user=> (map inc #{1 2 3})
(2 4 3)
user=> (into #{} (map inc #{1 2 3}))
#{4 3 2}
Is there a way to apply a function to a set and return a set directly?
A slightly more generic way to do this is to use empty:
(defn my-map [f c]
(into (empty c)
(map f c)))
This yields following results:
(my-map inc #{1 2 3}) ;; => #{2 3 4}
(my-map inc [1 2 3]) ;; => [2 3 4]
(my-map inc '(1 2 3)) ;; => (4 3 2)
It would work for other persistent collections as well.
As Alex said, fmap from algo.generic provides this function, although if you look at the source it's doing exactly the same as your code. I'd recommend just putting your function in a util namespace in your code, it's probably not worth pulling in a whole library for one function.
With Clojure 1.7.0 (still in beta) you can do this using a transducer:
(into #{} (map inc) #{1 2 3})
I am new to clojure
I am trying to find whether a vector in clojure has consecutive elements:
in python its simple using numpy
But I am lost trying to find similar methods:
My strategy was to
subtract a vector with itself
make it a set and see if it contains first element as 1 and the length of set is 1
for example
(def x `(5 7 3 6 4))
Output would be (1 1 1 1)
I am confused how to work on this.
Try something like this:
(defn diff [vals]
(map - (next vals) vals))
This returns a list of differences between each pair of consecutive elements are equal. It works because next simply offsets the sequence of values by one element.
Example usage:
(diff [1 2 2 3])
=> (1 0 1)
To test whether consecutive numbers exist, you simply need to check for the presence of the value 1 in this list.
Following your idea of getting the differences, after sorting you can use partition to get all the consecutive pairs and than use map to get all the differences. (Here it seemed more natural to get the reverse of the numpy diff, so the check is that every element is -1 instead of 1.)
(defn contains-consecutive? [xs]
(let [sorted (sort xs)
differences (map #(apply - %) (partition 2 1 sorted))]
(every? #(= -1 %) differences)))
user> (contains-consecutive? [])
user> (contains-consecutive? [1])
user> (contains-consecutive? [1 3 2])
user> (contains-consecutive? [1 3 4])
user> (contains-consecutive? '(5 7 3 6 4))
Clojure has a built-in dedupe function so an easy (but not particularly fast) answer is to dedupe and compare equals.
(defn consecutive?
(not= coll (dedupe coll)))
(consecutive? [1 2 2 3]) ;; true
(consecutive? [1 2 3]) ;; false
Please see this list of documentation, especially the Clojure CheatSheet. You are looking for the function partition. You can use it like this:
(ns tst.demo.core
(:use tupelo.test))
(defn pair-delta
(let [[a b] pair]
(- b a)))
(defn consectives?
(let [pairs (partition 2 1 (sort v))
deltas (mapv pair-delta pairs)
result (= #{1} (set deltas))]
(let [pos [1 2 3 6 5 4]
neg [1 2 3 6 5 ]]
(is= true (consectives? pos))
(is= false (consectives? neg))))
The template project shows how I like to set up a project, and includes my favorite helper functions.
I am still trying to understand better how to work with transducers in clojure. Here, I am interested in applying aggregating transducers, such as the ones in, but reporting at each step the intermediate values of the computation.
For instance, the following expression
(sequence (x/into #{}) [1 2 3])
yields (#{1 2 3}), which is only the final value of the reduction. Now, I would be interested in an transducer xf-incremental that given something like
(sequence (comp xf-incremental (x/into #{})) [1 2 3])
yields (#{1} #{1 2} #{1 2 3}).
The reason why I am interested in this is that I want to report intermediate values of a metric that aggregates over the history of processed values.
Any idea how can I do something of the sort in a generic way?
EDIT: Think of (x/into #{}) as an arbitrary transducer that aggregates results. Better examples could be x/avg or (x/reduce +) where I would expect
(sequence (comp xf-incremental x/avg) [1 2 3])
(sequence (comp xf-incremental (x/reduce +)) [1 2 3])
to return (1 3/2 2) and (1 3 6) respectively.
EDIT 2: another way of phrasing this is that I want a transducer that performs a reducing function and returns the accumulator at each step, which also can reuse all the available transducers so I do not need to rewrite basic functionalities.
Solution using clojure.core/reductions
You don't need a transducer to perform the computation that you are asking for. The function you are looking for to see all the intermediate results of reduce is called reductions and you provide it with conj and an empty set as arguments:
(rest (reductions conj #{} [1 2 3]))
;; => (#{1} #{1 2} #{1 3 2})
rest removes the first empty set, because that was the output you requested in the original question.
The function that builds up the result here is conj, lets refer to it as a step function. A transducer is a function that takes a step function as input and returns a new step function as output. So if we want to combine reductions with a transducer, we can just apply the transducer to conj:
(def my-transducer (comp (filter odd?)
(take 4)))
(dedupe (reductions (my-transducer conj) #{} (range)))
;; => (#{} #{1} #{1 3} #{1 3 5} #{7 1 3 5})
dedupe is there just to remove elements that are equal to preceding elements. You can remove it if you don't want to do that. In that case you get the following, because that is how the filtering transducer works:
(reductions (my-transducer conj) #{} (range)))
;; => (#{} #{} #{1} #{1} #{1 3} #{1 3} #{1 3 5} #{1 3 5} #{7 1 3 5})
Transducer-based solution using net.cgrand.xforms/reductions
Apparently, there is also a transducer version of reductions in the xforms library, which is closer to your initial code:
(require '[net.cgrand.xforms :as xforms])
(rest (sequence (xforms/reductions conj #{}) [1 2 3]))
;; => (#{1} #{1 2} #{1 3 2})
This xforms/reductions transducer can be composed with other transducer using comp to for example filter odd numbers and taking the first four of them:
(sequence (comp (filter odd?)
(take 4)
(xforms/reductions conj #{}))
;; => (#{} #{1} #{1 3} #{1 3 5} #{7 1 3 5})
In this case, you don't need dedupe. It is also possible to use other step functions with xforms/reductions, e.g. +:
(sequence (comp (filter odd?)
(take 10)
(xforms/reductions + 0)
(filter #(< 7 %)))
;; => (9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100)
Let's say we a list of maps. Maps all have the same keywords, but we don't know the keywords beforehand.
[{:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 4}]
And what would be the idiomatic way of merging this list into such a map:
{:a [1 3]
:b [2 4]}
Doesn't seem hard, however as I start to implement the function, it gets super ugly and repetitive. I have a feeling that there are much cleaner ways of achieving this.
Thank you
You can actually get a pretty elegant solution by using several functions from the standard library:
(defn consolidate [& ms]
(apply merge-with conj (zipmap (mapcat keys ms) (repeat [])) ms))
(consolidate {:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 4})
;=> {:a [1 3], :b [2 4]}
One cool thing about this solution is that it works even if the maps have different key sets.
i would rather use double reduction to "merge" them with update:
(defn merge-maps-with-vec [maps]
(reduce (partial reduce-kv #(update %1 %2 (fnil conj []) %3))
{} maps))
user> (merge-maps-with-vec [{:a 1 :b 2} {:a 3 :b 4 :c 10}])
{:a [1 3], :b [2 4], :c [10]}
It is not as expressive as #Sam Estep's answer, but on the other hand it doesn't generate any intermediate sequences (like every-key-to-empty-vector map which also needs one extra pass through every entry of every map). Of course, premature optimizations are bad in general, but it won't hurt here i guess. Though the reduce based solution looks a bit more obscure, but being put into a library with proper docs it would not look as obscure to the end user (or to yourself a year after)
While many solutions are possible, here is one that uses some of the convenience functions in the Tupelo library:
(ns clj.core
(:use tupelo.core)
(:require [tupelo.schema :as ts]
[schema.core :as s] ))
(s/defn gather-keys
[list-of-maps :- [ts/KeyMap]]
(let [keys-vec (keys (first list-of-maps))]
(s/validate [s/Keyword] keys-vec) ; verify it is a vector of keywords
(apply glue
(for [curr-key keys-vec]
{curr-key (forv [curr-map list-of-maps]
(get curr-map curr-key))} ))))
(deftest t-maps
(gather-keys [{:a 1 :b 2}
{:a 3 :b 4} ] )))
(gather-keys [{:a 1, :b 2} {:a 3, :b 4}]) ;=> {:a [1 3], :b [2 4]}
Note that this solution assumes that each input map has an identical set of keys. Normally I'd want to enforce that assumption with a sanity check in the code as well.
Looking at the answer from Sam, I would rewrite it with some temporary variables to help document the sub-steps:
(defn consolidate-keys [list-of-maps]
(let [keys-set (set (mapcat keys list-of-maps))
base-result (zipmap keys-set (repeat [] )) ]
(apply merge-with conj base-result list-of-maps)))
(consolidate-keys [ {:a 1 :b 2}
{:a 3 :z 9} ] )
;=> {:z [9], :b [2], :a [1 3]}
I've read this kind of thing a couple of times since I've started Clojure.
For instance, here: How to convert map to a sequence?
And in some tweet I don't remember exactly that was more or less saying "if you're using flatten you're probably doing it wrong".
I would like to know, what is wrong with flatten?
I think this is what they were talking about in the answer you linked:
so> ((comp flatten seq) {:a [1 2] :b [3 4]})
(:b 3 4 :a 1 2)
so> (apply concat {:a [1 2] :b [3 4]})
(:b [3 4] :a [1 2])
Flatten will remove the structure from the keys and values, which is probably not what you want. There are use cases where you do want to remove the structure of nested sequences, and flatten was written for such cases. But for destructuring a map, you usually do want to keep the internal sequences as is.
Anything flatten can't flatten, it ought to return intact. At the top level, it doesn't.
(flatten 8)
(flatten {1 2, 3 4})
If you think you've supplied a sequence, but you haven't, you'll get the effect of supplying an empty sequence. This is the sort of leg-breaker that most core functions take care to preclude. For example, (str nil) => "".
flatten ought to work like this:
(defn flatten [x]
(if (sequential? x)
((fn flat [y] (if (sequential? y) (mapcat flat y) [y])) x)
(flatten 8)
(flatten [{1 2, 3 4}])
;({1 2, 3 4})
(flatten [1 [2 [[3]] 4]])
;(1 2 3 4)
You can find Steve Miner's faster lazy version of this here.
Probability of "probably"
Listen to people who say "you're probably doing it wrong", but also do not forget they say "probably", because it all depends on the problem.
For example if your task is to flatten the map where you could care less what was the key what was the value, you just need an unstructured sequence of all, then by all means, use flatten (or apply concat).
The reason it causes a "suspicion" is the fact that you had / were given a map to begin with, hence whoever gave it to you meant a "key value" paired structure, and if you flatten it, you lose that intention, as well as flexibility and clarity.
Keep in mind
In case you are still not sure what to do with a map for you particular problem, have a for comprehension in mind, since you would have a full control on what to do with the map as you iterate of it:
create a vector?
;; can also be (apply vector {:a 34 :b 42}), but just to use "for" for all consistently
user=> (into [] (for [[k v] {:a 34 :b 42}] [k v]))
[[:a 34] [:b 42]]
create another map?
user=> (into {} (for [[k v] {:a 34 :b 42}] [k (inc v)]))
{:a 35, :b 43}
create a set?
user=> (into #{} (for [[k v] {:a 34 :b 42}] [k v]))
#{[:a 34] [:b 42]}
reverse keys and values?
user=> (into {} (for [[k v] {:a 34 :b 42}] [v k]))
{34 :a, 42 :b}
I would like to create a lazy-seq containing another lazy-seq using clojure.
The data structure that I aready have is a lazy-seq of map and it looks like this:
({:a 1 :b 1})
Now I would like to put that lazy-seq into another one so that the result would be a lazy-seq of a lazy-seq of map:
(({:a 1 :b 1}))
Does anyone know how to do this? Any help would be appreciated
Here is an example of creating a list containing a list of maps:
=> (list (list {:a 1 :b 1}))
(({:a 1, :b 1}))
It's not lazy, but you can make both lists lazy with lazy-seq macro:
=> (lazy-seq (list (lazy-seq (list {:a 1 :b 1}))))
or the same code with -> macro:
=> (-> {:a 1 :b 1} list lazy-seq list lazy-seq)
Actually, if you'll replace lists here with vectors you'll get the same result:
=> (lazy-seq [(lazy-seq [{:a 1 :b 1}])])
(({:a 1, :b 1}))
I'm not sure what you're trying to do and why do you want both lists to be lazy. So, provide better explanation if you want further help.
generally, there's nothing special about having a lazy-seq containing many lazy-seq's, so i dont understand exactly what it is you are really after.
you could always do
(map list '({:a 1 :b 1})) ;; gives (({:a 1, :b 1}))
we can even verify that it maintains laziness:
(def a
(take 5 (repeat {:a 1 :b 2}))
(throw (Exception. "too eager")))))
(println (take 5 (map list a))) ;; works fine
(println (take 6 (map list a))) ;; throws an exception