Execution not switching between thread (c++11) - c++

I am a beginner in C++11 multithreading. I am working with small codes and came into this problem. Here is the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <mutex>
std::mutex print_mutex;
void function1()
std::cout << "Thread1 started" << std::endl;
while (true)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(print_mutex);
for (size_t i = 0; i<= 1000000000; i++)
std::cout << "This is function1" << std::endl;
void function2()
std::cout << "Thread2 started" << std::endl;
while (true)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(print_mutex);
for (size_t i = 0; i <= 1000000000; i++)
std::cout << "This is function2" << std::endl;
int main()
std::thread t1(function1);
std::thread t2(function2);
return 0;
I have written code with the intuition of expecting the following output:
Thread1 started Thread2 started This is
function1 This is function2 This is function1 . . . .
But the output shown is as follows:
Thread1 started Thread2 started
This is function1 This is function1 This is
function1 . . .
Where am I going wrong?

Unlocking a mutex does not guarantee that another thread that's waiting to lock the same mutex will immediately acquire a lock.
It only guarantees that the other thread will TRY to acquire the lock.
In this case, after you unlock the mutex in one thread, the same thread will immediately try to lock it again. Even though another thread was waiting patiently, for the mutex, it's not a guarantee that the other thread will win this time. The same thread that just locked it can succeed in immediately locking it again.
Today, you're seeing that the same thread always wins the locking race. Tomorrow, you may find that it's always the other thread that does. You have no guarantees, whatsoever, which thread will acquire the mutex when there's more than one thread going after the same mutex, at the same time. The winner depends on your CPU and other hardware architecture, how busy the system is loaded, at the time, and many other factors.

Both of your thread is doing following steps:
Long empty loop
Long empty loop
(and so on)
Practically, you haven't left any time for context switching, there is a lock just right after the unlock. Solution: Swap the "lock" and the "long empty loop" steps, so only the "print" step will be locked, the scheduler can switch to the other thread during "long empty loop".
Welcome to threads!
Edit: Pro Tipp: Debugging multithreading programs is hard. But sometimes it's worth to insert a plain printf() to indicate locks and unlocks (the right order: lock, then printf and printf then unlock), even when the program seems correct. In this case you could see the zero gap between unlock-lock.

This is a valid result, your code does not try to control the execution order in any way so as long as all threads execute at some point and there's is no problem and it's a legitimate result.
This could happen even if you switched the order of the loop and the lock(see here), because again you haven't written anything that attempts to control it using e.g conditional variables or just some silly atomic_bool(it is a silly solution just to demonstrate how can you actually make it alternating and be sure it will) boolean to alternate the runs.


Mutex in c++ is not running properly

I am trying to use mutex to arrange the output between two threads to print the message from Thread 1 then print output from thread 2.
but I am getting the messages to be printed randomly so it seems like I am not using mutex correctly.
std::mutex mu;
void share_print(string msg, int id)
cout << msg << id << endl;
void func1()
for (int i = 0; i > -50; i--)
share_print(string("From Func 1: "), i);
int main()
std::thread t1(func1);
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
share_print(string("From Main: "), i);
return 0;
the output is:
Your usage of mutexes is 100% correct. It's your expectation of mutex behavior, and execution thread behavior, that misses the mark. For example, C++ execution threads give you no guarantees whatsoever that any line in func1 will be executed before main() completely finishes executing its for loop.
As far as mutexes are concerned, your only guarantees, that matter here are:
Only one execution thread can lock a given std::mutex at the same time.
If a std::mutex is not locked, one of two things will happen when an execution thread attempts to lock it, either: a) it will lock it b) if another thread already has it locked or manages to lock it first it will block until the mutex is no longer locked, and then it will attempt to lock the mutex again.
It is very important to understand all the implications of these rules. Even if your execution thread has a mutex locked, then proceeds to unlock it, and then lock it again, it may end up re-locking the mutex immediately even if another execution thread is also waiting to lock the mutex. Mutexes do not impose any kind of a queueing, a locking order, or a priority between different execution threads that are trying to lock it. It's a free-for-all.
Even if mutexes worked the way you expected them to work, that still gives you no guarantees whatsoever:
std::thread t1 (func1 );
Your only guarantee here is that func1 will be called by a new execution thread at some point on or after this std::thread object's construction finishes.
for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++)
share_print(string("From Main: "), i);
This entire for loop can finish even before a single line from func1 gets executed. It'll lock and unlock the mutex 50 times and call it a day, before func1 wakes up and does the same.
Or, alternatively, it's possible for func1 to run to completion before main enters the for loop.
You have no expectations of any order of execution of multiple execution threads, unless explicit syncronization takes place.
In order to achieve your interleaving output a lot more work is needed. In addition to just a mutex there will need to be some kind of a condition variable, and a separate variable that indicates whose "turn" it is. Each execution thread, both main and func1, will not only need to lock the mutex, but block on the condition variable until the shared variable indicates that it's turn is up, then do its printing, set the shared variable to indicate that it's the other thread's turn, signal the condition variable, and only then unlock the mutex (or, always keep the mutex locked and always spin on the condition variable).

C++ scoped lock in loop blocks another thread

Simple example:
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
std::mutex lock_m;
void childTh() {
while(true) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lockChild(lock_m);
std::cout << "childTh CPN1" << std::endl;
int main(int, char**) {
std::thread thr(childTh);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lockMain(lock_m);
std::cout << "MainTh CPN1" << std::endl;
return 0;
Main thread blocks on lockMain and never reach "MainTh CPN1". I expect that main thread should acquire lock_m when childTh reach end of iteration because lockChild is destroyed and lock_m is released. But this never happens.
Can you please describe in details why main thread don't have time to acquire the lock before childTh lock it again ?
With sleep_for main can reach "MainTh CPN1", but with yield not.
I know that condition_variable can be used to notify and unblock another thread, but is it possible to use just scoped lock ? So it looks that it is risky to use scoped lock in different threads, even if it the same lock.
In childTh, lockChild doesn't release the mutex until the iteration ends. Right after that iteration ends, it starts the next one. This means you only have the time between the destruction of lockChild and then the initialization of lockChild in the next iteration. Since that happens as basically the next instruction, there basically isn't any time for lockMain to acquire a lock on the mutex. To save CPU cycles a typical lock acquire is going to yield for a short duration, which is not as short as single instruction, so there is basically no chance of lockMain being able to lock the mutex as it would have to be timed perfectly. If you change childTh to
void childTh() {
while(true) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lockChild(lock_m);
std::cout << "childTh CPN1" << std::endl;
now you have a 1 second delay between when the mutex is release by lockChild and when it reacquired in the next iteration, which then allows lockMain to acquire the mutex.
Also note that you are not calling join on thr at the end of main. Not doing so causes thr's destructor to throw an exception which will cause your program to terminate imporperly.

Mutex locking and unlocking time difference

I'm new to multithread programming. I have a simple testing program:
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <iostream>
int main(){
std::mutex mtx;
std::thread t1([&](){
while (true){
std::cout << 1 << "Hello" << "\n";
std::thread t2([&](){
while (true){
std::cout << 2 << "Hello" << "\n";
This is a pretty simple program, and it prints "1Hello" and "2Hello" in a random pattern, which implies that the mutex is unlocked by one and then acquired by the other and executed, in some random pattern.
Is it specified behavior in standard, that is, will a implementation guarantee that it won't stick to t1? And if not, how do I avoid it?
There should be no guarantee of who will be running. If you can set the priority of one thread higher than the other, then you can guarantee with this code that only the highest priority thread will be running.
What is the actual problem? The problem is that this code uses multi-threading in the worst possible way. This is quite an achievement and not really bad because it is an exercise. It asks the threads to run continuously, it locks while doing long actions and only unlocks for the next loop, so there is actually no parallelism, only a battle for the mutex.
How can this be solved? Let the threads do some background action and then stop or let the threads wait for a condition are at least let the threads sleep once in a while AND let the threads run as independent as possible and not block others while doing potentially a long action.
Edit (small clarification): while this code is using multi-threading in the worst possible way, it is a nice and clean example on how to do it.

What does std::thread.join() do?

By definition from C++ reference:
Blocks the current thread until the thread identified by *this finishes its execution.
So does this mean when using .join(), there's no need to mutex.lock() when that thread calls some function? I'm new to mutual exclusion and threading, so I'm kind of confused.
Note: I've found a book
C++ Concurrency in Action and I am reading the book. It is very well written for a beginner on multithreading like me.
Thank you all for the help.
You still need mutexes and conditions. Joining a thread makes one thread of execution wait for another thread to finish running. You still need mutexes to protect shared resources. It allows main() in this example to wait for all threads to finish before quitting itself.
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <chrono>
#include <mutex>
using namespace std;
int global_counter = 0;
std::mutex counter_mutex;
void five_thread_fn(){
for(int i = 0; i<5; i++){
std::cout << "Updated from five_thread" << endl;
//When this thread finishes we wait for it to join
void ten_thread_fn(){
for(int i = 0; i<10; i++){
std::cout << "Updated from ten_thread" << endl;
//When this thread finishes we wait for it to join
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
std::cout << "starting thread ten..." << std::endl;
std::thread ten_thread(ten_thread_fn);
std::cout << "Running ten thread" << endl;
std::thread five_thread(five_thread_fn);
std::cout << "Ten Thread is done." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Five Thread is done." << std::endl;
Note that the output might look like this:
starting thread ten...
Running ten thread
Updated frUopmd atteend_ tfhrroema df
Updated from ten_thread
Updated from ten_thread
Updated from ten_thread
Updated from ten_thread
Updated from five_thread
Updated from ten_thread
Updated from ten_thread
Updated from ten_thread
Updated from ten_thread
Updated from ten_thread
Updated from five_thread
Ten Thread is done.
Updated from five_thread
Updated from five_thread
Five Thread is done.
Since std::cout is a shared resource access and use of it should also be mutex protected too.
join() stops current thread until another one finishes. mutex stops current thread until mutex owner releases it or locks right away if it isn't locked. So these guys are quite different
It blocks the current thread until the execution of the thread is completed on which join() is called.
If you do not specify join() or dettach() on the thread then it will result in runtime error as the main/current thread will complete its execution and the other thread created will be still running.
std::thread.join has three functions I can think of off-hand and some others:
a) Encourages continual creating/terminating/destroying of threads, so hammering performance and increasing the probabilty of leaks, thread-runaway, memory-runaway and general loss-of-control of your app.
b) Stuffs GUI event-handlers by enforcing unwanted waits, resulting in unresponsive 'hourglass apps' that your customers will hate.
c) Causes apps to fail to shutdown because they are waiting for the termination of an unresposive, uninterruptible thread.
d) Other bad things.
I understand that you are new to multithreading, and I wish you the best with it. Also, consider that I've had a lot of Adnams Broadside tonight, but:
Join(), and it's friends in other languages like TThread.WaitFor, (Delphi), are to efficient multithreading like Windows ME was to operating systems.
Please try hard to progress and come to understand other multithreaded concepts - pools, tasks, app-lifetime threads, inter-thread comms via producer-consumer queues. In fact, almost anything except Join().

Using boost::lock_guard for simple shared data locking

I am a newcomer to the Boost library, and am trying to implement a simple producer and consumer threads that operate on a shared queue. My example implementation looks like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <deque>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
boost::mutex mutex;
std::deque<std::string> queue;
void producer()
while (true) {
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(mutex);
std::cout << "producer() pushing string onto queue" << std::endl;
void consumer()
while (true) {
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(mutex);
if (!queue.empty()) {
std::cout << "consumer() popped string " << queue.front() << " from queue" << std::endl;
int main()
boost::thread producer_thread(producer);
boost::thread consumer_thread(consumer);
return 0;
This code runs as I expect, but when main exits, I get
boost::mutex::~mutex(): Assertion `!pthread_mutex_destroy(&m)' failed.
consumer() popped string test from queue
(I'm not sure if the output from consumer is relevant in that position, but I've left it in.)
Am I doing something wrong in my usage of Boost?
A bit off-topic but relevant imo (...waits for flames in comments).
The consumer model here is very greedy, looping and checking for data on the queue continually. It will be more efficient (waste less CPU cycles) if you have your consumer threads awakened determistically when data is available, using inter-thread signalling rather than this lock-and-peek loop. Think about it this way: while the queue is empty, this is essentially a tight loop only broken by the need to acquire the lock. Not ideal?
void consumer()
while (true) {
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(mutex);
if (!queue.empty()) {
std::cout << "consumer() popped string " << queue.front() << " from queue" << std::endl;
I understand that you are learning but I would not advise use of this in 'real' code. For learning the library though, it's fine. To your credit, this is a more complex example than necessary to understand how to use the lock_guard, so you are aiming high!
Eventually you will most likely build (or better if available, reuse) code for a queue that signals workers when they are required to do work, and you will then use the lock_guard inside your worker threads to mediate accesses to shared data.
You give your threads (producer & consumer) the mutex object and then detach them. They are supposed to run forever. Then you exit from your program and the mutex object is no longer valid. Nevertheless your threads still try to use it, they don't know that it is no longer valid. If you had used the NDEBUG define you would have got a coredump.
Are you trying to write a daemon application and this is the reason for detaching threads?
When main exits, all the global objects are destroyed. Your threads, however, do continue to run. You therefore end up with problems because the threads are accessing a deleted object.
Bottom line is that you must terminate the threads before exiting. The only what to do this though is to get the main program to wait (by using a boost::thread::join) until the threads have finished running. You may want to provide some way of signaling the threads to finish running to save from waiting too long.
The other issue is that your consumer thread continues to run even when there is not data. You might want to wait on a boost::condition_variable until signaled that there is new data.