Calling services from Remote server in Azure - web-services

I'm developing a LMS application in VS-2012 with SQL server 2008 R2.I have a web service hosted in my local server.I don't want this to be published or moved to Azure
rather I would like to make a call of this service (remote server) from Azure.
How do I achieve them?
I'm very new to the Azure technology.Kindly explain in brief.

If the local server is public so it can be reach from internet you can just call it. However if its on your local network and you don't want to expose it you will have to connect it to an Azure Virtual network using VPN, read more here


Connect to remote database available under VPN

I have a server available at AWS and the client is asking to connect to their MariaDB database remotely which is available on their server that is accessible via VPN.
So, how is it possible to connect to a remote database from the web application hosted on my AWS server?
Thanks in advance.

proxy(?) server for connecting to cloud sql instance (GCP)

I have a postgresql database on the google cloud platform (cloud SQL). I'm currently managing this database through pgadmin, installed on my laptop. I've added the IP address of my laptop to the whitelist on the cloud sql settings page. This all works.
The problem is: when I go somewhere else and I connect to a different network, the IP address changes and I cannot connect to the postgresql database (through pgadmin) from my laptop.
Is there someone who knows a (secure) solution, involving a proxy server (or something else), to connect from my laptop (and only my laptop) to my postgresql database, even if I'm not on a whitelisted network (IP address)? Maybe I can set up a VM instance and install a proxy server and use this? But I have no clue where to start (or search for).
You have many options for connecting to a Cloud SQL instance from an external applications such a Public IP address with SSL, Public IP address without SSL, Cloud SQL proxy, etc. You can see all of them here.
Between all connection options there exists Cloud SQL Proxy, it basically provides secure access to your instances without the need for Authorized networks or configuring SSL on your part.
You only need to follow the steps listed here and you will be able to connect your Cloud SQL instance using the proxy.
Enable Cloud SQL Admin API on your console.
Install the proxy client on your local machine (Linux):
wget -O cloud_sql_proxy
chmod +x cloud_sql_proxy
Determine how you will authenticate the proxy. You can use use a service account or let Cloud SDK take care of the authentication.
However, if required by your authentication method, create a service account.
Determine how you will specify your instances for the proxy. Your options for instance specification depend on your operating system and environment
Start the proxy using either TCP sockets or Unix sockets.
Take note that as of this writing, Cloud SQL Proxy does not support Unix sockets on Windows.
Update your application to connect to Cloud SQL using the proxy.

Do i need a localhost server to invoke a web service

I'm very fresh and beginner in the web services world, I'm trying to learn how to deploy and consume services.
My question: Using any technology (such as Java), when I want to invoke some web service that is deployed in a remote server, do i need to install and configure a localhost server in order to access the web service? or I can access it without install server
Note: I'm asking about consuming a web service not developing a one
Thanks in advance
No. Just as your web browser doesn't require a web server to access other web servers, your code doesn't require a web server to access other web servers.

Communication between PCF and External Application

I am trying to have a simple client and server application that will communicate over SMPP(TCP/IP) protocol.
I was successful when both the client and server were run on my local, but when I tried to push the client to Pivotal Cloud Foundry, it could not connect anymore to the server running on my local
Does Pivotal have restrictions in terms of communication between an app on PCF to external applications?
Thanks in advance :)
I know it is bit late to answer this.
Your question does not say whether you are using PCF DEV on your local computer or deployed it on cloud.
If you deployed it on PCF DEV, then it cannot access any of the local resources directly. You may have to define CUPS (create-user-provided-service) and then access it.
If you have deployed it on cloud, you may not be able to access a service running on your local machine, unless you have a publicly accessible IP address. If so, again, define it as CUPS and use it.

Can we connect an Azure mobile service to an on premise web service?

Does anyone know whether it is possible to route network traffic from an azure mobile service through a VPN to an on premise web service? None of the documentation I have read precludes that, but neither does it say we can. So far we have had no success though we can access the web service using a web browser VM in the same subscription. We can't run any new software at the site hosting the web service, so it would seem like Service Bus Relay cant be used and the web service can't have a publicly exposed ip address.
have a look at Mobile Services with an Azure Hybrid Connection. The walkthrough talks about exposing an on-premise database, but i think you can use the same steps to expose a different TCP port for your on-premise web service