How to add custom text elements in Limesurvey? - templates

By default, Limesurvey provides the follow text elements for the surveys - Survey title, Description, Welcome message, End message etc, which I can use in my template with tags like {SURVEYNAME}, {SURVEYDESCRIPTION}, {WELCOME} etc.
Is it possible to add my own custom field, which I can then use in the template? I need to do it this way because I need to have the text translatable, and present on every page.

You can not add a custom replacement with the current version of LimeSurvey. And your LimeSurvey version seems outdated. But LS includes jquery, therefore it's easy to move some element from a place to elsewhere.
Quick example:
<p>Here is your description</p>
<div style='display:none'>
<label for='languagechanger' id='labellang'>Here is the new label for language</label>
$(function() {
A PHP solution, hacking LimeSurvey code, should be placed at


Render items in separated placeholder

I'm trying to create a carousel and I want it to be configurable from the Experience Editor. By configurable I meant that it's possible to edit the image, text AND add/or remove slides.
The first time I create the carousel I can add/remove slides but no after saving it and opening it again, after rendering the carousel I can't remove just one slide because they all are part of the same placeholder (I can continue adding new slides and removing the new ones but not the old ones).
I have Carousel.cshtml and CarouselSlide.cshtml and the code look like:
<div class="carousel">
#foreach (Item slide in Model.Item.Children)
#Html.Action("CarouselSlide", "MediaFeature", new { model = slide });
<div class="carousel-slide">
<div class="carousel-slide-content">
<div class="background-image">
<div class="text-container">
So far, the issue looks like is related with the placeholders. Any ideas about how to render DynamicPlaceholders?
"slides" placeholder is configured to allow only CarouselSlide components
Remove the foreach loop. It is unnecessary. When Sitecore renders the placeholder it renders the previously added slides for you. When in edit mode, it also renders the container that allows you to add additional components.
Using a dynamic placeholder as you have will allow you to have multiple Carousel components on a page. Or more precisely, multiple components containing a placeholder with the key "slides". It is most likely not causing the problems you are seeing with your slides.
Update - additional info requested by OP
It looks like what you have done is mix two different styles of development. In one, you are explicitly rendering the children of the carousel item as slides. In the second you are relying on Sitecore's presentation engine to dynamically render components into a placeholder that could be using data sources from somewhere else in the tree. You need to pick one or the other, but the second approach is generally preferred.
To use the second approach, you would simply remove the foreach loop so that your Carousel view looks like this:
<div class="carousel">
If you decide to go with the first approach, you would remove the placeholder and then add Custom Experience Buttons to allow you to insert and sort child items under your carousel item.
With either approach, you may find that page editor does not play all that well with your Carousel javascript. The most common workaround to this problem is to render the carousel as a flat list in page editor mode.

Access text in dynamic script with Ember using Protractor

How can I access the text "All changes saved" in the dynamically created Ember script below? I use Protractor to create functional test.
<div class="is-muted">
<script id="metamorph-191-start" type="text/x-placeholder"></script>
<script id="metamorph-191-start" type="text/x-placeholder"></script>
All changes saved
<script id="metamorph-191-end" type="text/x-placeholder"></script>
Thank you in advance for your help!
I ran into a similar issue earlier and solved it in a rather unelegant manner but it does the job, try the following:
//$$('#metamorph-191-start') will select all the elements on your page with ID metamorph-191-start
//.get(1) will get the second element that passes this requirement aka the script with your text 'all changes saved' in it.
//the .getText().then(function(foo)... gets the text from the element and resolves the promise around it.
I said this was unelegant since it is quite the bad practice to use the same ID more than once on a single HTML page.

Sitecore SPEAK UI configure ListControl to display icon and button

Is there a way in Sitecore SPEAK UI (7.5) to configure a ListControl (ViewMode set to DetailList) to contain a column with images, and another column containing buttons?
I've created a ListControl Parameters item beneath my PageSettings item and have added a few ColumnField items for the required columns - but cant find any other template types to add for different types of column data. I've also tried playing around with the Formatter and HTMLTemplate fields of the ColumnFields but am not sure how these are meant to be used.
Considering button means hyperlink. You can try adding the following in the HTMLTemplate:
For Image:
<img src="{{YourImageSourceField}}" ..../>
For Hyperlink:
You can also consider reading Martina Welander Speak Series for some information on this kind of custom implementations.
I've also used the custom title property of the ListView by setting ViewMode to TileList. Then used Knockout to databind to a custom tile using standard cshtml, if this is any use?
<div class="sc-tile-default" data-bind="attr: {id: Id}">
<div style="min-height: 98px;">
<img width="112" data-bind="attr: {src: Path}" />
<div class="sc-iconList-item-title">
<span data-bind="text: Name"></span>
See this project

Possible ways of reusage of views in Angular

Lets say I have html view like <div ng-controler="contr">....</div> and a js controler. Supposed that i want to use this view on bottom left and right top of my main page, in the center of one of the sub pages and so on... What are my best options of reusage? I saw that i can inject the whole html into a string and call "compile" like this but this does not seem "elegant"
Put it in a spearate html file, or add to the template cache, and include it with the ng-include directive. I'll automatically create a new scope.
<ng-include src="'template.html'"></ng-include>
<ng-include src="'template.html'"></ng-include>
<script type="text/ng-template" id="template.html">
<div ng-controler="contr">....</div>

Managing a list in umbraco 5

I have recently started working on an umbraco 5 project and am finding it a bit of a struggle compared with umbraco 4. What I am trying to do is have a list of items that are managed in the content section of the site where users can add items to a list, this list is then used in drop downs and page categories throughout the site.
I am looking for the best way to do this, I am currently part way through creating a property editor that manages a list of text boxes but not sure if this is the best way of doing it, and Im currently not entirely sure of how to go about doing even this. I can save one property no problem, but a dynamic list?
Can anybody give me some idea of how they would go about doing this with some code examples, theres not a huge amount of resources for 5 out there at the minute.
Many thanks to those who contribute.
I have now copied the multiple textstring property editor from the source code and am looking to update it to have an extra text input. Its using the knockout javascript library of which Im not too familar with, below is the code I have so far, does anyone know how I would update this to save both text values to the database?
<ul class="relatedlinks-textstring-inputs" data-bind="template: { name: 'textstringRow', foreach: textstrings }"></ul>
<script id="textstringRow" type="text/html">
<li style='width: 250px;'>Name<input type="text" data-bind="value: value" />Url<input type="text" data-bind="value: value" /></li>
#Html.HiddenFor(x => Model.Value, new Dictionary<string, object> { { "data-bind", "value: value" } })