focusInEvent not called in QLineEdit subclass - c++

I have a Qt/cpp code and display a subclassed QLineEdit. When double-clicking the QLineEdit, the focusInEvent is never called (launched in Maya).
void myQLineEditClass::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *e)
HERE is never displayed, event if the focusInEvent is present in the .h protect part. Any idea how to get focusInEvents ?

Try the below. For several occasions that worked for me when focusInEvent did not.
void YourWidget::changeEvent(QEvent* event)
if (event->type() == QEvent::ActivationChange)
if (isActiveWindow())
// gaining the focus
// loosing the focus
// or whatever *parent* class call is

The event gets intercepted by the editor widget. See QItemDelegate::createEditor. The widget returned there will get it.

The issue was linked to the fact that the QLineEdit was in a QGraphicsView that was in another QGraphicsView. Bringing the QLineEdit to the higher-level QGraphicsView made it work.


How to recognize QMouseEvent inside child widgets?

EDIT and Some Self Critisicm
I tried both given solutions, which both solved my problem, and thus I thank you both! I marked the transparent solution as accepted because I thought it is was the easiest implementation when I only had one child widget, but I wish to share some insight for other beginners:
I first used QLabel, which apperently has enabled Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents by default and thus obviously worked, but I also wanted the text to be selectable, by using QPlainTextEdit instead. Laughably, this is not possible in any way, because if you try to select the text (by clicking) you will close the window! I ended up keeping the transparancy, and neglecting the select-text-feature.
I'm guessing my following question has been answered somewhere before, but after an hour of searching I now post the question myself. I'm grateful if someone can point me to an already answered question that solves my problem.
Anyhow, I'm creating a popup window, using C++ and Qt. I've created the following PopupDialog class which works well and fine for all its purposes. However, I've removed its frame (including the bar containing the close button and window title) to make it look minimalistic, and now I want it to close if the user presses/releases the mouse button anywhere inside the popup window (dialog).
The below code works, however in such a way that I have to click and release the mouse exactly at the QDialog-window itself. It will not close when i click if the mouse hovers over the child widget(s) inside the QDialog, e.g. a QPlainTextEdit, which is displaying text.
Hence, I'm in need of a solution for QDialog to recognize QMouseEvents inside its child widgets. Please, don't hesitate to ask if something is unclear. I have not included my mainwindow.h/.cpp files, or popupdialog.ui file since I believe it would be a little too much to post here, but the .ui extremely simple: Just the QDialog window holding a QBoxLayout, containing a single widget, a QPlainTextEdit. I may posts these on request if it helps.
// popupdialog.h
#include <QDialog>
#include <QString>
namespace Ui {class PopupDialog;}
class PopupDialog : public QDialog
explicit PopupDialog(QWidget *parent = 0, QString msgTxt="");
Ui::PopupDialog *ui;
QString messageText;
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*);
// popupdialog.cpp
#include "popupdialog.h"
#include "ui_popupdialog.h"
PopupDialog::PopupDialog(QWidget *parent, QString msgTxt) :
ui(new Ui::PopupDialog),
setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
// The message_text_display is an instance of the class,
// "PlainTextEdit". Using "QLabel" partly solves my
// problem, but does not allow text selection.
delete ui;
void PopupDialog::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
As you already noticed mouse events are handled from child widgets and propagated to parents if not accepted. You can read more about it here
To close your popup window when the click is done inside a child widget you can do two things. You could try looking into installEventFilter and set it up on each child widget to call close().
Another option would require you to have a kind of centralWidget (like the MainWindow usually has) - just to group all your child widgets. This way you could call setAttribute() on it to set Qt::WA_TransparentForMouseEvents property to simply skip handling mouse events on the widget and all of its children.
According to Qt docs:
When enabled, this attribute disables the delivery of mouse events to
the widget and its children. Mouse events are delivered to other
widgets as if the widget and its children were not present in the
widget hierarchy; mouse clicks and other events effectively "pass
through" them. This attribute is disabled by default.
Which basically means the event would be passed up the chain to the first widget which can handle the event. In your case it would be the PopupDialog and the already overriden mouseReleaseEvent slot.
in header file
class PopupDialog : public QDialog
explicit PopupDialog(QWidget *parent = 0, QString msgTxt="");
bool eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event);
Ui::PopupDialog *ui;
QString messageText;
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent*);
in cpp
PopupDialog::PopupDialog(QWidget *parent, QString msgTxt) :
ui(new Ui::PopupDialog),
setWindowFlags(Qt::Window | Qt::FramelessWindowHint);
// The message_text_display is an instance of the class,
// "PlainTextEdit". Using "QLabel" partly solves my
// problem, but does not allow text selection.
foreach (QObject *child, children())
bool PopupDialog::eventFilter(QObject *obj, QEvent *event)
if(event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease)

Qt: Pass QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent from QGraphicsView

I have derived from both QGraphicsView and QGraphicsRectItem. I overloaded the contextMenuEvent on both classes to provide popup menus. I want the QGraphicsView context menu when you click on white space the the QGraphicsItem popup menu when you click on an item.
At first implementation, I got the QGraphicsView popup no matter where I clicked. So I modified the contextMenuEvent as follows:
void CustomGraphicsView::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent* event)
if (QGraphicsItem *item = itemAt(event->pos())) {
MyRect* rect = dynamic_cast<MyRect*>(item);
QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent* context_event = dynamic_cast<QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent*>(event);
if (rect && context_event)
else {
QMenu menu;
... create the QGraphicsView popup menu
The dynamic_cast for the QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent fails so I never call the contextMenuEvent for the rect. It won't compile if I just try to pass the event to the rect->contextMenu(), so I tried the cast.
What is the right way to do this?
This is a learning project to just create/move/rotate/delete 2D shapes using Qt. If someone wants to look at the whole thing, let me know.
OK, so I figured it out. Just make sure to pass the event through the base class method. Simple! This also works for the mousePressEvent(), mouseMoveEvent(), and mouseReleaseEvent functions.
void CustomGraphicsView::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent* event)
// if the event is on a GGraphicsItem just pass the event along
if (itemAt(event->pos())) {
QMenu menu;
... create popup for the CustomGraphicsView

Show/Hide of QMenu

I created the Start Menu by inheriting QMenu. I want to show and hide it using QPropertyAnimation in sliding style
Show & hide are working fine when I call them explicitly(on click of start button). But when I click outside of start menu it hides instantly. Please suggest me what could be cause behind this:
My class is StartMenuUiClass which inherited from QMenu
mptrobj_animation is QPropertyAnimation object
void StartMenuUiClass::show()
void StartMenuUiClass::hide()
void StartMenuUiClass::this_hide()
emit work_Done();
I think, if you click outside of your menu widget, it simply hides or closes without involving your StartMenuUiClass::hide() function. You can try to handle QMenu::hideEvent(QHideEvent *event) and/or QWidget::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event). Something like this:
StartMenuUiClass::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *event) // the same for hideEvent()

QDialog exec() and getting result value

I have subclassed QDialog to implement functionality similar to QMessageBox ( I needed this to allow for customization). It has a text message and OK, Cancel buttons. I am showing the dialog using exec() to make it blocking. Now, how do I return values of true/false when the user clicks on OK/Cancel?
I tried connecting the buttons to setResult() and then, return the result value when clicked, but
Clicking the buttons does not close the dialog box
the return value is incorrect.
Following is the code I have written. I think I am wrong in the exec/result part - but I am not sure how to fix it.
class MyMessageBox : public QDialog {
private slots:
void onOKButtonClicked() { this->setResult(QDialog::Accepted); }
void onCancelButtonClicked() { this->setResult(QDialog::Rejected); }
MyMessageBox(QMessageBox::Icon icon, const QString& title,
const QString& text, bool showCancelButton = true,
QWidget* parent = 0);
virtual void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* e);
QDialog::DialogCode showYourself()
return static_cast<QDialog::DialogCode>(this->result());
The user will instantiate the class and call showYourself() which is expected to return the value and also close(and delete) the dialog.
I have posted partial code. Let me know if you need more and I will post the complete version.
Some points :
Rather than using setResult() yourself, use QDialog::accept() and QDialog::reject().
It seems you are not taking full advantage of the signals and slots. You need the object which create the dialog (or another one) to listen to the signals of the dialog.
In your code you are not connecting signals to slots either.
With my fix onOKButtonClicked and onCancelButtonClicked are unnecessary.
With my fix you don't need showYourself(). Just call exec and with the events
information will flow.
You need to add this code before showing the dialog (this assume it is in a dialog method):
QObject::connect(acceptButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept()));
QObject::connect(rejectButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject()));
In the caller object you have
void someInitFunctionOrConstructor(){
QObject::connect(mydialog, SIGNAL(finished (int)), this, SLOT(dialogIsFinished(int)));
void dialogIsFinished(int){ //this is a slot
if(result == QDialog::Accepted){
//do something
//do another thing
Another solution:
// set signal and slot for "Buttons"
connect(YesButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), dlg, SLOT(accept()));
connect(NoButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), dlg, SLOT(reject()));
// show modal window event loop and wait for button clicks
int dialogCode = dlg->exec();
// act on dialog return code
if(dialogCode == QDialog::Accepted) { // YesButton clicked }
if(dialogCode == QDialog::Rejected) { // NoButton clicked }
Case 1 Clicking the buttons does not close the dialog box.
For this you have to close the dialog on respective SLOTS, so Use
void onOKButtonClicked(){ this->setResult(QDialog::Accepted); this->close();}
void onCancelButtonClicked(){ this->setResult(QDialog::Rejected);this->close();}
Note: Only after you have clicked the Ok button or Cancel button in a standard QMessageBox, setResult() function is triggered and the status is changed. It's not the same effect when done vice versa.
Case 2 The return value is incorrect.
I think only after your dialog gets closed, you will have the result available in result() function. So I guess it will be solved, after you have made the changes specified in Case 1.
If it still persists, use your own private member function to resolve it.

Prevent a QMenu from closing when one of its QAction is triggered

I'm using a QMenu as context menu. This menu is filled with QActions. One of these QActions is checkable, and I'd like to be able to check/uncheck it without closing the context menu (and having to re-open it again to choose the option that I want).
I've tried disconnecting the signals emitted by the checkable QAction with no luck.
Any ideas? Thanks.
Use a QWidgetAction and QCheckBox for a "checkable action" which doesn't cause the menu to close.
QCheckBox *checkBox = new QCheckBox(menu);
QWidgetAction *checkableAction = new QWidgetAction(menu);
In some styles, this won't appear exactly the same as a checkable action. For example, for the Plastique style, the check box needs to be indented a bit.
There doesn't seem to be any elegant way to prevent the menu from closing. However, the menu will only close if the action can actually trigger, i.e. it is enabled. So, the most elegant solution I found is to trick the menu by shortly disabling the action at the moment when it would be triggered.
Subclass QMenu
Reimplement relevant event handlers (like mouseReleaseEvent())
In the event handler, disable the action, then call base class' implementation, then enable the action again, and trigger it manually
This is an example of reimplemented mouseReleaseEvent():
void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
QAction *action = activeAction();
if (action && action->isEnabled()) {
To make the solution perfect, similar should be done in all event handlers that may trigger the action, like keyPressEvent(), etc...
The trouble is that it is not always easy to know whether your reimplementation should actually trigger the action, or even which action should be triggered. The most difficult is probably action triggering by mnemonics: you would need to reimplement the complex algorithm in QMenu::keyPressEvent() yourself.
This is my solution:
// this menu don't hide, if action in actions_with_showed_menu is chosen.
class showed_menu : public QMenu
showed_menu (QWidget *parent = 0) : QMenu (parent) { is_ignore_hide = false; }
showed_menu (const QString &title, QWidget *parent = 0) : QMenu (title, parent) { is_ignore_hide = false; }
void add_action_with_showed_menu (const QAction *action) { actions_with_showed_menu.insert (action); }
virtual void setVisible (bool visible)
if (is_ignore_hide)
is_ignore_hide = false;
QMenu::setVisible (visible);
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *e)
const QAction *action = actionAt (e->pos ());
if (action)
if (actions_with_showed_menu.contains (action))
is_ignore_hide = true;
QMenu::mouseReleaseEvent (e);
// clicking on this actions don't close menu
QSet <const QAction *> actions_with_showed_menu;
bool is_ignore_hide;
showed_menu *menu = new showed_menu ();
QAction *action = menu->addAction (new QAction (menu));
menu->add_action_with_showed_menu (action);
Here are couple ideas I've had... Not sure at all they will work tho ;)
1) Try to catch the Event by using the QMenu's method aboutToHide(); Maybe you can "Cancel" the hide process ?
2) Maybe you could consider using an EventFilter ?
Try to have a look at :
3) Otherwise you could reimplement QMenu to add your own behavior, but it seems a lot of work to me...
Hope this helps a bit !
(I started with Andy's answer, so thank you Andy!)
1) aboutToHide() works, by re-popping the menu at a cached position, BUT it can also enter an infinite loop. Testing if the mouse is clicked outside the menu to ignore re-opening should do the trick.
2) I tried an event filter but it blocks the actual click to the menu item.
3) Use both.
Here is a dirty pattern to prove that it works. This keeps the menu open when the user holds down CTRL when clicking:
# in __init__ ...
self.__options_menu_pos_cache = None
self.__options_menu_open = False
def onAboutToHideOptionsMenu(self):
if self.__options_menu_open: # Option + avoid an infinite loop
self.__options_menu_open = False # Turn it off to "reset"
def eventFilter(self, obj, event):
if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease:
if obj is self.options_menu:
if event.modifiers() == QtCore.Qt.ControlModifier:
self.__options_menu_open = True
return False
self.__options_menu_pos_cache = event.globalPos()
return True
return False
I say it is dirty because the widget here is acting as an event filter for both the button that opens the menu as well as the menu itself. Using explicit event filter classes would be easy enough to add and it would make things a little easier to follow.
The bools could probably be replaced with a check to see if the mouse is over the menu, and if not, don't pop it open. However, the CTRL key still has to be factored in for my use case, so it probably isn't far off a nice solution as it is.
When the user holds down CTRL and clicks on the menu, it flips a switch so the menu opens itself back up when it tried to close. The position is cached so it opens at the same position. There is a quick flicker, but it feels OK since the user knows they are holding a key down to make this work.
At the end of the day (literally) I already had the whole menu doing the right thing. I just wanted to add this functionality and I definitely didn't want to change to using a widget just for this. For this reason, I am keeping even this dirty patch for now.
Subclass QMenu and override setVisible. You can utilize activeAction() to know if an action was selected and the visible arg to see if the QMenu is trying to close, then you can override and call QMenu::setVisible(...) with the value you want.
class ComponentMenu : public QMenu
using QMenu::QMenu;
void setVisible(bool visible) override
// Don't hide the menu when holding Shift down
if (!visible && activeAction())
if (QApplication::queryKeyboardModifiers().testFlag(Qt::ShiftModifier))
Connect the to the action trigger. I know this is code for Qt5 (and in Python), but the principle should be back compatible.
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
class CheckableMenu(QtWidgets.QMenuBar):
def __init__(self,parent=None):
for i in ['Both','Even','Odd']: #my checkable items
Starting from baysmith solution, the checkbox didn´t work as I was expecting, because I was connecting to the action triggered(), rather than connecting to the checkbox toggled(bool). I´m using the code to open a menu with several checkboxes when I press a button :
QMenu menu;
QCheckBox *checkBox = new QCheckBox("Show Grass", &menu);
QWidgetAction *action = new QWidgetAction(&menu);
//connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(ToggleShowHardscape_Grass()));
connect(checkBox, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(ToggleShowHardscape_Grass()));
menu.exec(QCursor::pos() + QPoint(-300, 20));
For my use case, this works like a charm
I have been struggling with this for half a day.
There was many accepted answers on the net suggesting overriding setVisible function of the QMenu which did not work for me at all.
I found a solution based on this post (The last reply by the OP)
my C++ implementation for this matter is as follows:
bool MainWindow::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event)
if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseButtonRelease)
auto action = static_cast<QMenu*>(watched)->activeAction();
if (action && action->isCheckable())
return true;
return QObject::eventFilter(watched, event);