////////////////////MAKE INPUT VALUES////////////////////
double *NumOfInputsPointer = NULL;
std::cout << "How many inputs?" << std::endl;
int NumOfInputs;
std::cin >> NumOfInputs;
NumOfInputsPointer = new double[NumOfInputs];
std::cout << std::endl;
double InputVal;
for(int a = 0; a < NumOfInputs; a++)
std::cout << "What is the value for input " << a << std::endl;
std::cin >> InputVal;
*(NumOfInputsPointer + a) = InputVal;
std::cout << std::endl;
////////////////////MAKE WEIGHTS////////////////////
double *NumOfWeightsPointer = NULL;
int NumOfWeights;
NumOfWeightsPointer = new double[NumOfWeights];
double WightVal;
for(int a = 0; a < NumOfInputs; a++)
*(NumOfWeightsPointer + a) = 0.5;
////////////////////Multiplication BRAIN BROKE!!!!!////////////////////
double *MultiplyPointer = NULL;
MultiplyPointer = NumOfInputsPointer;
for(int a = 0; a < NumOfInputs; a++)
//Stuff to do things
The code above is going to make a single Artificial Neuron. I already have it built to make an array with the users wanted number of inputs which then automatically makes every inputs weight 0.5.
The wall I have hit, has caused me to struggle with the multiplication of the input values array with their weights array, then save those in another array to be added together latter and then go through a modifier.
My struggle is with the multiplication and saving it into an array. I hope I explained my problem well enough.
There are many problems with this code. I would highly recommend using std::vector instead of arrays. If every input has a constant weight of 0.5, then what's the point of creating an array where all elements are 0.5? Just create a constant variable representing the 0.5 weight and apply it to each input. The second array is unnecessary from what I can tell. Creating the last array (again, this would be easier with a vector) would be similar to the first one because the size is going to be the same. It is based on the number of inputs. So just create an array of the same size, loop through each element in the first array, do the multiplication using the constant I described above, and then store the result into the new array.
Just new it like you did with the others, and store the result of the multiplication there.
MultiplyPointer = new double[NumOfInputs];
for (a = 0; a < NumOfInputs; a++) {
MultiplyPointer[a] = NumOfWeightsPointer[a] * NumOfInputsPointer[a];
That being said, there are better ways to go about solving your problem. std::vector has been mentioned, which makes the memory management and looping bits easier. I would go a step further and incorporate a library with the notions of a matrix and matrix expressions, such as OpenCV or dlib.
Example using Mat from OpenCV:
cv::Mat input(NumOfInputs, 1, CV_64F, NumOfInputsPointer);
cv::Mat weights(NumOfInputs, 1, CV_64F, cv::Scalar(0.5));
cv::Mat result = input.mul(weights);
If the weights vector is not to be modified and reused, just skip the whole thing:
cv::Mat result = input.mul(cv::Scalar(0.5));
its my first time dealing with large numbers or arrays and i cant avoid over stacking i tried to use long long to try to avoid it but it shows me that the error is int main line :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
long long n=0, city[100000], min[100000] = {10^9}, max[100000] = { 0 };
cin >> n;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> city[i];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int s = 0; s < n; s++)
if (city[i] != city[s])
if (min[i] >= abs(city[i] - city[s]))
min[i] = abs(city[i] - city[s]);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int s = 0; s < n; s++)
if (city[i] != city[s])
if (max[i] <= abs(city[i] - city[s]))
max[i] = abs(city[i] - city[s]);
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cout << min[i] << " " << max[i] << endl;
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Warning C6262 Function uses '2400032' bytes of stack: exceeds /analyze:stacksize '16384'. Consider moving some data to heap.
then it opens chkstk.asm and shows error in :
test dword ptr [eax],eax ; probe page.
Small optimistic remark:
100,000 is not a large number for your computer! (you're also not dealing with that many arrays, but arrays of that size)
Error message describes what goes wrong pretty well:
You're creating arrays on your current function's "scratchpad" (the stack). That has very limited size!
This is C++, so you really should do things the (modern-ish) C++ way and avoid manually handling large data objects when you can.
So, replace
long long n=0, city[100000], min[100000] = {10^9}, max[100000] = { 0 };
with (I don't see any case where you'd want to use long long; presumably, you want a 64bit variable?)
(10^9 is "10 XOR 9", not "10 to the power of 9")
constexpr size_t size = 100000;
constexpr int64_t default_min = 1'000'000'000;
uint64_t n = 0;
std::vector<int64_t> city(size);
std::vector<int64_t> min_value(size, default_min);
std::vector<int64_t> max_value(size, 0);
Additional remarks:
Notice how I took your 100000 and your 10⁹ and made them constexpr constants? Do that! Whenever some non-zero "magic constant" appears in your code, it's a good time to ask yourself "will I ever need that value somewhere else, too?" and "Would it make sense to give this number a name explaining what it is?". And if you answer one of them with "yes": make a new constexpr constant, even just directly above where you use it! The compiler will just deal with that as if you had the literal number where you use it, it's not any extra memory, or CPU cycles, that this will cost.
Matter of fact, that's even bad! You pre-allocating not-really-large-but-still-unneccesarily-large arrays is just a bad idea. Instead, read n first, then use that n to make std::vectors of that size.
Don not using namespace std;, for multiple reasons, chief among them that now your min and max variables would shadow std::min and std::max, and if you call something, you never know whether you're actually calling what you mean to, or just the function of the same name from the std:: namespace. Instead using std::cout; using std::cin; would do for you here!
This might be beyond your current learning level (that's fine!), but
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> city[i];
is inelegant, and with the std::vector approach, if you make your std::vector really have length n, can be written nicely as:
for (auto &value: city) {
cin >> value;
This will also make sure you're not accidentally reading more values than you mean when changing the length of that city storage one day.
It looks as if you're trying to find the minimum and maximum absolute distance between city values. But you do it in an incredibly inefficient way, needing multiple loops over 10⁵·10⁵=10¹⁰ iterations.
Start with the maximum distance: assume your city vector, array (whatever!) were sorted. What are the two elements with the greatest absolute distance?
If you had a sorted array/vector: how would you find the two elements with the smallest distance?
I was wondering if there is a more efficient way to remove columns or rows that are all zero elements. I am sure there is using the functions in the eigen library but I do not know how.
Right now I am doing it like so, with the idea of the while loop being used in case there are multiple rows/columns that sum to zero I dont want to exceed range limits or pass any zero rows.
void removeZeroRows() {
int16_t index = 0;
int16_t num_rows = rows();
while (index < num_rows) {
double sum = row(index).sum();
// I use a better test if zero but use this for demonstration purposes
if (sum == 0.0) {
else {
num_rows = rows();
Currently (Eigen 3.3), there is no direct functionality for this (though it is planned for Eigen 3.4).
Meanwhile can use something like this (of course, row and col can be interchanged, and output is just for illustration):
Eigen::MatrixXd A;
// find non-zero columns:
Eigen::Matrix<bool, 1, Eigen::Dynamic> non_zeros = A.cast<bool>().colwise().any();
std::cout << "A:\n" << A << "\nnon_zeros:\n" << non_zeros << "\n\n";
// allocate result matrix:
Eigen::MatrixXd res(A.rows(), non_zeros.count());
// fill result matrix:
Eigen::Index j=0;
for(Eigen::Index i=0; i<A.cols(); ++i)
res.col(j++) = A.col(i);
std::cout << "res:\n" << res << "\n\n";
Generally, you should avoid resizing a matrix at every iteration, but resize it to the final size as soon as possible.
With Eigen 3.4 something similar to this will be possible (syntax is not final yet):
Eigen::MatrixXd res = A("", A.cast<bool>().colwise().any());
Which would be equivalent to Matlab/Octave:
res = A(:, any(A));
My code is to extract odd number and even number in an 1D array.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int a[6] = {1,6,3,8,5,10};
int odd[]={};
int even[]={};
for (int i=0; i < 6; i++) {
cin >> a[i];
for (int i=0; i < 6; i++) {
if (a[i] % 2 == 1) {
odd[i] = a[i];
cout << odd[i] << endl;
cout << " " << endl;
for (int i=0; i < 6; i++) {
if (a[i] % 2 == 0) {
even[i] = a[i];
cout << even[i] << endl;
return 0;
the output is:
It shows that it successfully extract odd numbers but the same method applied to the even number. It comes with an issue while the even number is 4.
Could anyone help me find the cause here? Thanks.
You've got an Undefined Behavior, so result may be any, even random, even formatted hard drive.
int odd[] = {} is the same as int odd[/*count of elements inside {}*/] = {/*nothing*/}, so it's int odd[0];
Result is not defined when you're accessing elements besides the end of array.
You probably have to think about correct odd/even arrays size, or use another auto-sizeable data structure.
First, although not causing a problem, you initialize an array with data and then overwrite it. The code
int a[6] = {1,6,3,8,5,10};
can be replaced with
int a[6];
Also, as stated in the comments,
int odd[]={};
isn't valid. You should either allocate a buffer as big as the main buffer (6 ints) or use a vector (although I personally prefer c-style arrays for small sizes, because they avoid heap allocations and extra complexity). With the full-size buffer technique, you need a value like -1 (assuming you intend to only input positive numbers) to store after the list of values in the arrays to tell your output code to stop reading, or store the sizes somewhere. This is to prevent reading values that haven't been set.
I don't understand your problem when 4 is in the input. Your code looks fine except for your arrays.
You can use std::vector< int > odd; and then call only odd.push_back(elem) whem elem is odd.
I am interested in porting some existing code to use thrust to see if I can speed it up on the GPU with relative ease.
What I'm looking to accomplish is a stream compaction operation, where only nonzero elements will be kept. I have this mostly working, per the example code below. The part that I am unsure of how to tackle is dealing with all the extra fill space that is in d_res and thus h_res, after the compaction happens.
The example just uses a 0-99 sequence with all the even entries set to zero. This is just an example, and the real problem will be a general sparse array.
This answer here helped me greatly, although when it comes to reading out the data, the size is just known to be constant:
How to quickly compact a sparse array with CUDA C?
I suspect that I can work around this by counting the number of 0's in d_src, and then only allocating d_res to be that size, or doing the count after the compaction, and only copying that many element. Is that really the right way to do it?
I get the sense that there will be some easy fix for this, via clever use of iterators or some other feature of thrust.
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/copy.h>
//Predicate functor
struct is_not_zero
__host__ __device__
bool operator()(const int x)
return (x != 0);
using namespace std;
int main(void)
size_t N = 100;
//Host Vector
thrust::host_vector<int> h_src(N);
//Fill with some zero and some nonzero data, as an example
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
if (i % 2 == 0){
h_src[i] = 0;
h_src[i] = i;
//Print out source data
cout << "Source:" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
cout << h_src[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
//copies to device
thrust::device_vector<int> d_src = h_src;
//Result vector
thrust::device_vector<int> d_res(d_src.size());
//Copy non-zero elements from d_src to d_res
thrust::copy_if(d_src.begin(), d_src.end(), d_res.begin(), is_not_zero());
//Copy back to host
thrust::host_vector<int> h_res(d_res.begin(), d_res.end());
//thrust::host_vector<int> h_res = d_res; //Or just this?
//Show results
cout << "h_res size is " << h_res.size() << endl;
cout << "Result after remove:" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < h_res.size(); i++){
cout << h_res[i] << " ";
cout << endl;
return 0;
Also, I am a novice with thrust, so if the above code has any obvious flaws that go against recommended practices for using thrust, please let me know.
Similarly, speed is always of interest. Reading some of the various thrust tutorials, it seems like little changes here and there can be big speed savers or wasters. So, please let me know if there is a smart way to speed this up.
What you have appeared to have overlooked is that copy_if returns an iterator which points to the end of the copied data from the stream compaction operation. So all that is required is this:
//copies to device
thrust::device_vector<int> d_src = h_src;
//Result vector
thrust::device_vector<int> d_res(d_src.size());
//Copy non-zero elements from d_src to d_res
auto result_end = thrust::copy_if(d_src.begin(), d_src.end(), d_res.begin(), is_not_zero());
//Copy back to host
thrust::host_vector<int> h_res(d_res.begin(), result_end);
Doing this sizes h_res to only hold the non zeroes and only copies the non zeroes from the output of the stream compaction. No extra computation is required.
I have a project to do where we are to solve the matrix equation AX=B for x, given that A is a tridiagonal matrix. I did this project in C++, got the program to produce the right Matrix X, but when trying to report the error back to the user, A*X-B, I get an erroneous error!! It is due to the fact that I am subtracing A*X and B, whose entries are arbitrarily close to each other. I had two ideas on how to handle this, element-by-element:
According to this article, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loss_of_significance, there could be as many as -log2(1-y/x) bits lost in straight subtraction x-y. Let's scale both x and y by pow(2,bitsLost), subtract the two, and then scale them back down by dividing by pow(2,bitsLost)
Stressed so much in the numeric methods course this is for: take the arithmetic conjugate! Instead of double difference = x-y; use double difference = (x*x-y*y)/(x+y);
OK, so why haven't you chose a method and moved on?
I tried all three methods (including straight subtraction) here: http://ideone.com/wfkEUp . I would like to know two things:
Between the "scaling and descaling" method (for which I intentionally chose a power of two) and the arithmetic conjugate method, which one produces less error (in terms of subtracting the large numbers)?
Which method is computationally more efficient? /*For this, I was going to say the scaling method was going to be more efficient with a linear complexity versus the seemed quadratic complexity of the conjugate method, but I don't know the complexity of log2()*/
Any and all help would be welcomed!!
P.S.: All three methods seem to return the same double in the sample code...
Let's see some of your code
No problem; here is my Matrix.cpp code
#include "ExceptionType.h"
#include "Matrix.h"
#include "MatrixArithmeticException.h"
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
//default size for Matrix is 1 row and 1 column, whose entry is 0
std::vector<long double> rowVector(1,0);
this->matrixData.assign(1, rowVector);
Matrix::Matrix(const std::vector<std::vector<long double> >& data)
this->matrixData = data;
//validate matrixData
//getter functions
//Recall that matrixData is a vector of a vector, whose elements should be accessed like matrixData[row][column].
//Each rowVector should have the same size.
unsigned Matrix::getRowCount() const { return matrixData.size(); }
unsigned Matrix::getColumnCount() const { return matrixData[0].size(); }
//matrix validator should just append zeroes into row vectors that are of smaller dimension than they should be...
void Matrix::validateData()
//fetch the size of the largest-dimension rowVector
unsigned largestSize = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < getRowCount(); i++)
if (largestSize < matrixData[i].size())
largestSize = matrixData[i].size();
//make sure that all rowVectors are of that dimension
for (unsigned i = 0; i < getRowCount(); i++)
//if we find a rowVector where this isn't the case
if (matrixData[i].size() < largestSize)
//add zeroes to it so that it becomes the case
matrixData[i].insert(matrixData[i].end(), largestSize-matrixData[i].size(), 0);
//+ and - operators should check to see if the size of the first matrix is exactly the same size as that of the second matrix
Matrix Matrix::operator+(const Matrix& B)
//if the sizes coincide
if ((getRowCount() == B.getRowCount()) && (getColumnCount() == B.getColumnCount()))
//declare the matrixData
std::vector<std::vector<long double> > summedData = B.matrixData; //since we are in the scope of the Matrix, we can access private data members
for (unsigned i = 0; i < getRowCount(); i++)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < getColumnCount(); j++)
summedData[i][j] += matrixData[i][j]; //add the elements together
//return result Matrix
return Matrix(summedData);
throw MatrixArithmeticException(DIFFERENT_DIMENSIONS);
Matrix Matrix::operator-(const Matrix& B)
//declare negativeB
Matrix negativeB = B;
//negate all entries
for (unsigned i = 0; i < negativeB.getRowCount(); i++)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < negativeB.getColumnCount(); j++)
negativeB.matrixData[i][j] = 0-negativeB.matrixData[i][j];
//simply add the negativeB
return ((*this)+negativeB);
catch (MatrixArithmeticException& mistake)
//should exit or do something similar
std::cout << mistake.what() << std::endl;
Matrix Matrix::operator*(const Matrix& B)
//the columnCount of the left operand must be equal to the rowCount of the right operand
if (getColumnCount() == B.getRowCount())
//if it is, declare data with getRowCount() rows and B.getColumnCount() columns
std::vector<long double> zeroVector(B.getColumnCount(), 0);
std::vector<std::vector<long double> > data(getRowCount(), zeroVector);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < getRowCount(); i++)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < B.getColumnCount(); j++)
long double sum = 0; //set sum to zero
for (unsigned k = 0; k < getColumnCount(); k++)
//add the product of matrixData[i][k] and B.matrixData[k][j] to sum
sum += (matrixData[i][k]*B.matrixData[k][j]);
data[i][j] = sum; //assign the sum to data
return Matrix(data);
throw MatrixArithmeticException(ROW_COLUMN_MISMATCH); //dimension mismatch
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& outputStream, const Matrix& theMatrix)
//Here, you should use the << again, just like you would for ANYTHING ELSE.
//first, print a newline
outputStream << "\n";
//setting precision (optional)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < theMatrix.getRowCount(); i++)
//print '['
outputStream << "[";
//format stream(optional)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < theMatrix.getColumnCount(); j++)
//print numbers
outputStream << std::setw(17) << theMatrix.matrixData[i][j];
//print ", "
if (j < theMatrix.getColumnCount() - 1)
outputStream << ", ";
//print ']'
outputStream << "]\n";
return outputStream;
You computed two numbers x and y which are of a limited precision floating point type. This means that they are already rounded somehow, meaning loss of precision while computing the result. If you subtract those numbers afterwards, you compute the difference between those two already rounded numbers.
The formula you wrote gives you the maximum error for computing the difference, but this error is with regard to the stored intermediate results x and y (again: rounded). No method other than x-y will give you a "better" result (in terms of the complete computation, not only the difference). To put it in a nutshell: the difference can't be more accurate using any formula other than x-y.
I'd suggest taking a look at arbitrary precision arithmetic math libraries like GMP or Eigen. Use such libraries for computing your equation system. Don't use double for the matrix computations. This way you can make sure that the intermediate results x and y (or the matrices Ax and B) are as precise as you want them to be, for example 512 bits, which should definitely be enough for most cases.
Finite precision floating point data types cannot represent all possible real values. There are an infinite number of different values, and so it is easy to see that not all values are representable in a type of finite size.
So it's perfectly plausible that your true solution will be a non-representable value. No amount of trickery can get you an exact solution in the finite data type.
You need to re-calibrate your expectations to match the reality of finite precision floating point data types. The starting point is What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic.
To all the people answering the question: I knew, and figured out by accident, that the cardinality of the set of all possible doubles was finite. I suppose I have no choice but to either try a higher-precision number, or create my own class that represents a HugeDecimal.
You cannot expect to get infinite precision with floating point numbers. You should consider what precision is needed, and then choose the simplest method that satisfies your needs. So if you get the same result then stick with normal subtraction and use an epsilon as suggested in V-X's answer.
How do you end up with a O(n^2) complexity for the conjugate method? You have a fixed set of operations, two additions, one subtraction and one division. Assuming all three operations are O(1) then you have get O(n) for applying it to n numbers.
While this may not help you choose a method, a while ago I wrote a tool that may help you choose a precision based on the sorts of values you're expecting:
As other answers have said, you can't expect to get infinite precision with floating point, but you can use tools such as this to obtain the minimum increment and decrement size of a given number, and work out what is the optimal precision to use to get the accuracy you need.
replace equality by a check for difference bigger than some given epsilon (a constant with meaning as minimal distinguishable difference).