al_draw_filled_rectangle() seems to work only in some classes - c++

I am trying to write a basic program with a game loop (it can't be called a game any time soon). Almost everything I have (which isn't much, frankly) is fine, just the one object in my render tree doesn't render!
The game loop:
void Game::enterMainLoop() {
running = true;
double lastTime = al_get_time();
std::cout << "Entering main loop!" << std::endl;
while (running) { // Never mind the infinite loop. This isn't the final version
double current = al_get_time();
double timePassed = current - lastTime;
lastTime = current;
I have verified it loops correctly (and quickly - the called methods don't do much).
The Game::render() method:
void Game::render(std::vector<IRenderable*> toRender) {
IRenderable *renderable;
for (std::vector<IRenderable*>::iterator it = toRender.begin(); it != toRender.end(); ++it) {
renderable = *it;
al_draw_filled_rectangle(10, 10, 120, 120, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255));
I verified the one object in the render tree's render method is called (by putting a cout statement in its body, which prints every frame). The filled rectangle is visible on screen.
The Player::render method at first drew a square at (this.x, this.y) with dimensions this.width x this.height, but I saw nothing on screen, so I simplified it to this:
void Player::render() {
std::cout << "Player::render called! x: " << x << ", y: " << y << std::endl;
al_draw_filled_rectangle(120, 120, 120, 120, al_map_rgb(255, 255, 255));
Yes, the cout statement prints every frame, so the render() method is called correctly. Yet I don't see a second rectangle.
Why can't I draw from the Player class?
(Note: everything compiles without output with -Wall enabled. During runtime I also don't have any output besides what I generate with cout statements.)

It cant realiably be deduced without a mcve, but from the code shown, and assuming renderable->getChildren() returns a std::vector, the problem is most propably related to the fact that after rendering one of the elements you always recurse and call al_clear_to_color as a result:
al_clear_to_color(al_map_rgb(0,0,90)); //1: clear screen
IRenderable *renderable;
for (std::vector<IRenderable*>::iterator it = toRender.begin(); it != toRender.end(); ++it) {
renderable = *it;
//renders one element
//recurses and therefore reaches 1(clear screen) again(even if there are no children)


SDL2 load certain texture make SDL_RenderFillRect color weird

I made a program that has two different states, one is for menu display-"Menu State", and the other state is for drawing some stuff-"Draw State".
But I came across a weird thing, if i load certain png for texture and copy them to renderer to display , then leave "Menu State" to enter "Draw State". The texture will somehow make the rectangle color not display properly (for example make green go dark).
In my code, switching to a new state(invoke MenuState::onExit()) will erase the texture map(map of texture smart pointer indexing with std::string)
So the texutre loaded doesn't even exist in the "Drawing State".
I couldn't figure out what went wrong. Here is some of my codes
void TextureManager::DrawPixel(int x, int y, int width, int height, SDL_Renderer *pRenderer)
SDL_Rect rect;
rect.x = x;
rect.y = y;
rect.w = width;
rect.h = height;
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(pRenderer, 0, 255, 0, 255);//same color value
SDL_RenderFillRect(pRenderer, &rect);
static bool TextureManagerLoadFile(std::string filename, std::string id)
return TextureManager::Instance().Load(filename, id, Game::Instance().GetRenderer());
bool TextureManager::Load(std::string filename, std::string id, SDL_Renderer *pRenderer)
if(m_textureMap.count(id) != 0)
return false;
SDL_Surface *pTempSurface = IMG_Load(filename.c_str());
SDL_Texture *pTexutre = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(pRenderer, pTempSurface);
if(pTexutre != 0)
m_textureMap[id] = std::make_unique<textureData>(pTexutre, 0, 0);
SDL_QueryTexture(pTexutre, NULL, NULL, &m_textureMap[id]->width, &m_textureMap[id]->height);
return true;
return false;
void TextureManager::ClearFromTextureMap(std::string textureID)
bool MenuState::onEnter()
if(!TextureManagerLoadFile("assets/Main menu/BTN PLAY.png", "play_button"))
return false;
if(!TextureManagerLoadFile("assets/Main menu/BTN Exit.png", "exit_button"))
//replace different png file here will also affect the outcome
return false;
if(!TextureManagerLoadFile("assets/Main menu/BTN SETTINGS.png", "setting_button"))
return false;
int client_w,client_h;
SDL_GetWindowSize(Game::Instance().GetClientWindow(),&client_w, &client_h);
int playBtn_w = TextureManager::Instance().GetTextureWidth("play_button");
int playBtn_h = TextureManager::Instance().GetTuextureHeight("play_button");
int center_x = (client_w - playBtn_w) / 2;
int center_y = (client_h - playBtn_h) / 2;
ParamsLoader pPlayParams(center_x, center_y, playBtn_w, playBtn_h, "play_button");
int settingBtn_w = TextureManager::Instance().GetTextureWidth("setting_button");
int settingBtn_h = TextureManager::Instance().GetTuextureHeight("setting_button");
ParamsLoader pSettingParams(center_x , center_y + (playBtn_h + settingBtn_h) / 2, settingBtn_w, settingBtn_h, "setting_button");
int exitBtn_w = TextureManager::Instance().GetTextureWidth("exit_button");
int exitBtn_h = TextureManager::Instance().GetTuextureHeight("exit_button");
ParamsLoader pExitParams(10, 10, exitBtn_w, exitBtn_h, "exit_button");
m_gameObjects.push_back(std::make_shared<MenuUIObject>(&pPlayParams, s_menuToPlay));
m_gameObjects.push_back(std::make_shared<MenuUIObject>(&pSettingParams, s_menuToPlay));
m_gameObjects.push_back(std::make_shared<MenuUIObject>(&pExitParams, s_menuExit));
//change order of the 3 line code above
//or replace different png for exit button, will make the rectangle color different
std::cout << "Entering Menu State" << std::endl;
return true;
bool MenuState::onExit()
for(auto i : m_gameObjects)
std::cout << "Exiting Menu State" << std::endl;
return true;
void Game::Render()
SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(m_pRenderer, 255, 255, 255, 255);
Menu State Figure
Correct Color
Wrong Color
edit :Also, I found out that this weird phenomenon only happens when the renderer was created with 'SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED' flag and -1 or 0 driver index, i.e SDL_CreateRenderer(m_pWindow, 1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED); or SDL_CreateRenderer(m_pWindow, -1, SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE);works fine!
I have been plagued by this very same issue. The link provided by ekodes is how I resolved it, as order of operations had no effect for me.
I was able to pull the d3d9Device via SDL_RenderGetD3D9Device(), then SetTextureStageState as described in ekodes d3d blending link.
I was having the same issue. I got a vibrant green color when trying to render a light gray.
The combination of the parameters that are fixing the issue for you pertain to the driver to be used. -1 selects the first driver that meets the criteria, int this case it needs to be accelerated.
Using SDL_GetRendererInfo I was able to see this happens when using the "direct3d" driver.
I found this question talking about blending in direct3d.
I figured it out eventually. In addition to Alpha Blending there is a Color Blending. So DirectX merges color of the last texture with the last primitive.
The question does provide a fix for this in DirectX, however I'm not sure how to apply that it in regards to SDL. I also have not been able to find a solution for this problem in SDL.
I was drawing Green text with SDL_ttf, which uses a texture. Then drawing a gray rectangle for another component elsewhere on the screen.
What's strange is it doesn't seem to happen all the time. However, mine seems to predominantly happen with SDL_ttf. At first I thought it may be a byproduct of TTF_RenderText_Blended however, it happens with the other ones as well. It also does not appear to be affected by the blend mode of the Texture generated by those functions
So in my case, I was able to change the order of the operations to get the correct color.
Alternatively, using the OpenGL driver appeared to fix this as well. Similar to what you mentioned. (This was driver index 1 for me)
I'm not sure this classifies as an "Answer" but hopefully it helps someone out or points them in the right direction.

How to draw SFML shapes stored in a vector

I'm making a copy of the game "Asteroids" using SFML.
To store all my asteroids I use a std::vector<sf::ConvexShape> vector, which stores all of the asteroid shapes. The problem is drawing the shapes from the vector. I looked at this post and saw that I could use an iterator to draw my shapes (I know he used sprites in that post but I presume it makes no difference if I were to use shapes.)
So I tried that:
for(std::vector<sf::ConvexShape>::iterator it=allShapes.begin();it!= allShapes.end(); ++it){
And that throws an exception, terminating my program.
FYI: above, allShapes contains sf::ConvexShape shapes.
So the question is: How do I draw shapes that I store in a vector?
Full sauce:
using namespace std;
class asteroid{
sf::Vector2f pos;
double angle;
void update(sf::Vector2f);
void create(std::vector<sf::ConvexShape>);
/* Will be implemented later
void asteroid::update(sf::Vector2f a){
pos += a;
void asteroid::create(std::vector<sf::ConvexShape> a){
cout << "Creating..." << endl;
a.push_back(sf::ConvexShape()); //New asteroid SHAPE
std::vector<sf::ConvexShape>::iterator tempIt = a.end();
for(int i = 0; i < tempIt->getPointCount()+1; i++){ //Drawing asteroid
tempIt->setPoint(i, sf::Vector2f(i*100, i*100));
cout << "Done!" << endl;
int main()
// Init //
sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(200, 200), "SFML works!");
std::vector<sf::ConvexShape> allShapes; //List of all asteroid SHAPES
std::vector<asteroid> allAsteroids; //List of asteroid CLASS OBJECTS
allAsteroids.push_back(asteroid()); //New asteroid CLASS OBJECT
for(std::vector<asteroid>::iterator it = allAsteroids.begin(); it != allAsteroids.end(); ++it){ //Creating asteroids
// Loop //
while (window.isOpen())
// Event //
sf::Event event;
while (window.pollEvent(event))
if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed)
// Display //
for(std::vector<sf::ConvexShape>::iterator it = allShapes.begin(); it != allShapes.end(); ++it){
return 0;
You have a few problems here...
std::vector<sf::ConvexShape>::iterator tempIt = a.end();
end() does NOT give you an iterator to the last element in the vector - it gives you an iterator to the "element" just past it, and is used for bounds checking (e.g. in a for loop). In other words it does not point to valid data, so the second line is invalid. There are many approaches you could use here; the following two are "most correct" though:
//with iterators using a.end() - 1
std::vector<sf::ConvexShape>::iterator tempIt = a.end() - 1;
//with back, accessing the element directly
for(int i = 0; i < tempIt->getPointCount()+1; i++)
The asteroid has four points, so getPointCount()+1 = 5. This means that the loop executes for i = 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 - one too many times.
tempIt->setPoint(i, sf::Vector2f(i*100, i*100));
This line runs once for each i. Assuming you make the change above, this results in the points (0,0), (100, 100), (200, 200), and (300, 300). This is a line, not a convex shape. You will need to revise your formula. Setting the points directly is also a fine option, as there are only 4 to set.
You also may want to pass the vector by reference to avoid making any unnecessary copies:
void create(std::vector<sf::ConvexShape>& a){

DrawArc are not drawen correctly (qt/c++)

I'm pretty new to QT and I can not understand why my arc's are drawed so bad.
I have 2 problems.
First one, which I think is just normal for such drawing, is:
If I draw with a QPainterPath a straight line will be drawed on every arc, from the end of the arc to the direction of point 0,0 but not completely to 0,0 instead it is just, i think, the half way to that point...
Second one:
If I use QPainterPath or painter.drawArc the "rings" are unsemetric if i change the pen width.
I have this code which will init my Arc's.
Sorry forgot to provide where w and h is created.
this->getMainWidget() returns just a QWidget where my elements are drawed.
the geometry and position of the toplevel widget and one from this->getMainWidget() are the same.
QRect mainWidgetGeo = geometry();
int w = mainWidgetGeo.width();
int h = mainWidgetGeo.height();
QPen secondPen(Qt::yellow);
circleSeconds = new Circle(this->getMainWidget());
circleSeconds->setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, w, h));
QPen minutePen(Qt::red);
circleMinutes = new Circle(this->getMainWidget());
circleMinutes->setGeometry(QRect(50, 50, w-100, h-100));
QPen hourPen(Qt::green);
circleHours = new Circle(this->getMainWidget());
circleHours->setGeometry(QRect(150, 150, w-300, h-300));
This will setup 3 Arc's.
First and third one have the same pen width of 50, the second one has 100.
For completion here is the Circle class:
#include <QtGui>
#include "Circle.h"
#include <QDebug>
Circle::Circle(QWidget *parent): QWidget(parent)
void Circle::setSteps(int i)
this->steps = i;
void Circle::setValue(int i)
this->value = i;
void Circle::setMaxValue(int i)
this->maxValue = i;
void Circle::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
QPainter painter(this);
painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
int stepSize = 360/this->steps;
float devideValue = ((100.0/this->maxValue)*this->value)/100.0;
int roundedSize = this->steps*devideValue;
int angel = -1.0*16.0*(stepSize*roundedSize);
qDebug() << "steps: " << steps;
qDebug() << "stepSize: " << stepSize;
qDebug() << "devideValue: " << devideValue;
qDebug() << "roundedSize: " << roundedSize;
qDebug() << "stepSize*roundedSize: " << (stepSize*roundedSize);
qDebug() << "angel: " << angel;
qDebug() << "angel: " << angel;
painter.drawArc(this->pen.width()/2, this->pen.width()/2, this->geometry().width()-(this->pen.width()), this->geometry().height()-(this->pen.width()), 0, angel);
/*QPainterPath circle_path;
circle_path.arcTo(this->pen.width()/2, this->pen.width()/2, this->geometry().width()-(this->pen.width()), this->geometry().height()-(this->pen.width()), 0, angel);
void Circle::setPen(QPen pen)
this->pen = pen;
Also I have noticed that, if the pen width differs from other arc's the "starting point 0" is different for each pen width...
Here are the output's to get a better understanding what goes wrong.
At this image the first problem with the line issue also present. (QPainterPath)
This is the output with painter.drawArc
The expected result should be something like this. Please note that the green circle spanAngle is different from the 2 images above because i did the result with photoshop and it was easier with those spanAngles :)
It should make it know clear what my problem is.
After testing with drawEllipse i recognize the same behaviour that the pen width is smaller at 45 clock as at 90 clock.
Can anybody help me to get rid of those issues? I'm also happy with different solutions to get such opened rings.
best regards,
There are 2 issues. The first is that starting point of arc depends on pen's width. It can be easily fixed by settings pen.setCapStyle(Qt::FlatCap); for each used pen.
The second issue is unfilled space between arcs. I can't understand why is it happening. It's somehow connected with Qt's QPen/QPainter system, but I can't find any way to fix it.
However, I found a workaround. Create appropriate QPainterPath containing borders of your figure, and then use QPainter::fillPath instead of stroking with a pen.
A side task is to use QPainterPath::moveArcTo to move and stroke a line. As far as I see, It's not supported. We'll need the following helper function that will be used with QPainterPath::lineTo method:
QPointF my_find_ellipse_coords(const QRectF &r, qreal angle) {
QPainterPath path;
path.arcMoveTo(r, angle);
return path.currentPosition();
In paintEvent function:
double angle = -1.0*(stepSize*roundedSize); // removed '*16' here
QPainterPath path;
QRectF outer_rect(0, 0, width(), height());
QRectF inner_rect(pen.width(), pen.width(),
width() - pen.width() * 2, height() - pen.width() * 2);
path.arcMoveTo(outer_rect, 0);
path.arcTo(outer_rect, 0, angle);
path.lineTo(my_find_ellipse_coords(inner_rect, angle));
path.arcTo(inner_rect, angle, -angle);
path.lineTo(my_find_ellipse_coords(outer_rect, 0));
painter.fillPath(path, QBrush(pen.color()));
There are some other minor issues in your code. For circleHours you have set the value bigger than maxValue. Also you should omit this-> when accessing class members.
In case of any issues with my code, examine complete file I was using to test it.

QPainter doesn't change color

I'm learning Qt. I'm failing to realize the exercise of chapter 11 of Qt tutorial, which states "Change the color of the cannon when a shot is in the air." I chose to implement the change in paintCannon function (below). What's wrong with my code below?
void CannonField::paintCannon(QPainter &painter)
if (autoShootTimer->isActive()){
std::cout << "in paintCannon yellow; " << std::endl;
// This gets called everytime `paintEvent` occurs.
// Please see the code in the web page ( for this part.
std::cout << "in paintCannon blue; " << std::endl;
painter.translate(0, height());
painter.drawPie(QRect(-35, -35, 70, 70), 0, 90 * 16);
Since I first suspected Qpainter's save and restore might have been doing something wrong, I commented them out which ended up re-painting nothing.
The problem you are having is in this routine:
void CannonField::moveShot()
QRegion region = shotRect();
QRect shotR = shotRect();
if (shotR.x() > width() || shotR.y() > height())
region = region.unite(shotR);
When the shot is moved, update() is being called with a region specified. This results in only the shot rectangle being repainted. If you remove the region from the call to update(), the entire widget is repainted and your color change will work correctly.

rectangle disappearing with SDL

So I'm simply trying to make a red 10 x 10 box move vertically back and forth. I compile and run my program and the red box appears starts moving down, then just disappears after it hits the edge of the screen. I used some cout << statements that tell me when the functions are being called and they are all being called when they are supposed to. Even when the box can't be seen the functions are properly being called.
My main loop
My draw() function
SDL_Color red;
red.r = 255;
red.g = 0;
red.b = 0;
if( SDL_FillRect( my_screen->Get_screen(), &start_dest, SDL_MapRGB(
my_screen->Get_pixel_format(), red.r, red.g, red.b ) ) == -1 )`
cout << "Fill rect in Draw(); failed\n";
My Move() function
start_dest.y += y_step;
if ( start_dest.y >= my_screen->Get_height() )
cout << "start_dest.y >= screen height\n";
start_dest.y = my_screen->Get_height();
y_step = -y_step;
if ( start_dest.y <= 0 )
cout << "start_dest.y <= 0\n";
start_dest.y = 0;
y_step = -y_step;
I have been trying to find this bug forever. just leave a comment if anyone wants to see more code. Thanks
There isn't enough information to give conclusive answer, but here's a hint.
From my experience with SDL, SDL functions can modify your Rect structure when called, especially when rect is partly off-screen. Make sure you set all its properties (x,y,width,height) before each SDL function that uses the rectangle.
(I'm assuming here that start_dest has a 'height' member, and that the screen coordinates have (0,0) in the top left corner)
I think perhaps the first 'if' statement in Move() should be
if(start_dest.y >= my_screen.Get_height - start_dest.height)
so that the rectangle will bounce when its bottom hits the bottom of the screen rather than waiting until the top of the rectangle gets there. Something to that effect, anyways.