Best environment to install centos 7 on laptop to use system as web server - centos7

I want to install centos 7 on laptop to use system as a web server.
I'll use this server for hosting a django project, so I need to install python and django after centos installation manually.


Odoo 10 Installation in ubuntu 16.04 using VirtualBox

Is there a support now a days in odoo 10 (python 2.7)? I'm trying to install it in my end but I always encounter this error
while installing the dependencies part on documentation in linode.

Rasa not installing on Digital Ocean

I am trying to install rasa 2.0.0 on digital ocean. I created a directory for the bot and created a virtual environment using ubantu 20.04 and python 3.8.5. After the virtualenv is activated i ran pip install rasa==2.0.0 as well as pip3 install rasa==2.0.0.
The installation goes upto tensorflow installation and killed word is appearing. It exits the process but on rasa or rasa train it doesn't execute. There were no errors too.
I have a django website serving on the ip and want this bot to serve through a different port to clients having websites. Can you please suggest how can I proceed ??
The minimum ram for the droplets to install RASA is 4.0 due to tensorflow.

How do I install LMDB as backend in openLDAP?

I have installed CentOS in the virtualbox. Now I want to install LDAP with LMDB as backend. When I've installed openLDAP, there was already a "olcDatabase={2}hdb.ldif" file. Now I want to know how to change the database from HDB to LMDB.

Setting up SSL Certificate using mod_wsgi

I have developed a Django 1.8 application using Python 3.3. I am trying to deploy the application on a university dedicated server with Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.2 (Maipo). (Note: RHEL does not let me install newer versions of Django and Python)
I had difficulty with installing mod_wsgi using the RHEL Apache and I ended up installing:
pip install -U mod_wsgi-httpd
pip install mod_wsgi
Everything works perfectly when I use the following setup:
python runmodwsgi --setup-only --port=80 --user=iman --group=root --server-root=/etc/mod_wsgi-express-80
However, when I want to setup HTTPS, using the following setup does not return any error message, but the website does not show up neither with http:// nor with https:// prefixes.
python runmodwsgi --setup-only --port=80 --user=iman --group=root --server-root=/etc/mod_wsgi-express-80 --https-only --https-port=443 --ssl-certificate-file=/etc/sslcert/iman.crt --ssl-certificate-key-file=/etc/sslcert/private/iman.key --ssl-ca-certificate-file=/etc/sslcert/certs/ca-bundle.crt
Here are helpful resources that I found about mod_wsgi:
mod_wsgi docs
GitHub repository
Running HTTPS and client authentication with mod_wsgi-express
pip install mod_wsgi-express left out
Thank you so much for your time and concern and apologies in advance if I am doing something wrong.

Install Open JDK and SunJDK and choose while launching an application

Intellij Idea CE recommends Sun Java on Ubuntu 12.04. Amazon EC2 API Tools comes packed with OpenJDK and if you try to uninstall OpenJDK amazon ec2 api tools uninstalls with it to.
How to install both Java and start IntelliJ with Sun and Amazon tools with Open?
shouldn't it be really straightforward ?
Install the sun jdk, and then afterwards change the default jdk using
sudo update-alternatives --config java