Webapp2 routing regex failing - regex

I've been having trouble getting webapp2 to recognise a path:
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
(r'/welcome\?username=([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,20})$', WelcomePage), # FAILS
(r'/', MainPage),
], debug=True)
I inserted some prints in the calling function (MainPage) to check the regex:
welcome_path = "/welcome?username=" + username
print welcome_path #debug stuff: check to if regex matches
m = re.match(r'/welcome\?username=([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,20})$', welcome_path)
print m.groups(0)
self.redirect(welcome_path) #
Based on the server log it looks ok:
INFO 2015-04-29 20:07:23,667 module.py:788] default: "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 1287
/welcome?username=fred # printed by debug lines above
(u'fred',) # indicates match and captured group
INFO 2015-04-29 20:07:34,588 module.py:788] default: "POST / HTTP/1.1" 302 -
INFO 2015-04-29 20:07:34,614 module.py:788] default: "GET /welcome?username=fred HTTP/1.1" **404** 154
Regex from WSGIApplication (a) and inserted in calling function are identical - copy-pasted here:
r'/welcome\?username=([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,20})$' # a
r'/welcome\?username=([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{3,20})$' # b
For completeness:
class WelcomePage(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self, username):
self.response.write("<h1>Welcome, {}!</h1>".format(username))
But there's a 404 error... Why is the WSGIApplication failing to match the path?
(Note: this isn't production code - just an exercise from a MOOC on Udacity, whose forums have been down for a week...)

This was happening because redirect triggers a GET request, which is matched according to the path: after the hostname, but before the '?', not everything after the hostname as I'd assumed.
So this worked:
app = webapp2.WSGIApplication([
(r'/welcome', WelcomePage),
(r'/', MainPage),
], debug=True)
class WelcomePage(webapp2.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
username = self.request.get('username')
if check_username(username) == "": # returns "" if no error
self.response.write("<h1>Welcome, {}!</h1>".format(username))


Flask REST API very slow on simple endpoint

I'm using a Flask REST API for my application and I've noticed that when I send requests from outside my own network, it's sometimes very, very slow. Most calls get completed within 150ms, but some take 8 seconds. The database connection is to a MySQL database using DBUtils.PersistentDB
The code for the endpoint:
#app.route("/name", methods=["POST"])
def get_name_and_company():
user = get_jwt_identity()
response_object = server_functions.get_name_and_company(user)
return response_object
The function it uses:
def get_name_and_company(user):
sql = "SELECT fysios.firstname, fysios.lastname, companies.name FROM
fysios " +\
"INNER JOIN companies ON fysios.companyID = companies.id WHERE fysios.email = %s"
cursor = flask_server.get_db().cursor()
cursor.execute(sql, user)
data = cursor.fetchall()
first_name = data[0]['firstname']
last_name = data[0]['lastname']
company = data[0]['name']
response_object = name_and_company(first_name, last_name, company)
return make_response(jsonify(response_object)), 200
Here are the timestamps on the Flask server (it is the internal dev server, but I am running it with threaded=True):
[08/Mar/2019 22:16:54] "OPTIONS /login HTTP/1.1" 200 -
[08/Mar/2019 22:16:55] "POST /login HTTP/1.1" 200 -
[08/Mar/2019 22:16:55] "OPTIONS /clients HTTP/1.1" 200 -
[08/Mar/2019 22:16:55] "OPTIONS /verifyLogin HTTP/1.1" 200 -
[08/Mar/2019 22:16:55] "POST /clients HTTP/1.1" 200 -
[08/Mar/2019 22:16:57] "POST /verifyLogin HTTP/1.1" 200 -
[08/Mar/2019 22:16:57] "OPTIONS /name HTTP/1.1" 200 -
[08/Mar/2019 22:16:58] "POST /clients HTTP/1.1" 200 -
[08/Mar/2019 22:17:05] "POST /name HTTP/1.1" 200 -
As you can see, /name takes a total of 8 seconds and I can't find out why. This call to /name is just an example, it can happen on any of the calls. Is there a way to find out where the Flask application is actually stuck on?
Deploying to AWS Beanstalk solved the problem. I don't know if the limitations of the build-in dev server is to blame, but that's what did it for me.

Parsing corrupt Apache logs using regex

I'm writing a Python 3.7.2 program to parse Apache logs looking for all successful response codes. I've got regex written right now that will parse all correct Apache log entries into individual tuples of [origin] [date/time] [HTML method/file/protocol] [response code] and [file size] and then I just check to see if the response code is 3xx. The problem is there are several entries that are corrupt, some corrupt enough to be unreadable so I've stripped them out in a different part of the program. Several are just missing the closing " (quotation mark) on the method/protocol item causing it to throw an error each time I parse that line. I'm thinking I need to use a RegEx Or expression for " OR whitespace but that seems to break the quote into a different tuple item instead of looking for say, "GET 613.html HTTP/1.0" OR "GET 613.html HTTP/1.0 I'm new to regex and thoroughly stumped, can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong?
I should note that the logs have been scrubbed of some info, instead of origin IP it only shows 'local' or 'remote' and the OS/browser info is removed entirely.
This is the regex for the relevant tuple item that works with valid entries: "(.*)?" I've also tried:
"(.*)?("|\s) - creates another tuple item and still throws error
Here's a snippet of the log entries including the last entry which is missing it's closing "
local - - [27/Oct/1994:18:47:03 -0600] "GET index.html HTTP/1.0" 200 3185
local - - [27/Oct/1994:18:48:53 -0600] "GET index.html HTTP/1.0" 404 -
local - - [27/Oct/1994:18:49:55 -0600] "GET index.html HTTP/1.0" 303 3185
local - - [27/Oct/1994:18:50:25 -0600] "GET 612.html HTTP/1.0" 404 -
local - - [27/Oct/1994:18:50:41 -0600] "GET index.html HTTP/1.0" 200 388
local - - [27/Oct/1994:18:50:52 -0600] "GET 613.html HTTP/1.0 303 728
regex = '([(\w+)]+) - - \[(.*?)\] "(.*)?" (\d+) (\S+)'
import re
with open("validlogs.txt") as validlogs:
i = 0
array = []
successcodes = 0
for line in validlogs:
loglength = len(array)
while (i < loglength):
line = re.match(regex, array[i]).groups()
print("Number of successcodes: ", successcodes)
Parsing the log responses above should give Number of success codes: 2
Instead I get: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test.py", line 24, in
line = re.match(regex, array[i]).groups()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'groups'
because (I believe) regex is looking explicitly for a " and can't handle the line entry that's missing it.
So I originally used re.match with ([(\w+)]+) - - \[(.*?)\] "(.*?)" (\d+) (\d+) with a Try: / Except: continue code to parse all the logs that actually matched the pattern. Since ~100,000 of the ~750,000 lines didn't conform to the correct Apache logs pattern, I wound up changing my code to re.search with much smaller segments instead.
For instance:
with open("./http_access_log.txt") as logs:
for line in logs:
if re.search('\s*(30\d)\s\S+', line): #Checking for 30x redirect codes
redirectCounter += 1
I've read that re.match is faster than re.search but I felt that being able to accurately capture the most possible log entries (this handles all but about 2000 lines, most of which have no usable info) was more important.

Random HTTP 500 error Django

I've been having an issue with a HTTP 500 error. It doesn't seem to cause any real problems until a few hours after the error has been shown. After the error shows up the script begins to act abnormally, giving hangups on controlling a relay and degrading in response time.
I checked my logs both in the pi and the server side and below is what I found but I can't figure out what my issue is since it seems so random, the HTTP request typically returns a 200 status and runs fine.
On the pi:
tail applocation/errors.log
2018-03-05 06:38:33 [HTTP Error] While sending data to remote Server: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
2018-03-05 09:08:50 [HTTP Error] While sending data to remote Server: HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error
on the server:
This is where it gets weird because most of the time it returns 200 but like I said every so often it gives a 500 error.
cat /var/log/ngnix/access.log | grep 9:0 - - [05/Mar/2018:09:08:29 -0800] "POST /api/1.0/access/add/ HTTP/1.1" 200 43 "-" "Python-urllib/3.4" - - [05/Mar/2018:09:08:50 -0800] "POST /api/1.0/access/add/ HTTP/1.1" 500 38 "-" "Python-urllib/3.4" - - [05/Mar/2018:09:09:28 -0800] "POST /api/1.0/access/add/ HTTP/1.1" 200 43 "-" "Python-urllib/3.4"
cat /var/log/ngnix/access.log | grep 500
raspberry.pi.ip - - [05/Mar/2018:06:38:33 -0800] "POST /api/1.0/access/add/ HTTP/1.1" 500 38 "-" "Python-urllib/3.4"
raspberry.pi.ip - - [05/Mar/2018:09:08:50 -0800] "POST /api/1.0/access/add/ HTTP/1.1" 500 38 "-" "Python-urllib/3.4"
in my urls.py inside my API:
from django.conf.urls import url
from . import views
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^1.0/access/add/$', views.access_add, name='access_add'),
url(r'^1.0/employees/active/$', views.employees_active, name='employees_active'),
in my views.py inside my API:
def access_add(request):
context = {
'status': 'error',
'msg' : ''
if request.method != 'POST':
context["msg"] = "This method only supports POST"
return JsonResponse(context)
content = json.loads(request.body.decode('utf-8'))
except Exception as e:
context['msg'] = "Failed to load JSON parameters."
return JsonResponse(context)
key = content.get('key')
gate = content.get('gate')
code = content.get('code')
if key != KEY:
context['msg'] = "Please provide a valid API key."
return JsonResponse(context)
if gate not in ['entry','exit']:
context['msg'] = "Please provide a valid gate name."
return JsonResponse(context)
gate = 1 if gate == "entry" else 2
if not code:
context['msg'] = "Please provide an access code."
return JsonResponse(context)
context['status'] = "success"
employee = Employee.objects.get(code=code)
Eventlog.objects.create(event=gate, employee=employee, status=True)
except Employee.DoesNotExist:
Eventlog.objects.create(event=gate, status=False)
return JsonResponse(context)

2 RabbitMQ workers and 2 Scrapyd daemons running on 2 local Ubuntu instances, in which one of the rabbitmq worker is not working

I am currently working on building "Scrapy spiders control panel" in which I am testing this existing solution available on [Distributed Multi-user Scrapy Spiders Control Panel] https://github.com/aaldaber/Distributed-Multi-User-Scrapy-System-with-a-Web-UI.
I am trying to run this on my local Ubuntu Dev Machine but having issues with scrapd daemon.
One of the Workers, linkgenerator is working but scraper as worker1 is not working.
I can not figure out why scrapyd won't run on another local instance.
Background Information about the configuration.
The application comes bundled with Django, Scrapy, Pipeline for MongoDB (for saving the scraped items) and Scrapy scheduler for RabbitMQ (for distributing the links among workers). I have 2 local Ubuntu instances in which Django, MongoDB, Scrapyd daemon and RabbitMQ server running on Instance1.
On another Scrapyd daemon is running on Instance2.
RabbitMQ Workers:
IP Configurations for Instances:
IP For local Ubuntu Instance1:
IP for local Ubuntu Instance2:
List of tools used:
MongoDB server
RabbitMQ server
Scrapy Scrapyd API
One RabbitMQ linkgenerator worker (WorkerName: linkgenerator) server with Scrapy installed and running scrapyd daemon on local Ubuntu Instance1:
Another one RabbitMQ scraper worker (WorkerName: worker1) server with Scrapy installed and running scrapyd daemon on local Ubuntu Instance2:
"Instance1" on which Django, RabbitMQ, scrapyd daemon servers running -- IP :
Scrapy installed on instance2 and running scrapyd daemon
Scrapy Control Panel UI Snapshot:
from snapshot, control panel outlook can be been seen, there are two workers, linkgenerator worked successfully but worker1 did not, the logs given in the end of the post
RabbitMQ status info
linkgenerator worker can successfully push the message to RabbitMQ queue, linkgenerator spider generates start_urls for "scraper spider* are consumed by scraper (worker1), which is not working, please see the logs for worker1 in end of the post
RabbitMQ settings
The below file contains the settings for MongoDB and RabbitMQ:
SCHEDULER = ".rabbitmq.scheduler.Scheduler"
RABBITMQ_HOST = 'ScrapyDevU79'
MONGODB_PUBLIC_ADDRESS = 'OneScience:27017' # This will be shown on the web interface, but won't be used for connecting to DB
MONGODB_URI = 'localhost:27017' # Actual uri to connect to DB
MONGODB_USER = 'tariq'
# Set your link generator worker address here
LINUX_USER_CREATION_ENABLED = False # Set this to True if you want a linux user account
linkgenerator scrapy.cfg settings:
default = tester2_fda_trial20.settings
url =
project = tester2_fda_trial20
scraper scrapy.cfg settings:
default = tester2_fda_trial20.settings
url =
project = tester2_fda_trial20
scrapyd.conf file settings for Instance1 (
cat /etc/scrapyd/scrapyd.conf
eggs_dir = /var/lib/scrapyd/eggs
dbs_dir = /var/lib/scrapyd/dbs
items_dir = /var/lib/scrapyd/items
logs_dir = /var/log/scrapyd
max_proc = 0
max_proc_per_cpu = 4
finished_to_keep = 100
poll_interval = 5.0
bind_address =
#bind_address =
http_port = 6800
debug = on
runner = scrapyd.runner
application = scrapyd.app.application
launcher = scrapyd.launcher.Launcher
webroot = scrapyd.website.Root
schedule.json = scrapyd.webservice.Schedule
cancel.json = scrapyd.webservice.Cancel
addversion.json = scrapyd.webservice.AddVersion
listprojects.json = scrapyd.webservice.ListProjects
listversions.json = scrapyd.webservice.ListVersions
listspiders.json = scrapyd.webservice.ListSpiders
delproject.json = scrapyd.webservice.DeleteProject
delversion.json = scrapyd.webservice.DeleteVersion
listjobs.json = scrapyd.webservice.ListJobs
daemonstatus.json = scrapyd.webservice.DaemonStatus
scrapyd.conf file settings for Instance2 (
cat /etc/scrapyd/scrapyd.conf
eggs_dir = /var/lib/scrapyd/eggs
dbs_dir = /var/lib/scrapyd/dbs
items_dir = /var/lib/scrapyd/items
logs_dir = /var/log/scrapyd
max_proc = 0
max_proc_per_cpu = 4
finished_to_keep = 100
poll_interval = 5.0
bind_address =
#bind_address =
http_port = 6800
debug = on
runner = scrapyd.runner
application = scrapyd.app.application
launcher = scrapyd.launcher.Launcher
webroot = scrapyd.website.Root
schedule.json = scrapyd.webservice.Schedule
cancel.json = scrapyd.webservice.Cancel
addversion.json = scrapyd.webservice.AddVersion
listprojects.json = scrapyd.webservice.ListProjects
listversions.json = scrapyd.webservice.ListVersions
listspiders.json = scrapyd.webservice.ListSpiders
delproject.json = scrapyd.webservice.DeleteProject
delversion.json = scrapyd.webservice.DeleteVersion
listjobs.json = scrapyd.webservice.ListJobs
daemonstatus.json = scrapyd.webservice.DaemonStatus
RabbitMQ Status
sudo service rabbitmq-server status
[sudo] password for mtaziz:
Status of node rabbit#ScrapyDevU79
"Management extension for the Shovel plugin","3.6.11"},
{rabbitmq_shovel,"Data Shovel for RabbitMQ","3.6.11"},
{rabbitmq_management,"RabbitMQ Management Console","3.6.11"},
{rabbitmq_web_dispatch,"RabbitMQ Web Dispatcher","3.6.11"},
{rabbitmq_management_agent,"RabbitMQ Management Agent","3.6.11"},
{os_mon,"CPO CXC 138 46","2.2.14"},
{cowboy,"Small, fast, modular HTTP server.","1.0.4"},
{ranch,"Socket acceptor pool for TCP protocols.","1.3.0"},
{ssl,"Erlang/OTP SSL application","5.3.2"},
{public_key,"Public key infrastructure","0.21"},
{cowlib,"Support library for manipulating Web protocols.","1.0.2"},
{crypto,"CRYPTO version 2","3.2"},
{amqp_client,"RabbitMQ AMQP Client","3.6.11"},
"Modules shared by rabbitmq-server and rabbitmq-erlang-client",
{inets,"INETS CXC 138 49","5.9.7"},
{mnesia,"MNESIA CXC 138 12","4.11"},
{compiler,"ERTS CXC 138 10","4.9.4"},
{xmerl,"XML parser","1.3.5"},
{syntax_tools,"Syntax tools","1.6.12"},
{asn1,"The Erlang ASN1 compiler version 2.0.4","2.0.4"},
{sasl,"SASL CXC 138 11","2.3.4"},
{stdlib,"ERTS CXC 138 10","1.19.4"},
{kernel,"ERTS CXC 138 10","2.16.4"}]},
"Erlang R16B03 (erts-5.10.4) [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:64] [kernel-poll:true]\n"},
scrapyd daemon on Instance1 ( ) running status:
2017-09-11T06:16:07+0600 [-] Loading /home/mtaziz/.virtualenvs/onescience_dist_env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scrapyd/txapp.py...
2017-09-11T06:16:07+0600 [-] Scrapyd web console available at
2017-09-11T06:16:07+0600 [-] Loaded.
2017-09-11T06:16:07+0600 [twisted.scripts._twistd_unix.UnixAppLogger#info] twistd 17.5.0 (/home/mtaziz/.virtualenvs/onescience_dist_env/bin/python 2.7.6) starting up.
2017-09-11T06:16:07+0600 [twisted.scripts._twistd_unix.UnixAppLogger#info] reactor class: twisted.internet.epollreactor.EPollReactor.
2017-09-11T06:16:07+0600 [-] Site starting on 6800
2017-09-11T06:16:07+0600 [twisted.web.server.Site#info] Starting factory <twisted.web.server.Site instance at 0x7f5e265c77a0>
2017-09-11T06:16:07+0600 [Launcher] Scrapyd 1.2.0 started: max_proc=16, runner='scrapyd.runner'
2017-09-11T06:16:07+0600 [twisted.python.log#info] "" - - [11/Sep/2017:00:16:07 +0000] "GET /listprojects.json HTTP/1.1" 200 98 "-" "python-requests/2.18.4"
2017-09-11T06:16:07+0600 [twisted.python.log#info] "" - - [11/Sep/2017:00:16:07 +0000] "GET /listversions.json?project=tester2_fda_trial20 HTTP/1.1" 200 80 "-" "python-requests/2.18.4"
2017-09-11T06:16:07+0600 [twisted.python.log#info] "" - - [11/Sep/2017:00:16:07 +0000] "GET /listjobs.json?project=tester2_fda_trial20 HTTP/1.1" 200 92 "-" "python-requests/2.18.4"
scrapyd daemon on instance2 ( running status:
2017-09-11T06:09:28+0600 [-] Loading /home/mtaziz/.virtualenvs/scrapydevenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scrapyd/txapp.py...
2017-09-11T06:09:28+0600 [-] Scrapyd web console available at
2017-09-11T06:09:28+0600 [-] Loaded.
2017-09-11T06:09:28+0600 [twisted.scripts._twistd_unix.UnixAppLogger#info] twistd 17.5.0 (/home/mtaziz/.virtualenvs/scrapydevenv/bin/python 2.7.6) starting up.
2017-09-11T06:09:28+0600 [twisted.scripts._twistd_unix.UnixAppLogger#info] reactor class: twisted.internet.epollreactor.EPollReactor.
2017-09-11T06:09:28+0600 [-] Site starting on 6800
2017-09-11T06:09:28+0600 [twisted.web.server.Site#info] Starting factory <twisted.web.server.Site instance at 0x7fbe6eaeac20>
2017-09-11T06:09:28+0600 [Launcher] Scrapyd 1.2.0 started: max_proc=16, runner='scrapyd.runner'
2017-09-11T06:09:32+0600 [twisted.python.log#info] "" - - [11/Sep/2017:00:09:32 +0000] "GET /listprojects.json HTTP/1.1" 200 98 "-" "python-requests/2.18.4"
2017-09-11T06:09:32+0600 [twisted.python.log#info] "" - - [11/Sep/2017:00:09:32 +0000] "GET /listversions.json?project=tester2_fda_trial20 HTTP/1.1" 200 80 "-" "python-requests/2.18.4"
2017-09-11T06:09:32+0600 [twisted.python.log#info] "" - - [11/Sep/2017:00:09:32 +0000] "GET /listjobs.json?project=tester2_fda_trial20 HTTP/1.1" 200 92 "-" "python-requests/2.18.4"
2017-09-11T06:09:37+0600 [twisted.python.log#info] "" - - [11/Sep/2017:00:09:37 +0000] "GET /listprojects.json HTTP/1.1" 200 98 "-" "python-requests/2.18.4"
2017-09-11T06:09:37+0600 [twisted.python.log#info] "" - - [11/Sep/2017:00:09:37 +0000] "GET /listversions.json?project=tester2_fda_trial20 HTTP/1.1" 200 80 "-" "python-requests/2.18.4"
worker1 logs
After updating the code for RabbitMQ server settings followed by the suggestions made by #Tarun Lalwani
The suggestion was to use RabbitMQ Server IP - instead of After I updated as suggested by Tarun Lalwani got the new problems as below............
2017-09-11 15:49:18 [scrapy.utils.log] INFO: Scrapy 1.4.0 started (bot: tester2_fda_trial20)
2017-09-11 15:49:18 [scrapy.utils.log] INFO: Overridden settings: {'NEWSPIDER_MODULE': 'tester2_fda_trial20.spiders', 'ROBOTSTXT_OBEY': True, 'LOG_LEVEL': 'INFO', 'SPIDER_MODULES': ['tester2_fda_trial20.spiders'], 'BOT_NAME': 'tester2_fda_trial20', 'FEED_URI': 'file:///var/lib/scrapyd/items/tester2_fda_trial20/tester2_fda_trial20/79b1123a96d611e79276000c29bad697.jl', 'SCHEDULER': 'tester2_fda_trial20.rabbitmq.scheduler.Scheduler', 'TELNETCONSOLE_ENABLED': False, 'LOG_FILE': '/var/log/scrapyd/tester2_fda_trial20/tester2_fda_trial20/79b1123a96d611e79276000c29bad697.log'}
2017-09-11 15:49:18 [scrapy.middleware] INFO: Enabled extensions:
2017-09-11 15:49:18 [scrapy.middleware] INFO: Enabled downloader middlewares:
2017-09-11 15:49:18 [scrapy.middleware] INFO: Enabled spider middlewares:
2017-09-11 15:49:18 [scrapy.middleware] INFO: Enabled item pipelines:
2017-09-11 15:49:18 [scrapy.core.engine] INFO: Spider opened
2017-09-11 15:49:18 [pika.adapters.base_connection] INFO: Connecting to
2017-09-11 15:49:18 [pika.adapters.blocking_connection] INFO: Created channel=1
2017-09-11 15:49:18 [scrapy.core.engine] INFO: Closing spider (shutdown)
2017-09-11 15:49:18 [pika.adapters.blocking_connection] INFO: Channel.close(0, Normal Shutdown)
2017-09-11 15:49:18 [pika.channel] INFO: Channel.close(0, Normal Shutdown)
2017-09-11 15:49:18 [scrapy.utils.signal] ERROR: Error caught on signal handler: <bound method ?.close_spider of <scrapy.extensions.feedexport.FeedExporter object at 0x7f94878b8c50>>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/mtaziz/.virtualenvs/scrapydevenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/twisted/internet/defer.py", line 150, in maybeDeferred
result = f(*args, **kw)
File "/home/mtaziz/.virtualenvs/scrapydevenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pydispatch/robustapply.py", line 55, in robustApply
return receiver(*arguments, **named)
File "/home/mtaziz/.virtualenvs/scrapydevenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scrapy/extensions/feedexport.py", line 201, in close_spider
slot = self.slot
AttributeError: 'FeedExporter' object has no attribute 'slot'
2017-09-11 15:49:18 [scrapy.utils.signal] ERROR: Error caught on signal handler: <bound method ?.spider_closed of <Tester2Fda_Trial20Spider 'tester2_fda_trial20' at 0x7f9484f897d0>>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/mtaziz/.virtualenvs/scrapydevenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/twisted/internet/defer.py", line 150, in maybeDeferred
result = f(*args, **kw)
File "/home/mtaziz/.virtualenvs/scrapydevenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pydispatch/robustapply.py", line 55, in robustApply
return receiver(*arguments, **named)
File "/tmp/user/1000/tester2_fda_trial20-10-d4Req9.egg/tester2_fda_trial20/spiders/tester2_fda_trial20.py", line 28, in spider_closed
AttributeError: 'Tester2Fda_Trial20Spider' object has no attribute 'statstask'
2017-09-11 15:49:18 [scrapy.statscollectors] INFO: Dumping Scrapy stats:
{'finish_reason': 'shutdown',
'finish_time': datetime.datetime(2017, 9, 11, 9, 49, 18, 159896),
'log_count/ERROR': 2,
'log_count/INFO': 10}
2017-09-11 15:49:18 [scrapy.core.engine] INFO: Spider closed (shutdown)
2017-09-11 15:49:18 [twisted] CRITICAL: Unhandled error in Deferred:
2017-09-11 15:49:18 [twisted] CRITICAL:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/mtaziz/.virtualenvs/scrapydevenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/twisted/internet/defer.py", line 1386, in _inlineCallbacks
result = g.send(result)
File "/home/mtaziz/.virtualenvs/scrapydevenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scrapy/crawler.py", line 95, in crawl
File "/home/mtaziz/.virtualenvs/scrapydevenv/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/scrapy/crawler.py", line 79, in crawl
yield self.engine.open_spider(self.spider, start_requests)
OperationFailure: command SON([('saslStart', 1), ('mechanism', 'SCRAM-SHA-1'), ('payload', Binary('n,,n=tariq,r=MjY5OTQ0OTYwMjA4', 0)), ('autoAuthorize', 1)]) on namespace admin.$cmd failed: Authentication failed.
# coding:utf-8
import datetime
from pymongo import errors
from pymongo.mongo_client import MongoClient
from pymongo.mongo_replica_set_client import MongoReplicaSetClient
from pymongo.read_preferences import ReadPreference
from scrapy.exporters import BaseItemExporter
from urllib.parse import quote
from urllib import quote
def not_set(string):
""" Check if a string is None or ''
:returns: bool - True if the string is empty
if string is None:
return True
elif string == '':
return True
return False
class MongoDBPipeline(BaseItemExporter):
""" MongoDB pipeline class """
# Default options
config = {
'uri': 'mongodb://localhost:27017',
'fsync': False,
'write_concern': 0,
'database': 'scrapy-mongodb',
'collection': 'items',
'replica_set': None,
'buffer': None,
'append_timestamp': False,
'sharded': False
# Needed for sending acknowledgement signals to RabbitMQ for all persisted items
queue = None
acked_signals = []
# Item buffer
item_buffer = dict()
def load_spider(self, spider):
self.crawler = spider.crawler
self.settings = spider.settings
self.queue = self.crawler.engine.slot.scheduler.queue
def open_spider(self, spider):
# Configure the connection
self.spidername = spider.name
self.config['uri'] = 'mongodb://' + self.config['username'] + ':' + quote(self.config['password']) + '#' + self.config['uri'] + '/admin'
self.shardedcolls = []
if self.config['replica_set'] is not None:
self.connection = MongoReplicaSetClient(
# Connecting to a stand alone MongoDB
self.connection = MongoClient(
# Set up the collection
self.database = self.connection[spider.name]
# Autoshard the DB
if self.config['sharded']:
db_statuses = self.connection['config']['databases'].find({})
partitioned = []
notpartitioned = []
for status in db_statuses:
if status['partitioned']:
if spider.name in notpartitioned or spider.name not in partitioned:
self.connection.admin.command('enableSharding', spider.name)
except errors.OperationFailure:
collections = self.connection['config']['collections'].find({})
for coll in collections:
if (spider.name + '.') in coll['_id']:
if coll['dropped'] is not True:
if coll['_id'].index(spider.name + '.') == 0:
self.shardedcolls.append(coll['_id'][coll['_id'].index('.') + 1:])
def configure(self):
""" Configure the MongoDB connection """
# Set all regular options
options = [
('uri', 'MONGODB_URI'),
('fsync', 'MONGODB_FSYNC'),
('write_concern', 'MONGODB_REPLICA_SET_W'),
('database', 'MONGODB_DATABASE'),
('collection', 'MONGODB_COLLECTION'),
('replica_set', 'MONGODB_REPLICA_SET'),
('buffer', 'MONGODB_BUFFER_DATA'),
('append_timestamp', 'MONGODB_ADD_TIMESTAMP'),
('sharded', 'MONGODB_SHARDED'),
('username', 'MONGODB_USER'),
('password', 'MONGODB_PASSWORD')
for key, setting in options:
if not not_set(self.settings[setting]):
self.config[key] = self.settings[setting]
def process_item(self, item, spider):
""" Process the item and add it to MongoDB
:type item: Item object
:param item: The item to put into MongoDB
:type spider: BaseSpider object
:param spider: The spider running the queries
:returns: Item object
item_name = item.__class__.__name__
# If we are working with a sharded DB, the collection will also be sharded
if self.config['sharded']:
if item_name not in self.shardedcolls:
self.connection.admin.command('shardCollection', '%s.%s' % (self.spidername, item_name), key={'_id': "hashed"})
except errors.OperationFailure:
itemtoinsert = dict(self._get_serialized_fields(item))
if self.config['buffer']:
if item_name not in self.item_buffer:
self.item_buffer[item_name] = []
self.item_buffer[item_name][1] += 1
if self.config['append_timestamp']:
itemtoinsert['scrapy-mongodb'] = {'ts': datetime.datetime.utcnow()}
if self.item_buffer[item_name][1] == self.config['buffer']:
self.item_buffer[item_name][1] = 0
self.insert_item(self.item_buffer[item_name][0], spider, item_name)
return item
self.insert_item(itemtoinsert, spider, item_name)
return item
def close_spider(self, spider):
""" Method called when the spider is closed
:type spider: BaseSpider object
:param spider: The spider running the queries
:returns: None
for key in self.item_buffer:
if self.item_buffer[key][0]:
self.insert_item(self.item_buffer[key][0], spider, key)
def insert_item(self, item, spider, item_name):
""" Process the item and add it to MongoDB
:type item: (Item object) or [(Item object)]
:param item: The item(s) to put into MongoDB
:type spider: BaseSpider object
:param spider: The spider running the queries
:returns: Item object
self.collection = self.database[item_name]
if not isinstance(item, list):
if self.config['append_timestamp']:
item['scrapy-mongodb'] = {'ts': datetime.datetime.utcnow()}
ack_signal = item['ack_signal']
item.pop('ack_signal', None)
self.collection.insert(item, continue_on_error=True)
if ack_signal not in self.acked_signals:
signals = []
for eachitem in item:
eachitem.pop('ack_signal', None)
self.collection.insert(item, continue_on_error=True)
del item[:]
for ack_signal in signals:
if ack_signal not in self.acked_signals:
To sum up, I believe the problem lies in scrapyd daemons running on both instances but somehow scraper or worker1 can not access it, I could not figure it out, I did not find any use cases on stackoverflow.
Any help is highly appreciated in this regard. Thank you in advance!

Google and Twitter return empty user data on Flask

I don't understand what is wrong?
callback uri:
google -
twitter -
from authomatic.providers import oauth2, oauth1
SECRET_KEY = '####'
'google': {
'class_': oauth2.Google,
'consumer_key': '####',
'consumer_secret': ####',
'scope': ['email',],
'tw': {
'class_': oauth1.Twitter,
'consumer_key': '####',
'consumer_secret': '####',
from authomatic.adapters import WerkzeugAdapter
from authomatic import Authomatic
from app import app, db
from app.models.users import User
authomatic = Authomatic(
#app.route('/auth/<provider>/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def auth(provider):
print "REQUEST: ", request.args
response = make_response()
result = authomatic.login(WerkzeugAdapter(request, response), provider)
if result:
if result.user:
if result.user.email:
user = User.query.filter(User.email == result.user.email).first()
if user is None:
user = User(nickname=result.user.name, email=result.user.email)
flash('A new user profile has been created for you.')
return redirect(url_for('index'))
flash('Your provider return empty data, try again later.')
return redirect(url_for('index'))
return response
and after I accept access to app in google or twitter, I have redirected to index.html page with flash massage "Your provider return empty data, try again later"
in console I see:
google: - - [29/Nov/2014 00:41:26] "GET /login/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
REQUEST: ImmutableMultiDict([]) - - [29/Nov/2014 00:41:27] "GET /auth/google/ HTTP/1.1" 302 -
REQUEST: ImmutableMultiDict([('state', u'bbee8547ff97e001sdss61e6'), ('code', u'4/ZJRhjCqEzAVep9UL2epaTzYI')]) - - [29/Nov/2014 00:41:30] "GET /auth/google/?state=bbee8547ff97e001d3d77161e6&code=4/ZJRhjCqEzAVep9UL2epaTzYI HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [29/Nov/2014 00:41:30] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
twitter: - - [29/Nov/2014 00:43:38] "GET /login/ HTTP/1.1" 200 -
REQUEST: ImmutableMultiDict([]) - - [29/Nov/2014 00:43:42] "GET /auth/tw/ HTTP/1.1" 302 -
REQUEST: ImmutableMultiDict([('oauth_token', u'KmF9L1m5CYUY9O6joIh0'), ('oauth_verifier', u'95sGsiRz5sTxZua88G')]) - - [29/Nov/2014 00:43:44] "GET /auth/tw/?oauth_token=KmF9L1m5CYUY9O6joIh0&oauth_verifier=95sGsiRz5sTxZua88G HTTP/1.1" 302 - - - [29/Nov/2014 00:43:44] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 -
May be some thing wrong if i get 302 - on response???
Please help me!
I believe this is a setup issue on the Google Developer Console.
Under the APIs & auth settings of your project you need to authorize the API's you want access to, otherwise nothing will be returned in the results var.
If you inspect it you will see an error message from Google telling you to authorize API's.
Add the following API's from here: APIs & auth > APIs, select Google+ API, this will return the result dictionary with the values you are looking for.
from authomatic.providers import openid, oauth2
'oi': {
# OpenID provider dependent on the python-openid package.
'class_': openid.OpenID,
'google' : {
'class_': oauth2.Google,
'scope': ['profile', 'email']
on your index.html you will want to trigger the call like:
Sign In With Google
That should trigger the call to the google oauth login.
#app.route('/login/<provider_name>/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login(provider_name):
Login handler, must accept both GET and POST to be able to use OpenID.
# We need response object for the WerkzeugAdapter.
response = make_response()
# Log the user in, pass it the adapter and the provider name.
result = authomatic.login(WerkzeugAdapter(request, response), provider_name)
# If there is no LoginResult object, the login procedure is still pending.
if result:
if result.user:
# We need to update the user to get more info.
# The rest happens inside the template.
#result.user.data.x will return further user data
return render_template('login.html', email=result.user.email, name=result.user.name)
# Don't forget to return the response.
return response