How to assert and test a ReactJS / Fluxible Component's state? - unit-testing

My app is a Fluxible / React application.
I have the following spec that attempts to test a LoginForm. Embedded components have been stubbed using rewire. I referenced
The first spec it("renders") passes. However, when I try to do more tests as shown in the commented code, the test fails.
I am unable to assert on LoginForm's state or trigger simulated events using TestUtils on the component. Are there any ways to do that?
import React from 'react/addons';;
import { createMockComponentContext } from 'fluxible/utils';
import createStore from 'fluxible/addons/createStore';
var rewire = require("rewire");
var rewireModule = require("../../helpers/rewire-module");
// stub inner components with LoginForm
// `rewire` instead of `require`
var LoginForm = rewire("../../../src/components/auth/login-form");
// Replace the required module with a stub component.
rewireModule(LoginForm, {
FormattedMessage: React.createClass({
render: function() { return <div />; }
NavLink: React.createClass({
render: function() { return <div />; }
describe('LoginForm', function() {
var context;
var TestUtils;
var provideContext;
var connectToStores;
var MockIntlStore;
var MockAuthStore;
var noop = function(){};
var component;
MockIntlStore = createStore({
storeName: 'IntlStore',
getMessage: noop,
getState: function(){
return {}
MockAuthStore = createStore({
storeName: 'AuthStore'
context = createMockComponentContext({
stores: [MockIntlStore, MockAuthStore]
// React must be required after window is set
TestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils
provideContext = require('fluxible/addons/provideContext');
connectToStores = require('fluxible/addons/connectToStores');
// Wrap with context provider and store connector
LoginForm = provideContext(connectToStores(LoginForm, [MockIntlStore, MockAuthStore], function (stores) {
return {
component = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<LoginForm context={context} />
it("renders", function() {
var foundComponent = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(
component, 'login-form');
// TODO fluxible wraps components so we cant reach the inner component to assert on state and trigger event handlers
// it("should have an initial state", function() {
// let initialState = {
// username: '',
// pass: ''
// }
// expect(component.state).toEqual(initialState);
// });

When you use provideContext and connectToStores, your component is wrapped. You have done it right to find the component using TestUtils. findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass, Simply use the foundComponent for test, that is what is being tested. i.e.
var foundComponent = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithClass(
component, 'login-form');

If you're still looking for a solution:
var tbg = React.createElement(x, { di: serviceLocator });
var renderer = React.addons.TestUtils.createRenderer();
var rtbg = renderer.render(tbg);
Then your method is here:
Where myMethod is a function member of component x


Stubbing the mongoose save method on a model

I would like to stub the save method available to Mongoose models. Here's a sample model:
/* model.js */
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var userSchema = mongoose.Schema({
username: {
type: String,
required: true
var User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
module.exports = User;
I have some helper function that will call the save method.
/* utils.js */
var User = require('./model');
module.exports = function(req, res) {
var username = req.body.username;
var user = new User({ username: username }); {
if (err) return res.end();
return res.sendStatus(201);
I would like to check that is called inside my helper function using a unit test.
/* test.js */
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var createUser = require('./utils');
var userModel = require('./model');
it('should do what...', function(done) {
var req = { username: 'Andrew' };
var res = { sendStatus: sinon.stub() };
var saveStub = sinon.stub(mongoose.Model.prototype, 'save');
createUser(req, res);
// because `save` is asynchronous, it has proven necessary to place the
// expectations inside a setTimeout to run in the next turn of the event loop
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0)
I discovered var saveStub = sinon.stub(mongoose.Model.prototype, 'save') from here.
All is fine unless I try to add something to my saveStub, e.g. with saveStub.yields(null). If I wanted to simulate an error being passed to the save callback with saveStub.yields('mock error'), I get this error:
TypeError: Attempted to wrap undefined property undefined as function
The stack trace is totally unhelpful.
The research I've done
I attempted to refactor my model to gain access to the underlying user model, as recommended here. That yielded the same error for me. Here was my code for that attempt:
/* in model.js... */
var UserSchema = mongoose.model('User');
User._model = new UserSchema();
/* in test.js... */
var saveStub = sinon.stub(userModel._model, 'save');
I found that this solution didn't work for me at all. Maybe this is because I'm setting up my user model in a different way?
I've also tried Mockery following this guide and this one, but that was way more setup than I thought should be necessary, and made me question the value of spending the time to isolate the db.
My impression is that it all has to do with the mysterious way mongoose implements save. I've read something about it using npm hooks, which makes the save method a slippery thing to stub.
I've also heard of mockgoose, though I haven't attempted that solution yet. Anyone had success with that strategy? [EDIT: turns out mockgoose provides an in-memory database for ease of setup/teardown, but it does not solve the issue of stubbing.]
Any insight on how to resolve this issue would be very appreciated.
Here's the final configuration I developed, which uses a combination of sinon and mockery:
// Dependencies
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var sinon = require('sinon');
var mockery = require('mockery');
var reloadStub = require('../../../spec/utils/reloadStub');
describe('UNIT: userController.js', function() {
var reportErrorStub;
var controller;
var userModel;
before(function() {
// mock the error reporter
warnOnReplace: false,
warnOnUnregistered: false,
useCleanCache: true
// load controller and model
controller = require('./userController');
userModel = require('./userModel');
after(function() {
// disable mock after tests complete
describe('#createUser', function() {
var req;
var res;
var status;
var end;
var json;
// Stub `#save` for all these tests
before(function() {
sinon.stub(userModel.prototype, 'save');
// Stub out req and res
beforeEach(function() {
req = {
body: {
username: 'Andrew',
userID: 1
status = sinon.stub();
end = sinon.stub();
json = sinon.stub();
res = { status: status.returns({ end: end, json: json }) };
// Reset call count after each test
afterEach(function() {;
// Restore after all tests finish
after(function() {;
it('should call ``', function(done) {
controller.createUser(req, res);
* Since Mongoose's `new` is asynchronous, run our expectations on the
* next cycle of the event loop.
setTimeout(function() {
}, 0);
Have you tried:
sinon.stub(userModel.prototype, 'save')
Also, where is the helper function getting called in the test? It looks like you define the function as the utils module, but call it as a method of a controller object. I'm assuming this has nothing to do with that error message, but it did make it harder to figure out when and where the stub was getting called.

Ember promise not resolved when I expect it to be

I have a custom component that expects data and not a promise, but I am unsure if they way that I am obtaining the data is the right way.
Is this the right way to do it?
component hbs
{{x-dropdown content=salutations valuePath="id" labelPath="description" action="selectSalutation"}}
Doesn't work
controller (this is the way I expect things to work
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
bindSalutations: function() {
var self = this;'salutation').then(function(data) {
self.set('salutations', data);
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
list: function() {
var content = this.get('content');
var valuePath = this.get('valuePath');
var labelPath = this.get('labelPath');
return {
return {
key: item[labelPath],
value: item[valuePath],
This works
bindSalutations: function() {
var self = this;'salutation').then(function(data) {
self.set('salutations', data.get('content')); // pass the content instead of just the data
list: function() {
var content = this.get('content');
var valuePath = this.get('valuePath');
var labelPath = this.get('labelPath');
return {
return {
key: item._data[labelPath], // access through the _data attribute
value: item._data[valuePath],
Ember Data returns a Proxy Promise. This means you can use the promise as if it were a collection or model itself, as long as you aren't dependent on the property being completely populated when you use it. If you really want the promise resolved, you should probably be setting it up in the route.
If you want it on your controller, you can be lazy and do it like so:
salutations: function() {'salutation');
list: function() {
var content = this.get('content'),
valuePath = this.get('valuePath'),
labelPath = this.get('labelPath');
return {
return {
key: item.get(labelPath),
value: item.get(valuePath),
{{x-dropdown content=salutations valuePath="id" labelPath="description" action="selectSalutation"}}
The real trick is to watch if the collection is changing. Hence you'll see I changed the property argument to content.[]

Right way to unit test a component in EmberJS

I am trying to test a component in my Ember application unit tests, and until now all is good except that I am at a point where the assertions need its template to be rendered.
To do so normally one would call
var comp = App.SomeNamedComponent.create();
var comp.appendTo(App.rootElement);
But while this does create the base element of the component, it does not render its template. After a few research, I ended-up finding out that neither templateName nor template properties are set on the component. So I decided to set the templateName myself, but then it complains that A Component must have a parent view in order to yield..
I then decided to create another custom view in the test with a template using that component, but then I can't access the instance of the component...
I need to access the instance to make the assertions, and I need to have it's template rendered as some properties are calculated depending on the css of some elements in the template.
This is how I typically test a component when a container is not needed (specifically when the template and layout are provided to the component programmatically):
Ember.testing = true;
MyAwesomeComponent = Ember.Component.extend();
function createComponent(componentName, factory, options) {
if (typeof options.template === 'string') {
options.template = Ember.Handlebars.compile(options.template);
if (typeof options.layout === 'string') {
options.layout = Ember.Handlebars.compile(options.layout);
if (options.template && !options.layout) {
options.layout = options.template;
delete options.template;
var component = factory.create(options);{
return component;
module('component testing sample');
test('a component with template', function(){
var options = {layout: 'woot woot{{fullName}}'};
var component = createComponent('my-awesome', MyAwesomeComponent, options);
equal(component.$().text(), 'woot woot');
test('a component with custom options and a template', function(){
var options = {
fullName: 'Robert Jackson',
layout: '{{fullName}}'
var component = createComponent('my-awesome', MyAwesomeComponent, options);
equal(component.$().text(), 'Robert Jackson');
See an example JSBin.
If you need/want to be able to lookup the template you can use something like the following (which creates an isolated container):
Ember.testing = true;
MyAwesomeComponent = Ember.Component.extend();
function isolatedContainer() {
var container = new Ember.Container();
container.optionsForType('component', { singleton: false });
container.optionsForType('view', { singleton: false });
container.optionsForType('template', { instantiate: false });
container.optionsForType('helper', { instantiate: false });
return container;
function createComponent(componentName, factory, options) {
var fullName = 'component:' + componentName,
templateFullName = 'template:components/' + componentName;
container.register(fullName, factory);
if (container.has(templateFullName)) {
container.injection(fullName, 'layout', templateFullName);
var Component = container.lookupFactory(fullName),
component = Component.create(options);{
return component;
function registerTemplate(name, template){
if (typeof template !== 'function') {
template = Ember.Handlebars.compile(template);
container.register('template:' + name, template);
var container;
module('component testing sample', {
setup: function(){
container = isolatedContainer();
teardown: function(){, 'destroy');
test('a component with template', function(){
registerTemplate('components/my-awesome', 'woot woot{{fullName}}');
var component = createComponent('my-awesome', MyAwesomeComponent);
equal(component.$().text(), 'woot woot');
test('a component with custom options and a template', function(){
registerTemplate('components/my-awesome', '{{fullName}}');
var component = createComponent('my-awesome', MyAwesomeComponent, {fullName: 'Robert Jackson'});
equal(component.$().text(), 'Robert Jackson');
JSBin of the container version.

Mocking $window in angularjs with qunit

I'm pretty new to angular and been wanting to test drive and I've hit a snag mocking out $window. The item in which I'm attempting to test is very simple but important -- I need to know if localStorage is there or not and need to be able to fake out $window to do so.
The code is very basic so far and what I have is this for the service ...
'use strict';
mainApp.factory('somedataStorage',function($window) {
var local = $window.localStorage;
return {
hasLocal: function() {
return local != undefined;
How I'm testing it is this ...
(function () {
var fakeWin = {
localStorage: null
var $injector = angular.injector(['ngMock', 'ng', 'mainApp']);
//var $window = $injector.get('$window');
var init = {
setup: function () {
//this.$window = fakeWin;
module('LocalStorageTests', init);
test("if localstorage isn't there, say so", function () {
var $service = $injector.get('somedataStorage' /*, {$window: fakeWin} */);
ok(!$service.hasLocal, "no local storage");
So what am I missing?

Faking a Angular Factory in a directive in jasmine

Question: How do I fake my pointFactory so I can Jasmine Unit Test it.
I have the Following Directive.
It takes the html sends it to a factory and the uses the response for some logic
CommonDirectives.directive('TextEnrichment',['PointFactory','appSettings', function (pointFactory,settings) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link : function (scope, element, attrs) {
var text = element.html();
So far my unit tests looks like this, however it doesn't work since I'm not injecting the factory.
beforeEach(function () {
fakeFactory = {
getPoints: function () {
deferred = q.defer();
[{"Text":"Some text"}]
return deferred.promise;
getPointsSpy = spyOn(fakeFactory, 'getPoints')
beforeEach(inject(function(_$compile_, _$rootScope_,_$controller_){
$compile = _$compile_;
$rootScope = _$rootScope_;
it('Factory to have been Called', function () {
var element = $compile('<div data-text-enrichment=""> Text </div>')($rootScope)
Following advice from Felipe Skinner I have updated the test with the following
However I get the following error:
TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating
You can use the $provide to inject your controller dependencies.
Here's my beforeEach for example:
describe('MyCtrl', function() {
var $controller,
beforeEach(function() {
windowMock = { navigator: {} };
registerHtmlServiceMock = {};
mixPanelServiceMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('mixpanel', ['track']);
toastMock = jasmine.createSpyObj('toast', ['error']);
module(function($provide) {
$provide.value('$window', windowMock);
$provide.value('RegisterHtmlService', registerHtmlServiceMock);
$provide.value('MixPanelService', mixPanelServiceMock);
$provide.value('ToastService', toastMock);
inject(function(_$controller_, _$rootScope_, _$httpBackend_) {
$scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
$controller = _$controller_('CourseSelectionCtrl', { $scope: $scope });
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
// my test cases
I haven't tried mocking a function that returns some value. Those two mocks (mixpanel-track and toast-error) are for "void" functions.
Try changing the previous $provide with this type of injection then.
Change from this:
module(function($provide) {
$provide.value('$window', windowMock);
$provide.value('RegisterHtmlService', registerHtmlServiceMock);
$provide.value('MixPanelService', mixPanelServiceMock);
inject(function(_$controller_, _$rootScope_, _$httpBackend_) {
$scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
$controller = _$controller_('CourseSelectionCtrl', { $scope: $scope });
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
To this:
beforeEach(inject(function(_$controller_, _$rootScope_, _$httpBackend_) {
mixPanelService = mixPanelServiceMock;
$scope = _$rootScope_.$new();
$controller = _$controller_('MyCtrl', { $scope: $scope, MixPanelService: mixPanelService });
$httpBackend = _$httpBackend_;
The rest of the code should be the same, except for that. Let me know if this works