
Resource owner password credential (ROPC) : the consumer (app) make calls using the bearer token created using apikey, secret, username and password. Mostly used when you(your authorization server) already know the users(user database is handled in your own system).
Authorization code : the consumer (app) make calls using the bearer token created using an authorization code. The authorization code is provided by a 3rd party (which actually has/manages the logged in user data) and the created authorization code linked to the logged in user. Google and Facebook log in for various sites is a typical example. Facebook/Google gives an authorization code for those websites and they exchange that code for a token.
Implicit grant : Mix of password credential and authorization code. Instead of authorization code, you get a bearer token from the 3rd party authorization server.
Question1: Am I right that client credentials is the right approach ?
I think you can use CC if there is no user level logics in your backend. If userlevel involved, may be ROPC is a better choice
Question 2: What is the use of client ID and client secret ?
Client ID and Client Secret is very similar to username and password in an application level, which is used to obtain bearer token.
Question3: Should my backend hide the process of generating Client ID and Client secret and just give Access token (or) give them Client ID and Client Secret and ask then to generate access token ?
If you are implementing oAuth2, your consumer should create the access token. But looking at your use case, may be even a simple hash of userId+timestamp is sufficient. ;)
Question1: Am I right that client credentials is the right approach ?
Yes. Providing the new APIs do not need to be called in the context of an end user.
Question 2: What is the use of client ID and client secret ?
The client ID allows the auth server to identify the application
requesting the token (it's often carried through to the access token
too, allowing the API to identify the calling application).
The client Secret means the auth server can trust that the client is
genuinely who he says he is as only he should have the private client
secret for his public client ID.
It's effectively a username and password in this scenario.
Question3: Should my backend hide the process of generating Client ID
and Client secret and just give Access token (or) give them Client ID
and Client Secret and ask then to generate access token ?
Your Auth server should issue the client credentials to the application once and the application should provide those credentials every time they wish to obtain a token via the client credentials grant type.
authorization code grant, or implicit grant might be more suitable for this scenario. The first one allows you to add an authentication step before the tokens are returned to the users (might be useful if you want to integrate your JWT authentication to this as well) and the second one is mainly used for single-page applications, and does not include an intermediate authentication step. This one would be useful if you want to improve efficiency.
client_id and client_secret are given to you when you register a client application in your identity provider(authorization server). This client application does not mean an application or an API belonging to your clients, but your own application to which you plan to incorporate OAuth(and OIDC). These two parameters are useful when making the requests to authorization in order to obtain tokens. The server uses those values to determine whether the request is made by a valid application. Only you have access to those values as you will be the one who's registering the application with the server.
I think this question is answered in the previous section.
I think it would be better if you go through this before doing any implementation. It provides most of the basic knowledge you should have before implementing an OAuth system. I hope this answer was useful to you.

Securing API's with Multi Factor Authentication

I want to secure my API with Multi-factor-Authentication on top of Auth Token/JWT. I have been searching but couldn't find any package that can work with drf. I am thinking to write my own django app. Any comments on what should be the architecture ?
One solution that comes to my mind is to introduce the token base architecture.If a user is accessing the mfa secured api then the request instance should be saved alongside a token and a sms should be sent to his mobile (In case of mobile as mfa) and response should be a that token. Then another request should be made to a mfa endpoint with token and mfa-code. Once verified, We would take his previous request object and complete the request.

How to secure web services when authentication is done at client side (frontend)

I have web application which structure is as-
webapi : django web services [NOT REST] no security implemented
frontend : Angular2. authentication implemented via SAML
Database : Mongodb
Can you please suggest best way to secure webapi, as currently anyone can access web services who has server[api] url
It will be big help if you suggest the authentication and authorization flow because I am totally stuck.
Thanks in advance.
Implement an /authentication on your API which accepts Basic authentication. Make sure you do that over HTTPS. Username and password will be collected by your Angular app and sent back to /authentication. If the user authenticates, return a session token, for example JWT (check pyjwt).
All the following communications between the front and back should contain the token, which is issued only if the user authenticated. The token is inclued in the request headers and specifically in Authororization header using the Bearer schema:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
A JWT contains the username so you can use that on each future request. Furthermore, you are not required to keep record of the issued JWT since each one is self-contained and can have predetermined expiration data.

Oauth2 workflow of creating and returning access tokens (using Django)

After reading a lot about Oauth2.0, I am still confused regarding following points:
When to create access token? When a user tries to log in or when a user tries to register? Is this token to be sent in HTTP response after logging in?
The client has to store access token somewhere so that it can be sent in every HTTP request by the client. Where should it store it?
Note: I am not doing any third party authentication, just authentication for my own app. I am using Django as the web framework, Django-tastypie for REST API and Django-oauth-provider for Oauth. I followed this excellent tutorial but still have certain doubts. It will be appreciated if the answer is given in the context of these frameworks.