Custom Vertex Attributes GLSL - c++

I want to make a couple of vec4 vertex attributes in my shaders. I've done quite a bit of googling, but I can't seem to find consistent information for specifically what I want to do.
My goal here is to move skinning to the GPU, so I need a list of bones and weights per vertex, hence why I want to use vertex attributes. I have 2 arrays of floats that represent this data. Basically this:
weightsBuffer = new float[vSize*4];
indexesBuffer = new int[vSize*4];
The part that I can't consistently find is how to upload these and use them in the shader. To be clear, I don't want to upload all the position, normal and texture coordinate data, I'm already using display lists and have decided to keep using them for a few reasons that aren't relevant. How can I create the buffers and bind them properly so I can use them?

Binding your bone weights and indices is no different of a process than binding your position data. Assuming the data is generated properly in your buffers, you use glBindAttribLocation to bind the attribute index in your vertex stream to your shader variable, and glVertexAttribPointer to define your vertex array (and don't forget glEnableVertexAttribArray).
The exact code may vary, depending on whether you're using VAOs and VBOs (or just client buffers). If you want a more specific answer, you should provide your code and shader.


Efficiently transforming many different models in modern OpenGL

Suppose I want to render many different models, each with a different transformation matrix I want to be applied to their vertices. As far as I understand, the naive approach is to specify a matrix uniform in the vertex shader, the value of which is updated for each mesh during rendering.
It's obvious to me that this is a bad idea, due to the expense of many uniform updates and draw calls. So, what is the most efficient way to achieve this in modern OpenGL?
I've genuinely tried to find a straight, clear answer to this question. Most answers I find vaguely mention UBOs, or instance drawing (which afaik won't work unless you are drawing instances of the same mesh many times, which is not my goal).
With OpenGL 4.6 or with ARB_shader_draw_parameters, each draw in a multi-draw rendering command (functions of the form glMultiDraw*) is assigned a draw index from 0 to the number of draw calls specified by that function. This index is provided to the Vertex Shader via the gl_DrawID input value. You can then use this index to fetch a matrix from any number of constructs: UBOs, SSBOs, buffer textures, etc.
This works for multi-draw indirect rendering as well. So in theory, you can have a compute shader operation generate a bunch of rendering commands, then render your entire scene with a single draw call (assuming that all of your objects live in the same vertex buffers and can use the same shader and other state). Or at the very least, a large portion of the scene.
Furthermore, this index is considered dynamically uniform, so you can also use it (or values derived from it and other dynamically uniform values) to index into arrays of textures, fetch a texture from an array of bindless textures, or the like.

What is the best way to draw multiple VAO Using the same shader but not having the same texture or colors

I'm wondering what would be the best thing to do if I want to draw
more than ~6000 different VAOs using the same shader.
At the moment I bind my shader then give it all information needed (uniform) then looping through each VAO to binding and draw them.
This code make my computer fall at ~ 200 fps instead of 3000 or 4000.
According to, using glDrawElementsInstanced can allow me to handle a HUGE amount of same VAO but since I have ~6000 different VAO It seems like I can't use it.
Can someone confirm me this? What you guys would do to draw so many VAO and save many performance as you can?
Step 1: do not have 6,000 different VAOs.
You are undoubtedly treating each VAO as a separate mesh. Stop doing this. You should instead treat each VAO as a separate vertex format. That is, you only need a new VAO if you're passing different kinds of vertex data. The number of attributes and the format of each attributes constitute the format information.
Ideally, you only need between 4 and 10 separate sets of vertex formats. Given that you're using the same shader on multiple VAOs, you probably already have this understanding.
So, how do you use the same VAO for multiple meshes? Ideally, you would do this by putting all of the mesh data for a particular kind of mesh (ie: vertex format) in the same buffer object(s). You would select which data to retrieve for a particular rendering operation via tricks like the baseVertex parameter of glDrawElementsBaseVertex, or just by selecting which range of index data to draw from for a particular draw command. Other alternatives include the multi-draw family of rendering functions.
If you cannot put all of the data in the same buffers for some reason, then you should adopt the glVertexAttribFormat style of VAO usage. That way, you set your vertex format data with glVertexAttribFormat calls, and you can change the buffers as needed with glBindVertexBuffers without ever having to touch the vertex format itself. This is known to be faster than changing VAOs.
And to be honest, you should adopt glVertexAttribFormat anyway, because it's a much better API that isn't stupid like glVertexAttribPointer and its ilk.
glDrawElementsInstanced can allow me to handle a HUGE amount of same VAO but since I have ~6000 differents VAO It seems like I can't use it.
So what you should do is to combine your objects into the same VAO. Then use glMultiDrawArraysIndirect or glMultiDrawElementsIndirect to issue a draw of all the different objects from within the same VAO. This answer demonstrates how to do this.
In order to handle different textures you either build a texture atlas, pack the textures into a texture array, or use the GL_ARB_bindless_texture extensions if available.

Render multiple models in OpenGL with a single draw call

I built a 2D graphical engine, and I created a batching system for it, so, if I have 1000 sprites with the same texture, I can draw them with one single call to openGl.
This is achieved by putting in a single vbo vertex array all the vertices of all the sprites with the same texture.
Instead of "print these vertices, print these vertices, print these vertices", I do "put all the vertices toghether, print", just to be very clear.
Easy enough, but now I'm trying to achieve the same thing in 3D, and I'm having a big problem.
The problem is that I'm using a Model View Projection matrix to place and render my models, which is the common approach to render a model in 3D space.
For each model on screen, I need to pass the MVP matrix to the shader, so that I can use it to transform each vertex to the correct position.
If I would do the transformation outside the shader, it would be executed by the cpu, which I not a good idea, for obvious reasons.
But the problem lies there. I need to pass the matrix to the shader, but for each model the matrix is different.
So I cannot do the same I did with 2d sprites, because changing a shader uniform requires a draw every time.
I hope I've been clear, maybe you have a good idea I didn't have or you already had the same problem. I know for a fact that there is a solution somewhere, because in engine like Unity, you can use the same shader for multiple models, and get away with one draw call
There exists a feature exactly like what you're looking for, and it's called instancing. With instancing, you store n matrices (or whatever else you need) in a Uniform Buffer and call glDrawElementsInstanced to draw n copies. In the shader, you get an extra input gl_InstanceID, with which you index into the Uniform Buffer to fetch the matrix you need for that particular instance.
You can read more about instancing here:
The answer depends on whether the vertex data for each item is identical or not. If it is, you can use instancing as in #orost's answer, using glDrawElementsInstanced, and gl_InstanceID within the vertex shader, and that method should be preferred.
However, if each 3D model requires different vertex data (which is frequently the case), you can still render them using a single draw call. To do this, you would add another stream into your vertex data with glVertexAttribPointer (and glEnableVertexAttribArray). This extra stream would contain the index of the matrix within the uniform buffer that vertex should use when rendering - so each mesh within the VBO would have an identical index in the extra stream. The uniform buffer contains the same data as in the instancing setup.
Note this method may require some extra CPU processing, if you need to redo the batching - for example, an object within a batch should not be rendered anymore. If this process is required frequently, it should be determined whether batching items is actually beneficial or not.
Besides instancing and adding another vertex attribute as some object ID, I'd like to also mention another strategy (which requires modern OpenGL, though):
The extension ARB_multi_draw_indirect (in core since GL 4.3) adds indirect drawing commands. These commands do source their parameters (number of vertices, starting index and so on) directly from another buffer object. With these functions, many different objects can be drawn with a single draw call.
However, as you still want some per-object state like transformation matrices, that feature is not enough. But in combination with ARB_shader_draw_parameters (not in core GL yet), you get the gl_DrawID parameter, which will be incremented by one for each single object in one mult draw indirect call. That way, you can index into some UBO, or TBO, or SSBO (or whatever) where you store per-object data.

How do I efficiently handle a large number of per vertex attributes in OpenGL?

The number of per vertex attributes that I need to calculate my vertex shader output is bigger than GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS. Is there an efficient way to e.g. point to a number of buffers using a uniform array of indices and to access the per vertex data this way?
This is a hardware limitation so the short answer is no.
If you consider workarounds for other ways, like using uniforms that also got limitations so that is a no way to go either.
One possible way I can think of which is rather hackish is to get the extra data from a texture. Since you can access textures from the vertex shader, but texture filtering is not supported ( you wont need it so it doesn't matter for you ).
With the newer OpenGLs its possible to store rather large amount of data in textures and access them without limitation even in the vertex shader, it seems to be one way to go.
Altho with this approach there is a problem you need to face, how do you know the current index, i.e. which vertex it is?
You can check out gl_VertexID built-in for that.
You could bypass the input assembler and bind the extra attributes in an SSBO or texture. Then you can use gl_VertexID in the vertex shader to get the value of index buffer entry you are currently rendering (eg: the index in the vertex data you need to read from)
So for example in a VS the following code is essentially identical (it may however have different performance characteristics depending on your hardware)
in vec3 myAttr;
void main() {
vec3 vertexValue = myAttr;
buffer myAttrBuffer {
vec3 myAttr[];
void main() {
vec3 vertexValue = myAttr[gl_VertexID];
The CPU-side binding code is different, but generally that's the concept. myAttr counts towards GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, but myAttrBuffer does not since it is loaded explicitly by the shader.
You could even use the same buffer object in both cases by binding with a different target.
If you can not absolutely limit yourself to GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS attributes, I would advise using multi pass shaders. Redesign your code to work with data with half set of attributes in first pass, and the remaining in second pass.

OpenGL vertex array pointers, different buffers per component

A bit of context :
I'm working on a GPU emulator (the NV2A if you want to know) at the push-buffer level, and I'm trying to implement the drawing using OpenGL. The GPU commands that I have to emulate contain separate pointers for each vertex component (so positions are in an entirely different memory address than fog coordinates, colors, texture coordinates, etc.)
Other data, like vertex component size, type and stride are also present in the push-buffer, but those are not really relevant to this question.
I've been reading about Vertex Array Objects, but as far as my tests go, the pointers you can set with glVertexAttribPointer should all be relative to a Vertex Buffer Object - something I would like to avoid, as I've already got a copy of the data in memory.
The question :
Is it possible in OpenGL to draw vertices using separate pointers (not managed by any OpenGL API) per vertex component? And how would the code look like, roughy?
PS: Since I'm emulating a GPU, I have to take vertex shader programs into account too. I haven't worked on these yet, so any suggestion on that is welcome too. TIA!
You don't need to use VBOs, glVertexAttribPointer takes a normal CPU-pointer if no VBO is bound (you can call glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0) to make sure). And yes, you can set up one address per attribute stream.