Why does my logging library cause performance tests to run faster? - c++

I have spent the past year developing a logging library in C++ with performance in mind. To evaluate performance I developed a set of benchmarks to compare my code with other libraries, including a base case that performs no logging at all.
In my last benchmark I measure the total running time of a CPU-intensive task while logging is active and when it is not. I can then compare the time to determine how much overhead my library has. This bar chart shows the difference compared to my non-logging base case.
As you can see, my library ("reckless") adds negative overhead (unless all 4 CPU cores are busy). The program runs about half a second faster when logging is enabled than when it is disabled.
I know I should try to isolate this down to a simpler case rather than asking about a 4000-line program. But there are so many venues for what to remove, and without a hypothesis I will just make the problem go away when I try to isolate it. I could probably spend another year just doing this. I'm hoping that the collective expertise of Stack Overflow will make this a much more shallow problem or that the cause will be obvious to someone who has more experience than me.
Some facts about my library and the benchmarks:
The library consists of a front-end API that pushes the log arguments onto a lockless queue (Boost.Lockless) and a back-end thread that performs string formatting and writes the log entries to disk.
The timing is based on simply calling std::chrono::steady_clock::now() at the beginning and end of the program, and printing the difference.
The benchmark is run on a 4-core Intel CPU (i7-3770K).
The benchmark program computes a 1024x1024 Mandelbrot fractal and logs statistics about each pixel, i.e. it writes about one million log entries.
The total running time is about 35 seconds for the single worker-thread case. So the speed increase is about 1.5%.
The benchmark produces an output file (this is not part of the timed code) that contains the generated Mandelbrot fractal. I have verified that the same output is produced when logging is on and off.
The benchmark is run 100 times (with all the benchmarked libraries, this takes about 10 hours). The bar chart shows the average time and the error bars show the interquartile range.
Source code for the Mandelbrot computation
Source code for the benchmark.
Root of the code repository and documentation.
My question is, how can I explain the apparent speed increase when my logging library is enabled?
Edit: This was solved after trying the suggestions given in comments. My log object is created on line 24 of the benchmark test. Apparently when LOG_INIT() touches the log object it triggers a page fault that causes some or all pages of the image buffer to be mapped to physical memory. I'm still not sure why this improves the performance by almost half a second; even without the log object, the first thing that happens in the mandelbrot_thread() function is a write to the bottom of the image buffer, which should have a similar effect. But, in any case, clearing the buffer with a memset() before starting the benchmark makes everything more sane. Current benchmarks are here
Other things that I tried are:
Run it with the oprofile profiler. I was never able to get it to register any time in the locks, even after enlarging the job to make it run for about 10 minutes. Almost all the time was in the inner loop of the Mandelbrot computation. But maybe I would be able to interpret them differently now that I know about the page faults. I didn't think to check whether the image write was taking a disproportionate amount of time.
Removing the locks. This did have a significant effect on performance, but results were still weird and anyway I couldn't do the change in any of the multithreaded variants.
Compare the generated assembly code. There were differences but the logging build was clearly doing more things. Nothing stood out as being an obvious performance killer.

When uninitialised memory is first accessed, page faults will affect timing.
So, before your first call to, std::chrono::steady_clock::now(), initialise the memory by running memset() on your sample_buffer.


Are there tools/ methods to objectively measure performance?

I'm writing a high performance application (a raytracer) in C++ using Visual Studio, and I just spent two days trying to root out a performance drop I witnessed after refactoring the code. The reason it took so long was because the performance drop was smaller than the normal variation in execution time I witnessed from run to run.
Not sure if this is normal, but sometimes the program may run at around 33fps pretty consistently, then if you close and rerun, it may run at 37fps. This means that in order to test any new change, I had to manually run and rerun until I witnessed peak performance (And this could require up to like 10 runs). Simply running it for some large number of frames, and measuring the time doesn't fix this variability. For example, if the program runs for 40 seconds on average, it will nevertheless vary by over 1-2 seconds, which makes this test nearly useless for detecting the 1 millisecond per frame performance loss I was dealing with.
Visual Studio's profiling tools also didn't help find this small of an issue, because they also were subject to variation, and in any case, its not necessarily going to tell me the exact offending line, so I have to test solutions, and the profiler is not very effective at confirming a proposed solution's efficacy.
I realize this all may sound like premature optimization, but I don't think it is because I'm optimizing only after finishing complete features; I'm just trying to monitor changes in performance regularly so that issues like the above don't slip in and just get added to the apparent cost of the new feature.
Anyways, my question is simply whether there's a way to objectively determine the "real" speed of an application, discounting the effect of variation. Or, failing that, how do developers deal with such issues? I doubt that my current process is the ideal one.
There are lots of profilers for both c++ and openGL. For those who just need the links, here are they.
OpenGL debugger-profiler
C++ profilers but I recommend Google orbit because it has dark theme.
My eyes stopped at
Objectively measure performance
As you mentioned the speed varies from run to run because it's too complex system. It helps if the scope is small and it only tests some key algorithms. It worth to automatize and collect some reference data. As every scientist say one test is not a test, you should rely on regular tests with controlled environments.
And here comes some tricks that can be used to measure performance.
In the comments others said, an average based on several runs may help you. It softens the noise from the outside.
Process priority or processor affinity could help you control the environment. By giving low priority to other processes your program gains more resource.
Measuring the whole execution of a test and compare it against processor time. As several processes runs at the same time, processor time may differs from execution time.
Update your reference values if you do a software update. Perhaps one update comes with performance boost while other with security patch.
Give a performance range for your program instead of one specific number. Perhaps the temperature messed up your measurement and the clock speed was decreased.
If a test runs too fast to measure, execute the most critical part several times in a test case. Too fast depend on how accurate you can measure. On ms basis it's really hard to decide if a test executed in 2 ms instead of 1 ms is a failure or not. However, if executed 1000 times - 1033 ms compared to 1000 ms gives you better insight.
Only test what is the critical section. Set up the environment and start the stopwatch when everything is ready. The system startup could be another test.

Running a process multiple times at the same time

I have a c++ program with opencv library which takes an image as input and perform pose estimation,color detection,phog. When I run this program from the command line it takes around 4-5sec to complete. It takes around 60%cpu. When I try to run the same program from two different command line windows at the same time the process takes around 10-15 sec to finish and both the process finish in almost the same time. The CPU Usage reaches upto 100%.
I have a website which calls this c++ exe using exec() command. So when two users try to upload an image and run it takes more time as I explained above in the command line. Is this because the c++ program involves high computation and the CPU reaches 100% it slows down? But I read that the CPU reaching 100% is not a bad thing as the computer is using its full capacity to run the program. So is this because of my c++ program or is it something to do with my server(computer) settings? This is probably not the apache server problem because when I try to run it from the command line also it slows down. I am using a quad core processor and all the 4 CPU reaches 100% when I try to run the same process at the same time so I think that its distributed among all the processor. So I have few more questions:
1) Can this be solved by using multithreading in my c++ code?As for now I am not using it but will multithreading make the c++ code more computationally expensive and increase the CPU usage(if this is the problem).
2) What can be the reason of it slowing down? Is the process in a queue and each process is ran only a certain amount of time and it switches between the two process?
3) If this is because it involves high computation will it help if I change some functions to opencv gpu functions?
4) Is there a way I can solve this problems any ideas or tips?
I have inserted the result of top when running one process and running the same process twice at the same time:
Version5 is the process,running it once
Two Version5 running at the same time
The CPU info:
Thanks in advance.
After zooming so that your picture fills almost my entire 22" screen, I can make out that the CPU flags show "ht", which means "hyperthreading", so you actually only have two genuine cores, that are shared between two hyperthreads. So running on all four CPU cores at once will not give the same performance as running on two genuine cores.
In other words, the "loss of performance" is entirely as you'd expect, because you have four threads fighting for the actual computational resources of two CPU cores. Hyperthreading helps if the code has a lot of memory interaction that can be "hidden" by running a second thread. But if you have a CPU intensive code, that isn't "missing in the cache" much, then the gain is much less, and in extreme cases, hyperthreading will actually cause slow-downs (because the code in one thread disrupts the caches and otherwise "gets in the way" of the first thread). You may want to experiment by going into the BIOS settings and turn off the hyperthreading, and compare the results. Sure, running two instances of the code will clearly still take longer, but the question is "is it longer than running with hyperthreading" - unfortunately, it's impossible to say for sure which is better from a theoretical standpoint (even if I could see the assembly code and understood the memory access patterns - without that level of detail, it's completely impossible to judge).
When running only one process reaches 60% of CPU usage it would be possible that using multithreading speeds up the execution. However, the CPU usage is likely to be higher
That's true. There might be an additional overhead for context switching (multitasking)
Changing functions can bring some improvements, but without having your code it is hard say.
Since the computational effort is that high, I think you have to decide whether you accept a high CPU usage or a longer execution time (of course after optimizing the code itself)

profiler for c++ code, very sleepy

I'm a newbie with profiling. I'd like to optimize my code to satisfy timing constraints. I use Visual C++ 08 Express and thus had to download a profiler, for me it's Very Sleepy. I did some search but found no decent tutorial on Sleepy, and here my question:
How to use it properly? I grasped the general idea of profiling, so I sorted according to %exclusive to find my bottlenecks. Firstly, on the top of this list I have ZwWaitForSingleObject, RtlEnterCriticalSection, operator new, RtlLeaveCriticalSection, printf, some iterators ... and after they take some like 60% there comes my first function, first position with Child Calls. Can someone explain me why above mentioned come out, what do they mean and how can I optimize my code if I have no access to this critical 60%? (for "source file": unknown...).
Also, for my function I'd think I get time for each line, but it's not the case, e.g. arithmetics or some functions have no timing (not nested in unused "if" clauses).
AND last thing: how to find out that some line can execute superfast, but is called thousands times, being the actual bottleneck?
Finally, is Sleepy good? Or some free alternative for my platform?
Help very appreciated!
UPDATE - - - - -
I have found another version of profiler, called plain Sleepy. It shows how many times some snippet was called plus the number of line (I guess it points to the critical one). So in my case.. KiFastSystemCallRet takes 50%! It means that it waits for some data right? How to improve that matter, is there maybe a decent approach to trace what causes these multiple calls and eventually remove/change it?
I'd like to optimize my code to satisfy timing constraints
You're running smack into a persistent issue in this business.
You want to find ways to make your code take less time, and you (and many people) assume (and have been taught) the only way to do that is by taking various sorts of measurements.
There's a minority view, and the only thing it has to recommend it is actual significant results (plus an ironclad theory behind it).
If you've got a "bottleneck" (and you do, probably several), it's taking some fraction of time, like 30%.
Just treat it as a bug to be found.
Randomly halt the program with the pause button, and look carefully to see what the program is doing and why it's doing it.
Ask if it's something that could be gotten rid of.
Do this 10 times. On average you will see the problem on 3 of the pauses.
Any activity you see more than once, if it's not truly necessary, is a speed bug.
This does not tell you precisely how much the problem costs, but it does tell you precisely what the problem is, and that it's worth fixing.
You'll see things this way that no profiler can find, because profilers
are only programs, and cannot be broad-minded about what constitutes an opportunity.
Some folks are risk-averse, thinking it might not give enough speedup to be worth it.
Granted, there is a small chance of a low payoff, but it's like investing.
The theory says on average it will be worthwhile, and there's also a small chance of a high payoff.
In any case, if you're worried about the risks, a few more samples will settle your fears.
After you fix the problem, the remaining bottlenecks each take a larger percent, because they didn't get smaller but the overall program did.
So they will be easier to find when you repeat the whole process.
There's lots of literature about profiling, but very little that actually says how much speedup it achieves in practice.
Here's a concrete example with almost 3 orders of magnitude speedup.
I've used GlowCode (commercial product, similar to Sleepy) for profiling native C++ code. You run the instrumenting process, then execute your program, then look at the data produced by the tool. The instrumenting step injects a little trace function at every methods' entrypoints and exitpoints, and simply measures how much time it takes for each function to run through to completion.
Using the call graph profiling tool, I listed the methods sorted from "most time used" to "least time used", and the tool also displays a call count. Simply drilling into the highest percentage routine showed me which methods were using the most time. I could see that some methods were very slow, but drilling into them I discovered they were waiting for user input, or for a service to respond. And some took a long time because they were calling some internal routines thousands of times each invocation. We found someone made a coding error and was walking a large linked list repeatedly for each item in the list, when they really only needed to walk it once.
If you sort by "most frequently called" to "least called", you can see some of the tiny functions that get called from everywhere (iterator methods like next(), etc.) Something to check for is to make sure the functions that are called the most often are really clean. Saving a millisecond in a routine called 500 times to paint a screen will speed that screen up by half a second. This helps you decide which are the most important places to spend your efforts.
I've seen two common approaches to using profiling. One is to do some "general" profiling, running through a suite of "normal" operations, and discovering which methods are slowing the app down the most. The other is to do specific profiling, focusing on specific user complaints about performance, and running through those functions to reveal their issues.
One thing I would caution you about is to limit your changes to those that will measurably impact the users' experience or system throughput. Shaving one millisecond off a mouse click won't make a difference to the average user, because human reaction time simply isn't that fast. Race car drivers have reaction times in the 8 millisecond range, some elite twitch gamers are even faster, but normal users like bank tellers will have reaction times in the 20-30 millisecond range. The benefits would be negligible.
Making twenty 1-millisecond improvements or one 20-millisecond change will make the system a lot more responsive. It's cheaper and better if you can do the single big improvement over the many small improvements.
Similarly, shaving one millisecond off a service that handles 100 users per second will make a 10% improvement, meaning you could improve the service to handle 110 users per second.
The reason for concern is that coding changes strictly to improve performance often negatively impact your code's structure by adding complexity. Let's say you decided to improve a call to a database by caching results. How do you know when the cache goes invalid? Do you add a cache cleaning mechanism? Consider a financial transaction where looping through all the line items to produce a running total is slow, so you decide to keep a runningTotal accumulator to answer faster. You now have to modify the runningTotal for all kinds of situations like line voids, reversals, deletions, modifications, quantity changes, etc. It makes the code more complex and more error-prone.

Why this C++ code don't reach 100% usage of one core?

I just made some benchmarks for this super question/answer Why is my program slow when looping over exactly 8192 elements?
I want to do benchmark on one core so the program is single threaded. But it doesn't reach 100% usage of one core, it uses 60% at most. So my tests are not acurate.
I'm using Qt Creator, compiling using MinGW release mode.
Are there any parameters to setup for better performance ? Is it normal that I can't leverage CPU power ? Is it Qt related ? Is there some interruptions or something preventing code to run at 100%...
Here is the main loop
// horizontal sums for first two lines
// rest of the computation
// compute horizontal sum for next line
// final result
This is run 10 times on an array of SIZE*SIZE float with SIZE=8193, the array is on the heap.
There could be several reasons why Task Manager isn't showing 100% CPU usage on 1 core:
You have a multiprocessor system and the load is getting spread across multiple CPUs (most OSes will do this unless you specify a more restrictive CPU affinity);
The run isn't long enough to span a complete Task Manager sampling period;
You have run out of RAM and are swapping heavily, meaning lots of time is spent waiting for disk I/O when reading/writing memory.
Or it could be a combination of all three.
Also Let_Me_Be's comment on your question is right -- nothing here is QT's fault, since no QT functions are being called (assuming that the objects being read and written to are just simple numeric data types, not fancy C++ objects with overloaded operator=() or something). The only activities taking place in this region of the code are purely CPU-based (well, the CPU will spend some time waiting for data to be sent to/from RAM, but that is counted as CPU-in-use time), so you would expect to see 100% CPU utilisation except under the conditions given above.

Tools to evaluate callgrind's call profiles?

Somehow related to this question, which tool would you recommend to evaluate the profiling data created with callgrind?
It does not have to have a graphical interface, but it should prepare the results in a concise, clear and easy-to-interpret way. I know about e.g. kcachegrind, but this program is missing some features such as data export of the tables shown or simply copying lines from the display.
Years ago I wrote a profiler to run under DOS.
If you are using KCacheGrind here's what I would have it do. It might not be too difficult to write it, or you can just do it by hand.
KCacheGrind has a toolbar button "Force Dump", with which you can trigger a dump manually at a random time. The capture of stack traces at random or pseudo-random times, in the interval when you are waiting for the program, is the heart of the technique.
Not many samples are needed - 20 is usually more than enough. If a bottleneck costs a large amount, like more than 50%, 5 samples may be quite enough.
The processing of the samples is very simple. Each stack trace consists of a series of lines of code (actually addresses), where all but the last are function/method calls.
Collect a list of all the lines of code that appear on the samples, and eliminate duplicates.
For each line of code, count what fraction of samples it appears on. For example, if you take 20 samples, and the line of code appears on 3 of them, even if it appears more than once in some sample (due to recursion) the count is 3/20 or 15%. That is a direct measure of the cost of each statement.
Display the most costly 100 or so lines of code. Your bottlenecks are in that list.
What I typically do with this information is choose a line with high cost, and then manually take stack samples until it appears (or look at the ones I've already got), and ask myself "Why is it doing that line of code, not just in a local sense, but in a global sense." Another way to put it is "What in a global sense was the program trying to accomplish at the time slice when that sample was taken". The reason I ask this is because that tells me if it was really necessary to be spending what that line is costing.
I don't want to be critical of all the great work people do developing profilers, but sadly there is a lot of firmly entrenched myth on the subject, including:
that precise measuring, with lots of samples, is important. Rather the emphasis should be on finding the bottlenecks. Precise measurement is not a prerequisite for that. For typical bottlenecks, costing between 10% and 90%, the measurement can be quite coarse.
that functions matter more than lines of code. If you find a costly function, you still have to search within it for the lines that are the bottleneck. That information is right there, in the stack traces - no need to hunt for it.
that you need to distinguish CPU from wall-clock time. If you're waiting for it, it's wall clock time (wrist-watch time?). If you have a bottleneck consisting of extraneous I/O, for example, do you want to ignore that because it's not CPU time?
that the distinction between exclusive time and inclusive time is useful. That only makes sense if you're timing functions and you want some clue whether the time is spent not in callees. If you look at lines of code, the only thing that matters is inclusive time. Another way to put it is, every instruction is a call instruction, even if it only calls microcode.
that recursion matters. It is irrelevant, because it doesn't affect the fraction of samples a line is on and is therefore responsible for.
that the invocation count of a line or function matters. Whether it's fast and is called too many times, or slow and called once, the cost is the percent of time it uses, and that's what the stack samples estimate.
that performance of sampling matters. I don't mind taking a stack sample and looking at it for several minutes before continuing, assuming that doesn't make the bottlenecks move.
Here's a more complete explanation.
There are some CLI tools for working with callgrind data:
and cachegrind tool which can show some information from callgrind.out