On Ubuntu, I have a shared library mylibrary.so, with a function AlphaFunction. I want to load this function in C++ using dlopen, and then call it in two different threads. However, this is giving me run-time errors, presumably because the two threads are both trying to access the same memory where the function is stored.
The library itself controls a robot arm via USB, and the actual run-time error I get is: LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE returned by the Write operation.
I know how to use std::atomic for dealing with shared variables, but what about a shared function?
For example:
void Foo(int (*FooFunction)())
void Bar(int (*BarFunction)())
int main()
void* api_handle = dlopen("mylibrary.so", RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL);
int (*MoveRobot)() = (int (*)()) dlsym(api_handle, "Move");
std::thread t1(Foo, MoveRobot);
std::thread t2(Bar, MoveRobot);
return 0;
I've had a look at the comments. Here's a solution that covers all concerns:
the robot library is not thread safe, and
all calls to the robot library must be on the same thread
This answer proposes a solution in which a third thread is started up which acts as the robot request marshaller. The other threads post tasks to this thread's queue, which are executed one at a time, with the result of the call being returned via a future on which the caller can wait.
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <future>
#include <functional>
// these definitions here just to make the example compile
#define RTLD_NOW 1
#define RTLD_GLOBAL 2
extern "C" void* dlopen(const char*, int);
extern "C" void* dlsym(void*, const char*);
struct RobotCaller final
_library_handle = dlopen("mylibrary.so", RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL);
_Move = (int (*)()) dlsym(_library_handle, "Move");
// caution - thread starts. do not derive from this class
void start()
_robot_thread = std::thread([this]{
~RobotCaller() {
if (_robot_thread.joinable()) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_queue_mutex);
_should_quit = true;
// close library code goes here
std::future<int> Move()
return queue_task(_Move);
void consume_queue() {
for(std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_queue_mutex) ; !_should_quit ; lock.lock()) {
_queue_condition.wait(lock, [this]{
return _should_quit || (!_task_queue.empty());
if (!_task_queue.empty()) {
auto task = std::move(_task_queue.front());
std::future<int> queue_task(int (*f)())
std::packaged_task<int()> task(f);
auto fut = task.get_future();
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_queue_mutex);
return fut;
// library management
void* _library_handle = nullptr;
int (*_Move)() = nullptr;
// queue management
std::thread _robot_thread;
std::queue<std::packaged_task<int()>> _task_queue;
bool _should_quit = false;
std::mutex _queue_mutex;
std::condition_variable _queue_condition;
void Foo(std::function<std::future<int>()> FooFunction)
// marshal the call onto the robot queue and wait for a result
auto result = FooFunction().get();
void Bar(std::function<std::future<int>()> BarFunction)
// marshal the call onto the robot queue and wait for a result
auto result = BarFunction().get();
int main()
RobotCaller robot_caller;
std::thread t1(Foo, std::bind(&RobotCaller::Move, &robot_caller));
std::thread t2(Bar, std::bind(&RobotCaller::Move, &robot_caller));
return 0;
I'm having trouble thinking of a way to properly implement a signalling mechanism for multiple listeners waiting in the same function for a producer to signal some new data continuously, without getting "signalled" for the same previous data-
I want all listeners to always see the latest available data (not caring about missed signals if they are busy), without repeats.
My attempt so far:
#include <functional>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <thread>
class Signaller {
// Used by producer, will hold on to the mutex uniquely as it modifies data
void Signal(const std::function<void()>& fnIn) {
std::unique_lock lock(m_mtx);
m_newData = true;
// Used by consumers, will only hold shared mutex to read data
void Wait(const std::function<void()>& fnIn) {
std::shared_lock lock(m_mtx);
m_cv.wait(lock, [this](){ return m_newData; });
// Need some way to flip m_newData to false when all threads are "done"
// (or some other method of preventing spurious wakeups)
// I don't think this is particularly ideal
std::unique_lock lock(m_mtx);
m_newData = false;
std::condition_variable_any m_cv;
std::shared_mutex m_mtx;
bool m_newData{false}; // To prevent spurious wakeups
class Example {
// Multiple threads will call this function in the same instance of Example
void ConsumerLoop()
int latestData{0};
while (true){
m_signaller.Wait([this, &latestData](){ latestData = m_latestData; });
// process latestData...
// I want to make sure latestData here is always the latest
// (It's OK to miss a few signals in between if its off processing this latest data)
// One thread will be using this to signal new data
void ProducerLoop(){
int newData = rand();
m_signaller.Signal([this, newData](){ m_latestData = newData; });
Signaller m_signaller;
int m_latestData;
My main issue (I think) is how to prevent spurious wakeups, while preventing repeated data from waking up the same thread. I've thought about using some sort of counter within each thread to keep track of whether it's receiving the same data, but couldn't get anywhere with that idea (unless I perhaps make some sort of map using std::this_thread::get_id?). Is there a better way to do this?
Expanding on my map of thread ID's idea, I think I've found a solution:
#include <functional>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <thread>
class Signaller {
// Used by producer, will hold on to the mutex uniquely as it modifies data
void Signal(const std::function<void()>& fnIn) {
std::unique_lock lock(m_mtx);
void RegisterWaiter(){
std::unique_lock lock(m_mtx);
auto [itr, emplaced] = m_threadCtrMap.try_emplace(std::this_thread::get_id(), m_ctr);
if (!emplaced) {
itr->second = m_ctr;
// Used by consumers, will only hold shared mutex to read data
void Wait(const std::function<void()>& fnIn) {
std::shared_lock lock(m_mtx);
m_cv.wait(lock, [this](){ return m_threadCtrMap[std::this_thread::get_id()] != m_ctr; });
m_threadCtrMap[std::this_thread::get_id()] = m_ctr;
std::condition_variable_any m_cv;
std::shared_mutex m_mtx;
std::uint32_t m_ctr{0};
std::unordered_map<std::thread::id, std::uint32_t> m_threadCtrMap; // Stores the last signalled ctr for that thread
class Example {
// Multiple threads will call this function in the same instance of Example
void ConsumerLoop()
int latestData{0};
while (true){
m_signaller.Wait([this, &latestData](){ latestData = m_latestData; });
// One thread will be using this to signal new data
void ProducerLoop(){
int newData = rand();
m_signaller.Signal([this, newData](){ m_latestData = newData; });
Signaller m_signaller;
int m_latestData;
Here's my implementation:
#include <unordered_map>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <thread>
Example usage:
struct MyClass {
MultiCVSignaller m_signaller;
int m_latestData;
std::atomic<bool> m_stop{false};
m_stop = true;
void FuncToWaitOnData() { // e.g. Multiple threads call this fn to "subscribe" to the signal
auto& signalCtr = m_signaller.RegisterListener();
while(!m_stop.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
int latestDataInLocalThread;
// WaitForSignal() calls the provided function while holding on to the shared mutex
m_signaller.WaitForSignal(signalCtr, [this, &latestDataInLocalThread](){
latestDataInLocalThread = m_latestData;
// Make use of latest data...
void ProducerLoop() {
while(!m_stop.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) {
// Signal() holds on to the mutex uniquely while calling the provided function.
m_latestData = rand();
class MultiCVSignaller
using SignalCtr = std::uint32_t;
MultiCVSignaller() = default;
~MultiCVSignaller() { Shutdown(); }
Call to set and signal shutdown state, cancelling waits (and skipping the functions provided if any)
This should be added in the class' destructor before threads are joined.
void Shutdown() {
std::unique_lock lock(m_mtx);
m_shutdown = true;
// Calls the function if specified while holding on to the mutex with a UNIQUE lock
template<class Func = void(*)()>
void Signal(Func fnIn = +[]{})
std::unique_lock lock(m_mtx);
MultiCVSignaller::SignalCtr& RegisterListener(){
std::unique_lock lock(m_mtx);
auto [itr, emplaced] = m_threadCtrMap.try_emplace(std::this_thread::get_id(), m_ctr);
if (!emplaced) {
itr->second = m_ctr;
return itr->second;
Calls the optional function while holding on to the SHARED lock when signalled. The signalCtr argument should be provided by the return of RegisterListener() (see example)
template<class Func = void(*)()>
void WaitForSignal(MultiCVSignaller::SignalCtr& signalCtr, Func fnIn = +[]{})
std::shared_lock lock(m_mtx);
m_cv.wait(lock, [this, &signalCtr](){ return ( m_shutdown || signalCtr != m_ctr); });
if (!m_shutdown)
signalCtr = m_ctr;
std::condition_variable_any m_cv;
std::shared_mutex m_mtx;
bool m_shutdown{false};
SignalCtr m_ctr{0}; // Latest ctr from Signal()
// This map stores the signal count received for registered listeners.
// We use an unordered_map as references are never invalidated (unless erased),
// which is not the case for a vector
std::unordered_map<std::thread::id, SignalCtr> m_threadCtrMap;
When trying to learn threads most examples suggests that I should put std::mutex, std::condition_variable and std::queue global when sharing data between two different threads and it works perfectly fine for simple scenario. However, in real case scenario and bigger applications this may soon get complicated as I may soon lose track of the global variables and since I am using C++ this does not seem to be an appropriate option (may be I am wrong)
My question is if I have a producer/consumer problem and I want to put both in separate classes, since they will be sharing data I would need to pass them the same mutex and queue now how do I share these two variables between them without defining it to be global and what is the best practice for creating threads?
Here is a working example of my basic code using global variables.
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <condition_variable>
std::queue<int> buffer;
std::mutex mtx;
std::condition_variable cond;
const int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 50;
class Producer
void run(int val)
while(true) {
std::unique_lock locker(mtx) ;
cond.wait(locker, []() {
return buffer.size() < MAX_BUFFER_SIZE;
std::cout << "Produced " << val << std::endl;
val --;
// std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(2));
class Consumer
void run()
while(true) {
std::unique_lock locker(mtx);
cond.wait(locker, []() {
return buffer.size() > 0;
int val = buffer.front();
std::cout << "Consumed " << val << std::endl;
int main()
std::thread t1(&Producer::run, Producer(), MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
std::thread t2(&Consumer::run, Consumer());
return 0;
Typically, you want to have synchronisation objects packaged alongside the resource(s) they are protecting.
A simple way to do that in your case would be a class that contains the buffer, the mutex, and the condition variable. All you really need is to share a reference to one of those to both the Consumer and the Producer.
Here's one way to go about it while keeping most of your code as-is:
class Channel {
std::queue<int> buffer;
std::mutex mtx;
std::condition_variable cond;
// Since we know `Consumer` and `Producer` are the only entities
// that will ever access buffer, mtx and cond, it's better to
// not provide *any* public (direct or indirect) interface to
// them, and use `friend` to grant access.
friend class Producer;
friend class Consumer;
// ...
class Producer {
Channel* chan_;
explicit Producer(Channel* chan) : chan_(chan) {}
// ...
class Consumer {
Channel* chan_;
explicit Consumer(Channel* chan) : chan_(chan) {}
// ...
int main() {
Channel channel;
std::thread t1(&Producer::run, Producer(&channel), MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
std::thread t2(&Consumer::run, Consumer(&channel));
However, (Thanks for the prompt, #Ext3h) a better way to go about this would be to encapsulate access to the synchronisation objects as well, i.e. keep them hidden in the class. At that point Channel becomes what is commonly known as a Synchronised Queue
Here's what I'd subjectively consider a nicer-looking implementation of your example code, with a few misc improvements thrown in as well:
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <optional>
#include <condition_variable>
template<typename T>
class Channel {
static constexpr std::size_t default_max_length = 10;
using value_type = T;
explicit Channel(std::size_t max_length = default_max_length)
: max_length_(max_length) {}
std::optional<value_type> next() {
std::unique_lock locker(mtx_);
cond_.wait(locker, [this]() {
return !buffer_.empty() || closed_;
if (buffer_.empty()) {
return std::nullopt;
value_type val = buffer_.front();
return val;
void put(value_type val) {
std::unique_lock locker(mtx_);
cond_.wait(locker, [this]() {
return buffer_.size() < max_length_;
void close() {
std::scoped_lock locker(mtx_);
closed_ = true;
std::size_t max_length_;
std::queue<value_type> buffer_;
bool closed_ = false;
std::mutex mtx_;
std::condition_variable cond_;
void producer_main(Channel<int>& chan, int val) {
// Don't use while(true), it's Undefined Behavior
while (val >= 0) {
std::cout << "Produced " << val << std::endl;
void consumer_main(Channel<int>& chan) {
bool running = true;
while (running) {
auto val = chan.next();
if (!val) {
running = false;
std::cout << "Consumed " << *val << std::endl;
int main()
// You are responsible for ensuring the channel outlives both threads.
Channel<int> channel;
std::thread producer_thread(producer_main, std::ref(channel), 13);
std::thread consumer_thread(consumer_main, std::ref(channel));
return 0;
I want to create a thread that can be interrupted while waiting (it waits data from other processes and I want to stop the process in nice way).
I've read the 9.2 part of C++ Concurrency in Action 2nd Edition, and I've tried to implement that ideas, but I've some problem and I don't know where to check.
This is my code based on that example:
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <atomic>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <future>
// Exception that should be raised when there's an interruption.
// It's raised when the thread is interrupted, so we can catch
// it and finish the thread execution.
class InterruptedException : public std::runtime_error {
InterruptedException(const std::string& message) : std::runtime_error(message) {}
virtual ~InterruptedException() {}
// Interrupt flag. This class represents a local-thread flag that
// tells if the thread is interrupted or not.
class InterruptFlag {
InterruptFlag() :
m_threadConditionVariableAny(nullptr) {}
void set() {
m_flag.store(true, std::memory_order_relaxed);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m_setClearMutex);
if (m_threadConditionVariable) {
else if (m_threadConditionVariableAny) {
template <typename Lockable>
void wait(std::condition_variable_any& cv, Lockable& lk) {
struct CustomLock {
InterruptFlag* m_self;
Lockable& m_lk;
CustomLock(InterruptFlag* self, std::condition_variable_any& cond, Lockable& lk) :
m_lk(lk) {
m_self->m_threadConditionVariableAny = &cond;
void unlock() {
void lock() {
std::lock(m_self->m_setClearMutex, lk);
~CustomLock() {
m_self->m_threadConditionAny = nullptr;
CustomLock cl(this, cv, lk);
void setConditionVariable(std::condition_variable& cv) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m_setClearMutex);
m_threadConditionVariable = &cv;
void clearConditionVariable() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lk(m_setClearMutex);
m_threadConditionVariable = nullptr;
bool isSet() const {
return m_flag.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
std::atomic<bool> m_flag;
std::condition_variable* m_threadConditionVariable;
std::condition_variable_any* m_threadConditionVariableAny;
std::mutex m_setClearMutex;
// Thread-local interrupt flag instance. The variable should be
// created for every thread, since it's thread_local.
thread_local InterruptFlag ThisThreadInterruptFlag;
// Convenience class for cleaning the flag due to RAII.
struct ClearConditionVariableOnDestruct {
~ClearConditionVariableOnDestruct() {
// Function that throws the exception that tells that the thread
// is interrupted. For doing it checks the state of ThisThreadInterruptFlag.
void InterruptionPoint() {
if (ThisThreadInterruptFlag.isSet()) {
throw InterruptedException("Interrupted");
// Function that must be used inside the thread function body for waiting.
// It waits for the condition variable, when it notifies from other threads,
// but it also notifies if the thread is interrupted.
void InterruptibleWait(std::condition_variable& cv, std::unique_lock<std::mutex>& lk) {
ClearConditionVariableOnDestruct guard;
cv.wait_for(lk, std::chrono::milliseconds(1));
// This class represents the interruptible thread. It adds a interrupt()
// method that when called interupts the thread execution, if it's waiting
// at some point where InterruptibleWait function is locked.
class Interruptible {
template <typename FunctionType>
Interruptible(FunctionType f) {
std::promise<InterruptFlag*> p;
m_internalThread = std::thread([f, &p]() {
try {
catch (InterruptedException) {
m_flag = p.get_future().get();
void join() {
void detach() {
bool joinable() const {
return m_internalThread.joinable();
void interrupt() {
if (m_flag) {
std::thread m_internalThread;
InterruptFlag* m_flag;
std::mutex mtx;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mtx);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
std::cout << "Interrupting thread example" << std::endl;
bool test = false;
std::condition_variable cv;
auto f = [&cv, &test]() {
test = true;
InterruptibleWait(cv, lk);
// Since it locks forever, it should never reach this point.
test = false;
Interruptible interruptibleThread(f);
// We interrupt the function while it's blocked in InterruptibleWait
std::cout << "test value is " << std::boolalpha << test << ". It should be true." << std::endl;
return 0;
Basically I create a Interruptible class representing a thread that can be interrupted. I interrupt it during its execution by calling its interrupt() method. The thread can be interrupted if it's locked with in a InterruptibleWait function call. This function behave like a std::condition.wait(), in fact it wants a reference to it, but it also handle the interruption flag.
If I start the program. I obtain an error from Visual Studio when running.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. What should I do in order to make InterruptibleWait work correctly?
My best guess based on the given information:
The exception isn't caught in the thread entry point function, and escapes that function. When this happens in a thread started by std::thread, abort is called for you (indirectly through std::terminate) by the std::thread implementation, as required by the standard. To fix this, try catching all exceptions in the function passed to std::thread.
See the cppreference articles on std::thread and std::terminate
i am quite new to C++ but I have 6 years Java experience, 2 years C experience and some knowledge of concurrency basics. I am trying to create a threadpool to handle tasks. it is below with the associated test main.
it seems like the error is generated from
void ThreadPool::ThreadHandler::enqueueTask(void (*task)(void)) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(queueMutex);
as said by my debugger, but doing traditional cout debug, i found out that sometimes it works without segfaulting and removing
threads.emplace(handler->getSize(), handler);
from ThreadPool::enqueueTask() improves stability greatly.
Overall i think it is related too my bad use of condition_variable (called idler).
compiler: minGW-w64 in CLion
#include <iostream>
#include "ThreadPool.h"
ThreadPool::ThreadHandler::ThreadHandler(ThreadPool *parent) : parent(parent) {
thread = std::thread([&]{
while (this->parent->alive){
if (getSize()){
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(queueMutex);
} else {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(idlerMutex);
void ThreadPool::ThreadHandler::enqueueTask(void (*task)(void)) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(queueMutex);
size_t ThreadPool::ThreadHandler::getSize() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(queueMutex);
return queue.size();
void ThreadPool::enqueueTask(void (*task)(void)) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(threadsMutex);
std::map<int, ThreadHandler*>::iterator iter = threads.begin();
ThreadHandler *handler = iter->second;
threads.emplace(handler->getSize(), handler);
ThreadPool::ThreadPool(size_t size) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(threadsMutex);
ThreadHandler *handler = new ThreadHandler(this);
threads.emplace(handler->getSize(), handler);
ThreadPool::~ThreadPool() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(threadsMutex);
auto it = threads.begin(), end = threads.end();
for (; it != end; ++it) {
delete it->second;
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <condition_variable>
class ThreadPool {
class ThreadHandler {
std::condition_variable idler;
std::mutex idlerMutex;
std::mutex queueMutex;
std::thread thread;
std::list<void (*)(void)> queue;
ThreadPool *parent;
ThreadHandler(ThreadPool *parent);
void enqueueTask(void (*task)(void));
size_t getSize();
std::multimap<int, ThreadHandler*> threads;
std::mutex threadsMutex;
bool alive = true;
ThreadPool(size_t size);
virtual void enqueueTask(void (*task)(void));
#include <iostream>
#include <ThreadPool.h>
ThreadPool pool(3);
void fn() {
std::cout << std::this_thread::get_id() << '\n';
int main() {
std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;
return 0;
Your main() function invokes enqueueTask().
Immediately afterwards, your main() returns.
This gets the gears in motion for winding down your process. This involves invoking the destructors of all global objects.
ThreadPool's destructor then proceeds to delete all dynamically-scoped threads.
While the threads are still running. Hilarity ensues.
You need to implement the process for an orderly shutdown of all threads.
This means setting active to false, kicking all of the threads in the shins, and then joining all threads, before letting nature take its course, and finally destroy everything.
P.S. -- you need to fix how alive is being checked. You also need to make access to alive thread-safe, protected by a mutex. The problem is that the thread could be holding a lock on one of two differented mutexes. This makes this process somewhat complicated. Some redesign is in order, here.
I am trying to do a threaded application to infinitely print a set of numbers after enqueing them. I get this error:
Error 1 error C3867: 'Test::ThreadFunc': function call missing argument list; use '&Test::ThreadFunc' to create a pointer to member.
What am I doing wrong? What is the mistake ?
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <list>
class Test {
std::list<int> queue;
std::mutex m;
void ThreadFunc()
// Loop is required, otherwise thread will exit
for (;;)
bool read = false;
int value;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m);
if (queue.size())
value = queue.front();
read = true;
if (read)
// send(header.data(), header.dataSize());
// send(proto.data(), proto.dataSize());
printf("Hello %d\n", value);
void TestFunc()
std::thread thread(ThreadFunc);
int i = 0;
// Loops only as a test example
for (;;)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m);
// Queue Message(header, payload);
int main()
Test test;
You're attempting to pass a pointer to a member function of a class. When you do this, there's an argument added to the function, tacitly, that is a pointer to the instance of the class that you're invoking the function on. In your case, the pointer to the class will be the this pointer.
See this for syntax reference: Start thread with member function
To answer your comment, why isn't it passed implicitly? You're not calling the function as a member of a class, you're passing the member function by pointer. This is a different, unique, situation, see this reference: Passing a member function as an argument in C++
Also, to save a little future headache, the next problem that comes up is that std::thread's constructor takes its arguments by value, so if you need to pass any arguments by reference, take a look at std::ref.
Here's the fix. This works. Thank you #mock_blatt
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <chrono>
#include <mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <list>
class Test {
std::list<int> queue;
std::mutex m;
void ThreadFunc()
// Loop is required, otherwise thread will exit
for (;;)
bool read = false;
int value;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m);
if (queue.size())
value = queue.front();
read = true;
if (read)
// send(header.data(), header.dataSize());
// send(proto.data(), proto.dataSize());
printf("Hello %d\n", value);
void TestFunc()
std::thread thread(std::bind(&Test::ThreadFunc, this));
int i = 0;
// Loops only as a test example
for (;;)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m);
// Queue Message(header, payload);
int main()
Test test;
Change std::thread thread(ThreadFunc); to std::thread thread(Test::ThreadFunc, this);