Flow: Convert object to array for CSV export - doctrine-orm

I want to export my object "mitglied" to a .csv-file. My controller looks like that:
public function exportAction() {
// find all mitglieds
$records = $this->mitgliedRepository->findTennis();
// Set path for export-file
$csvPath = '/var/www/apps/flow/Packages/Application/ITOOP.Atc/Resources/Private/Export/test.csv';
$fp = fopen($csvPath, 'w');
foreach ($records as $lines) {
fputcsv($fp, $lines);
When I call the exportAction, I get a an error:
#1: Warning: fputcsv() expects parameter 2 to be array, object given in /var/www/apps/flow/Data/Temporary/Development/Cache/Code/Flow_Object_Classes/itoop_atc_Controller_MitgliedController.php line 494
line 494 is...
fputcsv($fp, $lines);
...so I think I have to convert the object "mitglied" to an array.
My the public function findTennis in my mitgliedRepository looks like that:
public function findTennis() {
$query = $this->createQuery();
$result = $query->matching($query->equals('abteilung', 'Tennis'))
->setOrderings(array('name' => \TYPO3\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING))
return $result;
I tried to set toArray(); in the repository like the that:
public function findTennis() {
$query = $this->createQuery();
$result = $query->matching($query->equals('abteilung', 'Tennis'))
->setOrderings(array('name' => \TYPO3\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING))
return $result;
But then I get the following error:
#1: Notice: Undefined property: TYPO3\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\QueryResult::$toArray in /var/www/apps/flow/Data/Temporary/Development/Cache/Code/Flow_Object_Classes/itoop_atc_Domain_Repository_MitgliedRepository.php line 105
line 105 of course is
Does anybody know, how to convert an object to an array in flow?
With the following example the export works, so I think the (formatting of the) repository query is the problem.
public function exportAction() {
// Set path for export-file
$csvPath = '/var/www/apps/flow/Packages/Application/ITOOP.Atc/Resources/Private/Export/test.csv';
$test = array (
array('xxx', 'bbb', 'ccc', 'dddd'),
array('123', '456', '789'),
array('aaa', 'bbb')
$fp = fopen($csvPath, 'w');
foreach ($test as $lines) {
fputcsv($fp, $lines);
Please point me to the right direction. Thank you!

The error messages explained
#1: Warning: fputcsv() expects parameter 2 to be array, object given in /var/www/apps/flow/Data/Temporary/Development/Cache/Code/Flow_Object_Classes/itoop_atc_Controller_MitgliedController.php line 494
fputcsv expects it's 2nd parameter to be an array. That array will be written as a CSV line into single file, with each array element as column. When iterating over your $records variable, you get instances of your domain object class (so probably sth. like ITOOP\Atc\Domain\Model\Mitglied). That's undefined behaviour, thus the warning.
#1: Notice: Undefined property: TYPO3\Flow\Persistence\Doctrine\QueryResult::$toArray in /var/www/apps/flow/Data/Temporary/Development/Cache/Code/Flow_Object_Classes/itoop_atc_Domain_Repository_MitgliedRepository.php line 105
toArray is a function that is offered by Doctrine QueryResult class. Typically, Doctrine queries do not fetch all objects returned by the query, but return an iterator that fetches and maps entities on-demand. The toArray method fetches all records at once and returns an array instead of the iterator. Your error occurs, because you try to access toArray as a property, and not calling it as a method. The following code would be correct:
$result = $query->matching($query->equals('abteilung', 'Tennis'))
->setOrderings(array('name' => \TYPO3\Flow\Persistence\QueryInterface::ORDER_ASCENDING))
->toArray(); // <- Mind the brackets!
However, this will not help you anything, because in your controller, you will still be iterating over a list of domain entities (foreach does not care if its iterating over an iterator or an array; that's actually the point of iterators in PHP).
Quick&Dirty solution
Convert your domain entities by hand in your controller. Only you can know how your CSV export should look like, so this cannot be automated. I'm thinking something like this:
foreach ($records as $record) {
$csvLine = [
// and so on...
fputcsv($fp, $csvLine);
Better solution
Rendering CSV data is not a concern that should be addressed in the controller. Basically, it should go into a view. You can implement a custom view class for handling the CSV output.
For that, you need to implement the \TYPO3\Flow\Mvc\View\ViewInterface. The easiest way to do this is to subclass \TYPO3\Flow\Mvc\View\AbstractView. Name your view class <PackageNamespace>\View\<Controller>\Action<Format> (so sth. like ITOOP\Atc\View\Mitglied\ExportCsv. Implement your CSV export logic in the view's render() method. Flow will pick up and use the view class automatically as soon as it's present.
Implementing custom views is explained in depth in this article -- it's in German though, although based on your class naming I suspect that won't be a problem ;).

I solved the problem with arbitrary DQL. As I mentioned I think the problem was that I didn't got an array as result by the query. But with the following query in my repository I do:
* #Flow\Inject
* #var \Doctrine\Common\Persistence\ObjectManager
* inject Doctrine's EntityManager to execute arbitrary DQL
protected $entityManager;
* find mitglieder with Abteilung Tennis und return an array
public function exportTennis() {
$query = $this->entityManager->createQuery("SELECT mitglied FROM \itoop\atc\Domain\Model\Mitglied mitglied WHERE mitglied.abteilung = 'Tennis'");
return $query->getResult(\Doctrine\ORM\Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
The important part I think is getResult(\Doctrine\ORM\Query::HYDRATE_ARRAY);


How can be any service injected into WebTestCase subclass in Symfony?

Maybe I am missing something... doh, I think so, but could not find an answer to that.
WebTestCase generates this constructor sample:
public function __construct(?string $name = null, array $data = [], string $dataName = '')
parent::__construct($name, $data, $dataName);
Was trying to add my service as the first or last argument - Symfony throws an error:
Type error: Too few arguments to function Tests\AppBundle\Manager\ContactManagerTest::__construct(), 0 passed in /Library/WebServer/Documents/HEPT/vendor/bin/.phpunit/phpunit-5.7/src/Framework/TestSuite.php on line 568 and at least 1 expected in /Library/WebServer/Documents/HEPT/tests/AppBundle/Manager/ContactManagerTest.php:22
Should I somehow use container directly? Why is autowiring not working for WebTestCase classes if there is a bridge class?
WebTestCase are used in the context of PHPUnit (which has nothing to do with Symfony and its dependency injection).
They actually generate the kernel and its container, see this piece of code extracted from Symfony source code:
protected static function createClient(array $options = array(), array $server = array())
$kernel = static::bootKernel($options);
$client = $kernel->getContainer()->get('test.client');
return $client;
This means that you can easily access the container like this:
$kernel = static::bootKernel($options);
$container = $kernel->getContainer();
Please note also that static::$kernel->getContainer() is available as soon as you created your client to make your test.

Doctrine Orm - Searching embedded associations

I have an Asset Entity that uses an embedded association:
* #ORM\Entity
class Asset
* #ORM\Embedded(class="Money\Money")
private $code;
I want to search this class and my first instinct was to do something like this:
public function findOneByCurrencyCode(string $currencyCode)
$qb = $this->assetRepository->createQueryBuilder('asset');
$qb->innerJoin('asset.code', 'code')
->where('code.currency = :currency')
->setParameter('currency', $currencyCode);
$result = $qb->getQuery()->getOneOrNullResult();
return $result;
This, however, returns the following:
[Semantical Error] line 0, col 65 near 'code WHERE code.currency': Error:
Class Domain\Asset\Asset has no association named code
How do you search embedded classes?
I can get a result by doing something like this, however, this I feel is a hack:
$query = "SELECT * from asset where code_currency='BTC';";
$statement = $this->objectManager->getConnection()->prepare($query);
$result = $statement->fetchAll();
return $result;
I tried a bunch of different things and managed to get the answer:
$qb = $this->assetRepository->createQueryBuilder('asset');
$qb->where('asset.code.currency = :currency')
->setParameter('currency', $currencyCode);
$result = $qb->getQuery()->getOneOrNullResult();
return $result;
Turns out no inner join is required. Not sure why and perhaps someone can answer this in time, however the above appears to work with embedded objects
Hope this helps someone else.
"Embedded associations" does NOT exist. So, you doesn't need JOINS.
An embedded is part of your entity along with the others properties.
You have to do something like that:
FROM User u
WHERE u.address.city
(In this query, your entity is User, your embedded is Address and *city is the property of your
It's pretty good explained in Doctrine documentation:
Doctrine embeddables

Doctrine CreateQueryBuilder returns repeated result

In Symfony3 I'm running
php app/console generate:doctrine:entity --entity=AcmeBlogBundle:Post
It creates 2 files: Post (in entity folder) and PostRepository (in repository folder extending \Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository)
Everything is fine until I try to run the following repository-custom-function in my controller
$rir = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository("AcmeBlogBundle:Post");
$replacementInstruction = $rir->getOneBy(
array("id" => 6)
My custom repository function is as follow
public function getOneBy($option)
$alias = "p";
$fields = $this->prepareRequestSelectFields("p");
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('Post');
->from('AcmeBlogBundle:Post', $alias)
->where($alias . '.id = :id')
->setParameter('id', 6)
$result = $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
private function prepareRequestSelectFields($alias)
return $alias. ".id";
In my database there are 10 posts with id from 1 to 10, so I expect it to return 1 result, however it return correct Post (id 6) 10 times
Why is that?
p.s. if I move the query builder to a custom service wrapper e.g. PostManager it works just fine (returning 1)
This doesn't really answer my question but apparently createQueryBuilder() in EntityRepository and in EntityManager are different, thanks to https://maltronic.io/2014/12/22/doctrine-createquerybuilder-entitymanager-vs-entityrepository/
So in my EntityRepository it should be
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('p'); // this should be the alias
// ->from('AcmeBlogBundle:Post', $alias) // remove this
->where($alias . '.id = :id')
->setParameter('id', 6)
Personally I dislike how 2 different functions has the same name, but I guess it's fine because one is from Doctrine and one is from Symfony. They are decoupled
edit Actually I might be wrong, they are both from Doctrine ... sigh
Still tho, it doesn't answer why in my original code, it returns multiple time
What about getSingleResult() rather than getResult() ? And you should maybe use the doctrine method findOneBy()
You can use the helper methods provided by the repositories, allowing you to fetch one or multiples entities from repositories with dynamic method names, in your case you want to fetch one post by id:
//fetch one
$replacementInstruction = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository("AcmeBlogBundle:Post")->findOneById(6);
For information, fetching all entities is done with ->findByProperty

EF Code First issue on CommitTransaction - using Repository pattern

I am having an issue with EF 4.1 using "Code First". Let me setup my situation before I start posting any code. I have my DBContext class, called MemberSalesContext, in a class library project called Data.EF. I have my POCOs in a seperate class library project called Domain. My Domain project knows nothing of Entity Framework, no references, no nothing. My Data.EF project has a reference to the Domain project so that my DB context class can wire up everything in my mapping classes located in Data.EF.Mapping. I am doing all of the mappings in this namespace using the EntityTypeConfiguration class from EntityFramework. All of this is pretty standard stuff. On top of Entity Framework, I am using the Repository pattern and the Specification pattern.
My SQL Server database table has a composite primary key defined. The three columns that are part of the key are Batch_ID, RecDate, and Supplier_Date. This table as an identity column (database generated value => +1) called XREF_ID, which is not part of the PK.
My mapping class, located in Data.EF.Mapping looks like the following:
public class CrossReferenceMapping : EntityTypeConfiguration<CrossReference>
public CrossReferenceMapping()
HasKey(cpk => cpk.Batch_ID);
HasKey(cpk => cpk.RecDate);
HasKey(cpk => cpk.Supplier_Date);
Property(p => p.XREF_ID).HasDatabaseGeneratedOption(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity);
My MemberSalesContext class (inherits from DBContext) looks like the following:
public class MemberSalesContext : DbContext, IDbContext
//...more DbSets here...
public DbSet<CrossReference> CrossReferences { get; set; }
//...more DbSets here...
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
//...more modelBuilder here...
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add<CrossReference>(new CrossReferenceMapping());
//...more modelBuilder here...
I have a private method in a class that uses my repository to return a list of objects that get iterated over. The list I am referring to is the outermost foreach loop in the example below.
private void CloseAllReports()
//* get list of completed reports and close each one (populate batches)
foreach (SalesReport salesReport in GetCompletedSalesReports())
//* aggregate sales and revenue by each distinct supplier_date in this report
var aggregates = BatchSalesRevenue(salesReport);
//* ensure that the entire SalesReport breaks out into Batches; success or failure per SalesReport
//* each salesReport here will result in one-to-many batches
foreach (AggregateBySupplierDate aggregate in aggregates)
//* get the batch range (type) from the repository
BatchType batchType = _repository.Single<BatchType>(new BatchTypeSpecification(salesReport.Batch_Type));
//* get xref from repository, *if available*
//* some will have already populated the XREF
CrossReference crossReference = _repository.Single<CrossReference>(new CrossReferenceSpecification(salesReport.Batch_ID, salesReport.RecDate, aggregate.SupplierDate));
//* create a new batch
PRSBatch batch = new PRSBatch(salesReport,
BatchControlNumber(batchType.Description, salesReport.RecDate, BatchTypeCode(batchType.Description)),
salesReport.Zero_Sales_Flag == false ? aggregate.SalesAmount : 1,
salesReport.Zero_Sales_Flag == false ? aggregate.RevenueAmount : 0);
//* populate CrossReference property; this will either be a crossReference object, or null
batch.CrossReference = crossReference;
//* close the batch
//* see PRSBatch partial class for business rule implementations
//* check XREF to see if it needs to be added to the repository
if (crossReference == null)
//*add the Xref to the repository
//* add batch to the repository
catch (Exception ex)
//* log the error
_logger.Log(User, ex.Message.ToString().Trim(), ex.Source.ToString().Trim(), ex.StackTrace.ToString().Trim());
//* move on to the next completed salesReport
All goes well on the first iteration of the outer loop. On the second iteration of the outer loop, the code fails at _repository.UnitOfWork.CommitTransaction(). The error message returned is the following:
"The changes to the database were committed successfully, but an error occurred while updating the object context. The ObjectContext might be in an inconsistent state. Inner exception message: AcceptChanges cannot continue because the object's key values conflict with another object in the ObjectStateManager. Make sure that the key values are unique before calling AcceptChanges."
In this situation, the database changes on the second iteration were not committed successfully, but the changes in the first iteration were. I have ensured that objects in the outer and inner loops are all unique, adhering to the database primary keys.
Is there something that I am missing here? I am willing to augment my code samples, if it proves helpful. I have done everything within my capabilities to troubleshoot this issue, minus modifying the composite primary key set on the database table.
Can anyone help??? Much thanks in advance! BTW, sorry for the long post!
I am answering my own question here...
My issue had to do with how the composite primary key was being defined in my mapping class. When defining a composite primary key using EF Code First, you must define it like so:
HasKey(cpk => new { cpk.COMPANYID, cpk.RecDate, cpk.BATTYPCD, cpk.BATCTLNO });
As opposed to how I had it defined previously:
HasKey(cpk => cpk.COMPANYID);
HasKey(cpk => cpk.RecDate);
HasKey(cpk => cpk.BATTYPCD);
HasKey(cpk => cpk.BATCTLNO);
The error I was receiving was that the ObjectContext contained multiple elements of the same type that were not unique. This became an issue in my UnitOfWork on CommitTransaction. This is because when the mapping class was instanciated from my DBContext class, it executed 4 HasKey statements shown above, with only the last one for property BATCTLNO becoming the primary key (not composite). Defining them inline, as in my first code sample above, resolves the issue.
Hope this helps someone!

Doctrine 2 self-referencing entity won't return the parent id

I've set up a self-referencing entity per the manual here:
My class is Page (instead of Category, like in the docs). In my entity
class I have a toArray() method that I've implemented that will give
me back the values of my member variables. For those fields that are
associations, I've made sure to grab the associated class object then
grab the id. I'm doing this to populate a form. Here is the code from
my toArray() method in my Page entity as well as my PageService
function to grab a Page object and my Page Controller code that calls
toArray() to populate my form.
As I say in the code comments, when the toArray() method is called in
the Page Controller, all values get populated except for parent id.
page_type is also a ManyToOne association and it gets populated no
problem. Explicitly grabbing the parent id from the Page object
outside of the toArray() method (in the Page Controller) does return
the parent id value. (See code.)
As a side note, I'm using __get() and __set() in my Page entity instead of full blown getters/setters.
I think it is because you are getting caught out by proxies. When you have an association in Doctrine 2, the related objects are not returned directly as objects, but as subclasses which do not fill their properties until a method is called (because of lazy loading to save database queries).
Since you are calling the property directly (with $this->parent->id) without invoking any method the object properties are all empty.
This page http://www.doctrine-project.org/docs/orm/2.0/en/tutorials/getting-started-xml-edition.html#a-first-prototype has a warning about this type of thing in the warning box. Although yours isn't a public property, you are accessing as though it were because that object is of the same class and the same problem is occuring.
Not sure of exactly what is causing your described behavior, but you're probably better anyway to have your toArray() method call getters/setters rather than having toArray() operate directly on the class properties. This will give you consistency so that if you implement custom getters for certain properties, you'll always get back the same result from toArray() and the getter.
A rough example:
/** #Entity */
class MyEntity {
// ....
/** #Column */
protected $foo;
public function setFoo($val)
$this->foo = $val;
public function getFoo()
return 'hello ' . $this->foo;
public function toArray()
$fields = array('foo');
$values = array();
foreach($fields as $field) {
$method = 'get' . ucfirst($field);
if (is_callable(array($this, $method)) {
$fields[$field] = $this->$method();
} else {
$fields[$field] = $this->$field;
return $fields;
Now you get the same result:
$e = new MyEntity;
$e->getFoo(); // returns 'hello world'
$e->toArray(); // returns array('foo' => 'hello world')