Add Status using Facebook API - web-services

I am learning Rest web services using Postman extension of Chrome. I'm practicing it using Facebook API. I have a question about posting in FB.
URI used:
In the Body of the POST Method, I have given the following Json content
"message": "hello",
"access_token": "<a valid token>"
I am very sure that my access token is correct as when I append the access token and message with the above URI, the status gets posted successfully. Also when I use it as key-value pairs in 'x-wwww-form-urlencoded' section, it works fine.
But when I try to update the status using the Body of the POST method with the JSON content mentioned above, it tells
{ "error": { "message": "An active access token must be used to query information about the current user.", "type": "OAuthException", "code": 2500 } }
Is there any thing wrong in the format of the JSON content

I missed content-type=application/json
in the Header section.
Adding this solved the problem


Error on getting thumbnail_url field with Business Discovery API (Instagram Graph)

I'm trying to get thumbnail_url using Business Discovery API (LINK) and get an error.
Docs says: You can use both nested requests and field expansion to get public fields for a Business or Creator Account's media objects.
In IGMedia docs says: thumbnail_url - Public
So my working request:
And, if I add thumbnail_url field in request:
"error": {
"message": "(#100) Please read documentation for supported fields.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 100,
"fbtrace_id": "A2sUKUDWUyAJjyQErkGjx7b"
It’s not the end. If I add thumbnail_url in children expansion, from response disappears all CAROUSEL_ALBUM posts.
So my questions:
Is it a bug (seems like that it)? Or docs are not updated?
Is there other official way to get thumbnail_url using Business Discovery API?
Sorry about long read :)

Instagram API graph stories

First I auth my user, which has role instagram Test Users, got access token by doint request to Follow Getting Started guide.
Make a request to get user data{{ACCESS_TOKEN}}
Everything OK, got 200 status and data.
Now tried to follow API Stories Docs
make a request to:{{IG_ID}}/stories?access_token={{ACCESS_TOKEN}} (IG_ID is the ID I got from user data request) but doesn't work return invalid access token
"error": {
"message": "Invalid OAuth access token - Cannot parse access token",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 190,
"fbtrace_id": "{ID}" //im not sure if important to hide
Now tried to use Explorer Api Graph (Tools->Explorer) I generate an access token (this token is generated with Facebook, not instagram), use this token and the ID (/me in Explorer API) in previous request and the response is:
"error": {
"message": "(#100) Tried accessing nonexisting field (stories) on node type (User)",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 100,
"fbtrace_id": "{ID}"
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the guide, anyone have worked with API?
Hmmm... Does API works with private/public accounts? Or only if account is Business/Content Creator might use this?

GMB MyBusiness API - How to set up real-time PubSub notifications?

I am working on integrating GMB into some of our internal apps, and would like to set up to receive real-time notifications for reviews and questions.
I have created a topic, and a subscription with a valid URL.
The next step is to tell GMB to send the notifications to the topic, and I believe the endpoint is the one below. However, it is very vague about the parameters it wants.
This is the documentation
It wants a "Notification Settings Resource Name" in the URL, but it's not explained anywhere what that actually is. I have tried every possible value, but always get a 404 error response with the message "Requested entity was not found."
Has anyone successfully set this up? What values does the "getNotifications" endpoint want, and where in the various dashboards can this be found or created?
Any help is much appreciated!
As mentioned in the comments, you need to send the accountId as part of the URL.
To find this, you will first need to send a GET request to
This will return something along the following lines:
"accounts": [
"name": "accounts/102647145453118950380",
"accountName": "Tom Spencer",
"type": "PERSONAL",
"state": {
"status": "UNVERIFIED",
"vettedStatus": "NOT_VETTED"
"profilePhotoUrl": "//"
You can see here that accounts/102647145453118950380 is returned in the name field. Take this field, and construct the following URL:
Send a PUT request to this URL, with a request body resembling the following:
"topicName": "projects/{projectId}/topics/{topicId}",
"notificationTypes": [
Assuming you have pub/sub setup as per the documentation, this should send a message to your topic/subscribers whenever a new review is created or a review is updated.

How to fix - Update plannertaskdetails - If-Match header contains an invalid value

I am trying to update (PATCH) an existing Microsoft Planner task, to add one (1) checklist item to it. I am using Microsoft doc as a reference, and I am using Postman to send the request.
"error": {
"code": "",
"message": "The If-Match header contains an invalid value.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "7b50a25b-7c5a-443b-9a41-1b6314be4014",
"date": "2019-05-16T23:59:03"
As far as I can see, the If-Match key is built up exactly the same as how Microsoft's article used it.
I have found a somewhat similar article (, but this person is filling in the If-Match value differently, and it doesn't work for me at all...
I reused the eTAG value from the response received after creating the task in the first place:
"#odata.etag": "W/\"JzEtVGFzayAgQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBAQEBARCc=\""
Does anyone have a clue what I am doing wrong here?
This is my PATCH:
These are my headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJub..........
This is my body:
"previewType": "checklist",
"checklist": {
"#odata.type": "microsoft.graph.plannerChecklistItem",
"title": "Update task details",
"isChecked": false
I was expecting the If-Match key to be correct, as I have used the Microsoft article, but somehow it results in the error message:
"The If-Match header contains an invalid value."
I had similar problem. I used etag from task when updates Task details.
The Task and Task Details are different objects.
Check on - MS Graph doc
Get etag value from Task details of created task using:

How to scrape user's facebook feed using Graph API?

I'd like to scrape some user's posts from Facebook. Posts are visible in browser, when I'm logged in and I am looking at URL. But when I'm trying to access the same feed using Graph API Explorer ( I'm getting:
"error": {
"message": "(#803) Cannot query users by their username (username)",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 803
If I try to use id instead of username ( I'm getting empty JSON in response:
"data": [
So, is there a way to get the user's feed using Graph API? Or do I have to imitate a web browser and parse HTML then?
You are not supposed to grab the feed of any user, public or not. You need to authorize a user with user_posts to get access to his feed - and his feed only.
Also, usernames are not available in the Graph API anymore, you need to use an App Scoped ID now. You get that when you authorize the user.
Btw, scraping is not allowed at all: