SetScrollPos is blocking - c++

In my multithreaded mfc app, m_view->SetScrollPos is blocking and all the app is freezed. The View is created in another thread, is this the reason for such behavior?
::SetScrollPos(GetSafeHwnd(), SB_HORZ, pos, true);
The same happens with SetScrollInfo().

The reason is simple:
CHanging the scroll positions cause some window messages to be created. If you are in another thread and the thread hosting the window is not ready to process messages via the GetMessaage/PostMessage, the thread using SendMessage is blocked until the message can be delivered.
This is a normal and well documented behavior.
My advice: Never perform UI action from another thread. Choose a neutral communication method to inform the other thread about changes (PostMessage, Timer and data field, aso.)...


MFC: Is it safe to call CWnd methods from another thread?

Actually I have two questions:
Is it safe to call SendMessage from a worker thread?
Do CWnd methods, like MessageBox, call API function SendMessage behind the scene?
Per my understanding, when the worker thread calls SendMessage, it pushes the message into the message queue of the UI thread, and waits until this message is processed. In that case, it would be safe to do so.
I'm not quite sure about this. please correct me if I was wrong.
Thanks a lot.
------------------------ update ----------------------------------
As a conclusion:
It's safe to call the windows API ::SendMessage and ::PostMessage across threads.
It's not safe to call CWnd methods across threads. Some of the methods may be safe, but it's not guaranteed.
Great thanks to everyone.
Is it safe to call SendMessage from a worker thread?
Yes. The system makes sure, that message handling is serialized on the receiving thread. When sending messages across threads, the sender is blocked until the message has been handled. The receiver only handles a cross-thread sent message when it executes message retrieval code (GetMessage, PeekMessage, etc.). Sent messages are never queued in the message queue. The documentation for SendMessage has additional details.
Do CWnd methods, like MessageBox, call API function SendMessage behind the scene?
Yes. For one, the message box will receive standard window messages like WM_CREATE or WM_NCCREATE as part of the dialog construction. Also, for owned windows (like modal dialogs), the system will send WM_ACTIVATE messages to both the window being deactivated, and the window being activated. I'm not sure why this matters, though, or why you asked this question in particular.
Now the question in your title:
Is it safe to call CWnd methods from another thread?
In general, no. It does depend on the member, though. Some are safe to call, others aren't. In particular, all methods that modify window state (contents, visibility, activation, etc.) should only be called from the thread that created the window. In case the call is not safe, the system will still be in a consistent state. However, your application may not be.
The ONLY way for a thread to access the UI is by using SendMessage or PostMessage.
Consider a machine with one core, where context switching occurs and you make direct access to the UI from a worker thread, you are potentially corrupting the UI thread registers !
Basically every UI framework offers a mechanism (many times several), for making UI changes from a thread. For instance Android offers an ASyncTask and a Handler.

Socket select() blocks other UI threads

In my MFC application , I am using TCP/IP socket for communcating and getting data from a server.During this process I am displaying a modelless dialog with static text and progress control.During communication I am updating the static text and progress control in a separate user thread(AfxBeginThread).
If I try to communicate to wrong ip the sockets select function with timeout value 5 secs blocking the displaying of dialog with static text and progress control(I.e the dialog hangs, the controls are getting displayed).
Once the socket comes out from select function the dialog is getting displayed properly.
How to fix this problem?
In MFC, I'd strongly recommend using CAsyncSockets, and just reacting when data comes in from the server. You probably have no need to spin up a thread at all.
If you were going to spin up a separate thread for part of the job, you'd want to allocate tasks to threads somewhat differently. You always want to leave UI updates in the main thread (the one that was created by default). If you were going to use (for example) a blocking socket, and call select on it, you'd want to move that work to a separate thread, and leave the UI updates in the thread that was created by default. Then the thread handling the socket could (for example) send messages to the UI thread to tell it about what's going on, so it could update the UI appropriately. But, as already noted, you probably just want to use a CAsyncSocket, in which case you won't need a second thread at all.

how to access mfc controls using messages?

I would like to access drag slider control of my dialog box from worker thread. I read many warnings regarding accessing main window controls from worker thread. Since they have a high chances of resulting in a dead lock. In this case, how to access the control using messages? I know how to create user defined messages (WM_USER) and write our own handlers. What it would like to know is that is there any system defined message for each controls and if it is there, how to post those messages to access the control?
You can use PostMessage to send a message to the control and the main UI thread will actually dispatch the message to the control, ie the work will happen on the UI thread (assuming the UI thread is pumping messages). Looking at afxcmn.inl you can see what SetPos is doing:
_AFXCMN_INLINE void CSliderCtrl::SetPos(_In_ int nPos)
{ ASSERT(::IsWindow(m_hWnd)); ::SendMessage(m_hWnd, TBM_SETPOS, TRUE, nPos); }
Changing that for PostMessage:
::PostMessage(hSlider, TBM_SETPOS, TRUE, nPos);
If you want something more complicated post a WM_USER message to a the parent window and handle your control managing functionality there because, again, the WM_USER message will be dispatched by the UI thread so you can work with your control safely.

How do I create Modal dialog in worker thread(Non-UI thread)?

I have written a sample MFC application in which there are two threads:
-Main thread ( UI thread)
-Worker thread ( non-UI thread)
I have a specific requirement to create a Modal dialog in Non-UI ( worker thread).
When I create the CDialog object and call DoModal on the same, it works. The dialog gets created and acts as Modal to the application. ( Win XP SP2 machine) But this does not work in Windows 2003 server machine.
The behavior in 2003 server is that, the Modal Dialog goes behind the application main Window and dialog will be brought to front only when I click on Main Window. It is not acting as Modal dialog to my application.
What could be the problem -- any ideas?
If creating UI controls in non-UI thread is the issue then is there any Win32 API which will allow me to link my worker thread to Main UI thread such that DoModal happens in Main thread. I tried AttachThreadInput but it is not working.
There is no reliable way to spread GUI modality across multiple threads. Every window is represented by an object referenced through a HWND which in turn has thread affinity. This is a left-over from the 16-bit days of Windows, where there was no multi threading. Consequently the HWNDs are not protected against concurrent access. The Old New Thing has an excellent series on "Thread affinity of user interface objects" (Part 1 2 3 Addendum).
Modality is implemented by first enabling the dialog window and then disabling its parent. The first step is safe while the second attempts to disable a window from a thread which is not the window's owning thread. Since en-/disabling windows modifies the object referenced through the HWND it represents a race condition.
The suggested solution is to confine your GUI to a single thread and communicate from your worker thread to the GUI thread to have it perform user interaction on the worker thread's behalf. The easiest way to accomplish this is to call SendMessage from the worker thread to block until the GUI thread's message handler returns. If the worker thread should continue to run while the dialog is displayed you could use PostMessage instead and communicate back to the worker thread using PostThreadMessage or signaling a synchronization object like an Event Object.
First of all, I'd like to agree with other posters that it's probably better to show the dialog on the main UI thread.
However, if you must, you can make a dialog on another thread modal with the following steps:
Pass your active window as an owner when creating the dialog.
When dialog is showing, iterate over your other windows and do them EnableWindow(FALSE). When the dialog is hiding, do the reverse. You will probably have to remember windows' enabled state and restore the original state, not just EnableWindow(TRUE).
Ensure that accelerators and other global commands will be ignored while the dialog is shown.
Note that (2) shouldn't be necessary provided that you do (1), but you've mentioned MFC, and I don't remember exactly how it behaves. It has it's own modal dialog implementation which may not exactly match Win32. If you're lucky, (1) and (3) will be enough.
While i don't know about the specifics of dialog handling on Server 2003, the simplest workaround to get on the main thread would be to use a custom window message, do ::SendMessage() and display the dialog in the message handler.
I recommend you not to do what the question subject suggests, and confine all UI to one thread. If you need the other thread to communicate with the user, create some messaging mechanism that will ask the UI thread to do it, and transport the results back.

MoveWindow deadlock?

I have a window on thread A, which at some point (as a result of a message being received on its wndproc) triggers an action on thread B, and then waits for the action to complete (using some sort of sync mechanism). Thread B then calls MoveWindow(), to move a child window within thread A's window (a standard textbox, for example). At this point the program goes into a state of deadlock for some reason. If MoveWindow() is being called from thread A, everything works. Any ideas why?
You could use SetWindowPos with the flag SWP_ASYNCWINDOWPOS, instead of MoveWindow.
The reason may be that ThreadA waits for ThreadB to handle some event but meanwhile ThreadB wait for ThreadA (the thread owning the window) to return the result of MoveWindow.
What is the "some sort of sync mechanism"? If it is WaitFor(Multiple)Object(s), you can use [MsgWaitForMultipleObjects]( instead to wake up when you have a message and dispatch it as Lucero suggests.
I think that #1800's explanation is the closest yet.
When you move a window from a thread that does not own the window, I think that Windows does not use SendMessage to deliver things like WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING to the window procedure of the moved window. Instead, to ensure that the window procedure is only called on the right thread, it posts the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message and blocks untill it's picked by event loop running in the right thread. However, that event loop is not running - it's blocked, waiting for MoveWindow to complete.
The solutions from #totaland and from #Logan Capaldo will work.
May be you don't need to wait until your window has moved. Or, if you do need to be sure, use MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx and run a small event loop to process posted messages.
You need to make sure that the message pump of the thread is running while you are waiting.
You may want to loop with PeekMessage() (or maybe GetMessage()) and DispatchMessage().
Thread affinity of user interface objects, part 1: Window handles:
Different objects have different
thread affinity rules, but the
underlying principles come from 16-bit
The most important user interface
element is of course the window.
Window objects have thread affinity.
The thread that creates a window is
the one with which the window has an
inseparable relationship. Informally,
one says that the thread "owns" the
window. Messages are dispatched to a
window procedure only on the thread
that owns it, and generally speaking,
modifications to a window should be
made only from the thread that owns
it. Although the window manager
permits any thread to access such
things as window properties, styles,
and other attributes such as the
window procedure, and such accesses
are thread safe from the window
manager's point of view,
load-modify-write sequences should
typically be restricted to the owner