How much does server space cost? - web-services

I want to hst a 'send link to my phone feature' on my website. Can someone with server experience suggest to me which company I should go with based on my needs?
More info: I'll be using host gator to host my domain and its pages. I want this text me feature to be on the homepage and it could possibly send millions of links over the coming years (think positive right?) What should I do? I heard this type of feature costs money and I am doing budgeting now.

That depends on what you want to do. If you want an SMS gateway to send links to peoples' mobiles, then Txtlocal is a good option but they charge about 2p a per message I think


Generating SCOM alerts for web servers

I have 4-7 sharepoint servers. We have a scom alert already implemented to generate alert if the server is down. But we want to implement scom alert if the website is down.
Can we genearate alert using scom by using ping functionality?
My idea is, we ping the server continuosly and when the website is unresponsive for some time we get alert saying that the website is unresposive.
Can this be implemented? And how much effort is needed? And do we need any other services to be implemented?
Any help would be appreciated.
Forgive me for the post being more philosophy and less answer.
For better or worse, Microsoft has resisted implemented a simple ping monitor in SCOM. Their is a solid reason for this. It would be overly leveraged by folks that don't know any better. The result of which would reflect poorly on the quality of SCOM as a monitoring tool. What I mean by that is that a ping monitor is a terrible idea as it doesn't tell the poor soul that was awoken at 2am much of anything beyond the highest level notion that something is wrong.
If you have 5 minutes to sit in front of the SCOM console to create a ping alert then you would serve your support teams much better if you spent those same 5 minutes creating a Web Application Availability monitor. The reason for this is that the Web App Avail monitor will actually look at the response to ensure that it is logical and successful.
Here is the documentation to create a Web Application Availability Monitor. It looks difficult only until your first implementation. It really is a snap.
Consider that if you had a ping monitor and someone accidentally deleted your index.html file, your ping will happily chug along without telling anyone. Same with a bad code update. Heck, you could even stop your web application server and ping is still going to respond.
Conversely, If you had a Web App Avail monitor pointed at each of the nodes in a load balanced web farm and your load balancer failed, all of your Web monitors will continue to post as healthy while your monitor looking at the load balancer will start to fail. A quick glace at the console will tell your support team that indeed the issue is not with the web servers themselves.
It is a good philosophy to implement your monitors in a way that they testing the target as completely as possible and in the most isolated way possible. You would not want to point a Web App Avail monitor at a load balancer as you would not necessarily know which endpoint did not respond to SCOM to trigger the alert. Some folks go to great lengths to work around this by implementing health check pages that respond with there hostnames. This is usually not necessary, simply create a monitor against each individual node. You are going to want to monitor your load balancer directly so that you know it is up as well.
On another note, there already is a SharePoint management pack (actually one for each version of SharePoint) that you can download from MS for free. This management pack will automatically discovery and monitor all of the components of SharePoint in your infrastructure. It works quite well but if you are new to SCOM then the volume of data and alerts that it creates can be a bit overwhelming at first.
SharePoint 2016 (there is one for each version) management pack:
There is also a third party management pack that allows you to simply create ping monitors. People REALLY want this. I respectfully will tell you that that they are doing more harm then good in the majority of implementations that use this. But at the end of the day sometimes you just want something that works and you understand so here it is:
Ping management pack:

Connection between different Web-Services? (eg: Twitter-Feeds on Facebook)

does anybody know agood way in granting a connection from one service to another, so that both services benefits fromeach other?
I would like to have an easy but never the less safe way to do a connection between my server and another server, but I don't know how to do that.
It should be ...
easy, so that neither the user nor the service providers have to waste alot of time
traffic effecient, so that traffic is not wasted and conenction is fast
encrypted, so that no person in between can use the transmitted data
and it should be an open and flexible standard, so that there could be more connections to other services (with my server in the middle of this star connection and no connection in between all providers) and that I don't have to pay a fee ;).
the example in the title is something I think about, because when you have a twitter account you somehow connect facebook to your account and facebook can show your twitterfeeds on your account.
but I don't want a provider to gather a lot of information beside the really important one that the user want to transmit. so I don't want the provide to get the username of my user and I don't really need to know how my user is named there.
It's like a post-office box. you just have to know where to put your letter, but you don't need to know the box owner's name.
and I don't want the mail-carrier to know what he is delivering, so it should be encrypted.
every clue how to do that would be fine, because I don't know anything about this :)
thank you in advance, Andreas
What you need is OAuth, check out the "Getting Started" guide to learn all about it
And the wiki entry

Setup email server to respond to emails sent to an account

This is a newbie question... I want to create a service which responds to emails sent to it.
Just to illustrate. If a user sends an email to with some instructions, I want a program at (which is a domain I own) to read the email and act accordingly.
I strongly doubt I can do this with standard web hosts (which are shared), so I welcome suggestions on where I can host something like this (at the cheapest rate).
What will the "program" be written in? Can I use php, etc or is it some specific "email-handling" language!?
FWIW, I think this question should be posed on rather than here.
I confirm this is something most shared hostings can't do: You need to be able to create a scheduled task/cron job which checks your e-mail account every x minutes.
You might consider a virtual server hosting. A bit more pricey but much more flexible.
The script would be written in php on Linux or in VBS/JScript/.NET on Windows. I've written such a script in JScript on Windows, using a component that implements POP3.

How to receive SMS "from around the world" and save in website database?

From few months ago when i was using twitter, i was able to send twitter a SMS and when i go home and check my twitter page, i see the SMS i sent is on the website as a tweet. "That was great"
Now, i want to make the same in my website, so someone will send my website SMS as a command and my website will save this command in the db for future processing.
My problem that i don't know where to begin.
1- How users will send from around the world while there are different mobile companies in each country, or thats not a problem?
2- How my website will receive and read these SMS? there is a service for that?
3- Do you know any articles which simplify these tasks for me?
If someone worked on something like that before, please advice, any info will be helpful.
Contact your messaging provider, they will have solutions for each country they support.
In practice these things need to be agreed on a per-country bases (e.g. shortcodes etc), but the providers will do a lot to help.
Depending on what countries you want to cover, a single provider will probably do it - if you need absolutely every country with a mobile network, then you might need several, in which case integration is more complicated.
Typically they send either a HTTP POST, or a SMTP email to your server when they receive a message to your company's shortcode or shortcode prefix. But the integration options that exist are agreed per provider; there is no real standard or de-facto standard.
Well, first of all you need a sms-gateway. This is a service which you can buy a lot of places with varying prices. Your site can communicate with this gateway in different ways depending on the gateway-host.
Now, you can send messages to the number you bought on the sms-server and poll them (or push, again depending on your sms-provider) to your site. Just as with any other sms "IRL", you can use country codes to send a very costly SMS from around the globe. If you wish to keep this price lower, you need to rent a SMS-gateway which is internationalized or you need to rent one in each country...
.. In conclusion, doing this is not really a feasable option for your small "hobby-type" project :) Renting a SMS-gateway is rather cheap though, so the problem is really in your "multiple countries" request ..
I have created a web service for sending and receiving SMS messages. We are connecting through VPN to the SMS gateway of the local GSM operator: they have assigned us an public number as well as the option to send messages worldwide.
It doesn't matter if we send sms worldwide or receive from anyone - it just work :)
International sms might be a bit more expensive to send.
theoretically there is a possibility to send sms thgrough an sip provider (like betamax / but this is not so fast and reliable comparing to traditional service.
I've had some success in the past with
This is a paid service (per SMS) and be aware that you need to pay and FAX (yes, FAX...) your identity information to the before you get an API key.

CFMail SMTP connection limit

Currently using ColdFusion 8 enterprise on 32 bit linux box to send out our mail to a third party provider who do the delivery (relay). Currently we have maintain mail server connections checked in the ColdFusion admin but they'd like us to limit the connections to each one of their servers to 5 and I'm not sure if you can make ColdFusion do that, I'm pretty sure not, at least not officially...
Looking at a max of 4000 / minute being spooled but more likely in the region of 2000 / minute.
Two questions:
Is it possible to "hack" ColdFusion to limit the amount of connections it creates and maintains (in an xml file within lib or SERVER-INF somewhere maybe?)
How much performance loss would you expect from not maintaining the connections?
If anyone has any experience with this it'd be appreciated.
Does "Mail Delivery Threads" on the Mail spool settings not do this?
if the above doesn't give you what you want, then you can always use the javax.mail libraries. Those libraries give you a lot of flexibility and can generally configure it how you want to. Of course, this option works best when your a java developer.