C++ code improvement, array out of bounds - c++

This is a class template for an Array. I overloaded the [ ] operator in hopes it would fix the "out of bounds" issue. The print outs work well, except if it falls out of range, the compiler enables the range by default and it displays a 6 digit number.
Perhaps looking for a better way to initialize the arrays with the appropriate element number for a better check and if it does fall out of range when looking up the element, display an error.
// implement the class myArray that solves the array index
// "out of bounds" problem.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
template <class T>
class myArray
T* array;
int begin;
int end;
int size;
myArray(int, int);
~myArray() { };
void printResults();
// attempting to overload the [ ] operator to find correct elements.
int operator[] (int position)
{if (position < 0)
return array[position + abs(begin)];
return array[position - begin];
template <class T>
myArray<T>::myArray(int newSize)
size = newSize;
end = newSize-1;
begin = 0;
array = new T[size] {0};
template <class T>
myArray<T>::myArray(int newBegin, int newEnd)
begin = newBegin;
end = newEnd;
size = ((end - begin)+1);
array = new T[size] {0};
// used for checking purposes.
template <class T>
void myArray<T>::printResults()
cout << "Your Array is " << size << " elements long" << endl;
cout << "It begins at element " << begin << ", and ends at element " << end << endl;
cout << endl;
int main()
int begin;
int end;
myArray<int> list(5);
myArray<int> myList(2, 13);
myArray<int> yourList(-5, 9);
cout << list[0] << endl;
cout << myList[2] << endl;
cout << yourList[9] << endl;
return 0;

First of all, your operator[] is not correct. It is defined to always return int. You will get compile-time error as soon as you instantiate array of something, that is not implicitly convertible to int.
It should rather be:
T& operator[] (int position)
and, of course:
const T& operator[] (int position) const
//you may want to also access arrays declared as const, don't you?
I overloaded the [ ] operator in hopes it would fix the "out of bounds" issue.
You didn't fix anything. You only allowed clients of your array to define custom boundaries, nothing more. Consider:
myArray<int> yourList(-5, 9);
yourList[88] = 0;
Does your code check for out-of-bounds cases like this one? No.
You should do it:
int operator[] (int position)
if((position < begin) || (position > end)) //invalid position
throw std::out_of_range("Invalid position!");
//Ok, now safely return desired element
Note, that throwing exception is usually the best solution in such case. Quote from std::out_of_range doc:
It is a standard exception that can be thrown by programs. Some components of the standard library, such as vector, deque, string and bitset also throw exceptions of this type to signal arguments out of range.

An better option to redefining an array class is to use the containers from the std library. Vector and array(supported by c++11). They both have an overloaded operator [] so you can access the data. But adding elements using the push_back(for vector) method and using the at method to access them eliminates the chance or getting out of range errors, because the at method performs a check and push_back resizes the vector if needed.


Iterate over struct pointer

Given a struct pointer to the function. How can I iterate over the elements and do not get a segfault? I am now getting a segfault after printing 2 of my elements. Thanks in advance
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct something{
int a;
string b;
void printSomething(something* xd){
cout<<xd->a<<" "<<xd->b<<endl;
int main()
something m[2];
m[0].a = 3;
m[0].b = "xdxd";
m[1].a = 5;
m[1].b = "abcc";
return 0;
You'll have to pass the length of the array of struct
void printSomething(something* xd, size_t n){
//^^^^^^^^ new argument printSomething(m, 2);
size_t i = 0;
while(i < n){ // while(xd) cannot check the validity of the xd pointer
cout<<xd->a<<" "<<xd->b<<endl;
You should better use std::vector<something> in C++
The problem is that you are assuming there is a nullptr value at the end of the array but this is not the case.
You define a something m[2], then
you take the address of the first element, pointing to m[0]
you increase it once and you obtain address to m[1], which is valid
you increase it again, adding sizeof(something) to the pointer and now you point somewhere outside the array, which leads to undefined behavior
The easiest solution is to use a data structure already ready for this, eg std::vector<something>:
std::vector<something> m;
m.emplace_back(3, "xdxd");
m.emplace_back(5, "foo");
for (const auto& element : m)
When you pass a pointer to the function, the function doesn't know where the array stops. After the array has decayed into a pointer to the first element in the array, the size information is lost. xd++; will eventually run out of bounds and reading out of bounds makes your program have undefined behavior.
You could take the array by reference instead:
template <size_t N>
void printSomething(const something (&xd)[N]) {
for (auto& s : xd) {
std::cout << s.a << " " << s.b << '\n';
Now xd is not a something* but a const reference to m in main and N is deduced to be 2.
If you only want to accept arrays of a certain size, you can make it like that too:
constexpr size_t number_of_somethings = 2;
void printSomething(const something (&xd)[number_of_somethings]) {
for (auto& s : xd) {
std::cout << s.a << " " << s.b << '\n';
int main() {
something m[number_of_somethings];
// ...
Another alternative is to pass the size information to the function:
void printSomething(const something* xd, size_t elems) {
for(size_t i = 0; i < elems; ++i) {
std::cout << xd[i].a << " " << xd[i].b << '\n';
and call it like this instead:
printSomething(m, std::size(m));
Note: I made all versions const something since you are not supposed to change the element in the `printSomething´ function.

Trouble Using Template Bubblesort with Array of Structs

So my goal is to read in some data and sort it by population, but I have to use a sort that can accept multiple data types. I was instructed to use a template to do this, but every time I pass the array "results[i].pop" to my bubblesort function I receive the error
no matching function for call to ‘bubblesort(std::string&)’
note: candidate is:
election.cpp:32:3: note: template T bubblesort(T*)
T bubblesort(T ar[])
election.cpp:32:3: note: template argument deduction/substitution failed:
election.cpp:106:34: note: cannot convert ‘results[i].election::pop’ (type ‘std::string {aka std::basic_string}’) to type ‘std::basic_string*’
Here's the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
struct election {
string party;
string state;
string pop;
string reps;
int ratio;
template <typename T>
void bubblesort(T ar[])
int n = 51;
int swaps = 1;
swaps = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
if (ar[i] > ar[i + 1])
swaps = 1;
//End Bubblesort
void delete_chars(string & st, string ch)
int i = st.find(ch);
while (i > -1)
i = st.find(ch);
int main()
int i = 0;
int n = 51;
election results[n];
int population[n];
int electoralVotes[n];
int ratio[n];
string st;
fstream inData;
//Read in Data from Text File
//Print Array as is
cout << "Array Printed As is" << endl;
cout << left << setw(10) << "Party" << setw(20) << "State" << setw(20) << "Population" << setw(15) << "Representatives" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
results[i].party = st.substr(0,1);
results[i].state = st.substr(8,14);
results[i].pop = st.substr(24,10);
results[i].reps = st.substr(40,2);
cout << left << setw(10) << results[i].party << setw(20) << results[i].state << setw(20) << results[i].pop << setw(15) << results[i].reps << endl;
//Array Sorted by Population
cout << "Array Sorted By Population" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << left << setw(10) << "Party" << setw(20) << "State" << setw(20) << "Population" << setw(15) << "Representatives" << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
For your bubblesort to work, you need to implement the greater than operator(>) for the election struct:
struct election
string party;
string state;
string pop;
string reps;
int ratio;
bool operator>( election a)
return pop > a.pop;
Now call the bubblesort by passing the results array:
A side note your function should pass in the size rather than hardcoding the size in the function(void bubblesort(T ar[], int size)). This gives your function much more functionality and adaptability.
The other answer addressed the issue if you only wanted to sort on pop. However, it is a limited solution, and won't address the real issue of sorting on any field (today it's "pop", but what if this isn't the case tomorrow, where you want to sort on "ratio"?). The issue is that you cannot provide more than one operator > to do this and you're basically stuck only sorting on pop.
Another solution is to provide the bubblesort function with an additional template parameter that defines what to do when given two T's, whether one T should be placed before the other T in the sorted array.
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
template <typename T, typename cmp>
void bubblesort(T ar[], int n, cmp compare_fn)
int swaps = 1;
while (swaps)
swaps = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++)
if (!compare_fn(ar[i], ar[i + 1]))
std::swap(ar[i], ar[i + 1]);
swaps = 1;
// keep our original 2 param bubble sort, but let it call the one above
template <typename T>
void bubblesort(T ar[], int n)
// call general version using <
bubblesort(ar, n, std::less<T>());
We basically have two functions, where the two parameter bubblesort function calls the general 3 parameter bubblesort version that takes a third parameter, which describes the comparison.
The two parameter version of bubblesort is used when you want to call bubblesort for the "simple" cases, where your items are
In an array and
You can compare T using < and
You want to sort in ascending order (which is why we used < and not > for the general case).
For example, an array of int needs to be sorted, and you simply want to sort it in ascending order:
int someArray[10];
bubblesort<int>(someArray, 10); // sort ascending
However, we don't want to do a "simple" sort on int, or even std::string. We want to sort on election, and not only that, on election.pop.
If you look at the first bubblesort function above, note that we replaced the comparison using > with a call to a function compare_fn. Note that the parameter is defaulted to the std::less function object. This is why the second bubblesort function works for simple types, since std::less uses < to compare.
However, if you tried to call the bubblesort using only two parameters using election, you come across another compiler error, basically stating that election has no operator < to compare with. The solution to that is either
1) to provide such an operator < (similar to the other answer given) to the election struct or
2) Write a custom comparison function.
So let's go over each of these solutions.
Solution 1:
If we use 1), the election struct will look like this:
struct election
std::string party;
std::string state;
std::string pop;
std::string reps;
int ratio;
bool operator <(const election& e) const { return pop < e.pop; }
int main()
bubblesort<election>(results, n);
This will now sort on results using pop as the item to sort on due to the operator < defined in election being used by std::less<>.
Here is an example using overloaded < in election
However, this solution has the same issues as the other answer, in that you can only define one operator < that takes a const election& as a parameter. If you wanted to sort on ratio, for example, you're out of luck, or if you want to sort pop in descending order, you're out of luck. This is where option 2) above will be used.
Solution 2:
We can define what we want to sort on, the sort order, etc. by providing a custom comparison function, function object, or lambda function that returns true if the first T should come before the second T that's passed into the comparison function, false otherwise.
Let's try a function:
bool compare_pop(const election& e1, const election& e2)
return e1.pop < e2.pop; // if e1.pop comes before e2.pop, return true, else false
int main()
bubblesort<election>(results, n, compare_pop);
What will happen now is that this will call the first version of bubblesort that takes a comparison function as a parameter. The bubblesort template function will now call compare_pop to determine if the items are out of order. If compare_pop returns false the bubblesort function will swap the items, otherwise it will leave them alone.
Here is a live example with an array of 3 elections, sorted on pop
If you wanted to use a lambda function instead of writing another compare function, that will work too:
int main()
bubblesort<election>(results, n, [&](const element& e1, const element& e2) { return e1.pop < e2.pop; });
The above will do the same thing as the function example, except that you no longer need to write a separate function as the lambda syntax is used as the function.
Example using lambda syntax
So now, what if we want to sort on pop, but descending and not ascending? Simple -- call bubblesort with a different function or lambda:
bool compare_pop_up(const election& e1, const election& e2)
return e1.pop > e2.pop; // if e1.pop comes after e2.pop, return true, else false
int main()
bubblesort<election>(results, n, compare_pop_up);
or using lambda:
int main()
bubblesort<election>(results, n,
[&](const element&e1, const element& e2)
{ return e1.pop > e2.pop;});
and magically, the bubblesort does the job, sorting on pop in descending order.
Here is a live example with an array of 3 elections, sorted on pop, descending
What if you want to sort on ratio? Same thing -- provide a different function or lambda:
bool compare_ratio(const election& e1, const election& e2)
return e1.ratio < e2.ratio;
int main()
bubblesort<election>(results, n, compare_ratio);
or using lambda:
int main()
bubblesort<election>(results, n,
[&](const element&e1, const element& e2)
{ return e1.ratio < e2.ratio;});
This will sort on ratio in ascending order of the ratio.
The other issue with your code is that you are using non-standard C++ syntax in defining your arrays. You're doing this:
election results[n];
This is not standard C++ syntax, as C++ only allows arrays to be created using a compile-time expression to denote the number of items. You're using something called Variable Length Arrays, which is not standard.
Instead, you can use std::vector, which is standard C++.
#include <vector>
std::vector<election> results(n);
bubblesort<election>(results.data(), results.size(), compare_pop)

Class accept and return array

I try to create a class that accept and return an array but I got some problem. I'm not sure if it is legal to return an array from a class. Or it could be done by returning an pointer to the array. Thank for any solution to the problem.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class myclass {
int Array[10];
myclass (int temp[10]) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Array [i] = temp [i];
int returnArray () {
return Array; // error here, I'm not sure if it is legal to return an array.
int* returnArray2 () {
return this->Array; // hope it will return a pointer to the array
int main () {
int Array[10] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
myclass A(Array);
cout << A.returnArray() << endl; // try to return an array and print it.
myclass* ptr = &A;
cout << *ptr->returnArray2 << endl; // error here
return 0;
First of all it is better to write the constructor either like
myclass ( const int ( &temp )[10] ) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
Array [i] = temp [i];
or like
myclass ( int temp[], size_t n ) : Array {} {
if ( n > 10 ) n = 10;
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Array [i] = temp [i];
Or even you may define the both constructors.
As for the returning value then you may not return an array. You may return either a reference to an array or a pointer to the entire array or a pointer to its first element
For example
int ( &returnArray () )[10] {
return Array;
In this case you can write in main
for ( int x : A.returnArray() ) std::cout << x << ' ';
std::cout << std::endl;
As for this statement
cout << *ptr->returnArray2 << endl; // error here
then you forgot to place parentheses after returnArray2. Write
cout << *ptr->returnArray2() << endl;
And the following member function is wrong because the expression in the return statement has type int * while the return type of the function is int
int returnArray () {
return Array; // error here, I'm not sure if it is legal to return an array.
So either the function will coincide with the the second member function if you specify its return type like int *. Or you could change the return expression to *Array
int returnArray () {
return Array; // error here, I'm not sure if it is legal to return an array.
This is illegal because Array is not of int type. Your returnArray2 is valid, however. As for this line:
cout << *ptr->returnArray2 << endl; // error here
This is illegal because returnArray2 is a function; you must call it to return the int*:
cout << *ptr->returnArray2() << endl; // prints the first value in the array
Other notes:
Your capitalization is backwards; you should call your class MyClass and your member array arr or arr_, or you will confuse a lot of people.
return this->Array; this is redundant, you can simply return Array;
If you haven't heard of std::vector and std::array you should research those, as they are generally superior to C-style arrays.
In general, I would suggest to read a c++ book to get your basics correct as there are lot of issues in the code you posted.
Regarding your main question about exposing C style arrays in class public API, this is not a very robust mechanism. Do it if it is absolutely essential because of existing code but if possible prefer to use std::vector. You will mostly always end up with better code.
Other answers have corrected your coding errors, so i won't repeat that.
One other thing, your code suggests that the array size is fixed. You can pass and return the array by reference as well. Refer to: General rules of passing/returning reference of array (not pointer) to/from a function?

c++ odd behaviour of an array of iterators

So searching to see if someone has already asked this I see lots of questions about iterating over arrays. But what I've got is an array of iterators. Essentially here's what I'm up to:
I have a sorted std::list of a custom object. The object just contains an int and a double, and has methods for the sorts of things you would expect (constructors, setters, getters, operator< to make it sortable by the double, a toSting() method). That all works, including sorting.
Now I want a bunch of iterators that point into the list at different points. There will be one to the head of the list, one to the tail and several pointing into various points in the middle. I'm doing this using an old-style array (this may be the problem - I'll try it with a std::array, but I still want to understand why this hasn't worked). So I've got a subroutine that initializes this array. It almost works. I can build the array and output from within the subroutine and everything looks good. Outputting from outside the subroutine the last element of the array has changed and no longer appears to point into the list. Here's the relevant code:
using namespace std;
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include "random.h"
#include "Double_list_struct.h"
/**********************************Subroutine declarations***************************/
template <typename Tplt>
void output_list(list<Tplt> to_out);
template <typename Tplt>
void initialize_list(list<Tplt> &alist, int size);
template <typename Tplt>
void initialize_iter_array(typename list<Tplt>::iterator* itar, int size, list<Tplt> alist);
/***************************************Main routine*******************************/
int main(void)
int list_size = 16;
// Make the list that will be tested.
list<Double_list_struct> list_to_play_with;
initialize_list(list_to_play_with, list_size);
cout << "Sorted list is: " << endl;
// Make an array of list<Double_list_struct>::iterator of size floor(sqrt(N))
int iter_array_size = floor(sqrt(list_size));
list<Double_list_struct>::iterator* iter_array;
iter_array = new list<Double_list_struct>::iterator[iter_array_size];
// Initialize the iterators in iter_array to point to roughly evenly spaced locations in the list
initialize_iter_array(iter_array, iter_array_size, list_to_play_with);
for (int i = 0; i < iter_array_size; i++)
cout << "In main routine, iter_array[" << i << "]:" << (*(iter_array[i])).toString() << endl;
cout << "Reset it, and redo the output loop??" << endl;
iter_array[iter_array_size-1] = list_to_play_with.end();
for (int i = 0; i < iter_array_size; i++)
cout << "In main routine, iter_array[" << i << "]:" << (*(iter_array[i])).toString() << endl;
/************************************************Subroutine code**************************************/
// Output all elements of a list to cout.
template <typename Tplt>
void output_list(list<Tplt> to_out)
...not important here
template <typename Tplt>
void initialize_list(list<Tplt> &alist, int size)
...not important here
template <typename Tplt>
void initialize_iter_array(typename list<Tplt>::iterator* itar, int size, list<Tplt> alist)
itar[0] = alist.begin();
itar[size-1] = alist.end();
itar[size-1]--; // Recall that .end() makes an iterator point *past* the end...
// Find out how big the list is
int listsize = 0;
for (typename list<Tplt>::iterator it = itar[0]; it != itar[size-1]; it++)
listsize = listsize + 1;
int spacing = floor(listsize/(size-1));
cout << "In initialize_iter_array(): created itar[0]: " << (*itar[0]).toString() << endl;
for (int i = 1; i < size-1 ; i++)
itar[i] = itar[i-1];
for (int j = 0; j < spacing; j++)
cout << "In initialize_iter_array(): created itar[" << i << "]: " << (*itar[i]).toString() << endl;
cout << "In initialize_iter_array(): created itar[" << size-1 << "]: " << (*itar[size-1]).toString() << endl;
This generates output
Sorted list is:
struct[15] = 0.135837
struct[1] = 0.200995
struct[12] = 0.217693
struct[8] = 0.863816
struct[14] = 0.887851
struct[2] = 0.893622
struct[10] = 0.925875
In initialize_iter_array(): created itar[0]: struct[15] = 0.135837
In initialize_iter_array(): created itar[1]: struct[5] = 0.314127
In initialize_iter_array(): created itar[2]: struct[11] = 0.704419
In initialize_iter_array(): created itar[3]: struct[10] = 0.925875
In main routine, iter_array[0]:struct[15] = 0.135837
In main routine, iter_array[1]:struct[5] = 0.314127
In main routine, iter_array[2]:struct[11] = 0.704419
In main routine, iter_array[3]:struct[-1] = 6.21551e-71
Reset it, and redo the output loop??
In main routine, iter_array[0]:struct[15] = 0.135837
In main routine, iter_array[1]:struct[5] = 0.314127
In main routine, iter_array[2]:struct[11] = 0.704419
In main routine, iter_array[3]:struct[10] = 0.925875
So, you see, iter_array[3] is correct inside the initialization subroutine, but has "moved" after the subroutine exits. I then reset it from outside the subroutine, but obviously I'd like to not have to do that...
My best guess is that there is something subtle going on here with how the assignment operator works for iterators. But I'm very puzzled.
initialize_iter_array takes the list by value, which means it's putting iterators that point into the parameter copy of the list, not the original list. You probably meant to pass the list by const& instead.

Two-Dimensional Array using Templates

I am trying to implement a dynamic array:
template <typename Item>
class Array {
Item *_array;
int _size;
Array(int size);
Item& operator[](int index);
template <typename Item>
Array<Item>::Array() {
template <typename Item>
Array<Item>::Array(int size) {
_size = size;
_array = new Item [size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
cout << i << " " << _array[i] << " " << &_array[i] << endl;
template <class Item>
Item& Array<Item>::operator[](int index) {
if (index < 0 || index > _size-1)
cout << "this: " << this << ". Index out of range" << endl;
return _array[index];
When used like this, it works as expected, i.e. prints 5:
Array< int > testArray(5);
testArray[0] = 5;
cout << testArray[0] << endl;
However, I would like to use the class for a two-dimensional dynamic array. I thought that the following would just magically work and print 5...
Array< Array<int> > testArray(5);
testArray[0][0] = 5;
cout << testArray[0][0] << endl;
...but it does not work. It crashes when I try to set the value at [0][0]. The debugger shows me that this has _size set to 0 and _array to NULL. this at that point points to the first element of the _array of the last created Array instance.
One of the things I don't get is when the "inner" array calls its constructor. Stepping through the code, I see that Array(int size) is called once and Array() five times. I would like to create the inner array with a specific size, but using Array< Array<int>(10) > testArray(5) does not compile.
Could you provide me with some insight on this? It seems I could not quite wrap my head around templates yet...
You cannot chain constructor calls in C++. Your first constructor implementation does nothing, so the 5 instances contained in the parent Array end up being uninitialized, resulting in undefined behavior.
To fix, you can either add a default value to the size parameter of the other constructor, or factor out the initialization logic in a separate (private) function, and call it from both constructors.
EDIT: The reason why the first constructor does nothing is that the line
does not call the constructor of the current instance, but instead allocates a new (unnamed) temporary Array instance, which is immediately destructed at the end of the line.
Use default value for constructor to call it without argument i.e. Array(int index = 5);
Please check this:
Can one constructor of a class call another constructor of the same class to initialize the this object?
You cannot call another ctor from your default ctor . If you want to have a default value you can combine the two into one.
template <typename Item>
Array<Item>::Array(int size = 5) {
_size = size;
_array = new Item [size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
cout << i << " " << _array[i] << " " << &_array[i] << endl;
However if you still prefer to have the two ctor then you can move the implementation to a private _setup function that can be used from both like this.
template <typename Item>
Array<Item>::Array() {
template <typename Item>
Array<Item>::Array(int size) {
template <typename Item>
void Array<Item>::_setup(int size) {
_size = size;
_array = new Item [size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
cout << i << " " << _array[i] << " " << &_array[i] << endl;
Edited to remove invalid initializer for newed array.