I have a macro inspired by "PROC SQL by Example" that finds duplicate rows based on a single column/field:
data have ;
input name $ term $;
Joe 2000
Joe 2000
Joe 2002
Joe 2008
Sally 2001
Sally 2003
; run;
ORDER BY Duplicate_Rows;
%DUPS(WORK,have,name) ;
proc print data=duprows ; run;
I would like to extend this to look for duplicates based on multiple columns (Rows 1 and 2 in my example), but still be flexible enough to deal with a single column.
In this case it would run the code:
proc sql ;
create table duprows as select name,term,count(*) as Duplicate_Rows
from work.have
group by name,term
To produce:
To include an arbitrary number of fields to group on, you can list them all in the groupby macro parameter, but the list must be comma-delimited and surrounded by %quote(). Otherwise SAS will see the commas and think you're providing more macro parameters.
So in your case, your macro call would be:
%dups(lib = work, table = have, groupby = %quote(name, term));
Since &groupby is included in the select and group by clauses, all fields listed will appear in the output and will be used for grouping. This is because when &groupby resolves, it becomes the text name, term.
How do I avoid spaces/tabs in columns names when I use proc transpose? The best way to illustrate my problem is by giving an example:
Data tst; input ColA $ ColB; datalines;
Cat1 1
Cat2 2
Cat3 3
; run;
proc transpose data = tst out= tst_out (drop = _name_); id ColA;
When running this code my column names look something like this:
Basically I want the column names to be "Cat1", "Cat1", "Cat1" and not " Cat1", " Cat1", " Cat1".
(If that is not possible then I have an alternative question: How do I remove the spaces AFTER proc transpose? In my real data set I have a lot of columns so I prefer a method where I don't have to type for every column)
Just change the setting of VALIDVARNAME option to V7 instead of ANY. It won't remove the leading spaces/tabs but it will change them to underscores so the result are valid names.
data tst;
input ColA $& ColB;
Cat 1 1
Cat 2 2
Cat 3 3
options validvarname=v7;
proc transpose data=tst out=tst2; id cola ; var colb; run;
proc print;
Obs _NAME_ Cat_1 Cat_2 Cat_3
1 ColB 1 2 3
PS When using in-line data in your SAS program make sure to start the lines of data in the first column. That will prevent the accidental inclusion of spaces (or tabs when using SAS/Studio interface) in the lines of data. Placing the DATALINES (also known as CARDS) statement starting in the first column will also prevent the editor from automatically indenting when you start adding lines of data.
I have monthly datasets in SAS Library for customers from Jan 2013 onwards with datasets name as CUST_JAN2013,CUST_FEB2013........CUST_OCT2017. These customers datasets have huge records of 2 million members for each month.This monthly datset has two columns (customer number and customer monthly expenses).
I have one input dataset Cust_Expense with customer number and month as columns. This Cust_Expense table has only 250,000 members and want to pull expense data for each member from SPECIFIC monthly SAS dataset by joining customer number.
Customer_Number Month
111 FEB2014
987 APR2017
784 FEB2014
768 APR2017
145 AUG2017
345 AUG2014
I have tried using call execute, but it tries to loop thru each 250,000 records of input dataset (Cust_Expense) and join with corresponding monthly SAS customer tables which takes too much of time.
Is there a way to read input tables (Cust_Expense) by month so that we read all customers for a specific month and then read the same monthly table ONCE to pull all the records from that month, so that it does not loop 250,000 times.
Depending on what you want the result to be, you can create one output per month by filtering on cust_expenses per month and joining with the corresponding monthly dataset
%macro want;
proc sql noprint;
select distinct month
into :months separated by ' '
from cust_expenses
proc sql;
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&months));
%let month=%scan(&months,&i,%str( ));
create table want_&month. as
select *
from cust_expense(where=(month="&month.")) t1
inner join cust_&month. t2
on t1.customer_number=t2.customer_number
Or you could have one output using one join by 'unioning' all those monthly datasets into one and dynamically adding a month column.
%macro want;
proc sql noprint;
select distinct month
into :months separated by ' '
from cust_expenses
proc sql;
create table want as
select *
from cust_expense t1
inner join (
%do i=1 %to %sysfunc(countw(&months));
%let month=%scan(&months,&i,%str( ));
%if &i>1 %then union;
select *, "&month." as month
from cust_&month
) t2
on t1.customer_number=t2.customer_number
and t1.month=t2.month
In either case, I don't really see the point in joining those monthly datasets with the cust_expense dataset. The latter does not seem to hold any information that isn't already present in the monthly datasets.
Your first, best answer is to get rid of these monthly separate tables and make them into one large table with ID and month as key. Then you can simply join on this and go on your way. Having many separate tables like this where a data element determines what table they're in is never a good idea. Then index on month to make it faster.
If you can't do that, then try creating a view that is all of those tables unioned. It may be faster to do that; SAS might decide to materialize the view but maybe not (but if it's extremely slow, then look in your temp table space to see if that's what's happening).
Third option then is probably to make use of SAS formats. Turn the smaller table into a format, using the CNTLIN option. Then a single large datastep will allow you to perform the join.
data want;
set jan feb mar apr ... ;
where put(id,CUSTEXPF1.) = '1';
That only makes one pass through the 250k table and one pass through the monthly tables, plus the very very fast format lookup which is undoubtedly zero cost in this data step (as the disk i/o will be slower).
I guess you could output your data in specific dataset like this example :
data test;
infile datalines dsd;
input ID : $2. MONTH $3. ;
set test;
if MONTH = "JAN" then output JAN;
if MONTH = "FEB" then output FEB;
if MONTH = "MAR" then output MAR;
You will avoid to loop through all your ID (250000)
and you will use dataset statement from SAS
At the end you will get 12 DATASET containing the ID related.
If you case, FEB2014 , for example, you will use a substring fonction and the condition in your dataset will become :
set test;
if SUBSTR(MONTH,1,3)="FEB" then output FEB;
I want to count the number of unique items in a variable (call it "categories") then use that count to set the number of iterations in a SAS macro (i.e., I'd rather not hard code the number of iterations).
I can get a count like this:
proc sql;
select count(*)
from (select DISTINCT categories from myData);
I can run a macro like this:
%macro superFreq;
%do i=1 %to &iterationVariable;
Proc freq data=myData;
table var&i / out=var&i||freq;
%mend superFreq;
I want to know how to get the count into the iteration variable so that the macro iterates as many times as there are unique values in the variable "categories".
Sorry if this is confusing. Happy to clarify if need be. Thanks in advance.
You can achieve this by using the into clause in proc sql:
proc sql noprint;
select max(age),
into :max_age,
from sashelp.class;
%put &=max_age &=max_height &=max_weight;
You can also select a list of results into a macro variable by combining the into clause with the separated by clause:
proc sql noprint;
select name into :list_of_names separated by ' ' from sashelp.class;
%put &=list_of_names;
LIST_OF_NAMES=Alfred Alice Barbara Carol Henry James Jane Janet Jeffrey John Joyce Judy Louise Mary Philip Robert Ronald Thomas
I have a dataset with many columns like this:
ID Indicator Name C1 C2 C3....C90
A 0001 Black 0 1 1.....0
B 0001 Blue 1 0 0.....1
B 0002 Blue 1 0 0.....1
Some of the IDs are duplicates because the indicator is different, but they're essentially the same record. To find duplicates, I want to select distinct ID, Name and then C1 through C90 to check because some claims who have the same Id and indicator have different C1...C90 values.
Is there a way to select c1...c90 either through proc sql or a sas data step? It seems the only way I can think of is to set the dataset and then drop the non essential columns, but in the actual dataset, it's not only Indicator but at least 15 other columns.
It would be nice if PROC SQL used the : variable name wildcard like other Procs do. When no other alternative is reasonable, I usually use a macro to select bulk columns. This might work for you:
%macro sel_C(n);
%do i=1 %to %eval(&n.-1);
%mend sel_C;
proc sql;
select ID,
from have_data;
If I understand the question properly, the easiest way would be to concatenate the columns to one. RETAIN that value from row to row, and you can compare it across rows to see if it's the same or not.
data want;
set have;
by id indicator;
retain last_cols;
length last_cols $500;
cols = catx('|',of c1-c90);
if first.id then call missing(last_cols);
else do;
identical = (cols = last_cols); *or whatever check you need to perform;
last_cols = cols;
There are a few different ways you can do this and it will be much easier if the actual column names are C1 - C90. If you're just looking to remove anything that you know is a duplicate you can use proc sort.
proc sort data=dups out=nodups nodupkey;
by ID Name C1-C90;
The nodupkey option will automatically remove any duplicates in the by statement.
Alternatively, if you want to know which records contain duplicates, you could use proc summary.
proc summary data=dups nway missing;
class ID Name C1-C90;
output out=onlydups(where=(_freq_ > 1));
proc summary creates two new variables, _type_ and _freq_. If you specify _freq_ > 1 you will only output the duplicate records. Also, note that this will remove the Indicator variable.
Suppose i have a table:
Name Age
Bob 4
Pop 5
Yoy 6
Bob 5
I want to delete all names, which are not unique in the table:
Name Age
Pop 5
Yoy 6
ATM, my solution is to make a new table with counts of unique names:
Name Count
Bob 2
Pop 1
Yoy 1
And then, leave all, which's Count > 1
I believe there are much more beautiful solutions.
If I understand you correctly there are two ways to do it:
The SQL Procedure
In SAS you may not need to use a summarisation function such as MIN() as I have here, but when there is only one of name then min(age) = age anyway, and when migrating this to another RDBMS (e.g. Oracle, SQL Server) it may be required:
proc sql;
create table want as
select name, min(age) as age
from have
group by name
having count(*) = 1;
Data Step
Requires the data to be pre-sorted:
proc sort data=have out=have_stg;
by name;
When doing SAS data-step by group processing, the first. (first-dot) and last. (last-dot) variables are generated which denote whether the current observation is the first and/or last in the by-group. Using SAS conditional logic one can simply test if first.name = 1 and last.name = 1. Reducing this using logical shorthand becomes:
data want;
set have_stg;
by name;
if first.name and last.name;
/* Equivalent to:*/
*if first.name = 1 and last.name = 1;
I left both versions in the code above, use whichever version you find more readable.
You can use proc sort with the nouniquekey option. Then use uniqueout= to output the unique values and out= to output the duplicates (the out= statement is necessary if you don't wan't to overwrite your original dataset).
proc sort data = have nouniquekey uniqueout = unique out = dups;
by name;