C++ IO/Multiplexed TCP Server and POSIX Threads - c++

I must develop a simple C++ command line client/server chat application. This application must provide a basic multiple two-partecipants chat-room implementation. Is it possible to combine IO/Multiplexing (select() syscall) with POSIX threads?
I mean I want to create a TCP server which handles multiple clients with select() and when a client wants to chat with another one the servewr creates a separate thread , that uses IO/Multiplexing (select() syscall) , to handle the communication between the two clients.
Is this a good idea? How could I do otherwise?

A crude attempt at an architecture...
Structure your application as two sets of threads (a set might be composed of just one thread).
One set minds the TCP connections, each TCP connection is assigned to one of the threads in the set, the thread just runs forever polling the connections assigned to it (incoming messages) and polling a (per-thread) from-logic queue (outgoing messages)
The other set minds the logic/session. Each session is assigned to a specific thread. Each thread just runs forever polling the (per-thread) from-network queue (incoming messages).
The network thread-set, receives messages and post them to the right logic queue [assumes there's a way of mapping connections to internal logic sessions]. It polls its from-logic queue to get the outgoing messages and send them.
The number of network threads is bound, and it does not depend on the number of connections.
The logic thread-set, receives requests from the network in its queue and handles them within a given session state and (perhaps) post back messages to the be sent out (sent out by the network threads)
The number of logic threads is bound, and it does not depend on the number of sessions.


Handling multiple clients simultaneously in C++ UDP server

I have developed a C++ UDP based server application and I am in the process of implementing code to handle multiple clients simultaneously .
I have the following understanding regarding how to handle multiple clients and want to fill in the knowledge gaps
My step wise understanding is as mentioned below
UDP server listens at a specific port(say xxxx)
The server has a message queue .It can be array or linked list or Queue or anything for that matter
As soon as a request arrives at the port xxxx, its placed in the message queue
After putting it in the message queue a new thread(let us call it worked thread) is spawned and it picks up the queued message and the same is removed from the message queue
The worked thread knows about the clients IP:port from the message header
The worker thread processes the request and sends the response to the clients IP:port
The clients gets the response and the worker thread terminates.
Steps 3 to 7 take care of multiple client being handled simultaneously.
Is my understanding sufficient ? Where do I need improvement?
Thanks in advance
The clients gets the response and the worker thread terminates.
The worker thread should terminate when it completes processing. There is no practical way for it to wait for an acknowledgement from the client.
The worker thread processes the request and sends the response to the clients IP:port
I think it will be better to place the response on a queue. The main server thread can check the queue and send any responses found there. This prevents race conditions when two worker threads overlap in their attempts to send responses.
The server has a message queue .It can be array or linked list or Queue or anything for that matter
It pretty much has to be a queue. The interesting question is what queue priority. Initially FIFO would do. If your server becomes overloaded, then you need to consider alternatives. Perhaps it would be good to estimate the processing time required, and do the fast ones first. Or perhaps different clients deserve different priorities.
After putting it in the message queue a new thread(let us call it worked thread) is spawned
This is fine initially. However, you will want to do some time profiling and determine if a thread pool would be advantageous.
Deeper Discussion of threading issues
The job processing must be done in a separate worker thread, so that a long job will not block the server from accepting connections from other clients. However, you should consider carefully whether or not you want to use multiple worker threads. Since you are placing the job requests on a queue, a single worker thread can be used to process them one by one.
PRO single thread
Simpler, more reliable code. The processing code must be thread safe for context switches back to the main thread. However, there will not be any context switches between job processing code. This makes it easier to design and debug the processing code. For example, if the jobs are updating a database, then you do not require any extra code to ensure the database is always consistent - just that consistency is guaranteed at the end of each job process.
Faster response for short jobs. If there are many short jobs submitted at the same time, your CPU can spend more cycles switching between jobs than actually doing useful processing.
CON single thread
A big job will block other jobs until it completes.

multi way inter process communication

There are 10 processes in my machine and each should have the capability to communicate with each other.
Now the scenario is all the 10 processes should be in the listening state so that any process can communicate with it at any time. Again when required it should be able to pass a message to any of the processes.
I am trying to code it with C++ and unix tcp/udp sockets. However I don't understand how to structure it. Shall I use UDP or TCP, which would be better? How can a process listen and send data simultaneously.
I need help.
The decision of UDP vs TCP depends on your messages, whether or not they need to be reliably delivered, etc.
For pure TCP, each peer would have a TCP socket on which each process accepts connections from other peers (and each accept would result in a new socket). This new socket is bi directional and can be used for sending / recieving from one peer to another. With this solution, you would need some sort of discovery mechanism.
For UDP, it's much the same except you don't need the accept socket. You still need some form of discovery mechanism.
The discovery mechanism could either be another peer with a well known (via configuration, etc) address, or possibly you could use UDP broadcast for the discovery mechanism.
In terms of zeroMQ, which is a slightly higher level than raw sockets, you would have a single ROUTER socket on which you're listening and recieving data, and one DEALER socket per peer on which you're sending data.
No matter the solution, you would likely need a thread for handling the network connections using poll() or something like that, and as messages are received you need another thread (or thread pool) for handling the messages.
you can run each process as severer & span 9 more thread to connect other processes as client.
This question applies to any language, so the answer is not C++ related.
When given a choice, look for a library to have an easier communication (e.g. apache-thrift).
About TCP/UDP: TCP is typically slower but more reliable, so by default, go for TCP, but there might be reasons for choosing UDP, like streaming, multicast/broadcast,... Reliability might not be an issue when all processes are on the same board, but you might want to communicate with external processes later on.
A threaded process can use the same socket for sending and receiving without locks.
Also, you need some kind of scheme to find out to what port to send to reach a process and with TCP, you need to decide whether to use static connections or connect every time you want to send.
what you want to do seems to be message passing.
before trying to build it yourself, take a look at boost mpi

boost asio: different thread pool for different tasks

There are many examples on the net about creating a simple thread pool such as Sample1 and Sample2
What I wanted to implement though is to have a separate thread pool for different tasks. For example, the app may have a pool of threads for processing incoming tcp connections (let's call this the network pool), while another pool for talking to a database (database pool).
These incoming tcp requests might want information from the database. In this case it will need to ask the those threads from the database pool to perform query, and return the result asynchronously.
Is there a recommended way to do so using boost::asio? Would it be having one instance of io_service for each pool? And how should those threads communicate with each other (using boost)?
I understand to explain all these, the code won't be that short and trivial, but if possible some sort of pseudo code would be much appreciated.
The communication between thread / thread pools should be through thread safe queues.
In your example, you should have a networking thread pool for handling network connections, a process pool for executing the network requests, and a database connection / thread pool (one pool per database; one thread per database connection, but possibly you could have multiple connections to the same database).
You would also need a thread safe queues, one for the network pool, one for the process pool and one for each of the database pools.
Say you have a network request that needs to get information from the database. You would receive the request while executing on a network thread, and append the handler for the request onto the process queue.
The process handler (in a process thread) would see that the request needs something from the database, and so it would append a database request as well as a callback handler onto the appropriate database queue.
The appropriate database thread would pick up the request from the database queue, execute the query, get the results back, and add the results to the callback handler. The callback handler object with the database results would then be pushed onto the process queue.
The callback handler (in a process thread) would then continue executing the request, and possibly package a response message, which is then pushed onto the network queue.
The network handler (in a network thread) would then pick up the response messsage and deliver it (encoding as necessary).
An example of a thread safe queue can be found here.
Albeit a little complicated, you can see an implementation of an application server that can handle what you're talking about here, although it may be overkill for what you're trying to do. The source code is fairly well documented so you should be able to follow it and see what it's doing.
My example uses boost for asio (see the TCP Connection implementation within that same system), but it does not use boost io_service for handlers.

How many incoming buffers for a networking application?

I'm writing a networking application which receives data from multiple clients: when a packet is received, the application reads and modifies the header, and then forwards the packet to one or more clients. I thought to use an output queue for each connection to a client, so the application is able to monitor the filling level of each output queue and detect the load on each client.
The routing of incoming packets could be achieved by a single thread, which should analyze the header of each packet in order to determine the destination client: this thread also accesses to a routing table in order to forward packets correctly.
How to handle incoming messages?
I could use a single shared queue or one input queue for each connection:
if I use a single shared queue, it would be concurrently accessed by the routing thread and by the threads that handle the connections with clients;
if I use one input queue for each input connection, it would be concurrently accessed by the routing thread and by the only thread which handles that connection from the client.
In the first case, the role of routing thread would be rather simple, since it should only dequeue the next packet from the queue and forward it to another client. In the second case, instead, the routing thread should check, one by one, all the input queues. This second approach could have the advantage of avoiding the fastest connections can fill the shared queue, thus increasing the probability that the other connections can find the queue full.
The second approach would require that the routing thread should follow a policy that ensures a fair behavior in relation to the input queues. What policy could be used in this case?
Moreover, what other reasons might lead one to choose the first or the second solution? What are advantages and disadvantages for both solutions?
The routing of incoming packets could be achieved by a single thread
Why have a thread at all? Why not just have a method, that is called by the receiving threads, that puts the result message on the write queue for the target client(s)?

How to get a Win32 Thread to wait on a work queue and a socket?

I need a client networking thread to be able to respond both to new messages to be transmitted, and the receipt of new data on the network. I wish to avoid this thread performing a polling loop, but rather to process only as needed.
The scenario is as follows:
A client application needs to communicate to a server via a protocol that is largely, but not entirely, synchronous. Typically, the client sends a message to the server and blocks until a response is received.
The server may process client requests asynchronously, in which case the response to client
is not a result, but a notification that processing has begun. A result message is sent to to the client at some point in the future, when the server has finish processing the client request.
The asynchronous result notifications can arrive at the client at any time. These notifications need processed when they are received i.e. it is not possible to process a backlog only when the client transmits again.
The clients networking thread receives and processes notifications from the server, and to transmit outgoing messages from the client.
To achieve this, I need to to make a thread wake to perform processing either when network data is received OR when a message to transmit is enqueued into an input queue.
How can a thread wake to perform processing of an enqueued work item OR data from a socket?
I am interested primarily in using the plain Win32 APIs.
A minimal example or relevant tutorial would be very welcome!
An alternative to I/O Completion Ports for sockets is using WSAEventSelect to associate an event with the socket. Then as others have said, you just need to use another event (or some sort of waitable handle) to signal when an item has been added to your input queue, and use WaitForMultipleObjects to wait for either kind of event.
You can set up an I/O Completion Port for the handles and have your thread wait on the completion port:
Actually, you can have multiple threads wait on the port (one thread per processor usually works well).
Following on from Michael's suggestion, I have some free code that provides a framework for IO Completion Port style socket stuff; and it includes an IOCP based work queue too. You should be able to grab some stuff from it to solve your problem from here.
Well, if both objects have standard Windows handles, you can have your client call WaitForMultipleObjects to wait on them.
You might want to investiate splitting the servicing of the network port off onto its own thread. That might simplify things greatly. However, it won't help if you just end up having to synchonize something else between that new thread and your main one.