Transitioning from Amazon AWS to a different Hosting provider - amazon-web-services

This task fell on my lap and I have no experience with Amazon aws. We run a simple informational site along with redmine (as a subdomain) using amazon aws and want to switch to simple helix. I have researched how to switch providers and I haven't found any posts that show how to do this step by step. Is there a simple way to move from Amazon aws to another provider? I think it would be best to create a duplicate of what we have on amazon aws on the simple helix server before totally dropping amazon aws. As far as I know I only have log in details to EC2 Console, no ssh log in details or FTP for amazon aws.

When an AWS instance is launched a public/private key pair is specified and installed in the running instance. You can find the name of the key-pair by looking at details of the instance in the console. Check for "Key pair name".
Hopefully, you'll have the private key of that pair somewhere at hand. If it's lost I'm not sure how to recover it without tech support from Amazon.
If you have the private key then ssh is simple, just type:
ssh -i my.private.key -l ubuntu servername
or something similar and you're in.
FTP access might require opening up a port in the firewall. Look at the security group settings for the server to see what ports are open. Secure ftp is available if you can ssh into the machine using the same private key.


SSH Key issues on EC2

I am moving from Google Cloud to AWS EC2. Issue I am experiencing is that I am unable to modify SSH keys in any shape or form.
This hinders testing a lot, since any bad key will cause me to redo the key assignation to the instance, etc etc.
I created the keypair directly from AWS (.pem), cannot connect through SSH (Catalina) Permission denied (publickey).
Same when I import the to AWS from my computer. AWS accepts them ok, but then SSH refuses to work.
When I was setting up Google Cloud, I had to match the comment of the public key to the username of the account. Is there anything else like that in EC2?
I would check out connect via Systems Manager service(SSM) and you can connect to your instance via the browser Connect to Linux Instance via SSM

EC2 instances connecting to lambda result in ConnectFailure

I'm trying to access lambda functions from a Windows VM I have created in EC2 for dev purposes but even a simple 'list functions' command fails to connect
I have tried using the AWS CLI through PowerShell, the dotnet sdk and the VS AWS Toolkit but each of these times out after a long waiting period. I can, however, list other services such as my databases and S3 buckets.
aws cli failure message
VS toolkit failure message
I have tried creating a new VM with the same results. I've disabled windows firewall altogether, allowed all traffic through the security group and have VPC endpoints for my subnet (ssm, ec2messages, lambda, ec2).
I have no trouble connecting to the lambda service through my own computer. On the VM, I have modified the .aws/credentials file to match the one on my computer for both the admin and current user but I still can't connect. This tells me that the problem isn't related to my access key credentials.
I'm reaching the end of the troubleshooting options I can think of so any help would be very much appreciated!
Update: using telnet, I cannot connect to lambda.ap-southeast-2 but I can connect to s3.ap-southeast-2 and lambda.ap-southeast-1. It seems lambda.ap-southeast-2 is being blocked somewhere but it isn't windows firewall because it's off and the same problem happens on Ubuntu VMs.
In the VPC Management Console, I haven't set up any firewalls under network or dns filewalls and my network ACL allows all traffic.

SuiteCRM, GCP and Maria DB - too much?

So we have MariaDB on the backend, all configured and set up. VPC peering with GCP and a VM that uses Bitnamia Lauchpad for GCP to launch SuiteCRM.
I can access our SuiteCRM page, can see our MariaDB tables and such, but I can't find the SuiteCRM config files to change the database connection to point to the MariaDB database instance.
What am I missing here? I've dug around through GCP and the Bitnami admin screens, best I can find is the SSH read option of the files but no way to change them. I've seen a few site that have similar walk throughs, but end up using AWS or some other piece so no real information.
Bitnami Engineer here, if you want to access the SuiteCRM files and edit the configuration, you will need to SSH the app's instance (using the in-browser SSH tool or any SSH tool in your computer) and modify the configuration files under /opt/bitnami/suitecrm.

How can i remove from my server .pem security check (AWS AMAZON)

I got problem. I did opened server from the AWS EC2 AMAZON. Its gived me .pem file. With putty key generator i did changed it to .ppk file. I want to connect my server without .ppk or .pem or any like that file. How can i remove this security check point? Thanks.
Best Regards.
You need to authenticate using the private ssh key when you connect to an EC2 instance. If you don't want to do that, then there are two choices
Recommended : To use new AWS web console ssh connection to your EC2 instance
This is quite a new feature introduced by AWS to ssh into you EC2 instance from the web browser. In your EC2 view, select the instance and click on the Connect button
Not recommended Using password based authentication for a new user.
I wouldn't be providing details on this one as it is not secured to use password based authentication and your should ideally be using the ssh keys based auth.

how to add a website to aws ec2 instance, no target

I've a nice little ec2 instance, I've logged in the console, updated the YUM, started the httpd, but the IP doesn't work in the browser.
my httpd is up on chkconfig: httpd 0:off 1:off 2:on 3:on 4:on 5:on 6:off
Thought it would be as listed on my connect from public DNS, same as I connect to console through. I've used the S3 server into the properties on the instance and enabled static website hosting, just to test it before using PHP. Even created a like bucket, trying to use my domain name from the Route 53, but the Route 53 also shows "No Targets Available" in the S3 (or any other).
Alrighty, found it. Was a security issue, but here is the process, in two quick url's.
Tutorial: Installing a LAMP Web Server on Amazon Linux
But it says if it doesn't work, check the security groups, and a couple of clicks later you're looking at this.
Go into the security group settings and add http from pull down and it's done.
Also, the second part where there isn't a target, be sure and associate the elasticIP (created in the AWS services console) and sure enough a web server is up and running. Once you've the elasticIP address simply add it to the route 53 rule set(s).