How can i configure team city to execute the intern's test runner with phantom js as the configured browser - unit-testing

I'm trying to add a team city build step for my intern unit tests that execute against a web browser, but I'm uncertain how to configure and run phantom js. I have installed this plugin in teamcity which gives me a phantom js build runner:
Currently I have two build steps in team city for this. The first step is using the npm build runner with install and update commands.
The second step is using the command line task runner to execute 'intern-runner config=tests/intern'.
Those two steps seem correct to me, but I believe this is going to fail because phantomjs is not yet running.
Would phantomjs be started using a build step? Or do I need to configure the build agent to be running phantomjs already (and if so how would i go about that)?


How to set up cypress run for TypeScript in WebStorm

I have a project build in TypeScript and I would like to use cypress run to run my unit test. Everything works when I trigger command line from terminal, but how can I set up cypress run with WebStorm IDE under Run/Debug Configuration? The only possibility is to set up npm command but my project is using pnpm not npm.
So how can I set up cypress run under Run/Debug configuration?
WebStorm doesn't provide any special support for Cypress (feel free to upvote and comment WEB-32819 to increase its priority and to be notified on updates). But you can still use Node.js run configurations to start your scripts.
I'd also suggest trying a third-party Cypress-Pro plugin

How to get JaCoCo instrumentation code coverage while executing webApplication on server

I want to get a code coverage report (or tracking controller flow of an application) when I execute the some scenario on live application i.e. while application running in server, so I have refereed the official Jacoco documentation and did as fallows
As a first step, I tried to bind the jacoco agent to the application running port
export MAVEN_OPTS=-javaagent:/home/user/.m2/repository/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/*,output=tcpserver,port=6300,address=*,dumponexit=true
then I have started the server and executed some test scenarios by that time I have also requested jacoco to get the dump by executing following command
mvn jacoco:dump
when I executed the above command first it showed like Address already in use then it printed as fallows
[INFO] Connecting to localhost/
When I stopped the server jacoco.exec has been generated to a known location there after I have requested to generate a jacoco report by executing the following command
mvn jacoco:report
Finally I got the report but when I open the index.html page it showed 0% coverage.
you can reproduce my difficulty with following sample Spring MVC project
please download Spring MVC project from from the Github
In my case I am using WildFly 8.x server to run the project and add the following dependencies to downloaded projects pom.xml
maven-surefire-plugin of 2.19.1 version
jacoco-maven-plugin of version
junit of 4.12 version
Then clean and build the project by using following commands.
mvn clean install
once it is done get the .war file from target folder of the project and keep inside the wildfly serverwildfly-9.0.0.CR2/standalone/deployments/ folder
Once the .war is deployed go to /wildfly-9.0.0.CR2/bin/ folder and execute/run the ./ file or depending on platform you can run the.dat/.sh file
once project is deployed and server is started execute the following command
mvn jacoco:dump
it displayed like listening/connected to localhost/
Then execute some test scenarios and execute following maven command
mvn jaococ:report
Finally report will be generated with 0% coverage!.
Downloaded project can be found in MKyong website
Please help me to get the code coverage report and any help will be appreciated.
JaCoCo requires the exact same class files for report generation that were used at execution time, so
if report is completely empty, then classes were not provided
if report contains classes but their coverage is 0%, then they don't match classes that were used at runtime - this is described along with other related information in JaCoCo documentation on page
and in either case check existence of warnings in log.
Update for updated question
Here is what I did:
downloaded and unpacked JaCoCo 0.7.9 into /tmp/jacoco/jacoco-0.7.9
downloaded and unpacked Wildfly 9.0.0.CR2 into /tmp/jacoco/wildfly-9.0.0.CR2
cloned into /tmp/jacoco/spring4-mvc-ajax-example and built as mvn verify
copied /tmp/jacoco/spring4-mvc-ajax-example/spring4-mvc-maven-ajax-example-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war into /tmp/jacoco/wildfly-9.0.0.CR2/standalone/deployments
Wildfly started as JAVA_OPTS=-javaagent:/tmp/jacoco/jacoco-0.7.9/lib/jacocoagent.jar=output=tcpserver ./ and got enough time to deploy application
in directory /tmp/jacoco/spring4-mvc-ajax-example executed mvn org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.9:dump org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.9:report (note that version of used agent matches version of jacoco-maven-plugin) so that it created /tmp/jacoco/spring4-mvc-ajax-example/jacoco.exec and report /tmp/jacoco/spring4-mvc-ajax-example/site/jacoco:
opened http://localhost:8080/spring4-mvc-maven-ajax-example-1.0-SNAPSHOT/ and did some actions
executed mvn org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.9:dump org.jacoco:jacoco-maven-plugin:0.7.9:report again to get an updated report:

How to integrate pycharm with jenkins?

I want to run my test suite from pycharm to run automatically whenever new build is released . We are using jenkins for CI. I want to integrate pycharm with jenkins but not sure how to do it.
What kind of test suite do you have? What kind of version control are you using? Where are you hosting your code?
PyCharm's Jenkins plugin will show you the status of your builds. But you'll still need to configure Jenkins to run your test suite. (There's a tutorial for setting up Jenkins for Python testing here:

How to run selenium tests in jenkins?

I have selenium tests written in python 3.4. How to run them from jenkins after success build ?
Process is :
1. pull from git repository
2. python build
3. python install
After that i need to run server and selenium tests.
How to run them from jenkins after success build ?
- You can add a trigger to your selenium job so it runs after the build job runs successfully
To answer your question accurately, I need to know whether you are planning in running selenium tests in jenkins box...
Assuming you aren't planning in running the tests in jenkins (which IMO is something you dont want to) you can take 2 different directions:
1:. add a "execute shell" step to your build with the ssh to the machine you want to fire your tests on along with the command you need to run your tests in that machine. This would mean your pull from git to get latest code from selenium would have to happen in this step
2:. if you are outsourcing your browser execution to browserstack, sauce labs etc, add a "execute shell" step with the command needed to trigger your tests (firing from jenkins). This is assuming your tests know that it should point to outsourced env etc... You will most likely have a step to start a tunnel between your CI box and outsourced env...
Try using Selenium and Seleniumhq plugins for the same.
To add plugin : Manage Jenkins/ Manage Plugins/Available

double unit test reporting with hudson and maven

I have a maven2 project in hudson and when the cobertura reporting plugin runs, it causes the unit tests to show that they have run twice. I don't mind them running multiple times, but the trend graph shows twice as many tests as we actually are running. Is there a way to make sure the graph only shows them once?
This is a known bug. Just wait for it to be fixed.
The workaround I use (works in Hudson 1.391) is to configure cobertura in separate Maven profile and run it in a Hudson job as a post-build step.
Mode detailed instructions:
Add cobertura to your project pom in a special profile (so it won't run while default lifecycle) and configure it to create report in xml format.
Install "Hudson M2 Extra Steps Plugin"
Configure your Hudson job as Maven 2 project
In your job configuration in the "Build" section configure usual clean/install goals
In "Build Environment" section select "Configure M2 Extra Build Steps" and add Maven post-build step. Configure it to run "cobertura:cobertura -P your_cobertura_profile_name"
In "Post-build Actions" select "Publish Cobertura Coverage Report" and configure proper xml report pattern (default should work just fine)
I had the same problem recently when I was running maven goals test and emma:emma on the same job. emma seems to have rerun all tests thus doubling the results. When I removed goal test my unit tests still got executed but test results went back to normal. Could be the same with cobertura.