How i can extract PIXEL from DICOM file? - c++

I want to write a script to extract the PixelDATA of a DICOM file using c or c ++, I don't want to use external libraries like dicomsdl... if anyone can help me to write algorithm for extract and show image .

Just extracting the image data under the pixel data is not enough to interpret the DICOM image properly. You will need other attributes from DICOM file such as Rows, Columns, Bit Allocated, Bit Stored, High Bit, Photometric Interpretation, Sample Per Pixel to Number of Frames information just to interpret the raw uncompressed image data. Also, stored image data can be in Little Endian or Big Endian byte order. In addition, image data can be encapsulated or compressed (e.g. compressed using different compression algorithms such as JPEG, JPEG 2000, JPEG LS, RLE etc)) and compressed streams are stored differently than the uncompressed image data. Even the PixelData element can exist in multiple locations in a single DICOM file (e.g. one under the Icon Image Sequence (thumbnail) and one at the top level (actual image).
It can get more complicated when you need to account for Palette Color (segmented vs un-segmented), modality LUT, VOI LUT etc. My recommendation is to use an existing DICOM SDK and there are many open source and commercial SDK available for different platforms and programming environments.


How to determine top-down/bottom-up from WIC decoder?

I'm using WIC (Windows Imaging Component) to decode image files and get access to the pixel data. I'm trying to figure out the pixel order (i.e., bottom-up or top-down).
I use IWICImagingFactory::CreateDecoderFromFileName to create the decoder from which I grab the (first) frame (IWICBitmapFrameDecode). With the frame, I use GetPixelFormat and GetSize to compute a buffer size, and finally I use CopyPixels to get the decoded pixel data into my buffer.
This works fine with a variety of JPEG files, giving me pixel rows in top-down sequence, and the pixels are in BGRX order (GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppBGR).
When I try with GIF files, however, the pixel rows come in bottom-up sequence. The reported pixel format is RGBA (GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppRGBA), but the ground truth shows the channel order is BGRA (with the blue in the low byte of each 32-bit pixel, just like JPEG).
My primary question: Is there a way for me to query the top-down/bottom-up orientation of the pixel data?
I found a similar question that asked about rotation when using JPEG sources, and the answer was to query the EXIF data to know whether the image was rotated. But EXIF isn't used with GIF. So I'm wondering whether I'm supposed to assume that pixels are always bottom-up, except for ones that do have an EXIF orientation that says otherwise. Update 6/25/2020 Nope, the JPEG orientation is neutral and the GIF has no orientation information, yet MS Paint and other programs can open the files in the correct orientation.
My secondary question: What's up with the incorrect channel order (RGB/BGR) from the GIF decoder?
Not only that, the WIC documentation says that the GIF decoder should return indexes into a color table (GUID_WICPixelFormat8bppIndexed) rather than actual pixel values. Is it possible some software on my machine installed its own buggy GIF decoder that supersedes the one that comes with Windows 10?
To query photo orientation for formats that support it you should use System.Photo.Orientation photo metadata policy (or one of file format specific metadata query paths) using IWICMetadataQueryReader interface.
As for GetPixelFormat() reporting "incorrect" pixel format, it is right there in the Remarks section:
The pixel format returned by this method is not necessarily the pixel format the image is stored as. The codec may perform a format conversion from the storage pixel format to an output pixel format.
Native byte order of image bitmaps under Windows is BGRA, so that is what you are getting from the decoder. If you want image in a different format you need to use IWICImagingFactory::CreateFormatConverter() to create a format converter and convert the image data before copying.
Finally, GIF doesn't have orientation metadata because it is always encoded from top to bottom. Most likely reason you are getting a vertically inverted image is because you are reading it directly from the decoder -- try calling CopyPixels() on the converter instead.

Writing image data to the disk as fast as possible

I am writing an application that generates a huge amount of images. Each frame is 1280x800 pixels large and has 1 byte per pixel for color information (greyscale). Each of the frames must be written to disk.
Currently I simply dump the raw pixel data to a binary file on the disk. The file can then be viewed with a special viewer I also created.
This is a very unsatisfactory solution, since the images can't be viewed/processed directly. They always have to run through my custom viewer/converter.
Is there an image format I could use to write my images to disk that:
Is fast to be written (no compression etc.)
Does not increase the final file's size much
Supports dumping my raw pixel buffer in there (no alignemnt changes etc.)
Can be read by common applications (Windows Explorer, Paint, Photoshop etc.)
I already tried to use .png, but the file generation takes much too long due to the compression.
Have a look at the binary Portable GrayMap (P5) format. It consists of an extremely simple header followed by raw image data (without any alignment requirements), and is widely supported by image viewers.
Both bmp and tiff can be used to save raw data. Bmp has the oddity of having image upside down, unless height is negative. And tiff has plenty of encoding options. It should be anyway feasible to reverse engineer the format to be used as a template, where the image data is copy pasted. So no need to use a library: just a header, image data and an optional footer concatenated.

Serialize OpenCv Mat using JSON in C++

I'm trying to write a TCP client/server application that transmits objects containing OpenCv Mat. I'd like to serialize these objects using JSON. I found some libraries that help me in doing that (rapidjson), but they of course do not take into account images as object members.
What would you suggest to serialize in a JSON object a cv::Mat variable? How can I use RapidJson, for example, to achieve that?
imencode can be used to encode an viewable image (with CV_8UC1 or CV_8UC3 pixel formats) into a std::vector<uchar>. Link to documentation.
The vector<uchar> will contain the same bytes as if OpenCV had saved the image into one of the supported image file formats (such as JPEG or PNG) and then have the file bytes loaded back into a byte array.
imencode can be found in highgui module when using OpenCV 2.x, or imgcodecs module when using OpenCV 3.x.
With the compressed data in a vector<uchar>, you can use Base64 encoding to format it into a string, which can then be added as a JSON value inside a JSON object.
When using JSON to transmit large amounts of data, consider very very carefully the character encoding format that the JSON library is instructed to emit. Normally, If a large portion of the data is going to be Base64, you will want to make sure the JSON is emitted in UTF8.
If you have the option of sending in binary (which requires an "out-of-band" design in the web service, something not always doable), it should be seriously considered.
When considering different serialization choices for images, these things should be taken into account:
Typical image sizes (total number of pixels)
Size efficiency is less of a concern if images are small.
Pixel format (number of channels and precision)
Most common image file formats will only allow 8-bit grayscale and 24-bit RGB pixel data. Trying to save higher-precision pixel data into these image formats will result in partial loss of precision.
Available transmission bandwidth (if it is scarce enough to be a concern). With less available bandwidth, compression becomes more important.
Compression options.
Typical (photographic or synthetic) images are highly compressible due to the common sense that images that are too "dense" will be too hard to comprehend when viewed by human eyes.
Compression can be lossless or lossy.
Choice of compression may depend on the statistical characteristics of the pixel values (image content).
As mentioned above, if compression is performed by encoding into some image formats, you have to make sure the image format can satisfy the pixel value precision requirements of your application.
If no existing image format meets your requirements and you still want to perform lossless compression, consider using the zlib API that is integrated into the OpenCV Core module.
If you are good at image processing and data compression theory, you may be able to devise an application-specific compression method based on your own needs.
Remember that reducing the image resolution can be a powerful (and super-lossy) way of reducing the transmission file size. Consider carefully what minimum image resolution is actually needed for your application.
Other considerations
Binary or text
Availability of highgui, imgcodecs or an image decoder for the chosen image format on the receiving end.
Information source: just did this a few months ago.

Read RGB triplets of JPEG files in C

to read bmp files we may use this
as the header file and then get rgb triplets. How to get the rgb triplets of jpeg file, is there any such header file available. Please share the link if any.
The JPEG file format does not store the rgb triplets directly but it uses some sort of image compression. The file actually contains blocks of 64 (if I remember correctly) pixels which are attributed with a cosine pattern defining the actual colors.
You really should use a library (libjpeg, imagemagick, gd, ... e.g., depending on your use case) to read and decode the files and generate the rgb triplets in memory.
According to the answer to this question on MSDN, you could use the GDI+ component, which can load not only BMP, but JPG and other image formats too. From it, you will get a memory bitmap.
Here is an example on how to do that.
Check this library: libjpeg. This library implements JPEG image encoding, decoding,
and transcoding.

How do you place EXIF tags into a JPG, having the raw jpeg buffer in C++?

I am having a bit of a problem.
I get a RAW char* buffer from a camera and I need to add this tags before I can save it to disk. Writing the file to disk and reading it back again is not an option, as this will happen thousands of times.
The buffer data I receive from the camera does not contain any EXIF information, apart from the Width, Height and Pixels per Inch.
Any ideas? (C++)
Look at this PDF, on page 20 you have a diagram showing you were to place or modify your exif information. What is the difference with a file on disk ?
Does the JPEG buffer of your camera contain an EXIF section already ?
What's the difference? Why would doing it to a file on the disk be any different from doing it in memory?
Just do whatever it is you do after you read the file from the disk..
As far as I know EXIF data in JPEG is continuous subpart of file.
prepare EXIF data in memory
write part of JPEG file upto EXIF
write prepared EXIF
write rest of JPEG file
You might want to take a look into Exiv2 library. I know it can work on files but I suppose it also has functions to work on memory buffers.