Creating a New Web Service Consumer Domino - web-services

I am trying to import a WSDL in to my Domino Designer 9.0.1 client. I have downloaded the WSDL file and specify it in the Local File part of the wizard.
I click OK and get the error
"The requested operation failed. Server redirected too many times (20)"
I have imported other WSDL's without a problem and the only difference with the one I now need, is that I need to login to see the WSDL.
Does this stop the wizard?
If so, is the only option writing the java agent from scratch to access the data?
Obviously I cannot provide the actual wsdl I am trying to attach to as it is a paid service, so not sure what other information I can provide to help find a solution.


How to locate the WSDL file in Azure web site?

I've created a web application that runs a web service (WCF). The source code is long gone but I just checked that the app itself is still up and running. Given that I have the address to the service ( and the name of one of the methods exposed (parameterless Ping), how can I learn the location of the WSDL file?
As far I recall, I've exposed it the most common way, the publish file fetched from the suggestion on Azure portal. I'd like to just call the method Ping to verify something, so rebuilding a whole new service seems a bit overkill.
Suggestions on what the exact URL might be? Alternatively, suggestions on a tool to sniff that up?
Go to the Azure portal and find the FTP address for your "". Then use an FTP program to connect to the server and browse the files. This way you might be able to find the ".svc" file. For that matter, you might be able to download all of your code and use a tool like Reflector to view the .Net compiled code.

Can I generate a wsdl file without binding and service information?

I came across an issue where a customer is able to open a SAP wsdl using net-beans as well as in .Net but not in soap UI.
When i checked the wsdl i found that service as well as binding tags are not defined or no such tags included. wsdl ends with port-type information.
In soap UI i got an error like no content in the file and when i try to open it in eclipse i am able to open it using web explorer window, but service as well binding information fields are empty. I could see ws-policy elements in customers wsdl.
How he might have produced a wsdl without binding and service information ?
What would be the reason he is telling it is working in .Net?
I am not sure about .Net tools.
Is there any web service client tool which can open the operations without endpoint /service information and send request/response ?..
please help
thank you for your time.
I only know a bit about the first question, can't help you with the other ones...
You can request two "flavors" of WSDL from a NW/ABAP system. This is related to the fact that the implementation (programming) of the service is usually performed on a different system and by different people than the configuration of the service.
After the service (or rather a service definition) has been implemented, you can get what's called a "design-time WSDL document". This document does not include the endpoint information - it cannot, because that would require technical information about the target system landscape and its configuration that is simply not available yet.
From the service definition, an administrator can create a configuration. This includes the binding information as well as stuff like base URL, security settings, transport layer settings and so on. With this configuration, you can generate a second WSDL document that contains the actual endpoint configuration.

Unable to load wsdl link in soap ui

Any buddy know how to resolve this issue.
Soap ui is not able to load WSDL link.
Please check the attached image. and let me the solution please.
It's probably a proxy/firewall problem. See if you can get that WSDL to load in a web browser. If so, check to see if your web browser is configured to use a proxy. I bet it is. In that case, you will need to use the same proxy setup in SoapUI.
I was able to get that WSDL to load without issue.
In SoapUI, go to:
New SoapUI project
Enter a project name
Paste the URL in the 'Initial WSDL/WADL' field
Click 'Ok'.
NOTE: I was able to do this using SoapUI Pro.
I solve this issue, it probably happened by firewall/proxy configuration issue.
Go to SoapUi Vmoptions in bin folder on Program files
Edit in notepad and add these below command to Vm options
And save it, then restart entire soap UI application.
First try to open that wsdl in a browser if you are able to open it there then you should be able to open it in soapUI. You should also check if there is any proxy being used on the browser or you have an incorrect proxy setup in soapUI.
I am able to open this url on my broswer and import it in soapUI.
I have downloaded the WSDL file which you should be able to use in soapUI to create a project without any issues. Check the link below, it will be available for 2 days.

SOAP Web Service basics

am new on WS.
some simple questions in my mind, please try to solve it.
i did a demo WS for Calculator on calculator(), where it has one UI where i enter values for it, internally pass it to WS. Ok i got answer/output. but if i want to create only webservice which take/give xml data or just give xml data. how can i create it.
i found some WS URL's about some fame company. is it used by using by opening Connection. how they define this URL? am using MyEclipse10 when i went to create new WS, needed to use Java Bean class for create it. ok, if i create myWS url then how it ll get call? because it is JavaBean?
and if just want to create WS then i need not required to create New WS client?
i dont know it is simple or may be foolish question, when i walk on WS i stop here. i feel like , without basic knowledge started to build it.
please, clear it.
MyEclipse (as well as Eclipse, IBM D Developer, etc) let you create a Java Web service server in one of two ways:
Bottom up Java Bean: you supply a bean, it turns it into a WSDL (and generates the corresponding stub code)
Top down WSDL: you supply a WSDL, and it generates the corresponding stub code
When a company creates a web page, they set up a web server and publish some HTML pages on it.
When a company publishes a WSDL, they also set up a web server ... and publish an XML WSDL on it.
The URL you go to in order to read a WSDL is just an ordinary HTTP web server, that happens to be serving an XML WSDL at that location.
The WSDL specifies where the service can be found, and what operations and data types the service uses. A WSDL you create, or a WSDL that's published by some other company.
'Hope that helps

Unable to call a secure webservice after making a secure call over MQ

I am working on a j2ee project, which is a public website. The application has a lot of security built in.
It makes a call over MQs to a mainframe DB, i believe its a secure conversation. Everything works fine till this place.
My job is to make a call to a third party secure webservice, the url for the webservice is a https url.
When i make the first call from the application to the webservice, everything works well but if i place this call after the mainframe call, I get the following error.
the trust store located at "mynode" cannot be loaded. DerInputstream.getlength length tag=127 too big
Please pardon me, I cannot paste the code or config here, as its a client project.
The environment used is: IBM WAS 6.1 with webservices feature pack 6.0.15 & Spring Webservices 1.5.4
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
By default, there's only one keystore per JVM. Once you load the WMQ one, the web service will fail and vice versa. You can write code to manage multiple keystores as described in this post. In that case I suspect WMQ will need to use the JVM keystore while your app can select the alternate keystore through code.