How to decide between using messaging (e.g. RabbitMQ) versus a web service for backend component interactions/communication? - web-services

In developing backend components, I need to decide how these components will interact and communicate with each other. In particular, I need to decide whether it is better to use (RESTful, micro) web services versus a message broker (e.g. RabbitMQ). Are there certain criteria to help decide between using web services for each component versus messaging?

Eranda covered some of this in his answer, but I think three of the key drivers are:
Are you modeling a Request-Response type interaction?
Can your interaction be asynchronous?
How much knowledge does the sender of the information need to have about the recipients?
It is possible to do Request-Response type interactions with an asynchronous messaging infrastructure but it adds significantly to the complexity, so generally Request-Response type interactions (i.e. does the sender need some data returned from the recipient) are more easily modeled as RPC/REST interactions.
If your interaction can be asynchronous then it is possible to implement this using a REST interaction but it may scale better if you use a fire and forget messaging type interaction.
An asynchronous messaging interaction will also be much more appropriate if the provider of the information doesn't care who is consuming the information. An information provider could be publishing information and new consumers of that information could be added to the system later without having to change the provider.

Web server and message broker have their own use cases. Web server used to host web services and the message broker are use to exchange messages between two points. If you need to deploy a web service then you have to use a web server, where you can process that message and send back a response. Now let's think that you need to have publisher/subscriber pattern or/and reliable messaging between any two nodes, between two servers, between client and server, or server and client, that's where the message broker comes into the picture where you can use a message broker in the middle of two nodes to achieve it. Using message broker gives you the reliability but you have to pay it with the performance. So the components you should use depends on your use case though there are multiple options available.


Establish connection form CloudFoundry-Service to CloudFoundry-App

Is there a common way to establish a network connection from a CloudFoundry-Service to a CloudFoundry App which the service is bound to.
In typical fashion apps receive their bind credentials and establish network connections to provisioned service for example databases.
It would be very handy to establish a connection from a service to an app, so the service could scrape endpoints that are provided by the app.
Any thoughts on this, why is it / or isn't it possible, why could it be a bad idea.
Normally, you have your service and the application receives credentials from the service through the service binding (i.e. VCAP_SERVICES).
You want to reverse this arrangement, which is fine, but the service will need to have some way to know how to reach the applications. The way to do this would be through routes bound to your application.
I have seen something like this done before, this is roughly the process. I'm sure you can adapt it to your requirements.
Create a service broker. The broker is responsible for managing service instances and service credentials. The broker is notified when an instance is created and when a binding occurs. Your broker will need to handle these requests.
The broker, in addition to its normal responsibilities, is going to need to maintain state indicating which applications have instances & bindings. In addition, the broker is going to need to use the org/space/app guids it's provided through the service broker API and talk to the CloudFoundry API to fetch the routes for the applications that are bound to it. You don't usually get these through the service broker API, but since you want to talk to the applications from the service, you need this information. It gives the service a way to communicate with the application.
Your broker may also provide the service in question (i.e. talking to applications), or it can delegate to some other process/container/VM to provide the service. If your service does the latter, then you need a way to a.) create the process/container/VM and b.) pass along the information it requires to talk to your application.
Obviously, you need to code the logic that will take the routes for applications that have created instances and bindings and communicate with them.
There can be some limitations with using the routes. First, not all routes are public. For internal routes, it would be kind of complicated to allow the broker/service to talk to the app. The broker/service would need to be an application on CF and you would need to specifically allow that communication (would require more API calls). Second, some apps just don't have routes. Perhaps this won't happen in your case, but it's worth considering. Lastly, not all routes are HTTP, some can be TCP as well. Your broker/service would need to handle both of those.
A variation on the above process, instead of using routes or talking to the API, you could have your broker/service provide some mechanism through the credentials to the application such that it registers itself with the broker/service. Thus when your applications start, they'll read the service info, register with the service and then go about their business. In this way, the application would have some additional flexibility about what information it provides when it registers with the broker/service. The downside is that the app has to do some work to be compatible.

SOAP Pooling Advantages / Disadvantages

I am doing some research on SOAP, for a personal project, and I came across a website with a list of pros and cons for using SOAP, and I understood what most of them meant, except for this one under disadvantages:
SOAP is typically limited to pooling, and not event notifications, when leveraging HTTP for transport. What's more, only one client can use the services of one server in typical situations.
From my understanding of pooling, there should be no issue pooling a SOAP Object for re usability. Pooling is simply a way to use the same resources over and over again, like a connection to a database. Also not entirely certain on the context of Event Notifications.
So my two questions here are, what does the above block quoted text actually mean, and is this information correct?
SOAP is RPC, and in RPC some local client invokes a method on some remote target and receives a result. That's how it works, so SOAP works that way too. A client invokes a service asking for something and the service just responds.
If you want "events" in this type of communication the most simple approach is to invoke the service more often (i.e. polling). This has the advantage that nothing changes for the server or the client. It's the same RPC call but done more frequently.
These days everyone is connected to the web and everyone is subscribed to all sorts of services. They want to get notified as soon as something happens to the world around them. Pooling becomes inefficient in this sea of users and services because you are wasting resources. You might poll a service a hundred times just to get back one notification. For this reason technology is evolving so that resource use is minimized. And the direction this is moving to is push services.
Now almost everything happens in the browser. Every browser manufacturer rushes to implement the latest technology changes and HTML5 spec. This means actual pages that push notifications to users instead of faking it with Ajax, comet, etc.
SOAP has been around since 1998 and it's not moving as fast as the rest of the web, mainly because SOAP is mostly an enterprise player and because it's a protocol. Because it's a protocol you have to make new technology available to it without breaking that protocol. Things move slower so people have abandoned SOAP in favor of other ways of doing server-client communication.
SOAP is typically limited to pooling, and not event notifications...
That is correct. But be aware that "typically" does not mean "always".
You can have events, but it's harder. It involves using WS-* specifications like WS-Eventing and WS-Addressing. This is a change in the way SOAP clients operate because a client now becomes some sort of a service too because it needs to receive calls too, not just initiate them. If your technology stack implements these specifications then good for you, but if it doesn't, then you have to build it yourself and it's a real pain.
So for these reasons, if you don't have blocking performance or resource usage issues, you "typically" chose doing polling with SOAP and not event notifications.

How to create a full-duplex communication between API and various clients?

In my website, I'd like to create a public API that would allow clients (unknown people) to interact with my services. A classic REST API would work well in that case.
However, I need to be able to send events to the clients too. These events are not related to client HTTP requests. I saw "webhooks" are a way to deal with this. If I understood well, with webhooks, my service would send HTTP POST requests to a URL specified by the client, with event data inside this request.
I think websocket can be used too as a solution for this full-duplex communication need.
What I want to know, is which method would be the simplest for clients to implement to talk to my services? Simplicity is the key point here.
The hard thing is that my clients can use various technologies (full websites with HTTP servers, iOS/Android apps without server, etc.)
What are implications for clients if I use REST API + webhooks? Websockets? etc?
How to make a choice?
Hope it's clear (but not sure). Thanks :)
I would consider webhooks a simpler solution. And yes, you understood it well, that with webhooks, a developer using your API would register a URL where your backend would POST event data. It's a common pattern that's used in APIs.
A great benefit of using a webhooks design is that a client/server connection does not need to stay open. After all, if events occur infrequently (i.e. only a few times per hour, or per day) or keeping a consistent connection open is a challenge, establishing a connection only when it's needed is rather efficient.
The challenge of using webhooks for you, the API provider, is designing an evented backend system that deals with change of state detection and reliable webhook calling mechanisms (i.e. dealing with webhook receiver URLs that are unresponsive or throw errors).
The challenge of using webhooks on the developer end is that they need to stand up a reliable web server that listens for the event POST data from your server.
Realtime APIs (i.e. based on Websockets, Bayeux/CometD) are really swell because that live connection means that new connections do not have to be established, which is particularly useful with very chatty sessions. Additionally, there are a lot of projects and companies out there that have taken care of the heavy lifting on the server and client with fully-baked libraries. One of those is which makes pushing messages between the client/server possible with just a few lines of code, utilizing XMPP, Bayeux, and Websockets when possible.
(I am not affiliated with Fanout, but I have used it)
So, to sum it up, webhooks are simple mostly because you are already familiar with the architecture needed to implement them, and the pattern is a well traveled one. If you are leaning toward a persistent connection approach, I would look at tools/platforms like Fanout because it takes care of the heavy lifting (i.e. subscribe/publish, concurrent connection scale, client/server libraries).

Expose Amazon SQS directly to clients or via an Webservice as proxy

I would like to use Amazon SQS in my application to queue requests from other external systems that don't belong to me.
What is the better way of doing this, directly expose the SQS Queue and the required messageformat OR publish a web service (WCF) that queues the request.
Also I read that SQS is relative slow for a singe access, but am I right that it can handle easyly a lot of concurrent accesses from different clients?
This is largely a matter of preference and depends a bit on your situation. But my recommendation would be to wrap it with your own web-service.
Building your web-service allows you to do things like validation, throttling, schema versioning etc. E.g. you can reject invalid messages with immediate synchronous feedback to the sender. If the external systems are publishing directly to your queue, then invalid messages become your problem not theirs, and if you revise your schema and want to reject old-schema messages then you either have to drop them or set up a separate back-channel to feed back information to the publisher. That adds unnecessary complexity to your system. Having a web-service would even let you switch to other queuing technologies later if you need to.
But building your own web-service has downsides too: will your own service be able to handle the same load as the SQS API with the same low latency? It won't scale infinitely like SQS, so how responsive will you need to be to changes in load? Have you got the resources to manage a separate service? And it's more work than just giving a client's AWS account permission to publish to your queue.
If you're happy with the extra work involved, and you want a more future-proof system, IMHO it's worth building the web-service wrapper.

Difference between JMS and Web Service [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
JMS vs Webservices
(9 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I need to develop a system which accepts orders and returns confirmation. Orders could come from java or non java clients.
Not sure whether to go for web service implementation or JMS.
Any suggestions ...
JMS is an API which abstracts messaging middleware, like ActiveMQ or IBM MQSeries.
Messaging middleware has a store-and-forward paradigm and asynchronous message passing, while web services tend to promote a synchronous procedure calling paradigm. In distributed systems where a lot can go wrong, dealing with things asynchronously tend to focus the mind better to the things you need to do when part of the system is not available or poorly performing and the code needed to deal with that tends to be a lot less complicated.
Clustering parts become trivial if you have multiple servers listening on the same queue, parallelism and load balancing is for free in this case.
Personally I find JMS much easier to work with and more robust and reliable than web services, but the messaging middleware must support all platforms you want to use. If all the components who need to talk to each other are under your control, I would give a messaging middleware with a JMS interface serious consideration.
If the other party is external then probably Web Services rule, and in that case you could think of a using thin layer to convert the external web service to an internal message passing infrastructure so you still have the most of the advantages.
If it is "just slapping an remote API on a webapp" then of course it does not pay either to setup asynch messaging.
You can use both depending on your interoperability, scale, distribution and integration requirements.
Web service approaches utilising SOAP, XML RPC and REST provide something quite interoperable given the use of HTTP as the protocol. From a service side, you might receive a web service request and then marshal it into a message. Your message could then be delivered to a messaging bus.
JMS is a reasonable API for interfacing with a messaging bus and I've found that Active/MQ very good here. Active/MQ supports JMS across many languages.
With messaging you can utilise the Request/Reply Enterprise Integration Pattern to receive responses and return them via your web service. However think about the merit of providing immediate feedback as to whether the order has been processed vs feeding back the fact that an order has been received; you might not need to implement request/reply to acknowledge that an order has been received.
The benefits of messaging can be found here:
You may even want to look at Apache Camel to simplify the development of highly scalable and distributed service layers.
check the links
difference between using JMS/Messaging Middleware versus Web services
Messaging, JMS and Web Services
Web Services HTTP vs. JMS
Choosing among JCA, JMS, and Web services
Java Message Service
Web service
So if communicating Applications are Java based use JMS and if may be different then Web services... thats what which I follow.
For interoperability sake, use a web service. JMS is little used outside the Java world.