How to store a very large number in c++ [duplicate] - c++

This question already has answers here:
How to store extremely large numbers?
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Is there any way to store a 1000 digit number in c++? I tried storing it to an unsigned long double but it is still to large for its type.

You may find your answer here How to store extremely large numbers? GMP answer sounds right, ie this is what it does with pi digits

You have to implement it yourself or use a library for it. In particular I love GMP: , which is an C implementation of Big Int/Float and has C++ wrapper

Use a custom class for your number, something like this:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
class large_num {
int digits; // The number of digits in the large number
std::vector<int> num; // The array with digits of the number.
// Implement the constructor, destructor, helper functions etc.
For a very large number just add each digit to the vector. For example if the number if 123456, then you do num.pushback(); In this case push all the digits 1,2, .. 6. You can store a extremely large numbers this way.

You should try this one
great library for things like this.
also you can use boost.
also one of the most commons is

Depends on the usage.If you need to do computation on it, probably go with the Big Int Library. If not and only aim is storing, store it in an array with each digit stored in one array element.


What is a seed in terms of generating a random number? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What does 'seeding' mean?
(4 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
What is a seed in terms of generating a random number?
I need to generate hundreds to thousands of random numbers, I have read a lot about using a "seed". What is a seed? Is a seed where the random numbers start from? For example if I set my seed to be 5 will it generate numbers from 5 to whatever my limit is? So it will never give me 3 for example.
I am using C++, so if you provide any examples it'd be nice if it was in C++.
What is normally called a random number sequence in reality is a "pseudo-random" number sequence because the values are computed using a deterministic algorithm and probability plays no real role.
The "seed" is a starting point for the sequence and the guarantee is that if you start from the same seed you will get the same sequence of numbers. This is very useful for example for debugging (when you are looking for an error in a program you need to be able to reproduce the problem and study it, a non-deterministic program would be much harder to debug because every run would be different).
If you need just a random sequence of numbers and don't need to reproduce it then simply use current time as seed... for example with:
So, let's put it this way:
if you and your friend set the seed equals to the same number, by then you and your friend will get the same random numbers. So, if all of us write this simple program:
using namespace std;
void main () {
for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
int x = rand()%11; //range between 0 and 10
We all will get the same random numbers which are (5, 8, 8).
And if you want to get different number each time, you can use srand(time())

Types in C++ for large numbers

I want to calculate the number of inversions for a very big array, something like 200,000 ints, and the number I get is quite big. So big it can't be stored in an int value.
The answer I get is something like -8,353,514,212, while for simple cases it works, so I think that the problem is the type of the variable I use to store the number of inversions.
I also tried with long int and the output is the same, but if I try with double 4.0755e+009 is the output. I don't know what the problem is.
use an unsigned data type
use unsigned long (usually 2^32-1) or unsigned long long (usually 2^64-1)
For full reference see this article.
If the native types of the compiler aren't fit to hold the result of your computation, you could consider using a bignum library.
A quick search revealed these two:
I've no experience with either, but gmp seems to be the more popular choice around SO, so maybe that's what you should try first

Any better alternatives for getting the digits of a number? (C++)

I know that you can get the digits of a number using modulus and division. The following is how I've done it in the past: (Psuedocode so as to make students reading this do some work for their homework assignment):
int pointer getDigits(int number)
initialize int pointer to array of some size
initialize int i to zero
while number is greater than zero
store result of number mod 10 in array at index i
divide number by 10 and store result in number
increment i
return int pointer
Anyway, I was wondering if there is a better, more efficient way to accomplish this task? If not, is there any alternative methods for this task, avoiding the use of strings? C-style or otherwise?
Thanks. I ask because I'm going to be wanting to do this in a personal project of mine, and I would like to do it as efficiently as possible.
Any help and/or insight is greatly appreciated.
The time it takes to extract the digits will be dwarfed by the time required to dynamically allocate the array. Consider returning the result in a struct:
struct extracted_digits
int number_of_digits;
char digits[12];
You'll want to pick a suitable value for the maximum number of digits (12 here, which is enough for a 32-bit integer). Alternatively, you could return a std::array<char, 12> and encode the terminal by using an invalid value (so, after the last value, store a 10 or something else that isn't a digit).
Depending on whether you want to handle negative values, you'll also have to decide how to report the unary minus (-).
Unless you want the representation of the number in a base that's a power of 2, that's about the only way to do it.
Smacks of premature optimisation. If profiling proves it matters, then be sure to compare your algo to itoa - internally it may use some CPU instructions that you don't have explicit access to from C++, and which your compiler's optimiser may not be clever enough to employ (e.g. AAM, which divs while saving the mod result). Experiment (and benchmark) coding the assembler yourself. You might dig around for assembly implementations of ITOA (which isn't identical to what you're asking for, but might suggest the optimal CPU instructions).
By "avoiding the use of strings", I'm going to assume you're doing this because a string-only representation is pretty inefficient if you want an integer value.
To that end, I'm going to suggest a slightly unorthodox approach which may be suitable. Don't store them in one form, store them in both. The code below is in C - it will work in C++ but you may want to consider using c++ equivalents - the idea behind it doesn't change however.
By "storing both forms", I mean you can have a structure like:
typedef struct {
int ival;
char sval[sizeof("-2147483648")]; // enough for 32-bits
int dirtyS;
} tIntStr;
and pass around this structure (or its address) rather than the integer itself.
By having macros or inline functions like:
inline void intstrSetI (tIntStr *is, int ival) {
is->ival = i;
is->dirtyS = 1;
inline char *intstrGetS (tIntStr *is) {
if (is->dirtyS) {
sprintf (is->sval, "%d", is->ival);
is->dirtyS = 0;
return is->sval;
Then, to set the value, you would use:
tIntStr is;
intstrSetI (&is, 42);
And whenever you wanted the string representation:
printf ("%s\n" intstrGetS(&is));
fprintf (logFile, "%s\n" intstrGetS(&is));
This has the advantage of calculating the string representation only when needed (the fprintf above would not have to recalculate the string representation and the printf only if it was dirty).
This is a similar trick I use in SQL with using precomputed columns and triggers. The idea there is that you only perform calculations when needed. So an extra column to hold the indexed lowercased last name along with an insert/update trigger to calculate it, is usually a lot more efficient than select lower(non_lowercased_last_name). That's because it amortises the cost of the calculation (done at write time) across all reads.
In that sense, there's little advantage if your code profile is set-int/use-string/set-int/use-string.... But, if it's set-int/use-string/use-string/use-string/use-string..., you'll get a performance boost.
Granted this has a cost, at the bare minimum extra storage required, but most performance issues boil down to a space/time trade-off.
And, if you really want to avoid strings, you can still use the same method (calculate only when needed), it's just that the calculation (and structure) will be different.
As an aside: you may well want to use the library functions to do this rather than handcrafting your own code. Library functions will normally be heavily optimised, possibly more so than your compiler can make from your code (although that's not guaranteed of course).
It's also likely that an itoa, if you have one, will probably outperform sprintf("%d") as well, given its limited use case. You should, however, measure, not guess! Not just in terms of the library functions, but also this entire solution (and the others).
It's fairly trivial to see that a base-100 solution could work as well, using the "digits" 00-99. In each iteration, you'd do a %100 to produce such a digit pair, thus halving the number of steps. The tradeoff is that your digit table is now 200 bytes instead of 10. Still, it easily fits in L1 cache (obviously, this only applies if you're converting a lot of numbers, but otherwise efficientcy is moot anyway). Also, you might end up with a leading zero, as in "0128".
Yes, there is a more efficient way, but not portable, though. Intel's FPU has a special BCD format numbers. So, all you have to do is just to call the correspondent assembler instruction that converts ST(0) to BCD format and stores the result in memory. The instruction name is FBSTP.
Mathematically speaking, the number of decimal digits of an integer is 1+int(log10(abs(a)+1))+(a<0);.
You will not use strings but go through floating points and the log functions. If your platform has whatever type of FP accelerator (every PC or similar has) that will not be a big deal ,and will beat whatever "sting based" algorithm (that is noting more than an iterative divide by ten and count)

Calculating large factorials in C++

I understand this is a classic programming problem and therefore I want to be clear I'm not looking for code as a solution, but would appreciate a push in the right direction. I'm learning C++ and as part of the learning process I'm attempting some programming problems. I'm attempting to write a program which deals with numbers up to factorial of 1billion. Obviously these are going to be enormous numbers and way too big to be dealing with using normal arithmetic operations. Any indication as to what direction I should go in trying to solve this type of problem would be appreciated.
I'd rather try to solve this without using additional libraries if possible
PS - the problem is here
Here's the method I used to solve the problem, this was achieved by reading the comments below:
Solution -- The number 5 is a prime factor of any number ending in zero. Therefore, dividing the factorial number by 5, recursively, and adding the quotients, you get the number of trailing zeros in the factorial result
E.G. - Number of trailing zeros in 126! = 31
126/5 = 25 remainder 1
25/5 = 5 remainder 0
5/5 = 1 remainder 0
25 + 5 + 1 = 31
This works for any value, just keep dividing until the quotient is less
than 5
Skimmed this question, not sure if I really got it right but here's a deductive guess:
First question - how do you get a zero on the end of the number? By multiplying by 10.
How do you multiply by 10? either by multiplying by either a 10 or by 2 x 5...
So, for X! how many 10s and 2x5s do you have...?
(luckily 2 & 5 are prime numbers)
edit: Here's another hint - I don't think you need to do any multiplication. Let me know if you need another hint.
Hint: you may not need to calculate N! in order to find the number of zeros at the end of N!
To solve this question, as Chris Johnson said you have to look at number of 0's.
The factors of 10 will be 1,2,5,10 itself. So, you can go through each of the numbers of N! and write them in terms of 2^x * 5^y * 10^z. Discard other factors of the numbers.
Now the answer will be greaterof(x,y)+z.
One interesting thing I learn from this question is, its always better to store factorial of a number in terms of prime factors for easy comparisons.
To actually x^y, there is an easy method used in RSA algorithm, which don't remember. I will try to update the post if I find one.
This isn't a good answer to your question as you've modified it a bit from what I originally read. But I will leave it here anyway to demonstrate the impracticality of actually trying to do the calculations by main brute force.
One billion factorial is going to be out of reach of any bignum library. Such numbers will require more space to represent than almost anybody has in RAM. You are going to have to start paging the numbers in from storage as you work on them. There are ways to do this. The guy who recently calculated π out to 2700 billion places used such a library
Do not use the naive method. If you need to calculate the factorial, use a fast algorithm:
I think that you should come up with a way to solve the problem in pseudo code before you begin to think about C++ or any other language for that matter. The nature of the question as some have pointed out is more of an algorithm problem than a C++ problem. Those who suggest searching for some obscure library are pointing you in the direction of a slippery slope, because learning to program is learning how to think, right? Find a good algorithm analysis text and it will serve you well. In our department we teach from the CLRS text.
You need a "big number" package - either one you use or one you write yourself.
I'd recommend doing some research into "large number algorithms". You'll want to implement the C++ equivalent of Java's BigDecimal.
Another way to look at it is using the gamma function. You don't need to multiply all those values to get the right answer.
To start you off, you should store the number in some sort of array like a std::vector (a digit for each position in the array) and you need to find a certain algorithm that will calculate a factorial (maybe in some sort of specialized class). ;)
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int factorial(int x); //function to compute factorial described below
int main()
int N; //= 150; //you can also get this as user input using cin.
cout<<"Enter intenger\n";
return 0;
}//end of main
int factorial(int x) //function to compute the factorial
int i, n;
long long unsigned results = 1;
for (i = 1; i<=x; i++)
results = results * i;
cout<<"Factorial of "<<x<<" is "<<results<<endl;
return results;

How to handle arbitrarily large integers

I'm working on a programming language, and today I got the point where I could compile the factorial function(recursive), however due to the maximum size of an integer the largest I can get is factorial(12). What are some techniques for handling integers of an arbitrary maximum size. The language currently works by translating code to C++.
If you need larger than 32-bits you could consider using 64-bit integers (long long), or use or write an arbitrary precision math library, e.g. GNU MP.
If you want to roll your own arbitrary precision library, see Knuth's Seminumerical Algorithms, volume 2 of his magnum opus.
If you're building this into a language (for learning purposes I'd guess), I think I would probably write a little BCD library. Just store your BCD numbers inside byte arrays.
In fact, with today's gigantic storage abilities, you might just use a byte array where each byte just holds a digit (0-9). You then write your own routine to add, subtract multiply and divide your byte arrays.
(Divide is the hard one, but I bet you can find some code out there somewhere.)
I can give you some Java-like psuedocode but can't really do C++ from scratch at this point:
class BigAssNumber {
private byte[] value;
// This constructor can handle numbers where overflows have occurred.
public BigAssNumber(byte[] value) {
// Adds two numbers and returns the sum. Originals not changed.
public BigAssNumber add(BigAssNumber other) {
// This needs to be a byte by byte copy in newly allocated space, not pointer copy!
byte[] dest = value.length > other.length ? value : other.value;
// Just add each pair of numbers, like in a pencil and paper addition problem.
for(int i=0; i<min(value.length, other.value.length); i++)
// constructor will fix overflows.
return new BigAssNumber(dest);
// Fix things that might have overflowed 0,17,22 will turn into 1,9,2
private byte[] normalize(byte [] value) {
if (most significant digit of value is not zero)
extend the byte array by a few zero bytes in the front (MSB) position.
// Simple cheap adjust. Could lose inner loop easily if It mattered.
for(int i=0;i<value.length;i++)
while(value[i] > 9) {
value[i] -=10;
value[i+1] +=1;
I use the fact that we have a lot of extra room in a byte to help deal with addition overflows in a generic way. Can work for subtraction too, and help on some multiplies.
There's no easy way to do it in C++. You'll have to use an external library such as GNU Multiprecision, or use a different language which natively supports arbitrarily large integers such as Python.
Other posters have given links to libraries that will do this for you, but it seem like you're trying to build this into your language. My first thought is: are you sure you need to do that? Most languages would use an add-on library as others have suggested.
Assuming you're writing a compiler and you do need this feature, you could implement integer arithmetic functions for arbitrarily large values in assembly.
For example, a simple (but non-optimal) implementation would represent the numbers as Binary Coded Decimal. The arithmetic functions could use the same algorithms as you'd use if you were doing the math with pencil and paper.
Also, consider using a specialized data type for these large integers. That way "normal" integers can use the standard 32 bit arithmetic.
My prefered approach would be to use my current int type for 32-bit ints(or maybe change it to internally to be a long long or some such, so long as it can continue to use the same algorithms), then when it overflows, have it change to storing as a bignum, whether of my own creation, or using an external library. However, I feel like I'd need to be checking for overflow on every single arithmetic operation, roughly 2x overhead on arithmetic ops. How could I solve that?
If I were implement my own language and want to support arbitrary length numbers, I will use a target language with the carry/borrow concept. But since there is no HLL that implements this without severe performance implications (like exceptions), I will certainly go implement it in assembly. It will probably take a single instruction (as in JC in x86) to check for overflow and handle it (as in ADC in x86), which is an acceptable compromise for a language implementing arbitrary precision. Then I will use a few functions written in assembly instead of regular operators, if you can utilize overloading for a more elegant output, even better. But I don't expect generated C++ to be maintainable (or meant to be maintained) as a target language.
Or, just use a library which has more bells and whistles than you need and use it for all your numbers.
As a hybrid approach, detect overflow in assembly and call the library function if overflow instead of rolling your own mini library.