ReadFile works fine inside VS C++ IDE but fails stand-alone - c++

Currently I have two apps, one with a GUI (written using MFC) and the other as a standard executable. The GUI app (parent) triggers the standard app (child) using CreateProcessW call and parent receives messages from its child via an anonymous pipe. The message receiving process works fine when I run the parent inside the VS IDE. However, if I run the parent standalone, parent does not receive any messages from its child (i.e. parent get hang in ReadFile call, waiting for messages).
Any thoughts on this?
Note: After creation of anonymous pipe, all read operations happens inside a separate thread and it does not block either UI or main thread. Some code related to child process creation and used parameters are given below.
// pipe creation code
// Set the bInheritHandle flag so pipe handles are inherited.
saAttr.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
saAttr.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
saAttr.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
// Create a pipe for the child process's STDOUT.
if ( ! CreatePipe(&m_hChildStd_OUT_Rd, &m_hChildStd_OUT_Wr, &saAttr, 0) )
m_logger->log( __FILE__, __LINE__, EventSeverity::WARNING, "Pipe cannot be created, will not receive meassages from child processes" );
// Ensure the read handle to the pipe for STDOUT is not inherited.
if ( ! SetHandleInformation(m_hChildStd_OUT_Rd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0) )
m_logger->log( __FILE__, __LINE__, EventSeverity::WARNING, "Could not make the read handler of the anonymous pipe not-inheritable" );
SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, m_hChildStd_OUT_Wr);
SetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE, m_hChildStd_OUT_Wr);
//Child process creation code
m_startupInfo.lpDesktop = NULL;
m_startupInfo.lpReserved = NULL;
m_startupInfo.lpReserved2 = NULL;
m_startupInfo.lpTitle = NULL;
m_startupInfo.hStdError = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
m_startupInfo.hStdOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
m_startupInfo.cb = sizeof( m_startupInfo );
// launch the executable
m_isExecuting = CreateProcessW( app.exe, // lpApplicationName
m_pwszParam, // lpCommandLine
0, // lpProcessAttributes
0, // lpThreadAttributes
TRUE, // bInheritHandles
NULL, // lpEnvironment
curent working directory // lpCurrentDirectory
&m_startupInfo, // lpStartupInfo
&m_processInfo // lpProcessInformation

managed to solve this issue. Previously I was updating parent's output and error handlers to newly created handlers in order to retrieve them when creating a child process. However, this doesn't seem to be working. When I modify the code to pass the pipe handlers via a pointer or a reference then things started to work fine.
However this does not explain the reason for running inside IDE and failing it in stand-alone mode.
//set the handler
SetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE, m_hChildStd_OUT_Wr);
SetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE, m_hChildStd_OUT_Wr);
//get the handler
m_startupInfo.hStdError = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
m_startupInfo.hStdOutput = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);


RegisterWaitForSingleObject crash sometime if handle is closed immediately

I'm getting a crash sometimes in RegisterWaitForSingleObject (1 out of 10). It seems that although RegisterWaitForSingleObject returns, the internal thread pool is not yet ready.
HANDLE processHandle = OpenProcess (PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, processID);
RegisterWaitForSingleObject (&hWaitForChild_,processHandle,OnChildProcessExit, 0,INFINITE,WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE);
// If I sleep here, then it seems ok.
//std::this_thread::sleep_for (std::chrono::milliseconds (10));
CloseHandle (processHandle);
I can replicate this with a simple sample here. 1 in 10 times, it will crash. How should I be synchronizing it properly without resorting to sleep hack.
based on your code spinet:
if (! RegisterWaitForSingleObject (
, OnChildProcessExit
, 0 //this
LogDebug ("RegisterWaitForSingleObject failed");
// If this is enabled, then it won't crash
//std::this_thread::sleep_for (std::chrono::milliseconds (10));
if (! CloseHandle (processHandle)) // !!!
LogDebug ("RegisterWaitForSingleObject Closehandle failed");
so you close processHandle just after you call RegisterWaitForSingleObject for this handle. however if read about RegisterWaitForSingleObject:
If this handle is closed while the wait is still pending, the
function's behavior is undefined.
if look more deep - try understand - how is RegisterWaitForSingleObject worked internally ? it pass processHandle to some worker thread. and this thread begin wait for this handle. but this is (pass handle to another thread) is asynchronous operation - say for example internally can be started new thread with this handle as argument, or it can be passed to already existing working thread via some signal. but anyway - worked thread got this handle and begin wait some later. from another side - you just close processHandle after RegisterWaitForSingleObject return control. so here race - what will be first - or worked thread begin wait on handle (in this case all will be work) or you close this handle. in case you close this handle first - worked thread will be try wait on already invalid handle and raise exception - STATUS_THREADPOOL_HANDLE_EXCEPTION.
// If this is enabled, then it won't crash
//std::this_thread::sleep_for (std::chrono::milliseconds (10));
of course - by sleep you give time for worked thread to begin wait on handle. in this case he begin wait before you close handle.
solution - you must not close handle, until WAITORTIMERCALLBACK Callback will be not called. you need allocate some context, where place processHandle and pass this context to RegisterWaitForSingleObject. and when you callback will be called - you got pointer to your context back and here and close handle.
also note, that you not need open separate, second, handle for child process, but can use process handle returned by CreateProcess
Ok, I managed to solve it by keeping the handle around until I call Unregisterwait. It seems to be stable. Thanks to the answers.
I met the same problem like you that an exception occurred while debugging in Visual Studio. I tried many time and finally found the reason. If you close the handle of the process newly created, the program would crash. I tried to close the handles in the callback function, it works perfectly, like this:
typedef struct {
LPTSTR pszCmdLine;
HANDLE hEvent;
typedef struct {
TCHAR szCmdLine[1024];
HANDLE hWaitObject;
DWORD dwProcessId;
HANDLE hProcess;
DWORD dwThreadId;
HANDLE hThread;
static void CALLBACK WaitObjectCallback(LPVOID lpParam, BOOLEAN TimerOrWaitFired)
OBJECT_PARAM *pobp = static_cast<OBJECT_PARAM *>(lpParam);
TCHAR szInfo[1024] = { 0 };
DWORD dwExitCode = 0;
GetExitCodeProcess(pobp->hProcess, &dwExitCode);
wnsprintf(szInfo, ARRAYSIZE(szInfo), _T("process %u [%s] exit: %u\n"), pobp->dwProcessId, pobp->szCmdLine, dwExitCode);
// unregister the wait object handle and close the process handle finally
static DWORD CALLBACK ThreadFunction(LPVOID lpParam)
THREAD_PARAM *pthp = static_cast<THREAD_PARAM *>(lpParam);
STARTUPINFO si = { sizeof(si) };
BOOL bResult;
bResult = CreateProcess(nullptr, pthp->pszCmdLine, nullptr, nullptr, FALSE, 0, nullptr, nullptr, &si, &pi);
if (bResult)
OBJECT_PARAM *pobp = static_cast<OBJECT_PARAM *>(GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(OBJECT_PARAM)));
// make copy of the command line and other informations of the newly created process
lstrcpyn(pobp->szCmdLine, pthp->pszCmdLine, ARRAYSIZE(pobp->szCmdLine));
pobp->dwProcessId = pi.dwProcessId;
pobp->hProcess = pi.hProcess;
pobp->dwThreadId = pi.dwThreadId;
pobp->hThread = pi.hThread;
bResult = RegisterWaitForSingleObject(&pobp->hWaitObject, pi.hProcess, WaitObjectCallback, pobp, INFINITE, WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE);
// once it failed...
if (!bResult)
// Notify the thread creator that the process is created successfully
return 0;

Redirected stdin pipe being ignored by created child process

EDIT: The fix, as suggested by Harry Johnston, was to close the Child_In_Write handle.
Somewhat ironically, I had earlier tried closing the Child_In_Read handle. This does NOT work, the write handle is the only one that should be closed.
For the tool I'm trying to make, I need to be able to launch a process and give it data through stdin - as if I was calling it via command line with piping
Simple enough idea.
I've primarily I've followed this guide from Microsoft and got things "working".
In my own test program I can read from stdin just fine. But when I try to use other programs, like cat for instance, they do nothing but hang - as if they are still waiting for input.
The full repo is here.
Here are the relevant code bits:
Initialize the pipes.
// From Cao/Main.cpp
static HANDLE Child_In_Read = NULL;
static HANDLE Child_In_Write = NULL;
static HANDLE Child_Out_Read = NULL;
static HANDLE Child_Out_Write = NULL;
// Create and initialize standard in pipe.
bool createPipeSuccess =
if (!createPipeSuccess)
// #logging log error.
printf("Could not create standard in pipe!\n");
goto textData_cleanup;
bool setPipeFlagSuccess = SetHandleInformation(Child_In_Write, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
if (!setPipeFlagSuccess)
// #logging log error.
printf("Could not set standard in pipe information!\n");
goto textData_cleanup;
Write to the pipe that was just initialized then start the process.
// From Cao/Main.cpp
// Write to the processes' standard in.
DWORD inBytesWritten = 0;
bool writeSuccess =
text, // Simple char array.
if (!writeSuccess)
// #logging log error.
printf("Could not write to child's standard in!\n");
goto textData_cleanup;
// Create the child process.
STARTUPINFO startupInfo = { 0 };
startupInfo.cb = sizeof(startupInfo);
startupInfo.hStdInput = Child_In_Read;
startupInfo.hStdError = Child_Out_Write;
startupInfo.hStdOutput = Child_Out_Write;
startupInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES;
bool createProcessSuccess = CreateProcessW(
if (!createProcessSuccess)
printf("Could not start child process with command line: %ls", commandLine);
goto textData_cleanup;
isChildRunning = true;
ModifyMenu(IconMenu, IconMenu_RunCancel, MF_BYCOMMAND, IconMenu_RunCancel, L"Cancel");
// newHandle is always 0x00000000 so I'm assuming I don't need to clean it up.
HANDLE newHandle;
RegisterWaitForSingleObject(&newHandle, ChildProcInfo.hProcess, LaunchedProcessExitedOrCancelled, NULL, INFINITE, WT_EXECUTEONLYONCE);
My reading code that appears to work fine:
// From Echoer/Main.cpp
printf("via stdin:\n");
const int readBuffer_size = 5000;
char *readBuffer[readBuffer_size];
HANDLE standardIn = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
DWORD bytesRead = 0;
bool readSuccess =
if (!readSuccess)
printf("Could not read from standard in!\n");
printf("%s", readBuffer);
Am I missing something that needs to be sent to "get the ball rolling"? Do I need to append "\r\n" or something like that? How do shells manage this?
Some applications, including cat, will wait for end-of-file on standard input before exiting. You can make this happen by closing your end of the pipe.
(You must also make certain that the handle to your end of the pipe has not been inherited by the child or by any other process, but your code already handles this correctly.)

TerminateProcess not suceeding on Windows 10

Our C++ app launches a separate .exe ( which may start its own sub-processes) using CreateProcess as below.
BOOL started = ::CreateProcess(NULL, // application
p, // parameters
NULL, // process security
NULL, // thread security
TRUE, // inherit handles flag
0, // flags
NULL, // inherit environment
dirLP, // inherit directory
&startup, // STARTUPINFO
In case we need cancel the "job" we use CreateToolhelp32Snapshot to iterate through the process list to find any child processes of the one we launched.
static BOOL TerminateProcessTree (HANDLE parentProcess,UINT exitCode)
BOOL result=TRUE;
HANDLE hProcessSnap = NULL;
PROCESSENTRY32 pe32 = {0};
// Take a snapshot of all processes in the system.
hProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
if (hProcessSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
return (FALSE);
pe32.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
// Walk the snapshot of the processes
DWORD parentID=GetProcessId(parentProcess);
return FALSE;
if (Process32First(hProcessSnap, &pe32)) {
BOOL terminateChildren=TerminateProcessTree(hProcess,exitCode);
BOOL terminatedChild = TerminateProcess(hProcess, exitCode);
if (!terminatedChild){
if(!terminatedChild || !terminateChildren){
} else{
}while (Process32Next(hProcessSnap, &pe32));
CloseHandle (hProcessSnap);
DWORD checkCode=0;
BOOL terminated;
if(GetExitCodeProcess(parentProcess,&checkCode) && checkCode==STILL_ACTIVE){
if (!terminated){
result= FALSE;
return result;
As noted, this works fine on Windows 7. Windows 10 fails with "Access Denied" on the first call "TerminateProcess". Clearly something has changed in the Windows security model when it comes to processes.
The robust way to deal with controlling a process tree of objects is to use Job objects as noted in the comment threads.
The one thing to keep in mind is that a process can only belong to a single job, and by default any EXE that the OS determines needs appcompat help is put into a job object automatically managed by the "Program Compatibility Assistant". This makes using a Job object to manage arbitrary 3rd party EXEs a little bit more complicated (i.e. AssignProcessToJobObject fails for these processes).
If you are using CreateProcess you can make use of the flag CREATE_BREAKAWAY_FROM_JOB. See this blog post. This works fine as long as the target EXE has the same rights as the calling object.
For a Standard User EXE to run an EXE that might need Administrator rights (i.e. they contain a manifest which marks it as requireAdministrator), you have to use ShellExecute or ShellExecuteEx as calling CreateProcess in this case will fail. If your target EXEs are all using the proper manifest elements then it won't be put into a PCA Job object.. You can use the trick of passing SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI which will have the side-effect of avoiding the PCA job behavior. If you are launching arbitrary 3rd party EXEs, you should use ShellExecuteEx and not CreateProcess.
bool SpawnProcess( const WCHAR* szExePath, const WCHAR* szExeArgs )
if( !szExePath )
return false;
// NOTE: szExeArgs can be nullptr.
// Get working directory from executable path.
WCHAR szDirectory[MAX_PATH] = {0};
wcscpy_s( szDirectory, szExePath );
PathRemoveFileSpec( szDirectory );
// ShellExecute or ShellExecuteEx must be used instead of CreateProcess
// to permit the shell to display a UAC prompt asking for consent to
// elevate when the target executable's manifest specifies a run level
// of "requireAdministrator".
// You can only use CreateProcess if you know that the application you
// are spawning will be at the same run level as the current process.
// Otherwise, you will receive ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED if the elevation
// consent could not be obtained.
info.cbSize = sizeof( info );
info.lpVerb = L"open";
info.fMask = SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI;
info.lpFile = szExePath;
info.lpParameters = szExeArgs;
info.lpDirectory = szDirectory;
info.nShow = SW_SHOW;
if( !ShellExecuteEx( &info ) )
return false;
return true;
Note that if you want to wait until this process exits, you can use:
bool SpawnProcessAndWait( const WCHAR *szExePath, const WCHAR *szExeArgs, DWORD *pdwExitCode )
if( !szExePath )
return false;
// NOTE: szExeArgs and pExitCode can be nullptr.
// Get working directory from executable path.
WCHAR szDirectory[MAX_PATH] = {0};
wcscpy_s( szDirectory, szExePath );
PathRemoveFileSpec( szDirectory );
// See SpawnProcess for information why ShellExecute or ShellExecuteEx
// must be used instead of CreateProcess.
info.cbSize = sizeof( info );
info.lpVerb = L"open";
info.lpFile = szExePath;
info.lpParameters = szExeArgs;
info.lpDirectory = szDirectory;
info.nShow = SW_SHOW;
if( !ShellExecuteEx( &info ) )
return false;
// Wait for process to finish.
WaitForSingleObject( info.hProcess, INFINITE );
// Return exit code from process, if requested by caller.
if( pdwExitCode )
GetExitCodeProcess( info.hProcess, pdwExitCode );
CloseHandle( info.hProcess );
return true;
You haven't noted if your "master" application here is using administrator or Standard User rights. Ideally it is using Standard User rights per the User Account Control guidelines dating back to Windows Vista. If your app is running as Standard User, then it's likely that your code no longer works due to security improvements to keep non-Administrator malware from doing this kind of thing to other processes.
For general appcompat questions about Windows 10, be sure to read the Windows and Windows Server compatibility cookbook and look back at the Windows 8.0 and Windows 8.1 material if you are jumping directly from Windows 7 to Windows 10.

IPC using Pipes on Windows

My program invokes cl.exe and communicates using pipes. When I was trying to understand it, I tried to search about IPC using pipes on windows, but couldn't find much resources. I found below link which is 90% similar to my code, but there is very less description about each steps.
Can somebody explains me how the parent and child relationship works in this program? why duplicate handle is used?
Code snippet:
HANDLE hOutputReadTmp,hOutputRead,hOutputWrite;
HANDLE hInputWriteTmp,hInputRead,hInputWrite;
HANDLE hErrorWrite;
// Set up the security attributes struct.
sa.nLength= sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL;
sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
// Create the child output pipe.
if (!CreatePipe(&hOutputReadTmp,&hOutputWrite,&sa,0))
error("Creation of child process output pipe failed");
return false;
// Create a duplicate of the output write handle for the std error
// write handle. This is necessary in case the child application
// closes one of its std output handles.
if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(),hOutputWrite,
error("Duplication of child process output pipe failed");
return false;
// Create the child input pipe.
if (!CreatePipe(&hInputRead,&hInputWriteTmp,&sa,0))
error("Creation of child process input pipe failed");
return false;
// Create new output read handle and the input write handles. Set
// the Properties to FALSE. Otherwise, the child inherits the
// properties and, as a result, non-closeable handles to the pipes
// are created.
if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(),hOutputReadTmp,
&hOutputRead, // Address of new handle.
0,FALSE, // Make it uninheritable.
error("Creation of child process read handle failed");
return false;
if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(),hInputWriteTmp,
&hInputWrite, // Address of new handle.
0,FALSE, // Make it uninheritable.
error("Creation of child process write handle failed");
return false;
// Close inheritable copies of the handles you do not want to be
// inherited.
// Get std input handle so you can close it and force the ReadFile to
// fail when you want the input thread to exit.
Si.lpDesktop = NULL;
Si.cb = sizeof(Si);
Si.lpReserved = NULL;
Si.lpTitle = NULL;
Si.dwXCountChars = 10;
Si.dwYCountChars = 8;
Si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;
Si.cbReserved2 = 0;
Si.lpReserved2 = NULL;
Si.hStdOutput = hOutputWrite;
Si.hStdInput = hInputRead;
Si.hStdError = hErrorWrite;
// Create and start the child process
BOOL processCreated = CreateProcess( NULL,
if (!processCreated)
error("Creation of child process failed");
return false;
// Close pipe handles (do not continue to modify the parent).
// You need to make sure that no handles to the write end of the
// output pipe are maintained in this process or else the pipe will
// not close when the child process exits and the ReadFile will hang.
// Read the child's output.
if (!ReadAndHandleOutput(hOutputRead))
// Something went wrong so kill and exit
error("Read of compile process result failed");
TerminateProcess(Pi.hProcess, -1);
return false;
// Wait for the child process to die
WaitForSingleObject(Pi.hProcess, INFINITE);
if (!GetExitCodeProcess(Pi.hProcess, &m_exitCode))
error("Read of child process exit code failed");
return false;
CreatePipe - create named pipes pair by using ZwCreateNamedPipe[CreateNamedPipe] and ZwOpenFile [ CreateFile(OPEN_EXISTING)].
one instance of pair will be live in our process(no not have inherit flag) and second will be duplicated to child process (mast have inherit flag). however we have only one common parameter LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES , where we can set inherit flag. as a result if this flag is set - both instances will have the inherited property. here can be several solutions. we can not use CreatePipe, but direct call ZwCreateNamedPipe and ZwOpenFile for just correct inherit settings. or we can change inherit settings by using SetHandleInformation. but author of example select worst (by logic and efficiency) - use DuplicateHandle for create another handle for pipe instance - already without inherit flag. and than close original handle. however can be used DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE flag for avoid next CloseHandle call - stunning ignorance. after call CreateProcess - inherited handles is duplicated to child process, and we can close it in original process. so at this point we have 2 pipe channels and begin read/write..

Overlapped ReadFileEx on Child Process' Redirected STDOUT Never Fires

I have a long-running console-based application Sender that sends simple text to STDOUT using non-buffered output such as cout << "Message" << flush(). I want to create an MFC dialog-based application (named Receiver) that starts Sender and can read it's output. Receiver should also be able to detect when Sender has died, or be able to kill Sender if it wants to. Sender knows nothing of Reciever, and I can't change Sender's code.
I have asked a separate question about the best way to do this. My first attempt was to create pipes with redirected STDIN and STDOUT for the child process and use asynchronous ReadFileEx calls to read in Sender's data. This isn't working correctly, because the ReadFileEx function only fires once, and only with zero bytes transferred even though I know for a fact that Sender is sending data.
I am creating 2 pipes with redirected STDIN and STDOUT, ala this MS example:
// allow the child process to inherit handles
sa.nLength = sizeof(sa);
sa.bInheritHandle = 1;
// create pipes with rerouted stdin & stdout
CreatePipe(&handles[h_Child_StdOut_Read], &handles[h_Child_StdOut_Write], &sa, 0);
SetHandleInformation(handles[h_Child_StdOut_Read], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
CreatePipe(&handles[h_Child_StdIn_Read], &handles[h_Child_StdIn_Write], &sa, 0);
SetHandleInformation(handles[h_Child_StdIn_Read], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
...Receiver then goes on to start Sender via CreateProcess():
// create child process
si.cb = sizeof(si);
si.hStdOutput = handles[h_Child_StdOut_Write];
si.hStdInput = handles[h_Child_StdIn_Read];
CreateProcess( 0, "Sender.EXE", 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, &si, &pi);
handles[h_Child_Process] = pi.hProcess;
handles[h_Child_Thread] = pi.hThread;
My main loop is based on WaitForObjectsEx, placed in to an alertable wait state to support the asynch file read. I am waiting on two handles: one that signals when Sender dies prematurely, and one that signals when Receiver's main thread wants Sender to die. Before starting the loop, I kick off an overlapped (asynchronous) file read operation on Sender's STDOUT. Ignore the obvious memory leaks and other hacks -- this is illustrative:
vector<HANDLE> wait_handles;
for( bool cont = true; cont; )
IO* io = new IO;
memset(io, 0, sizeof(IO));
io->buf_size_ = 16 * 1024;
io->buf_ = new char[io->buf_size_];
memset(io->buf_, 0, io->buf_size_);
io->thread_ = &param;
io->file_ = handles[h_Child_StdOut_Read];
if( !ReadFileEx(io->file_, io->buf_, io->buf_size_, io, OnFileRead) )
DWORD err = GetLastError();
string err_msg = util::strprintwinerr(err);
DWORD rc = WaitForMultipleObjectsEx(wait_handles.size(), &wait_handles[0], FALSE, INFINITE, TRUE);
// ...
The IO object above is derived publicly from OVERLAPPED:
struct IO : public OVERLAPPED
char* buf_;
DWORD buf_size_;
DWORD read_;
ThreadParam* thread_;
HANDLE file_;
When the overlapped Read function completes, I read the incoming data and generate a string:
void CALLBACK OnFileRead(DWORD err, DWORD bytes, OVERLAPPED* ovr)
IO* io = static_cast<IO*>(ovr);
string msg(io->buf_, bytes);
Sender knows nothing of Receiver, and it sends text to the console using very simple, but non-buffered means.
The problem: I know that Sender is sending data to its STDOUT, but my OnFileRead function is called only once, and only with zero bytes transferred.
Why can't I receive Sender's output this way? Do I have a bug, or am I doing something wrong?
Besides the error pointed out by #DyP, you are assuming that CreatePipe opened the handle in overlapped mode. Your assumption is incorrect. Microsoft documents it:
Asynchronous (overlapped) read and write operations are not supported
by anonymous pipes. This means that you cannot use the ReadFileEx and
WriteFileEx functions with anonymous pipes. In addition, the
lpOverlapped parameter of ReadFile and WriteFile is ignored when these
functions are used with anonymous pipes.
(Indeed, if you look inside kernel32.dll, on Windows XP for example, CreatePipe does not set the lower bit on the seventh parameter to NtCreateNamedPipeFile; that bit is set when CreateNamedPipe is called with FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED.)
Look for Dave Hart's MyCreatePipeEx implementation; it can be used as a drop-in replacement for CreatePipe when overlapped I/O is needed. Simply change PipeSerialNumber++ to InterlockedIncrement(&PipeSerialNumber) to avoid race conditions in MT code.
I think you have a typo:
CreatePipe(&handles[h_Child_StdOut_Read], &handles[h_Child_StdOut_Write], &sa, 0);
SetHandleInformation(handles[h_Child_StdOut_Read], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
CreatePipe(&handles[h_Child_StdIn_Read], &handles[h_Child_StdIn_Write], &sa, 0);
SetHandleInformation(handles[h_Child_StdIn_Read], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
change the last one to
SetHandleInformation(handles[h_Child_StdIn_Write], HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
that's also what they do at the MSDN example.