Write-only `glMapBuffer`, what if I don't write it all? - opengl

Say I've got a buffer object with some data in it.
I use glMapBuffer with GL_WRITE_ONLY and write to every second byte (think interleaved vertex attributes).
Then I glUnmapBuffer the buffer.
Are the bytes I didn't write to preserved or are they now undefined?
I'm wondering because the main purpose of GL_WRITE_ONLY seems to be to avoid transferring the previous content of the buffer from the card's memory to main memory. The driver, however, has no way of knowing to which bytes I've actually written something in order to update the buffer only partially.
So either the driver transfers the content to main memory first, rendering GL_WRITE_ONLY pointless on pretty much every platform I could think of. Or it is assumed that I write the complete mapped area. Yet no such obligation is mentioned in the man pages.

Short answer: The data is preserved.
I'm wondering because the main purpose of GL_WRITE_ONLY seems to be to
avoid transferring the previous content of the buffer from the card's
memory to main memory.
Well, the implementation has many potential ways to fullfill that request, and the access flags may help in the decision of which path to go. For example, the driver may decide to do some direct I/O mapping of the buffer in VRAM instead of using system RAM for the mapping.
The issues you see with this are actually addressed by the more modern glMapBufferRange() API introduced in the GL_ARB_map_buffer_range extension. Although the name might suggest that this is for mapping parts of the buffers, it actually superseeds the glMapBuffer() function completely and allows for a much finer control. For example, the GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_RANGE_BIT or GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_BUFFER_BIT flags mark the data as invalid and enable for the optimizations you had in mind for the general GL_WRITE_ONLY case. But without these, the data is to be preserved, and how this is done is the implementation's problem.


Why I don't need memory barriers when starting drawing on an acquired swapchain image?

I'm learning Vulkan and my experience with memory barriers was quite good until I have to deal with memory visibility.
I feel like I have to use a memory barrier each time I start using a ressource for reading when I was previously writing on it, and inversly. A bit like if there was a state on the memory which says if it's used for writing or for reading. I know that the rationals for this are related to cache management, but at a higher level that's how I see it.
Bad things start when I don't see memory barriers, where according to my (very likely wrong) understanding they should be.
For example, if I want to draw something and present it on the screen, there is no memory barrier to make a transition from a swapchain image used for presentation (and thus for reading) to an image used for drawing (and thus for writing). And when I finish drawing, there is no barrier in the reverse order aswell.
I have seen the same thing happen when copying a staging host visible buffer to a device local buffer. You write something in the mapped memory, flush it, and then start recording the copy in a command buffer without putting any barrier to transition from a host writable memory to transfer read memory. So I'd like to know what I misunderstand or what implicits things make everything work out of the box.
No barrier between presentation is illegal. The swapchain image must be in VK_IMAGE_LAYOUT_PRESENT_SRC_KHR for presentation. And it must be in different layout when your app does write something to the image. Only way to achieve this is with barrier-like primitive.
Writes to mapped memory is one rare exception. Writes to mapped memory are automatically visible to any subsequent vkQueueSubmit. See Host Write Ordering Guarantees chapter of the specification.
Why the tutorial does not have barriers there is because it covers synchronization in the next chapter you assumably did not reach. They do so with Subpass Dependencies. The layout transitions that are part of that are shown in earlier chapter about render passes.

order independent transparency - memory barrier

The example I was reading comes from the opengl red book.
Source code is here: https://github.com/openglredbook/examples/blob/master/src/11-oit/11-oit.cpp
I read about image load store is incoherent memory access, and does not guarantee ordering between 2 rendering command. https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Memory_Model
When I read source code for this algorithm, I see no mentioning of memory barrier.
So do I actually need to call memory barrier between the rendering command that sort the fragments and store them, and the rendering command that renders the quad?
For your general question, yes, you need an explicit memory barrier between the two operations.
On a more personal note, please stop looking at that code. I'm seeing many dubious things beyond just the lack of a barrier: the mapping of a buffer for the sole purpose of writing a single integer, a call to glTexSubImage2D that's sure to give an error because NULL is not a valid pointer parameter, etc.

Write a large file to disk from RAM

If I need to write a large file from allocated memory to disk, what is the most efficient way to do it?
Currently I use something along the lines of:
char* data = static_cast<char*>(operator new(0xF00000000)); // 60 GB
// Do something to fill `data` with data
std::ofstream("output.raw", std::ios::binary).
write(data, 0xF00000000);
But I am not sure if the most straightforward way is also the most efficient, taking into account various buffering mechanisms and alike.
I am using Windows 7 64-bit and Visual Studio 2012 RC compiler with 64-bit target.
For Windows, you should use CreateFile API. Have a good read of that page and any links from it mentioning optimization. There are some flags you pass in to turn off buffering. I did this in the past when I was collecting video at about 800MB per second, and having to write off small parts of it as fast as possible to a RAID array.
Now, for the flags - I think it's primarily these:
For reading, you may want to use FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, although I think this has no effect if buffering is turned off.
Have a look at the Caching Behaviour section
There's a couple of things you need to do. Firstly, you should always write amounts of data that are a multiple of the sector size. This is (or at least was) 512 bytes almost universally, but you may want to consider up to 2048 in future.
Secondly, your memory has to be aligned to that sector size too. You can either use _aligned_malloc() or just allocate more buffer than you need and align manually.
There may be other memory optimization concerns, and you may want to limit individual write operations to a memory page size. I never went into that depth. I was still able to write data at speeds very close to the disk's limit. It was significantly faster than using stdio calls.
If you need to do this in the background, you can use overlapped I/O, but to be honest I never understood it. I made a background worker thread dedicated to writing out video buffer and controlled it externally.
The most promising thing that comes to mind is memory mapping the output file. Depending on how the data gets filled, you may even be able to have your existing program write directly to the disk via the pointer, and not need a separate write step at the end. That trusts the OS to efficiently page the file, which it may be having to do with the heap memory anyway... could potentially avoid a disk-to-disk copy.
I'm not sure how to do it in Windows specifically, but you can probably notify the OS of your intended memory access pattern to increase performance further.
(boost::asio has portable support for memory mapped files)
If you want to use std::ofstream you should make sure of the following:
No buffer is used by the file stream. The way to do this to call out.setbuf(0, 0).
Make sure that the std::locale used by stream doesn't do any character conversion, i.e., std::use_facet<std::codecvt<char, char> >(loc).always_noconv() yields true. The "C" locale does this.
With this, I would expect that std::ofstream is as fast as any other approach writing a large buffer. I would also expect it to be slower than using memory mapped I/O because memory mapped I/O should avoid paging sections of the memory when reading them just to write their content.
Open a file with CreateFile, use SetEndOfFile to preallocate the space for the file (to avoid too much fragmentation as you write), then call WriteFile with 2 MB sized buffers (this size works the best in most scenarios) in a loop until you write the entire file out.
FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING may help in some situations and may make the situation worse in others, so no real need to use it, because normally Windows file system write cache is doing its work well.

Opengl Unsynchronized/Non-blocking Map

I just found the following OpenGL specification for ARB_map_buffer_range.
I'm wondering if it is possible to do non-blocking map calls using this extension?
Currently in my application im rendering to an FBO which I then map to a host PBO buffer.
glMapBuffer(target_, GL_READ_ONLY);
However, the problem with this is that it blocks the rendering thread while transferring the data.
I could reduce this issue by pipelining the rendering, but latency is a big issue in my application.
My question is whether i can use map_buffer_range with MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT and wait for the map operation to finish on another thread, or defer the map operation on the same thread, while the rendering thread renders the next frame.
thread 1:
thread 2:
thread 1:
What I'm unsure of is how I know when the map operation is ready, the specification only mentions "other synchronization techniques to ensure correct operation".
Any ideas?
If you map a buffer with GL_MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT, the driver will not wait until OpenGL is done with that memory before mapping it for you. So you will get more or less immediate access to it.
The problem is that this does not mean that you can just read/write that memory willy-nilly. If OpenGL is reading from or writing to that buffer and you change it... welcome to undefined behavior. Which can include crashing.
Therefore, in order to actually use unsynchronized mapping, you must synchronize your behavior to OpenGL's access of that buffer. This will involve the use of ARB_sync objects (or NV_fence if you're only on NVIDIA and haven't updated your drivers recently).
That being said, if you're using a fence object to synchronize access to the buffer, then you really don't need GL_MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT at all. Once you finish the fence, or detect that it has completed, you can map the buffer normally and it should complete immediately (unless some other operation is reading/writing too).
In general, unsynchronized access is best used for when you need fine-grained write access to the buffer. In this case, good use of sync objects will get you what you really need (the ability to tell when the map operation is finished).
Addendum: The above is now outdated (depending on your hardware). Thanks to OpenGL 4.4/ARB_buffer_storage, you can now not only map unsynchronized, you can keep a buffer mapped indefinitely. Yes, you can have a buffer mapped while it is in use.
This is done by creating immutable storage and providing that storage with (among other things) the GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT. Then you glMapBufferRange, also providing the same bit.
Now technically, that changes pretty much nothing. You still need to synchronize your actions with OpenGL. If you write stuff to a region of the buffer, you'll need to either issue a barrier or flush that region of the buffer explicitly. And if you're reading, you still need to use a fence sync object to make sure that the data is actually there before reading it (and unless you use GL_MAP_COHERENT_BIT too, you'll need to issue a barrier before reading).
In general, it is not possible to do a "nonblocking map", but you can map without blocking.
The reason why there can be no "nonblocking map" is that the moment the function call returns, you could access the data, so the driver must make sure it is there, positively. If the data has not been transferred, what else can the driver do but block.
Threads don't make this any better, and possibly make it worse (adding synchronisation and context sharing issues). Threads cannot magically remove the need to transfer data.
And this leads to how to not block on mapping: Only map when you are sure that the transfer is finished. One safe way to do this is to map the buffer after flipping buffers or after glFinish or after waiting on a query/fence object. Using a fence is the preferrable way if you can't wait until buffers have been swapped. A fence won't stall the pipeline, but will tell you whether or not your transfer is done (glFinish may or may not, but will probably stall).
Reading after swapping buffers is also 100% safe, but may not be acceptable if you need the data within the same frame (works perfectly for screenshots or for calculating a histogram for tonemapping, though).
A less safe way is to insert "some other stuff" and hope that in the mean time the transfer has completed.
In respect of below comment:
This answer is not incorrect. It isn't possible to do any better than access data after it's available (this should be obvious). Which means that you must sync/block, one way or the other, there is no choice.
Although, from a very pedantic point of view, you can of course use GL_MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT to get a non-blocking map operation, this is entirely irrelevant, as it does not work unless you explicitly reproduce the implicit sync as described above. A mapping that you can't safely access is good for nothing.
Mapping and accessing a buffer that OpenGL is transferring data to without synchronizing/blocking (implicitly or explicitly) means "undefined behavior", which is only a nicer wording for "probably garbage results, maybe crash".
If, on the other hand, you explicitly synchronize (say, with a fence as described above), then it's irrelevant whether or not you use the unsynchronized flag, since no more implicit sync needs to happen anyway.

OpenGL Buffer Object internal workings?

I've started to use Pixel Buffer Objects and while I understand how to use them and the gist of what they're doing, I really don't know what's going on under the hood. I'm aware that the OpenGL spec allows for leeway in regards to the exact implementation, but that's still beyond me.
So far as I understand, the Buffer Object typically resides server side in GRAM; though this apparently may vary depending on target and usage. This makes perfect sense as this would be why OpenGL calls on the BOs would operate so fast. But in what such instances would it reside in AGP or system memory? (side question: does PCI-e have an equivalent of AGP memory?)
Also, glMapBuffers() returns a pointer to a block of memory of the BO so the data may be read/written/changed. But how is this done? The manipulations are taking place client side, so the data still has to go from server to client some how. If it is, how is is better than glReadPixels()?
PBOs are obviously better than glReadPixels() as is obvious by the performance difference, I just don't understand how.
I haven't used FBOs yet, but I've heard they're better to use. Is this true? if so, why?
I can't tell you in what memory the buffer object will be allocated. Actually you mostly answered that question yourself, so you can hope that a good driver will actually do it this way.
glMapBuffer can be implemented the same way as memory mapped files. Remember the difference between physical memory and virtual address space: when you write to a memory location, the address is mapped through a page table to a physical location. If the required page is marked as swapped out an interrupt occurs and the system loads the required page from the swap to the RAM. This mechanism can be used to map files and other resources (like GPU memory) to your process's virtual address space. When you call glMapBuffer, the system allocates some address range (not memory, just addresses) and prepares the relevant entries in page table. When you try to read/write to these addresses the system loads/sends it to the GPU. Of course this would be slow, so some buffering is done on the way.
If you constantly transfer data between CPU and GPU, I doubt that PBOs will be faster. They are faster when you make many manipulations on the GPU (like load from frame buffer, change a few texels with CPU and use it as a texture again on the GPU). Well, they can be faster in case of integrated graphics processor or AGP memory, because in that case glMapBuffer can map the addresses directly to the physical memory, effectively eliminating one copy operation.
Are FBOs better? For what? They are better when you need to render to texture. That's again because they eliminate one data copy operation.