How to validate SAML response and assertion signature using SimpleSAMLphp - wso2

I'm trying out the SimpleSAMLphp sample app with WSO2 Identity Server as the Identity Provider. I can successfully login and logout. The SAML assertion and the response is signed.
I want to know how to validate the (response and assertion) signature in the client application using SimpleSAMLphp.

When acting as Service Provider (SP), SimpleSAMLphp will always validate response signature by default, so you don't have to do it yourself. This is mandated by 'saml2int', so I guess it conforms to that (in SAML2Core it is only recommended).
You can check relevant SSP code which initiates the check and the
signature check itself.


How do I create a Custom Client Authenticator in WSO2 Identity Server

I am trying to set up a custom client authenticator in WSO2 Identity Server, I would like to retrieve an access token with client_credentials specifying a specific scope and have a jwt token returned with custom claims inserted. I've tried writing my own Client Authenticator but I'm having some trouble getting the OSGi bundle to pick up correctly during WSO2 startup and all other attempts at customizing the auth flow have failed.
Is there anyone who would be able to point me in the right direction as to where I might find useful information on how to achieve what I'm trying to achieve? TIA.
Using WSO2 Identity Server, you are able to extend the client authentication implementation. You can write your own client authentication mechanism following a specification or any other standard.
Please follow the below doc link to create the custom client Authenticator:

SSOAgentException: Signature validation failed for SAML Response

while using wso2is-5.6.0
"" application is configure with wso2 identity server to authentication from Facebook am getting this error
org.wso2.carbon.identity.sso.agent.exception.SSOAgentException: Signature validation failed for SAML Response
after google search there some mention that upload certificate file but am not getting this point which certificate file and from where i will get certificate file to upload in identity provider in wso2 identity server
This happens because, your travelocity sample doesn't have the certificate which is corresponding to the key used by Identity server to sign the SAML response. One of the easiest options is to replace the key stores of your travelocity sample with the ones inside WSO2 identity server (Assuming you are using out of the box setup). You can find the key stores in your identity server distribution /repository/resources/security directory. Copy two key stores (wso2carbon.jks and client truststore.jks) to your /WEB-INF/classes. (yes you need to replace existing ones).
Or else if you have changed keys in your wso2 IS, the proper way to do fix this is, export the public key from Identity Server (from wso2carbon.jks) and import it to both (wso2carbon.jks and clinttrustore.jks) in travelocity sample. You can use keytool commands to achieve this.

How to authenthicate from my application to a SSO of my client

I am developing a web application using EC2 on AWS.
In this application my client is requesting to use his SSO (Single Sign On) so I can verify the user against his Active Directory. My problem is that I can't get to know where to begin with, these are some of my questions:
1) Is this SSO takes place on my code or on my server?
2) Do I have to make different configuration for differents deployment environments (for example aws, azure, digitalocean, etc)?
3) Where do I define, send and parse SAML 2.0 format?
4) Do I have the send a POST request to the server where the SSO is installed? Or how is it managed?
So far I have found this tutorial, but I am still do not know what to do first, so any step by step information will help a lot.
First you need the client (Identity Provider IdP) SAML2 metadata. This will have their SSO endpoint URL and their X509 signing certificate.
Then you send them your SAML2 metadata with your Attribute Consumer Service (ACS) URL and X509 signing certificate.
Sample metadata here. Or you can build it here.
The certificates are normally long lived self signed certificates. They can be self signed as each side has a copy of the other's certificate which they will use to verify the signed request and response.
You construct a SAMLRequest and POST it to their SSO URL. There's an example request here.
They display their login page to the user and the user authenticates at their end.
They gather attributes for the user from their Active Directory and turn them into SAML attributes and put them in a SAMLResponse.
They POST the SAMLResponse to your ACS URL. There's an example response here.
You verify the signature on their SAMLResponse using their X509 certificate from their SAML2 metadata.
You extract the SAML Attributes from their verified SAMLResponse and take appropriate action in your application, e.g. create the user an account, perhaps their email address is one of their attributes.
The above is called the SAML2 Web Browser SSO Profile, explained here.
Depending on your stack, you can use something like:
Shibboleth (middleware, install on your server, it interrupts requests to specific paths requiring Authn against the Identity Provider [ADFS], and returns the user after successful auth setting some attributes telling you info about the user such as username, etc.). Works best if you can compartmentalize secured content into a particular path on the site like /secure.
SimpleSAMLphp (protect PHP resources directly)
Commercial SAML (ComponentSpace, etc. - works well if .Net app)
Basically, find something for your stack. DO NOT TRY TO ROLL YOUR OWN SAML IMPLEMENTATION!

Authenticate against WSO2 Identity Server with no browser and get SAML2 assertion message

I am trying to setup a service provider that uses WSO2 IS for authentication via SAML2. Now, wehave a use-case in which the user is a machine (i.e. an external program) that needs to access the service provider. Since the user is a machine, there is no browser and cannot use the WSO2 login form to complete the authentication steps, though it has been given a username and password since it is still a user.
My question is how can this non-GUI user participate in the SAML2 workflow (specifically pass credentials to WSO2 to obtain a SAMLV2 Assertion message) and access the service provider?
I tried to do the following as a simulation but I failed
1) curl -v -k http://localhost:8000/service_provider/login
2) Extracting the SAML message from the response:
curl --user username:password -v -k https://localhost:9443/samlsso?SAMLRequest=<ENCODED_REQUEST>
Basically, I was expecting to get a redirect response from WSO2 back to the service provider with SAML assertion message, but instead I got the following:
https://localhost:9443/authenticationendpoint/;jsessionid=7QON18982323HWIH?commonAuthCallerPath=%2Fsamlsso&forceAuth=false&passiveAuth=false&tenantDomain=carbon.super&sessionDataKey=122JhQ-JQOJ-H8123&relyingParty=test-saml2&type=samlsso&sp=test&isSaaSApp=false&authenticators=BasicAuthenticator:LOCAL, which is the same url that is used when a human user authenticates using a browser.
I also tried using HTTP-POST Binding with "sectoken" form param as suggested in this article: . But it didn't work either.
I also tried making SOAP requests to WSO2's AuthenticationAdminHttpsSoap12Endpoint service, specifically the "login" method. I used the JSESSIONID I got from the SOAP response to the above steps but the effect was the same. This is not a surprise to me since WSO2 does not use JSESSIONID to check if you are authenticated already (at least not for trying to grab SAML responses).
1.Get login form
curl -v http://localhost:8000/service_provider/login
Extract SAMLRequest and SSOAuthSessionID (if RelayState presents extract it too)
2.Send saml request to IDP using extracted valuses in step1(In browser this will happen through redirection)
Endpoint : https://<is_host>:9443/samlsso
Verb :post
SAMLRequest:<value from previous step>,
SSOAuthSessionID:<value from previous step>,
RelayState :<value from previous step>]
This will give IS login page.Extract sessionDataKey from that.
3. Login by providing user name password
Verb :post
Parameters: [tocommonauth:true,username:xxxx,password:xxx,sessionDataKey:<extracted from previous step>]
Extract SAML response
5.Post the saml resposne to ACS url of service provider

Send SAML assertion from IDP as acookie

I want to use WSO2 Identity Server as an IDP but partner would like the assertion to be returned as a cookie. Is this possible with WSO2 ID Server?
According to the SAML2 SSO web browser specification, IDP (WSO2IS) return SAML response as HTTP POST (body). if you want to return it as a cookie from WSOIS (It means assertion in the HTTP Header), it is not possible with default behavior. IMO, there may be work around that can be done... One is that, we can register a new servlet with WSO2IS (custom servlet). Then WSO2IS do post the SAML response to that custom servlet. Inside custom servlet, we can extract the SAML response from post request. And then SAML assertion can be extracted from response and we can add this assertion in to HTTP header using the custom servlet. Finally, WSO2IS would return a SAML assertion in HTTP header... likewise we can customize the default behavior easily. However, could you, please elaborate what is the actual use case?