Regex to matches multiple string - regex

need help to separate this string
into this
already tried with regex
and for the first match it will only take value-filter-29[]=Test+1,Test+2,Test+2 without &3
Is there any way to achieve this using regex?

You can use the following regex:
It will split at every & that is followed by value. You can fine-tune this look-ahead later. Looking at the current ouput, you might want to add -filter-: \&(?=value-filter-).
See demo

You need to use a positive lookahead assertion.


regex get everything after dot

Need a help with a simple regex.
I need to remove everything before the first dot (including the dot)
Should be:
I tried \.(.*) but it keeps the first dot:
Please advice
One approach uses a positive lookbehind:

Regex for extracting each word between hyphens

I am learning regex and trying to write a pattern that exactly matches each of the strings without'-' so that I can iterate for each of the groups and print the respective strings.
I have a string that looks like "Abcd001-wd2s-vwe1-20180e3103.txt"
I was able to write a regex for extracting Abcd001, wd2s and .txt from above text as shown below
(\A[^-]+)=> Abcd001
(-[^-]+-)=> wd2s
However, I was unable to come up with the correct pattern for extracting the exact strings vwe1 and 20180e3103
It will be really helpful if you can guide me on this or if there is a better approach to achieve this?
Please note: [^-.]+ may give me all the words separately but I am looking for an option where I have a group defined for each of these strings so that its one to one mapping.
To get vwe1 or 20180e3103 from the example data, you might use a quantifier {2} or {3} to repeat matching one or more word charcters followed by a hyphen (?:\w+-){2}.
Then you could capture in a group ([^-.]+) matching not a hyphen or a dot.
Try the below regex
Also check the similar implementation:

Is it possible to say in Regex "if the next word does not match this expression"?

I'm trying to detect occurrences of words italicized with *asterisks* around it. However I want to ensure it's not within a link. So it should find "text" in here is some *text* but not within*text*intheurl.
My first instinct was to use look aheads, but it doesn't seem to work if I use a URL regex such as John Gruber's:
And put it in a look ahead at the beginning of the pattern, followed by the rest of the pattern.
So how would I do this?
You can use this alternation technique to match everything first on LHS that you want to discard. Then on RHS use captured group to match desired text.
You can then use captured group #1 for your emphasized text.
RegEx Demo
The following regexp:
Matches everything but*text*intheurl. This is called negative lookahead. Some regexp libraries may not support it, python's does.
Here is a link to Mastering Lookahead and Lookbehind.

Regular Expressions, getting digit after second occurence of dot

I want to get a number after second dot in a string like that :
4.5.3. Some kind of question ? but input string might look like this as well 41.53.32. Some kind of question ? so im aiming for 3 in the first example and 32 in second example.
I'm trying to do it with
and it works on 1st example, but when im trying to add (?<=(\.\d+\.))[0-9]+
it doesn't work at all.
If there is always a dot after the final number then you can use the following expression:
This will match one or more digits \d+ which are followed by a dot . then something that is either not a number [^\d] of the end-of-string $, i.e. (?=\.(?:[^\d]|$)).
Regex101 Demo
If you use PERL or PHP, you can try this pattern:
The simplest complete answer is probably something like this:
If you're at all worried about performance, this one will be slightly faster:
This one will capture the desired value in capturing group 1.
If you are using an engine that doesn't support variable-length lookbehind, you'll need to use the second version.
If you wish, you can replace [^.] with \d, to only match digits.
Match digits dot digits dot digits, with the first section as a group not selected.
the following regex should work for your use case.
check it out here

Regex: match pattern but not certain word

Is there a possibility to write a regex that matches for [a-zA-Z]{2,4} but not for the word test? Or do i need to filter this in several steps?
Sure, you can use a negative lookahead.
I don't know if you'll need it for what you're doing, but note that you may need to use start and end anchors (^ and $) if you're checking that an entire input matches that pattern. Otherwise, it could match something like ouaeghAEtest because it will still find four chars somewhere that aren't "test".
just a idea, haven't use real code to try