How to reduce the pointer/address width in a hash table slot? - c++

Assume that we have a hash table using chaining (linked list) to resove hash collisions. Each hash table slot will have a pointer field pointing to the first node of the linked list. This pointer will occupy 4 or 8 bytes depending on the x86 or x64 OS.
For some large hash table with million slots, the pointers will consume huge memory resource. For a hardware implementation, we can customize the pointer/address width on the FPGA to save memory. My question is, for a software implementation, is there any way also to reduce the pointer size to, say, 3 bytes?

You can reduce the pointer size overhead for your overflow lists to 0 bytes if you do not implement the hash table that way in the first place.
There is actually no drawback in implementing hash tables such that if one slot of the table already holds a value, you apply "some strategy" to find another, empty slot. If you did so while writing, your read function needs to execute analog steps to find the right spot to read from.
This approach actually does not perform worse than external overflow lists, because what you do in case of having those overflow lists is to perform a linear search within the overflow list. With an in-place hash table you perform - depending on the chosen strategy also something like a linear probing.
One idea to do that is to have a set of hash keys instead of one. (Typically 2, then it is called Double hashing). If you write and the slot of the table is already taken, you use the next hash key in your set and try again, until your hash keys are exhausted or until you found an empty spot. With N hash keys, you do N steps.
For reading, in that case, you try to find the entry, applying the set of hash keys in the same sequence as you did for write and probe if this is the entry you need, just the same way as you would probe your overflow lists.
Since hash tables only "make sense" if they have a low fill rate, this strategy actually saves much of the memory which would be needed for an overflow-list implementation.


Please reply::HashTable:Determining Table size and which hash function to use

If the input data entries are around 10 raised to power of 9, do we keep the size of the hash table the same as input size or reduce the size? how to decide the table size?
if we are using numbers in the range of 10 raised to power of 6 as the key, how do we hash these numbers to smaller values? I know we use the modulo operator but module with what?
Kindly explain how these two things work. Its getting quite confusing. Thanks!!
I tried to make the table size around 75% of the input data size, that you can call as X. Then I did key%(X) to get the hash code. But I am not sure if this is correct.
If the input data entries are around 10 raised to power of 9, do we keep the size of the hash table the same as input size or reduce the size? how to decide the table size?
The ratio of the number of elements stored to the number of buckets in the hash table is known as the load factor. In a separate chaining implementation, I'd suggest doing what std::unordered_set et al do and keeping it roughly in the range 0.5 to 1.0. So, for 10^9 elements have 10^9 to 2x10^9 buckets. Luckily, with separate chaining nothing awful happens if you go a bit outside this range (lower load factors just waste some memory on extra unused buckets, and higher load factors lead to increased collisions, longer lists and search times, but at load factors under 5 or 10 with an ok hash function the slow down will be roughly linear on average (so 5 or 10x slower than at load factor 1).
One important decision you should make is whether to pick a number around this magnitude that is a power of two, or a prime number. Explaining the implications is tedious, and anyway - which will work best for you is best determined by trying both and measuring the performance (if you really have to care about smallish differences in performance; if not - a prime number is the safer bet).
if we are using numbers in the range of 10 raised to power of 6 as the key, how do we hash these numbers to smaller values? I know we use the modulo operator but module with what?
Are these keys unsigned integers? In general, you can't have only 10^6 potential keys and end up with 10^9 hash table entries, as hash tables don't normally store duplicates (std::unordered_multiset/multi_map can, but it'll be easier for you to model that kind of thing as being a hash table from distinct keys to a container or values). More generally, it's best to separate the act of hashing (which usually is expected to generate a size_t result), from the "folding" of the hash value over the number of buckets in the hash table. That folding can be done using % in the general case, or by bitwise-ANDing with a bitmask for power-of-two bucket counts (e.g. for 256 buckets, & 255 is the same as % 256, but may execute faster on the CPU when those 255/256 values aren't known at compile time).
I tried to make the table size around 75% of the input data size, that you can call as X.
So that's a load factor around 1.33, which is ok.
Then I did key%(X) to get the hash code. But I am not sure if this is
It ends up being the same thing, but I'd suggest thinking of that as having a hash function hash(key) = key, followed by mod-ing into the bucket count. Such a hash function is known as an identity hash function, and is the implementation used for integers by all major C++ compiler Standard Libraries, though no particular hash functions are specified in the C++ Standard. It tends to work ok, but if your integer keys are particularly prone to collisions (for example, if they were all distinct multiples of 16 and your bucket count was a power of two they'd tend to only map to every 16th bucket) then it'd be better to use a stronger hash function. There are other questions about that - e.g. What integer hash function are good that accepts an integer hash key?
If the number of elements may increase dramatically beyond your initial expectations at run-time, then you'll want to increase the number of buckets to keep the load factor reasonable (in the range discussed above). Implementing support for that can easily be done by first writing a hash table class that doesn't support rehashing - simply taking the number of buckets to use as a constructor argument. Then write an outer rehashing-capable hash table class with a data member of the above type, and when an insert would push the load factor too high (Standard Library containers have a max_load_factor member which defaults to 1.0), you can construct an additional inner hash table object telling the constructor a new larger bucket count to use, then iterate over the smaller hash table inserting (or - better - moving, see below) the elements to the new hash table, then swap the two hash tables so the data member ends up with the new larger content and the smaller one is destructed. By "moving" above With a little I mean simply relink linked list elements from the smaller hash table into the lists in the larger one, instead of deep copying the elements, which will be dramatically faster and use less memory momentarily while rehashing.

Efficient data structure to map integer-to-integer with find & insert, no allocations and fixed upper bound

I am looking for input on an associative data structure that might take advantage of the specific criteria of my use case.
Currently I am using a red/black tree to implement a dictionary that maps keys to values (in my case integers to addresses).
In my use case, the maximum number of elements is known up front (1024), and I will only ever be inserting and searching. Searching happens twenty times more often than inserting. At the end of the process I clear the structure and repeat again. There can be no allocations during use - only the initial up front one. Unfortunately, the STL and recent versions of C++ are not available.
Any insight?
I ended up implementing a simple linear-probe HashTable from an example here. I used the MurmurHash3 hash function since my data is randomized.
I modified the hash table in the following ways:
The size is a template parameter. Internally, the size is doubled. The implementation requires power of 2 sizes, and traditionally resizes at 75% occupation. Since I know I am going to be filling up the hash table, I pre-emptively double it's capacity to keep it sparse enough. This might be less efficient when adding small number of objects, but it is more efficient once the capacity starts to fill up. Since I cannot resize it I chose to start it doubled in size.
I do not allow keys with a value of zero to be stored. This is okay for my application and it keeps the code simple.
All resizing and deleting is removed, replaced by a single clear operation which performs a memset.
I chose to inline the insert and lookup functions since they are quite small.
It is faster than my red/black tree implementation before. The only change I might make is to revisit the hashing scheme to see if there is something in the source keys that would help make a cheaper hash.
Billy ONeal suggested, given a small number of elements (1024) that a simple linear search in a fixed array would be faster. I followed his advice and implemented one for side by side comparison. On my target hardware (roughly first generation iPhone) the hash table outperformed a linear search by a factor of two to one. At smaller sizes (256 elements) the hash table was still superior. Of course these values are hardware dependant. Cache line sizes and memory access speed are terrible in my environment. However, others looking for a solution to this problem would be smart to follow his advice and try and profile it first.

Vector or Map or Hash map for C++?

I have a large number of records, say around 4,000,000, that I want to address them repeatedly and put information in a class that is linked to that record. I am not sure what kind of data structure should I use? Should I use the vectors, maps, or hash maps. I don't need to insert a record, but I need to read a table which contain sets of these records numbers (or names), and then grab some of the data which are linked to that record and do some processes on them. Is the finding on map fast enough to not go for hashmaps for this example? The records have a class as its structure and I have not done anything before with using the map or hashmap that has a class as its value (if it is possible).
Thanks in advance guys.
I do not need to have all the records on the memory at the same time for now> I need to first give it a structure first and then grab the data from some of the records. The total number of records is around 20 million, and I want to read each of these raw records and then if its basic info doesn't exist in my new map or vector that I want to create and put the rest of data in there as a vector. Because I have 20 million records, I think it would be very excruciating that for every record go through 4 million record to find if the basic info of that record exist or not. I have around 4 million type of packages and each of these packages could have more than one type of service (roughly around 5 (20/4) per package). I want to read each of these records and then if the package ID does not exist into the vector or whatever I want to use and push the basic info into the vector and then for the services that are related to that package be saved in a vector inside the package class.
These three data structures have each a different purpose.
A vector is basically a dynamic array, which is good for indexed values.
A map is a sorted data-structure with O(log(n)) retrieval and insertion time (implemented using a balanced binary tree, usually Red-Black). This is best if you can't find an efficient hash method.
A hash_map uses hashes to retrieve object. If you have a well defined hash function with a low collision rate, you will get constant retrieval and insertion time on average. hash_maps are usually faster than map but not always. It is highly dependent on the hash function.
For your example, I think that it is best to use a hash_map where the key would be the record number (assuming record numbers are unique).
If these record numbers are dense (meaning there are little or no gaps between the indexes
, say: 1,2,4,5,8,9,10...), you can use a vector. If your records are coming from a database with an autoincrement primary key and not many deletions, this should be usually the case.

C++ hashing: Open addressing and Chaining

For Chaining:
Can someone please explain this concept to me and provide me a theory example and a simple code one?
I get the idea of "Each table location points to a linked list (chain) of items that hash to this location", but I can't seem to illustrate what's actually going on.
Suppose we had h(x) (hashing function) = x/10 mod 5. Now to hash 12540, 51288, 90100, 41233, 54991, 45329, 14236, how would that look like?
And for open addressing (linear probing, quadratic probing, and probing for every R location), can someone explain that to me as well? I tried Googling around but I seem to get confused further.
Chaining is probably the most obvious form of hashing. The hash-table is actually an array of linked-lists that are initially empty. Items are inserted by adding a new node to the linked-list at the item's calculated table index. If a collision occurs then a new node is linked to the previous tail node of the linked-list. (Actually, an implementation may sort the items in the list but let's keep it simple). One advantage of this mode is that the hash-table can never become 'full', a disadvantage is that you jump around memory a lot and your CPU cache will hate you.
Open Addressing tries to take advantage of the fact that the hash-table is likely to be sparsely populated (large gaps between entries). The hash-table is an array of items. If a collision occurs, instead of adding the item to the end of the current item at that location, the algorithm searches for the next empty space in the hash-table. However this means that you cannot rely on the hashcode alone to see if an item is present, you must also compare the contents if the hashcode matches.
The 'probing' is the strategy the algorithm follows when trying to find the next free slot.
One issue is that the table can become full, i.e. no more empty slots. In this case the table will need to be resized and the hash function changed to take into account the new size. All existing items in the table must be reinserted too as their hash codes will no longer have the same values once the hash function is changed. This may take a while.
Here's a Java animation of a hash table.
because you do mod 5, your table will have 5 locations
location 0: 90100
because the result of 90100/10 mod 5 is 0
for same reason, you have:
location 1: None
location 2: 45329
location 3: 51288->41233->14236
location 4: 12540->54991
you can check out more info on wikipedia
In open addressing we have to store element in table using any of the technique (load factor less than equal to one).
But in case of chaining the hash table only stores the head pointers of Linklist ,Therefore load factor can be greater than one.

How to map 13 bit value to 4 bit code?

I have a std::map for some packet processing program.
I didn't noticed before profiling but unfortunately this map lookup alone consume about 10% CPU time (called too many time).
Usually there only exist at most 10 keys in the input data. So I'm trying to implement a kind of key cache in front of the map.
Key value is 13 bit integer. I know there are only 8192 possible keys and array of 8192 items can give constant time lookup but I feel already ashamed and don't want use such a naive approach :(
Now, I'm just guessing some method of hashing that yield 4 bit code value for 13 bit integer very fast.
Any cool idea?
Thanks in advance.
Beside my shame, I don't have total control over source code and it's almost prohibited to make new array for this purpose.
Project manager said (who ran the profiler) linked list show small performance gain and recommended using std::list instead of std::map.
Value of keys are random (no relationship) and doesn't have good distribution.
1) 0x100, 0x101, 0x10, 0x0, 0xffe
2) 0x400, 0x401, 0x402, 0x403, 0x404, 0x405, 0xff
Assuming your hash table either contains some basic type -- it's almost no memory at all. Even on 64-bit systems it's only 64kb of memory. There is no shame in using a lookup table like that, it has some of the best performance you can get.
You may want to go with middle solution and open addressing technique: one array of size 256. Index to an array is some simple hash function like XOR of two bytes. Element of the array is struct {key, value}. Collisions are handled by storing collided element at the next available index. If you need to delete element from array, and if deletion is rare then just recreate array (create a temporary list from remaining elements, and then create array from this list).
If you pick your hash function smartly there would not be any collisions almost ever. For instance, from your two examples one such hash would be to XOR low nibble of high byte with high nibble of low byte (and do what you like with remaining 13-th bit).
Unless you're writing for some sort of embedded system where 8K is really significant, just use the array and move on. If you really insist on doing something else, you might consider a perfect hash generator (e.g., gperf).
If there are really only going to be something like 10 active entries in your table, you might seriously consider using an unsorted vector to hold this mapping. Something like this:
typedef int key_type;
typedef int value_type;
std::vector<std::pair<key_type, value_type> > mapping;
inline void put(key_type key, value_type value) {
for (size_t i=0; i<mapping.size(); ++i) {
if (mapping[i].first==key) {
mapping.push_back(std::make_pair(key, value));
inline value_type get(key_type key) {
for (size_t i=0; i<mapping.size(); ++i) {
if (mapping[i].first==key) {
return mapping[i].second;
// do something reasonable if not found?
return value_type();
Now, the asymptotic speed of these algorithms (each O(n)) is much worse than you'd have with either a red-black tree (like std::map at O(log n)) or hash table (O(1)). But you're not talking about dealing with a large number of objects, so asymptotic estimates don't really buy you much.
Additionally, std::vector buys you both low overhead and locality of reference, which neither std::map nor std::list can offer. So it's more likely that a small std::vector will stay entirely within the L1 cache. As it's almost certainly the memory bottleneck that's causing your performance issues, using a std::vector with even my poor choice of algorithm will likely be faster than either a tree or linked list. Of course, only a few solid profiles will tell you for sure.
There are certainly algorithms that might be better choices: a sorted vector could potentially give even better performance; a well tuned small hash table might work as well. I suspect that you'll run into Amdahl's law pretty quickly trying to improve on a simple unsorted vector, however. Pretty soon you might find yourself running into function call overhead, or some other such concern, as a large contributor to your profile.
I agree with GWW, you don't use so much memory in the end...
But if you want, you could use an array of 11 or 13 linkedlists, and hash the keys with the % function. If the key number is less than the array size, complexity tents still to be O(1).
When you always just have about ten keys, use a list (or array). Do some benchmarking to find out whether or not using a sorted list (or array) and binary search will improve performance.
You might first want to see if there are any unnecessary calls to the key lookup. You only want to do this once per packet ideally -- each time you call a function there is going to be some overhead, so getting rid of extra calls is good.
Map is generally pretty fast, but if there is any exploitable pattern in the way keys are mapped to items you could use that and potentially do better. Could you provide a bit more information about the keys and the associated 4-bit values? E.g. are they sequential, is there some sort of pattern?
Finally, as others have mentioned, a lookup table is very fast, 8192 values * 4 bits is only 4kb, a tiny amount of memory indeed.
I would use a lookup table. It's tiny unless you are using a micrcontroller or something.
Otherwise I would do this -
Generate a table of say 30 elements.
For each lookup calculate a hash value of (key % 30) and compare it with the stored key in that location in the table. If the key is there then you found your value. if the slot is empty, then add it. If the key is wrong then skip to the next free cell and repeat.
With 30 cells and 10 keys collisions should be rare but if you get one it's fast to skip to the next cell, and normal lookups are simply a modulus and a compare operation so fairly fast