Hello everyone I don't have any experience with programming for a multiplayer game but does anyone know a good video tutorial or website that explains how to do this? I have already tried a few video series like these 2 but maybe there are some more out there that use different techniques or do a better job explaining.
youtube link
rawkes link
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YC6bNrkElc0 has a good introductory video in typical programming patterns for (Unity 3D) multiplayer games, using Exit Games Photon Network Engine.
Find the demos and other further explained in HammerLabs' videos at https://www.youtube.com/user/HammerLabs/videos.
No videos but a few links around multiplayer networking, multiplayer game programming in general as well as tutorials for Unity 3D are linked to from http://doc.photonengine.com/en/pun/current/tutorials/photon-unity-and-networking-links.
i eventually used socket.io and watched a few tutorials from https://www.youtube.com/user/smithamilli
she explains how to make a chatroom but i used the same technique to make a multiplayer game
I've watched Elysian Shadows' video on getting started with game development and in the video, Falco says that you can make a game engine entirely from scratch. Going from his word, XNA seems like "cheating" and I was wondering if there was any way to make Xbox 360 games without XNA, but rather relying on low level libraries such as SDL, along with c++.
Here is the video for reference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaxckMNq0eU
The above question was already answered on the GameDev StackExchange. Basically, the answer is no because "XNA is C# and DirectX" whie "SDL is C and OpenGL".
I'm probably missing something, so try to do more research on it.
As the title says, next year I´ll be focusing in on game programming on mobile devices. And I am unsure if I should start straight with learning Cocos2D as there are alot of great teaching materials for this engine, and I think it is quite capable. Or should I learn to program my own engine - I have this 400page book by Michael Daley wich teaches you to build a simple 2d engine and game ground up using particle effects, tilemaps and all that...
My question is would there be any great advantages of knowing how an game engine is built from scratch and then move to learning Cocos2D or could i safely just drop this and move straight to learning the Cocos framework? and is it especially hard building a 2D engine, etc.. do I need any specific math skills and such?
Only for iPhone then Cocos2D is best option. To support android too then use cocos2d-x
Cocos2D : Objective C - 2D game engine for iOS
Cocos2D-X : C++ based game engine for iOS / Android
I would say that you need to decide whether your goal is to create a 2d game or to learn how to make a 2d game engine. If your goal is to make a game right away then I would use some ready-made engine. I'm not familiar with Cocos2D so I can't say if it is a good choice, though.
I have a basic knowledge of c++. And i want to learn how to write program for Kinect Sensor.
I have seen many websites with examples of programs for Kinect Sensor in c++, but none of them have explained it well enough to understand whats happening in the code they have written.
so tell me how can start learning the basics to write programs for Kinect Sensor.
if there are any tutorials (preferably video tutorial), so tell me about them also.
Thank You In Advance.
Kinect C++ here : http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/394975/How-To-Use-Kinect-Face-Tracking-SDK
and here : http://nsmoly.wordpress.com/2012/05/21/face-tracking-sdk-in-kinect-for-windows-1-5/
There are videos and documentation at the Kinect Learn site. You should probably start from there.
A quick google brings up this page which is a C++ Kinect tutorial. It's in Russian, but Google Translate could help you with that: http://habrahabr.ru/post/123588/
Also this similar (but poor quality so now closed) question may be of use: Kinect with OpenGL
I want to track objects of simple shapes and rather homogeneous colors. I would like to do it more or less by myself, with minimum copy-paste. Does anyone know any good book/course/set of tutorials to computer vision?
Preferred platform is .net, but if materials are general enough it is fine.
The fundamentals of the application you're interested in developing can be found in any introductory computer vision book.
You can take a look at Richard Szeliski's book which is available online and is very good: http://szeliski.org/Book/
Computer Vision: A Modern Approach is another introductory book to computer vision.
does anyone know where I can learn to create and manipulate animations in c++ for the purpose of game development?
GameDev.net would probably be a good place to start, they have links to plenty of tutorials for both DirectX and OpenGL. The NeHe OpenGL tutorials are a pretty good introduction. Microsoft alos has quite a few tutorials and sample applications that come with the DirectX SDK.
You'll want to use a library to display and manipulate 3D models. As Kevin suggested, OpenGL and Direct3D (DirectX) are the industry standard libraries - DirectX if you're target platform is Windows-only, OpenGL otherwise.
Is there a reason why you must learn this in C++? C++ is my favourite language, but the XNA Toolset (C#) is phenomenal and will have you up and running in no time:
http://creators.xna.com/en-US/ (windows only, but can compile to Zune/360 very easily)
Another great way to start learning about game development is to build some mods - Half-Life 2 and Unreal Tournament 3 would be my suggestions to start with; Half-Life 2 uses C++ and is very easy to work with (I have no experience with UT3).