Cocos2d-x coordinates - cocos2d-iphone

I just started with Cocos2D-x after some years using Cocos2d-iPhone/swift/spritebuilder.
What I notice is that the coordinate system in X seems not to use the POINT system common since iOS development. Ie a box of 10x10 points used to be 10x10 pixels on 1x devices, 20x20 pixels on 2x devices and so on.
So my question is, does cocos2d-x only deal with pixels? How do we address this in code - because we used to be able to put a sprite at say 50x20 and it would end up in the right spot on any device regardless of resolution. Not possible in cocos2d-x? I have 3.5.
What would be related is this document, however it says that it is outdated. Is there a newer document anywhere? I really don't find anything else.

You can look into using different asset folders for various resolution sizes. So you might have "/sd/" for < 480 height, "/hd/" for < 800 height, and "/ipadhd/" for others.
You can also change the content scale factor yourself in the using:
// should behave as if all art is #1x device
// should behave as if all art is #2x device
// should behave as if all art is #4x
This hasn't been updated yet, but still has some info:


CUDA how to get pixels from screen?

Good afternoon.
I found this article, but it shows how to take pixels from the image that is in the folder. Is it possible to take pixels straight from the desktop?
How to get image pixel value and image height and width in CUDA C?
It's not possible to use CUDA to get pixels from the screen/desktop/application window. You would have to use some sort of graphics API, like some X extension or DirectX (or OpenGL if the window you are working on is under control of OpenGL).
Once you have acquired the pixels via your graphics API, you can pass that to CUDA using CUDA/Graphics interop.
There are many resources for screen capture. Here is one example. There are many others.
One possible suggestion is to use NVIDIA capture SDK. However this is not formally part of CUDA. It is one possible method to get the screen pixels into a resource accessible to CUDA. (And, the functionality is deprecated on Windows.)

Cocos2dx. How to get length of 1cm(in real life) in pixel for any screen resolutions?

I have admob banner set up at the bottom of the screen.
I want to offset everything so that nothing is covered up by the banner.
I have no idea how to get the height of the admob banner DYNAMICALLY.
For iphone4, 120 is the height of admob, but for iphone 6, it's 100.
I guess it's something related to screen being scaled, but I couldn't figure it out.
My screen is set up like this in AppDelegate.cpp
cocos2d::Size designResolutionSize = cocos2d::Size(1136, 768);
glview->setDesignResolutionSize(designResolutionSize.width, designResolutionSize.height, ResolutionPolicy::NO_BORDER);
There is no real-metric like cm option in cocos2dx and in fact we don't need it.
But cocos2D-x 2.x and 3.x have very easy solution for multi-resolution problem ( either iDevices or Android devices) As you saw in Multi-resolution support document.
In fact you just need to set your DesignResolution and then just imagine your target device will has this resolution.
If target device really has this resolution ( or any other with same ratio) cocos2d will handle to fix screen and your game looks same in all devices.
And when ratio of target device is different, you have many option ( policy) to manage that.
For example if you use Exact fit policy, cocos2d will force your game ( and design) to fit target device screen (without that black boarder).
Exact fit
The entire application is visible in the specified area without trying
to preserve the original aspect ratio. Distortion can occur, and the
application may appear stretched or compressed.
For more detail just take a look at the official wiki.
Beside all above word, I found This Link (from V-Play engine) and Its Safe Zone definition really interesting and I highly recommend you to use recommended-resolution-value of this page for your work as I did.
Although this link is from another engine but the description helps you understand everything better. Here is a map between this page terms to cocos2d-x terms:
V-Play::letterbox => Cocos2dx::Show All
V-Play::ZoomToBiggerSide => Cocos2dx::NoBorder
In addition you did ask about required image size in cocos2dx development:
As you know the different size of image is not about game-look in different resolutions and you can publish your game with one size for each asset and your game/app looks good in all resolution with above description for resolution Policies.
But we need multiple image-size for each asset, to optimize memory usage. in this case ( as cocso2dx solution) we check device size and mark appropriate set of image ( each image set is in one folder with same-structure/different-size like HDR/HD/SD) as default folder of resource:
CCSize frameSize = pEGLView->getFrameSize();
if (frameSize.height > mediumResource.size.height)
searchPath.push_back(; //mark HDR default
pDirector->setContentScaleFactor(largeResource.size.height/designResolutionSize.height); //handle scaling because of different between our programming-design-resolution and artist-design-canvase-resolution
else ...

Does "Design Resolution Size" affect how sprites created using OpenGL renders them on screen?

In cocos2d-x, there is the the concept of "Design Resolution Size", which lets you pick the appropriate asset, depending on the size of the screen, and you can apply the appropriate content scaling factor.
Here is the problem:
I draw a 2d Sin Curve by passing in a set of vertices. These vertices are computed for a screen of 480x320.
What happens when I run it on a device which has a resolution of 1920x1200, even though the design resolution is set to 480x320 ? Do I have to recompute the vertices so that the same number of crests / troughs are seen on the higher resolution device, or is there some way to do this without extra computation ?
I don't have any more devices to test this, so I don't know how to figure this out.
EDIT: I now use cocos2d-x v3.
Anything drawn directly/solely with OpenGL will bypass/ignore any and all cocos2d internal settings and code paths, such as design resolution.
You can always use a simulator to test your resolution-specific code. For iOS the simulator comes with Xcode, for Android use the Emulator.
After purchasing and testing this on a number of devices with cocos2d-x v3, I find that scaling is handled automatically. Regardless of the resolution of the actual device, my openGl draw commands seem to result in the same output on all devices. It appears that cocos2d-x does something internally, so things looks the same on all devices.

Controlling the individual pixels of a projector

I need to control the individual pixels of a projector (an Infocus IN3104) whose native resolution is 1024x768. I would like to know which subset of functions in C or an APL to do this either by:
Functions that control the individual pixels of the adapter (not the pixels of a window).
A pixel-perfect, 1:1 map from an image file (1024x728) to the adaptor set at the native resolution of the projector.
In a related question ([How can I edit individual pixels in a window?][1]) the answerer Caladain states "Things have come a bit from the old days of direct memory manipulation.". I feel I need to go back to that to achieve my goal.
I don't know enough of the "graphic pipeline" to know what API or software tool to use. I'm overwhelmed by the number of technologies when I search this topic. I program in R, which easily interfaces to C, but would welcome suggestions of subsets of functions in OpenGL or C++ or ..... any other technology?
Or even an full blown application (rendering) which will map without applying a transformation.
For example even MS paint has the >VIEW>Bitmap but I get some transformation applied and I don't get pixel perfect rendering. This projector has DisplayLink digital input and I've also tried to tweek the timing parameters when using the VESA inputs and I don't think the transformation happens in the projector. In any case, using MS paint would not be flexible enough for me.
Platform: Linux or Windows.
I don't see a reason why a full-screen window, e.g. using SDL, wouldn't work. Normal bitmapped graphics is always 1:1, there shouldn't be any weird scaling going on behind your back for a full-screen:ed window.
Since SDL is portable, you should be able to run the same code in Windows or Linux (or any other supported platform).
The usual approach to this problem on current systems is:
Set graphics card to desired resolution
Create borderless full screen window
Draw whatever you want
There's really not much to gain from a "low level access", although it were certainly possible.

The legacy device context is too coarse

I have a Process Control system. It has a huge 2D workspace where all the logic is laid out.
The 2D workspace is a coordinate system.
You usually do not see the whole workspace at once, but rather some in-zoomed part of it focusing on some part of the controlled process. Such subsystem views are bookmarked into predefined named images (Power Generator1, Diesel Generator, Main lubrication pump etc).
This workspace interacts with many legacy MFC software components that individually contribute graphics onto the workspace (the device context is passed around to all contributors).
Now, one of the software components renders AutoCAD drawings onto the surface. However, the resolution of the device context is not sufficient for the details of this job. The device context logical resolution is unfortunately dictated by our own coordinate system, which at high zoom levels is quite different from the device units (pixels).
For example, a line drawn using
.... will actually, even though it's drawn directly onto the device context by increment of just one logical unit, cover quite some distance on the screen. But the width of the line would still be only one device pixel. A circle looks high res, but its data (center point and radius) can only be done in coarse increments.
I have considered the following options:
* When a predefined image is loaded and displayed, create a device context with a better suited resolution. The problem would then be that the other graphic providers interact with it using old logical units, which when used against the new DC would result in way too small and displaced graphical elements.
I wonder if I can create some DC wrapper that accepts both kinds of coordinates through different APIs, which are then translated into high res coordinates internally.
Is it possible to have two DCs with different logical/device unit ratio? And render them both to screen?
I mentioned that a circle is rendered beautifully with one pixel width even though it's placement and radius are restricted. Vertical lines are also rendered beautifully, even though the end points can only be given in coarse coordinates. This leads me to believe that it is technically possible to draw in an area that in DC logical coordinates could only be described in decimals.
Does anybody have any idea about what to do?
You need to scale your model, not the device context.
You could draw the high-def image to another DC in a new window and place that window over your low-res-drawing. Of course you have to handle clipping yourself.