cfif currentURL containing multiple URLS - coldfusion

I'm trying to add another domain to the CF if statement below.
<cfif currentURL CONTAINS 'foo'>
The desired if statement will add "alpha". This CF file is a shared resource amongst 4 domains and only 2 need to be updated with content within the IF statement. I tried the 2 examples below without prevail. Thank you in advance.
<cfif currentURL CONTAINS 'foo, alpha'>
<cfif currentURL CONTAINS 'foo,alpha'>

<cfif currentURL CONTAINS 'foo' OR currentURL CONTAINS 'alpha'>


coldfusion 10 cfinclude gives site cannot be reached error

I have a action page that redirects to a page based on condition.
I thought of Including that page insted of redirection.
So i used cfinclude function to include this file.
But including that file doesn't work.
But when i open that page in browser it is working fine without error.
For Ex.
is working fine.
I am including below code.
<cfset url.customerID = 10>
<cfinclude template="page2.cfm">
Even i tried to add only HTML content which i get in page source for ""
It is still not working including a coldfusion page with just html text without any coldfusion code.
Strange thing is When i tried to remove some text from this html content it works for some time but when i reload it stops and give the below error again.
I am not sure if cfinclude has to do anything page length or some other factors.
Screenshot for error is attached below.
Error Screenshot Image
If you are asking for a link you can have it as:
<cfset href="" />
For your question you can use this:
<cfset custID = 10/>
<cfinclude template="page2.cfm">
In page2.cfm:
<cfif isDefined(url.customerID) || isDefined(custID)>
<!--- your etc code here --->
Note: If you don't want to use url.customerID you can simply delete the occurance

URL Rewrite with IIS using ColdFusion

I've done a bit of searching but just can't put it all together. Here's what I need:
I'd like someone to surf to:
and have it redirect them to
To do so, I somehow need to capture that they didn't request an existing file in their http request and run a .cfm page that queried the database for a record where locationName = 'thisPlace' and then redirect them to a page like
template.cfm?pm=ms&loc_id=4, where 4 is the record id of the row that matched 'thisPlace'
If your default document in IIS is set to index.cfm you could create a folder (directory) called "thisPlace" and place an index.cfm file that contains nothing but a <cflocation> tag and the accompanying query/logic to figure the URL. would then function as you describe.
You could add a custom 404 page...
Make it a .cfm file instead of html. Scan the template path to see what the user is looking for. If you find it in your database, redirect them there, else redirect them to a general 404 page.
<!---Up to a certain point (the directory in which you store your code) this will always be the same so you can hard-code your number --->
<cfset QueryConstant = #LEFT(CGI.CF_Template_Path, 22)#>
<!---Find the overall length of the template path. --->
<cfset QueryVariable = #Len(CGI.CF_Template_Path)#>
<!---Take whatever is past your QueryConstant (AKA the string that produces a 404 error.) --->
<cfset theRightNumber = QueryVariable - 22>
<cfset QuerySearchString = #RIGHT(CGI.CF_Template_Path, theRightNumber)#>
<cfquery name="ListOfLocations" datasource="CRM">
FROM LocationTable
WHERE LocationName LIKE '%#QuerySearchString#%'
<cfif ListOfLocations.recordcount>
<cflocation url="/SomePage.cfm?LocationID=#ListOfLocations.LocationID#">
<cflocation url="/Regular404page.html">
Thanks guys! Huge help! Using your inputs, here's what I did:
(had to use QUERY_STRING instead of CF_Template_Path, as CF_Template_Path did not pass along anything after the url of the custom error page.
I set up a custom 404 error Execute URL in IIS to a file named check404error.cfm.
When someone looks for, IIS sends them to I use the CGI.QUERY_STRING (404; to ultimately get the "thisPlace" string to search with.
<!---Up to a certain point (the directory in which you store your code) this will always be the same so you can hard-code your number --->
<cfset QueryConstant = #LEFT(CGI.QUERY_STRING, 31)#>
<!---Find the overall length of the template path. --->
<!---31 is the length of '404;' --->
<cfset QueryVariable = #Len(CGI.QUERY_STRING)#>
<!---Take whatever is past your QueryConstant (AKA the string that produces a 404 error.) --->
<cfset theRightNumber = QueryVariable - 31>
<cfset QuerySearchString = #RIGHT(CGI.QUERY_STRING, theRightNumber)#>
<cfquery name="ListOfLocations" datasource="#request.dsn#">
FROM location WHERE url_name = <cfqueryparam value="#QuerySearchString#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" maxlength="255"> LIMIT 1
<cfif ListOfLocations.recordcount>
<cflocation url="" addtoken="no" statusCode="301">
<cflocation url="/404error.cfm" addtoken="no">
This is how most popular MVC Framework work today, by parsing out the URL segments.
Do you have access to any kind of URL rewrite software?
Since you are using IIS it has a built in rewrite engine where you could simply rewrite these kind of requests to a known file saving you the overhead of sending a 404 reply and parsing that out and having more request created as a result of that.
See for details. We use the Isapi rewrite version version to do just what you are asking for
Receive request for
thisPlace isn't a directory
thisPlace isn't a file
Resend to index.cfm or a location of your chosing for additional parsing
Helicon Rewrite sends an HTTP header named HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL with the original requested URL so parsing it out is then very easy.
This all happens inline withing the one request so the client is never redirected.

Excluding items from a list in coldfusion by type

Is there a way to exclude certain items by filetype in a list in Coldfusion?
Background: I just integrated a compression tool into an existing application and ran into the problem of the person's prior code would automatically grab the file from the upload destination on the server and push it to the Network Attached Storage. The aim now is to stop their NAS migration code from moving all files to the NAS, only those which are not PDF's. What I want to do is loop through their variable that stores the names of the files uploaded, and exclude the pdf's from the list then pass the list onto the NAS code, so all non pdf's are moved and all pdf's uploaded remain on the server. Working with their code is a challenge as no one commented or documented anything and I've been trying several approaches.
<cffile action="upload" destination= "c:\uploads\" result="myfiles" nameconflict="makeunique" >
<cfset fileSys = CreateObject('component','cfc.FileManagement')>
<cfif Len(get.realec_transactionid)>
<cfset internalOnly=1 >
**This line below is what I want to loop through and exclude file names
with pdf extensions **
<cfset uploadedfilenames='#myfiles.clientFile#' >
<CFSET a_insert_time = #TimeFormat(Now(), "HH:mm:ss")#>
<CFSET a_insert_date = #DateFormat(Now(), "mm-dd-yyyy")#>
**This line calls their method from another cfc that has all the file
migration methods.**
<cfset new_file_name = #fileSys.MoveFromUploads(uploadedfilenames)#>
**Once it moves the file to the NAS, it inserts the file info into the
DB table here**
<cfquery name="addFile" datasource="#request.dsn#">
INSERT INTO upload_many (title_id, fileDate, filetime, fileupload)
VALUES('#get.title_id#', '#dateTimeStamp#', '#a_insert_time#', '#new_file_name#')
<cffile action="upload" destination= #ExpandPath("./uploaded_files/zip.txt")# nameconflict="overwrite" >
Update 6/18
Trying the recommended code helps with the issue of sorting out filetypes when tested outside of the application, but anytime its integrated into the application to operate on the variable uploadedfilenames the rest of the application fails and the multi-file upload module just throws a status 500 error and no errors are reported in the CF logs. I've found that simply trying to run a cfloop on another variable not related to anything in the code still causes it to error.
As per my understanding, you want to filter-out file names with a specific file type/extension (ex: pdf) from the main list uploadedfilenames. This is one of the easiest ways:
<cfset lFileNames = "C:\myfiles\proj\icon-img-12.png,C:\myfiles\proj\sample-file.ppt,C:\myfiles\proj\fin-doc1.docx,C:\myfiles\proj\fin-doc2.pdf,C:\myfiles\proj\invoice-temp.docx,C:\myfiles\proj\invoice-final.pdf" />
<cfset lResultList = "" />
<cfset fileExtToExclude = "pdf" />
<cfloop list="#lFileNames#" index="fileItem" delimiters=",">
<cfif ListLast(ListLast(fileItem,'\'),'.') NEQ fileExtToExclude>
<cfset lResultList = ListAppend(lResultList,"#fileItem#") />
Using only List Function provided by ColdFusion this is easily done, you can test and try the code here. I would recommend you to wrap this code around a function for easy handling. Another way to do it would be to use some complex regular expression on the list (if you're looking for a more general solution, outside the context of ColdFusion).
Now, applying the solution to your problem:
<cfset uploadedfilenames='#myfiles.clientFile#' >
<cfset lResultList = "" />
<cfset fileExtToExclude = "pdf" />
<cfloop list="#uploadedfilenames#" index="fileItem" delimiters=",">
<cfif ListLast(ListLast(fileItem,'\'),'.') NEQ fileExtToExclude>
<cfset lResultList = ListAppend(lResultList,fileItem) />
<cfset uploadedfilenames = lResultList />
<!--- rest of your code continues --->
The result list lResultList is copied to the original variable uploadedfilenames.
I hope I'm not misunderstanding the question, but why don't you just wrap all of that in an if-statement that reads the full file name? Whether the files are coming one by one or through a delimited list, it should be easy to work around.
<cfif !listContains(ListName, '.pdf')>
<cfif FileName does not contain '.pdf'>
all the code you posted

Trying to dynamically output form fields returns URL values

If there is a better way to go about this (which is quite likely), please let me know how to go about it.
I'm working on some code that is supposed to dynamically set the form variables as regular variables so that we can be lazy and not have to refer to the variable with form.somevariable name.
That part works perfectly. Until I start testing for URL conflicts in which a URL variable has the same name. For instance. . .
I have a form that passes two variables; FirstName and LastName. If I hit the page, the form shows up, I input a first and last name and click submit. The code works perfectly.
However, if I have URL variables with the same names, the code reports the url variable values instead of the form values.
Some sample values;
url.FirstName = Joe
url.LastName = Black
form.FirstName = Steve
form.LastName = White
My code that exposes the form variable will correctly find the form field names, but then when I 'evaluate' the value of the given form field, it will return the value of the URL variable of the same name rather than the form variable.
What I am really wanting (as I described briefly up above) is to have code that automatically converts client, URL and Form variables into 'regular variables' so that you don't have to write lots of extra code grabbing them later on. Frameworks like CFWHEELS and ColdBox do this by default, but at the company I work out, we aren't using any of them. I need it to expose the URL variables, but give presidence to form variables if they have the same name, because they are likely to be intended to do an update or such.
The code follows Feel free to ignore the code for the URL and client variables if you wish as they don't directly affect how the form code works, I have tested with them commented out and I get the same result. I provided all of it to give a more complete idea of what I have been toying with so far. Please note that I don't normally use 'evaluate'. There is probably a better way to go, but I don't know what it is.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++
First Name
Last Name
URL variables:
<cfloop index="i" list="#paramsurl#">
<cfset myDynVar = Evaluate(i)>
<!--- Let's output the dynamically created variable as a test --->
#i# = #myDynVar#<br />
<b>Field Names:</b> #Form.FieldNames#
<b>Field Values:</b><br>
<cfloop INDEX="TheField" list="#Form.FieldNames#">
#TheField# = #Evaluate(TheField)#<br>
<cfset TheField = Evaluate(TheField)>
Lets try and output the two form fields without using the "form." notation<br>
FirstName : #FirstName# <br />
LastName : #LastName#
The client variables currently available are:
<cfset nVarCounter = 1>
<cfloop list="#GetClientVariablesList()#" index="whichClientVar">
#whichClientVar# : #client[whichClientVar]#<br />
<cfset whichClientVar = Evaluate(whichClientVar)>
You should always scope your variables. When you use evaluate it runs through the scope order and it pulls the values out of the url scope before it gets to the form scope
You can use associative array notation to pull the data (as seen below).
<b>Field Names:</b> #Form.FieldNames#
<b>Field Values:</b><br>
<cfloop INDEX="TheField" list="#Form.FieldNames#">
#TheField# = #form[TheField]#<br><!--- specify form scope --->
<cfset myField = structKeyExists(url,TheField) ? url.TheField : form.TheField>
You can 'copy' the values from form scope and url scope into the variables scope by using structAppend().
structAppend( variables, form, true );
structAppend( variables, url, false );
In the first line, any element of the form scope is copied to the variables scope and if a variable already exists with the same name in variables scope, it will overwrite that value with the value from the form scope.
In the second line, elements form URL scope are copied to variables scope but if a variable already exists in the variables scope, it is NOT overwritten.
You can do this for ANY scope and any other ColdFusion structure. You can also reorder them so that one scope has precedence over the others.
In CF 10 or Railo 4, you could use the defaults() function of the Underscore.cfc library to succinctly accomplish what you're trying to do. Example:
// instantiate Underscore library
_ = new Underscore();
// copy values from form and url scopes into the variables scope
_.defaults(variables, form, url);
This function "fills in" any undefined values in the first struct to the values in the subsequent structs. It works from left to right, so in this example it gives precedence to values in form over the values in url.
Disclaimer: I wrote the Underscore.cfc library.
Please refer to the following Adobe documentation for order of precedence:
If you want to reverse this precedence for some reason you should be able to just set all of your FORM fields into the variables scope...
Maybe something like ...
<cfloop collection=#form# item="varName">
<cfset SetVariable("variables.#varName#", evaluate("FORM." & varName))>
Thanks for all of the great ideas.
Following is what I ended up going with.
<cfset scopes = "url,client,form">
<cfloop list="#scopes#" index="i">
<cfloop list="#structKeyList( evaluate( i ) )#" index="j">
<cfset structInsert( VARIABLES, j, evaluate( i & '["' & j & '"]' ), true ) />
Lets try and output the two form fields without using the "form." notation and make sure that the URL variables are NOT over writing the Form ones<br>
FirstName : #FirstName# <br />
LastName : #LastName#<br />
<cfdump var="#VARIABLES#" abort="1" label="Combined Variables Scope stuff" />

if viewing a certain page then exclude content

I was wondering if its possible to exclude data from an wraparound page footer based on which content is loaded into the index page in ColdFusion
Roughly it would be something like.
IF (not = pageToBeExcluded)
Show content
There are any number of ways to do that.
The simplest is probably to key on the page address.
<cfif CGI.SCRIPT_NAME DOES NOT CONTAIN "someArbitraryPage.cfm">
<!--- show this content --->
As mentioned, you might want to use getCurrentTemplatePath() or getBaseTemplatePath().
Personally, I would probably set a variable in the template where I want this to happen. The main benefit of this is that I don't need to keep changing my footer code every time I add (or remove) a file from my list of files where I want this.
<!--- in the template itself --->
<cfset request.suppressFooterContent = true>
Then, in the footer:
<cfparam name="request.suppressFooterContent" default="false">
<cfif NOT request.suppressFooterContent>
<!--- display content here --->