How can i respond back with a text file containing json data upon request from client .
The request url is:
http://localhost:8082/web/ws/datafileid/json/Sat May 16 12:05:07 IST 2015.txt/
Controller code that handles the request is:
public String datafileresponse(#PathVariable("filename") String filename, HttpServletResponse response) {
return cinehomeRestService.checkfilevalid(filename);
Service class that handles the request to check the file exists is:
public String checkfilevalid(String filename) {
String datafilename=webServiceDao.getdatafilename();
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
if(datafilename.equals(filename)) {
return "file";
else {
try {
obj.put("status", "022");
} catch (JSONException e) {
return obj.toString();
Here I need to respond back with the datafile.txt that exists at location resources. How can I perform the task. Can anyone help?
i have tried a method
public #ResponseBody Response datafileresponse(#PathVariable("filename")String filename) throws IOException{
JSONObject readdata = new JSONObject();
String uploadPath = servletContext.getRealPath("");
String fullyqualifiedfilename=uploadPath+filename;
return Response.ok(uploadPath)
.header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fullyqualifiedfilename + "\"" ) //optional
{ "statusType": "OK", "entity": /home/cine/WORKSPACES/study/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/
"entityType": "java.lang.String", "metadata": { "Content-Disposition": [ "attachment;
filename="/home/cine/WORKSPACES/study/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps/Cine Sat May 16 12:05:07 IST 2015.txt"" ] }, "status": 200 }
What this status means. Does the client can fetch teh file using this response.??
I am trying to update my appsync client to authenticate with IAM credentials. In case of API_KEY I set the API_KEY_HEADER like so: request.addHeader(API_KEY_HEADER, this.apiKey); Is there a similar way to authenticate in a Java client with IAM credentials? Is there a header I can pass in to pass in the secret and access keys like here: Or should I just be using a cognito user pool as a way to authenticate the request?
According to AWS Documentation we need to use sign requests using the process documented here: and steps listed here:
I also found an implementation here: Using the code above:
private void signRequest(final Request<AmazonWebServiceRequest> request) {
final AWS4Signer signer = new AWS4Signer();
signer.sign(request, this.appsyncCredentials);
private Request<AmazonWebServiceRequest> getRequest(final String data) {
final Request<AmazonWebServiceRequest> request =
new DefaultRequest<AmazonWebServiceRequest>("appsync");
final byte[] byteArray = data.getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
request.setContent(new ByteArrayInputStream(byteArray));
request.addHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, APPLICATION_GRAPHQL);
request.addHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_LENGTH, String.valueOf(byteArray.length));
return request;
private HttpResponseHandler<String> getResponseHandler() {
final HttpResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new HttpResponseHandler<String>() {
public String handle(com.amazonaws.http.HttpResponse httpResponse) throws Exception {
final String result = IOUtils.toString(httpResponse.getContent());
if(httpResponse.getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
final String errorText = String.format(
"Error posting request. Response status code was %s and text was %s. ",
throw new RuntimeException(errorText);
} else {
final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
//custom class to parse appsync response.
final AppsyncResponse response = objectMapper.readValue(result, AppsyncResponse.class);
final String errorMessages = response
final String errorText = String.format(
"Error posting appsync request. Errors were %s. ",
throw new RuntimeException(errorText);
return result;
public boolean needsConnectionLeftOpen() {
return false;
return responseHandler;
private Response<String> makeGraphQlRequest(final Request<AmazonWebServiceRequest> request) {
return this.httpClient.requestExecutionBuilder()
.executionContext(new ExecutionContext())
How to send a proper http request from android using volly for a post REST URL created with using aws api gateway?
How to make a proper http request from android so that these values accept by api gateway.
Api gateway internal testing works properly.
This is the parameter need to pass through the request.
"id": "22",
"res": "10",
"rate": "75",
"index": "1"
//this method is used call http request
public static void newPost2(Context context){
String awsAccessKey = "awsAccessKey";
final String awsSecretKey = "awsSecretKey";
String dateStr = ClientSSLSocketFactory.getServerTime();
String scope = dateStr + "/us-east-1/execute-api/aws4_request,";
String headerNames = "host;x-amz-date";
final String credentialsAuthorizationHeader = "Credential=" + awsAccessKey + "/" + scope;
String signedHeadersAuthorizationHeader = "SignedHeaders=" + headerNames;
String signatureAuthorizationHeader = "Signature=" + "hex encoded signature";
final String authorization = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 "
+ credentialsAuthorizationHeader + ", "
+ signedHeadersAuthorizationHeader + ", "
+ signatureAuthorizationHeader;
final String url="";
RequestQueue queue = Volley.newRequestQueue(context);
StringRequest sr = new StringRequest(Request.Method.POST,url, new Response.Listener<String>() {
public void onResponse(String response) {
// mPostCommentResponse.requestCompleted();
System.out.print("\n\n\ ok."+response);
}, new Response.ErrorListener() {
public void onErrorResponse(VolleyError error) {
// mPostCommentResponse.requestEndedWithError(error);
System.out.print("\n\n\ error."+error);
protected Map<String,String> getParams(){
Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
// params.put("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
params.put("res", "75");
return params;
public Map<String, String> getHeaders() throws AuthFailureError {
Map<String,String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
// params.put("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
params.put("Host", "");
params.put("x-amz-date", ClientSSLSocketFactory.getawsnettime());
params.put("Authorization", authorization);
params.put("Content-Type", "application/x-amz-json-1.0");
return params;
but shows error in log
11-30 14:52:14.140 4663-4663/com.example.acernrc.noveleven W/System.err:
11-30 14:52:14.140 4663-4663/com.example.acernrc.noveleven W/System.err: at
I am using Spring 4 latest, and I generally have no problem writing RESTful controllers. There is a legacy web-app, which is using to do a multi-part upload. There are 3 pieces of data we are uploading:
1 is a PDF file, and we have the bytes, then the other two pieces of data are just 2 string fields.
First let me show you the Spring REST controller to accept the data:
#RequestMapping(value = "/save", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = "application/json", consumes = "multipart/form-data")
public #ResponseBody boolean saveData(#RequestPart(value = "field1") String field1, #RequestPart(value = "field2") String field2, #RequestParam(value = "pdfbytes") String pdfbytes)
System.out.println("saveData: field1=" + field1);
System.out.println("saveData: field2=" + field2);
System.out.println("saveData: pdfbytes=" + pdfbytes);
boolean response = true;
return response;
The code in front-end, for sending the data using ''
looks like this:
String boundary = MultiPartFormOutputStream.createBoundary();
URL uploadDocumentUrl = new URL(protocol + "://" + host + UPLOAD_EDITED_DOCUMENT);
HttpURLConnection urlConn = (HttpURLConnection) MultiPartFormOutputStream.createConnection(uploadDocumentUrl);
urlConn.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", MultiPartFormOutputStream.getContentType(boundary));
urlConn.setRequestProperty("Connection", "Keep-Alive");
urlConn.setRequestProperty("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
urlConn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", userAgent);
MultiPartFormOutputStream out = new MultiPartFormOutputStream(urlConn.getOutputStream(), boundary);
String pdfbytes= getEncodedDocument(pdf);
out.writeField("field1", field1);
out.writeField("field2", field2);
out.writeField("pdfbytes", pdfbytes);
int responseCode = urlConn.getResponseCode();
String responseMessage = urlConn.getResponseMessage();
"MultiPartFormOutputStream" is a custom object that was created to send data via HttpUrlConnection, it's pretty standard code. I do trust it at this time.
So, based on how we are sending the data, do I need to change the Controller to do anything different, or does that look ok?
Now here is the code, that I am using to Unit Test that controller:
public void testMockUpload() throws Exception
// Load resource being uploaded
byte[] pdfbytes = getByteArrayFromFile(FILENAME);
MockMultipartFile firstFile = new MockMultipartFile("field1", "", "text/plain", "field1 data".getBytes());
MockMultipartFile secondFile = new MockMultipartFile("field2", "", "text/plain", "field2 data".getBytes());
MockMultipartFile jsonFile = new MockMultipartFile("pdfbytes", "", "text/plain", pdfbytes);
MockHttpServletRequestBuilder requestBuilder = MockMvcRequestBuilders.fileUpload(BASE_URL + "/save").file(firstFile).file(secondFile).file(jsonFile)
.with(user(USERNAME).roles("role1", "role2")).contentType(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_VALUE);
And the error I get back now, is:
which I am looking into. If I need to make any changes on how I need to create my test, I am very open to that. Eventually, I will get everything to sync up between the sending code, the receiving controller, and the unit test.
Thanks in advance! As usual, if there is any other data, or information, I can provide, please let me know. Thanks!
To upload one file you would define the RequestParam type as org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile;
#RequestMapping(value = "/save", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = "application/json", consumes = "multipart/form-data")
public #ResponseBody boolean saveData(#RequestParam(value = "file") MultipartFile file)
return response;
For Multiple files I'd try creating a Wrapper form:
public class UploadForm{
private List<MultipartFile> files;
Bind to this in the controller:
#RequestMapping(value = "/save", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = "application/json", consumes = "multipart/form-data")
public #ResponseBody boolean saveData(#ModelAttribute uploadForm)
return response;
and then use Spring's support for indexed fields to bind to a collection:
MockMultipartFile firstFile = new MockMultipartFile("files[0]", "", "text/plain", "field1 data".getBytes());
MockMultipartFile secondFile = new MockMultipartFile("files[1]", "", "text/plain", "field2 data".getBytes());
MockMultipartFile jsonFile = new MockMultipartFile("files[2]", "", "text/plain", pdfbytes);
out.writeField("files[0]", file1Bytes);
out.writeField("files[1]", file2Bytes);
I need to download a image files from the file system using RESTEasy web service and the input httpclient is JSON and the output response is
Here is my client code:
public void getFileDownload(){
log("inside getServerPath....");
DefaultHttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(downloadWebService_URL);
JSONObject json = new JSONObject();
json.put("filePath", "/ngs/app/sample.png");
json.put("fileName", "sample.png");
StringEntity inputJson = null;
try {
inputJson = new StringEntity(json.toString());
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
log("inputJson = " + inputJson.toString());
httpPost.addHeader("AppType", "TC");
log("httpPost... httpPost");
HttpResponse response = null;
try {
response = httpClient.execute(httpPost);
catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
catch (IOException e) {
catch (Exception e)
log("E:: " + ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e));
Here is my Webservice code:
public class DownloadFileWS {
private static final String FILE_PATH = "/ngs/app/sample.png";
// #Path("/images")
public Response getImageFile(#PathParam("fileName") String fileName) {
File file = new File(FILE_PATH);
System.out.println("File requested is : " + fileName);
ResponseBuilder response = Response.ok((Object) file);
response.header("Content-Disposition","attachment; filename=\"sample.png\"");
The HTTP Response is:
response:-->HTTP/1.1 200 OK [Date: Tue, 19 Jul 2016 00:36:22 GMT,
Content-Length: 6192, Content-Type: image/png, Content-Disposition:
attachment; filename="sample.png", X-Powered-By: Servlet/2.5 JSP/2.1]
1. Based on the response, it looks like the service is sending the image in HTTPResponse object. May i know how to download the image received from HTTP Response?
2. The requirement is to click a link which calls the webservice by passing JSON as input request and the image should automatically download to the user's local machine browser.
I've got this below restful webservice code. But when the webservice is accessed I'm getting "MIME media type application/pdf was not found". The docService.findByVersionId does return a "TestDoc" which holds the pdf content as byte[].
Can you please help me in fixing this problem?
public Response getPdfFile(#PathParam("versionId") final String versionId) {
try {
final TestDoc doc = this.docService.findByVersionId(versionId);
final ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
final BufferedOutputStream bos = new BufferedOutputStream(byteArrayOutputStream);
final byte[] pdfContent = doc.getPdfDoc();
return Response.ok(byteArrayOutputStream).build();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
2014-01-02 12:42:07,497 ERROR [STDERR] 02-Jan-2014 12:42:07 com.sun.jersey.spi.container.ContainerResponse write
SEVERE: A message body writer for Java class, and Java type class, and MIME media type application/pdf was not found
It seems that you can't use the ByteArrayOutputStream. The solution is to use StreamingOutput.
public Response generatePDF(String content) {
try {
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = service.generatePDF(content);
StreamingOutput streamingOutput = getStreamingOutput(outputStream);
Response.ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.ok(streamingOutput, "application/pdf");
responseBuilder.header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=Filename.pdf");
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
return Response.serverError().build();
private StreamingOutput getStreamingOutput(final ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream) {
return new StreamingOutput() {
public void write(OutputStream output) throws IOException, WebApplicationException {