Cloudfront supports signed cookies for serving up private content but I cant find any examples on how to do this.
I have found examples on how to sign URLs with the Java AWS API but not Cookies, can someone please share their experiences with doing this and is this the best way to secure multiple forms of media being served from CloudFront.
Our site has images and video that are uploaded by the user, which can then be viewed by searches on our site, I want to make sure that these images can only be served by our site and not copied for later use.
We were able to introduce signed cookies with custom policies using
this library
You need three cookies created by your app as described here
Please read that carefully. Especially the part on how to create a policy.
The three cookies are:
First create a policy
Date expirationTime = (new LocalDate()).plusYears(1).toDate();
String customPolicy = CloudFrontService.buildPolicyForSignedUrl(basePath, expirationTime, null, null);
//and assign it to a cookie
Cookie signedCookiePolicy = new Cookie("CloudFront-Policy", ServiceUtils.toBase64(customPolicy.getBytes()));
signedCookiePolicy.setMaxAge(365 * 24 * 60 * 60);
The signature is the tricky part but all tools are available once you use this jets3t thing
byte[] signatureBytes = EncryptionUtil.signWithRsaSha1(getDerPrivateKey(), customPolicy.getBytes("UTF-8"));
String signature = ServiceUtils.toBase64(signatureBytes).replace('+', '-').replace('=', '_').replace('/', '~');
Cookie signedCookieSignagture = new Cookie("CloudFront-Signature",cdnSignService.signBaseUrl(basePath, expirationTime));
signedCookieSignagture.setMaxAge(365 * 24 * 60 * 60);
The third cookie only holds the key-id of your AWS account.
Cookie signedCookieKeyPairId = new Cookie("CloudFront-Key-Pair-Id","YOUR_AWS_CF_KEY_ID");
signedCookieKeyPairId.setMaxAge(365 * 24 * 60 * 60);
The above only introduces you to concepts of using the correct libs to create the signed cookies. Its not executable or runnable on its own.
Be nice, its my first overflow contribution..
In AWS JAVA SDK version 1.10.73 introduced class CloudFrontCookieSigner for Signed Cookies with custom policies. Using this class and methods we can generate cookies.
Note that Java only supports SSL certificates in DER format,so you will need to convert your PEM-formatted file to DER format.
To do this, you can use openssl:
Command to Generate .der File from .pem
openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -in origin.pem -inform PEM -out new.der -outform DER
String privateKeyFilecdr = "/home/ec2-user/cookie.der";
String distributionDomain = "";
String s3ObjectKey = "signed-cookie.png";
String distributionid = "X4X4X4Y5Y5"; //Cloud Front Distribution id
Date expiresOn = DateUtils.parseISO8601Date("2012-11-14T22:20:00.000Z");
String policyResourcePath = "https://" + distributionDomain + "/" + s3ObjectKey;
File privateKeyFile = new File(privateKeyFilecdr);
CookiesForCannedPolicy cookies = null;
try {
cookies = CloudFrontCookieSigner.getCookiesForCannedPolicy(policyResourcePath, KeyFileId, privateKeyFile, expiresOn);
// #SuppressWarnings({ "resource", "deprecation" })
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(SignerUtils.generateResourcePath(Protocol.https, distributionDomain,
httpGet.addHeader("Cookie", cookies.getExpires().getKey() + "=" +
httpGet.addHeader("Cookie", cookies.getSignature().getKey() + "=" +
httpGet.addHeader("Cookie", cookies.getKeyPairId().getKey() + "=" +
HttpResponse responsevalues = client.execute(httpGet);
// System.out.println(responsevalues);
} catch (InvalidKeySpecException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
I am developing an application with JWT authentication on the google cloud platform. Server side I added authentication via Cloud API Gateway to a cloud run backend. Now I am making a client to generate the JWT token and pass it in the call. To do this I am creating an application that must be deployed on CloudRun and I am following this documentation: My problem is that I don't know how to indicate what it requires as saKeyfile. I tried to put only the name of the file that under src / main / resources / filetest.json but once I try to call the method it tells me file not found. I tried to indicate also the full path. Can anyone help me?
PS I'm using Java
here is my code which is the same of documentation
public void makeCall() {
String fullPath="src/main/resources/TEST1-id.json";
String saEmail="";
String audience="auth";
int expiryLenght=600;
String token;
try {
System.out.println("Token generated: "+token);
URL url = new URL("apigatewayurl");
makeJwtRequest(token, url);
System.out.println("Call performed");
} catch (IOException e) {
private static String generateJwt(final String saKeyfile, final String saEmail,
final String audience, final int expiryLength)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
Date now = new Date();
Date expTime = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(expiryLength));
// Build the JWT payload
JWTCreator.Builder token = JWT.create()
// Expires after 'expiraryLength' seconds
// Must match 'issuer' in the security configuration in your
// swagger spec (e.g. service account email)
// Must be either your Endpoints service name, or match the value
// specified as the 'x-google-audience' in the OpenAPI document
// Subject and email should match the service account's email
.withClaim("email", saEmail);
// Sign the JWT with a service account
FileInputStream stream = new FileInputStream(saKeyfile);
ServiceAccountCredentials cred = ServiceAccountCredentials.fromStream(stream);
RSAPrivateKey key = (RSAPrivateKey) cred.getPrivateKey();
Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.RSA256(null, key);
return token.sign(algorithm);
i've tried to use full path like in example and using only /TEST1-id.json
and here there is project structure. Is a springboot application which i will deploy in cloud run
The OP fixed the issue on this way
In the end I put the file in the root and copied it in the docker image and recover it as an environment variable in cloud run
I'm trying to write a Java app that behaves as a Thing, publishing data in AWS. The Documentation has this code sample:
String clientEndpoint = "<prefix>.iot.<region>"; // replace <prefix> and <region> with your own
String clientId = "<unique client id>"; // replace with your own client ID. Use unique client IDs for concurrent connections.
String certificateFile = "<certificate file>"; // X.509 based certificate file
String privateKeyFile = "<private key file>"; // PKCS#1 or PKCS#8 PEM encoded private key file
// and its dependency can be copied from the sample source code.
// Alternatively, you could load key store directly from a file - see the example included in this README.
KeyStorePasswordPair pair = SampleUtil.getKeyStorePasswordPair(certificateFile, privateKeyFile);
AWSIotMqttClient client = new AWSIotMqttClient(clientEndpoint, clientId, pair.keyStore, pair.keyPassword);
// optional parameters can be set before connect()
I know what clientId is and how to find my ID, but I cannot understand the in clientEndpoint.
It's not the account's personal endpoint, but the Thing's endpoint.
Go to IoT Core -> Manage -> Things, select your thing -> Interact.
Its the URL under the HTTPS part. It should be in the form, where the x's should contain mainly lowercase letters, and maybe some numbers.
Call the DescribeEndpoint API.
In Java, this would be:
AWSIot awsIotClient = AWSIotClientBuilder.defaultClient();
DescribeEndpointRequest request = new DescribeEndpointRequest().withEndpointType("iot:Data");
DescribeEndpointResult result = awsIotClient.describeEndpoint(request);
String endpoint = result.getEndpointAddress();
I have seen pre-signed URL for S3 object. Is it possible to create pre-signed URL for API gateway. I have gone through documentation. I am using .NET. I would like to know if there is .NET library available to create pre-signed request for gateway API.
I have GET API something like this and our client is going to invoke that API once in a while. The legacy tool that they are using only supports GET. So i wanted to create a pre-signed URL (with short expiry time) and give them when they ask for it. For each client i already have IAM user with their respective accesskey and secretkey
PreSigned URLs are typically signed with AWS SigV4 signing process.
You can generate SigV4 signed Urls for your API Gateway Hosted Endpoints. Typically, you will need to send SigV4 signature in Authorization Request Header. If you are clients are willing to send header, here is one sample Library you can try for .NET which creates a HTTP Request with signed header.
If your clients cannot send Authorization Header or cannot use above library then you can convert the signature to be a Query String Format and provide the pre-signed Urls to them.
This AWS Documentation has example in Python on how to generate Query String URL. Now, you can take python example and convert into .NET based code with following sample.
public string GetSig4QueryString(string host, string service, string region)
var t = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
var amzdate = t.ToString("yyyyMMddTHHmmssZ");
var datestamp = t.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
var canonical_uri = "/dev/myApigNodeJS";
var canonical_headers = "host:" + host+"\n";
var signed_headers = "host";
var credential_scope = $"{datestamp}/{region}/{service}/aws4_request";
var canonical_querystring = "X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(_access_key + "/" + credential_scope)
+ "&X-Amz-Date=" + amzdate + "&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=" + signed_headers;
var payload_hash = Hash(new byte[0]);//No Payload for GET
var canonical_request = new StringBuilder();
canonical_request.Append(canonical_uri + "\n");
canonical_request.Append(canonical_querystring + "\n");
canonical_request.Append(canonical_headers + "\n");
canonical_request.Append(signed_headers + "\n");
var string_to_sign = $"{algorithm}\n{amzdate}\n{credential_scope}\n" + Hash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(canonical_request.ToString()));
var signing_key = GetSignatureKey(_secret_key, datestamp, region, service);
var signature = ToHexString(HmacSHA256(signing_key, string_to_sign));
var signed_querystring = canonical_querystring+"&X-Amz-Signature=" + signature;
return signed_querystring;
//Returned String --> X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential= AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE%2F20190104%2Fus-east-1%2Fexecute-api%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20190104T190309Z&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&X-Amz-Signature=7b830fce28f7800b3879a25850950f6c4247dfdc07775b6952295fa2fff03f7f
Full Endpoint Becomes -
Note -
This example code refers methods & variables from Github project I gave above.
Also, this example hard coded API Path /dev/myApigNodeJS and signs it and it will be different for you with full absolute path.
AWS recommends to sign all queryStrings, headers which you are planning to send in request. Go through .NET code of library I referred and understand how its doing that.
Let me know if you have questions.
When generating the presigned url a websocket service within the AWS API Gateway, I used the solution by Imran and added the "X-Amz-Security-Token" which is required.
Excepted: I want to get signed urls with my AWS CloudFront url.
What I have done: I have created a AWS CloudFront instence and enabled Restrict Viewer Access function, Trusted Signers is Self.
Below is the php code I want to sign the url
function getSignedURL()
$resource = '';
$timeout = 300;
//This comes from key pair you generated for cloudfront
$expires = time() + $timeout; //Time out in seconds
$json = '{"Statement":[{"Resource":"'.$resource.'","Condition":{"DateLessThan":{"AWS:EpochTime":'.$expires.'}}}]}';
//Read Cloudfront Private Key Pair
//Create the private key
$key = openssl_get_privatekey($priv_key);
echo "<p>Failed to load private key!</p>";
//Sign the policy with the private key
if(!openssl_sign($json, $signed_policy, $key, OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1))
echo '<p>Failed to sign policy: '.openssl_error_string().'</p>';
//Create url safe signed policy
$base64_signed_policy = base64_encode($signed_policy);
$signature = str_replace(array('+','=','/'), array('-','_','~'), $base64_signed_policy);
//Construct the URL
$url = $resource.'?Expires='.$expires.'&Signature='.$signature.'&Key-Pair-Id='.$keyPairId;
return $url;
For $keyPairId and private_key.pem, I logged in my root account and generated this two variables in Security Credentials->CloudFront Key Pairs section.
If I access on browser directly. It will response like
Missing Key-Pair-Id query parameter or cookie value
After I run the function, I got a long signed url, parse the url on chrome browser, it will response like
<Message>Unknown Key</Message>
Question: I have search AWS document and google much time about this, Could anyone tell me why this happened or if I miss something? Thanks in advance!
If I understand, you generated the key. If so, it looks like you are setting a key size that is not supported.
The key pair must be an SSH-2 RSA key pair.
The key pair must be in base64 encoded PEM format.
The supported key lengths are 1024, 2048, and 4096 bit
I opted for Trusted Key Groups and i got that invalidkey/unknownkey error when i initially thought that the keypair id is the same as the access key id under "My Security Credentials". The correct one to use is that ID from your public keys (CloudFront > Key Management > Public Keys).
Thanks #imperalix for answering this question.
I have solved this issue,
Inspired by this site, I found I used the wrong CloudFront url to be signed.
Because I create the CloudFront distribution for the richardcuicks3sample bucket, so don't need include this bucket name in the url. After I changed the url, the signed url works well.
I'm using an Windows Azure Cloud Service and when I access to it using my domain name instead of [CLOUDSERVICENAME] I have problems with authentication cookies.
I'm creating the cookies
FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(
string encTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(authTicket);
System.Web.HttpCookie faCookie = new System.Web.HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encTicket);
But when I try to decrypt it I get a null value.
HttpCookie authCookie = Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];
if (authCookie != null)
FormsAuthenticationTicket authTicket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(authCookie.Value);
JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authTicket.UserData))
This is strange since this only happens using my domain name to access it.
I've found that when I use my custom domain (running under a SSL Certificate) the cookie size increase. I believe that this is related with certificate encryption.
To solve this I have to remove some parameters from cookie userdata to guarantee that it doesn't grow to more than 4096 bytes (Browser Cookie Limits: