Errors in Generated Files for WinRT XAML DirectX Universal App - c++

I started a project from the DirectX and XAML template and made some small edits to the Direct3D-only portion of the project.
Now I get a number of errors in the xamltypeinfo.g.cpp file, stating that the Common::NavigationHelper class doesn't exist. Hovever I can validate that it's definitely a class included in the template, but it looks like whatever generated these files didn't include it.
I don't want to go messing around with generated files, and I haven't touched any of the XAML code at all in the template.

I created another project walking through the steps I had performed, and ran a diff on the two projects. The entire Common directory (and namespace, which included NavigationHelper) was unique to the original project.
I then remembered that at one point I had accidentally added a XAML page. I promptly removed it, which seems to have left these files included but they weren't included by another other file. Visual Studio still generated references to them, thus the errors.
It looks like if you add any XAML pages that require navigation, pulling them out is not as simple as removing the file. You must also remove the navigation infrastructure as well, by removing all references to the Common folder that were added to your project.


VC++ C2011 redefinition errors - unused header files

I am working with a large console application. The solution contains 5 projects.
I am adding a 6th project to replace one of the existing projects to allow for the use of a GUI.
I am getting many compiler C2011 errors regarding type redefinition. In particular, they are 'struct' type redefinitions or '[function]: redefinition; different linkage. They come from the header files ws2def.h and winsock2.h.
I've been searching the entire project and the entire solution for where these are included, but I don't see any #include <ws2def.h> or #include <winsock2.h> statements, nor anything to indicate they are used.
However, there are External Dependencies folders/filters included in both the project I'm replacing, and my new project. Both ws2def.h and WinSock2.h exist in those filters. I wouldn't think that having the same file included in separate projects under one solution would cause these issues. Also, I'm getting these errors when building just my new project, meaning it shouldn't see the old project anyway.
Based on the information I've given, are you able to see where my problem may lie? Is it the case that these header files must be #included somewhere within the project and I'm just not seeing it? I've considered deleting both the header files from the External Dependencies filter because it seems I don't need them. Is there a different, common header file that also includes these header files so that they wouldn't show up in a CTRL-Find?
Thank you.
The issue seems to have mostly been based on the horrible file structure of the original large project.
Trying to create a new project within the solution to replicate another project as a GUI instead of Console project meant that the compilation of the project was doubling up on many files.
I found another post (can't find it right now) that stated that when a Visual Studio solution compiles, all of the project files are combined, much like all the #include statements in a .c/.cpp/.h file really just copy all of those files into the file which #included them.
My solution was to create a copy of the large project (for backup purposes), and in the copied project, remove the original Console project and only include the UI Project. Files are not longer doubling up because they don't exist in both projects anymore, just the one still existing in the solution.

Copy Visual Studio project settings to new project?

I'm running Visual Studio Community 2015 on Windows 10, writing C++ code.
I have been handed a solution with two projects in it. I need to create a duplicate of one of the projects, but using different source and header files (containing roughly identical code, but located in another place in the file system).
The project that I want to duplicate uses a lot of libraries, and I don't know how that was set up. All I know is that it works for that project, and I need it to work for the duplicate project too.
The problem I'm having is that at least one of the libraries does not seem to be recognized. This results in code with a red squiggly line under it, no auto-complete, etc. etc.. (This is not relevant anymore, see Edit 1)
Attempted solutions
I have tried creating a new project with the new source files, adding it to the solution, and manually copying project settings by right-clicking on the existing project, selecting Properties, and copying anything that is not set to its default value. This did not work.
I have tried copying the existing .vcxproj files, adding them to the solution, removing old and re-adding new source and header files. This did not work.
In both cases, when expanding External Dependencies in the Solution Explorer, the old project has a much longer list than the duplicate.
I am aware of this question, but the accepted answer relies on knowing which settings need to be changed. I don't know that, and I don't know how to find out.
So, is there a way to copy the entire set of settings that controls this?
Alternatively, is there a way I can check in the existing project precisely why it is able to resolve a particular external reference, so that I can find out which setting I need to change in the duplicate?
Edit 1
Well, now I feel stupid. I've been fighting this issue for a few days now, but I've made a few incorrect assumptions about the files I have.
It turns out, the second set of header files (located at a new place in the file system) are similar, but not identical, to the old ones. So at first glance, they look identical, and I never bothered to check.
The new header files has #if defined(WIN64) before the relevant #include statements, which of course is why the library wasn't being included.
So, my new question is, what's a sensible way to #define WIN64 without modifying the header file? Where can I put that definition so that it's valid in that header file, without changing that header file?
The correct way to use the same project properties for multiple projects would be not copy-pasting properties between them but to use Property Manager. You should figure out how exactly you original project is configured (note that properties for particular file can differ from project properties) and create a corresponding property sheet(s). Then apply this sheet for the new project.

Function call without definition(in header, no dlls or static libs)

I have a embedded controller code handed over, it has a bunch on .c files and some headers and a lot of associated files for the embedded processor, its a motorola MC9S12DT256 and it uses a not-so-good compiler - Cosmic. i used Visual studio(just a txt editor) for modifying the code and it changes the hex file being burned to the processor.
I got it earlier this week and spent most of my time on it and it worked ok for minor changes (where changin a value in the code and compiling again made the necessary changes) Now i have to make some major changes. The code calls certain functions which are not to be found any where in the all of the .hpp/.h/.cpp i got. there are no associated dlls as well. I tried to find some basic link and put it in a .sln and still most data is not recognized (as in i cant go to declaration of defn).
So my question is - how to get to the function definiton to where it is called when VS blanks out. Find all references also does no help
They may be compiler intrinsics (functions provided by the compiler rather then in a library). But it is not clear how you have determined that they do not exist in a static library or why you think you should be able to see a definition (as opposed to a declaration).
When using Visual Studio as an embedded project IDE, you should create the project as a "makefile project" (even if you don't actually have a makefile), and you need to add all the necessary header paths for your embedded code and the Cosmic compiler standard header folder as include files to the project - VS scans the header files for declarations for Intellisense code completion and browser navigation.

TortoiseSVN and Visual Studio Express 2010

I'm using TotoiseSVN client and Assembla backend in a VS 2010 express project. We have issues with VS folders (or filters) dropping and files sometimes not being added to the project. I notice when I commit the .vcxproj and .vcxproj.filters files are never checked by default even though they should be changing. So I manually check them and told others to as well when they commit.
This can lead to issues if team member A checks out, only changes some code, while team member B has the project checked out and added files to the project. If team member B then commits BEFORE team member A, team member A's project file doesn't have the new files team member B added so now his project overwrites team members B's project file he checked in and now the new added files aren't in the project.
How do we get around this besides having amazing coordination?
CMake is perfect for this.
In case you haven't come across CMake, it allows you to create your entire project's build files in a separate directory to your source files, outside of svn altogether.
A single CMakeLists.txt file in your repository's root would replace all your current .vcxproj and .filters files.
I suspect what may be happening here is that the developers aren't saving the project files when adding new files to them. VS2008 did this by default, but I think that in VS2010 they aren't saved until you explicitly do File -> Save All. As a result it means that the changes are not getting committed. Once your devs do get in the habit of saving the project files before committing then SVN will in 99% of the time handle all the merges for you. The remaining 1% of the time is when someone has done some more major restructuring of the project file or two people have made conflicting changes to the build settings. In these cases you'd have to resolve them by hand.
SVN will never overwrite one person's changes with another, it will always try to merge. So if you're running into this problem it suggests that one person is somehow rolling back someone else's changes, or they don't have the option in Visual Studio set to reload files when changed externally: Tools -> Options -> Documents -> Detect when file is changed outside the environment.
An effective way of dealing with this problem is to set up a simple build server, eg with Jenkins that kicks off a build periodically after there have been some checkins. If the build fails then the person who checked in gets a mail to tell them they broke the build. You can also have a monitor that shows the build status which makes broken builds more visible to the whole team and hopefully encourages everyone to keep the build fixed.

My Visual C++ compiler compiles out of date source

I'm a beginner starting to use Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2010 for Windows Programming. I've created a new C++ application using native code, not managed or MFC. I had Visual Studio create for me the basic windows code to create one window with simple menus (chat.cpp). I modified this file and I was able to compile correctly and see my changes take effect.
Now I've added one more source file to the solution (intro.cpp) which I include in my header and call from within chat.cpp. This seems to work just fine, but with one problem. The compiler doesn't seem to be applying my code changes occasionally: I make various edits, recompile, and the "old" code seems to be running. Then, after a while, after I make only a tiny modification, the compiler seems to "catch up" and it runs the new code including all the previous changes I had made.
Is there some kind of cache? Do I need to tell the compiler which files to compile and which ones to just link from object files? Did I make a mistake when I added the file to the solution?
Does intro.cpp have a header file? is that in your solution too?
It's hard for me to imagine that this area of such a mature IDE has a bug here, so I would examine your file list first. Make sure that the Solution Explorer shows all the files you have added and are editing. This is the list that VS uses to determine rebuild is needed.
EDIT: I admit it's not clear to me from your description why it would fail right now. However, typically header files do not include code, it works the other way around (except for class template header files, such as the STL headers). There is some discussion about pros and cons here. The most compelling argument to me in favour of code including headers rather than vice versa is that the header file contains the interface, while the code file contains the implementation.
I would try restructuring your code to a more traditional structure where intro.cpp includes intro.h and any others it needs, and the same with chat.cpp. Then your compilation units are intro.cpp and chat.cpp, and they depend on the associated header files, so provided they are properly listed in the SOlution Explorer, all should work. You can clean up the build dependencies to avoid dups and reduce build time once you have it working as you wish.