Where to collect data from the web in Rails 4 MCV - ruby-on-rails-4

I'm building a rails application where I parse some html data on the web and then save it in my database, the data is saved in multiple models though. I'm currently doing that in the controller, but I'm not sure where I should do it in the MCV model!

You are doing it well, the work of the controllers is get the data from users, aply some logic and save it on database.
The model work is to ensure that data is correct and understanable and work as gateway between ruby classes and database tables.
Here you can find more information about MVC
In your case you're parsing data in your controller and this controller save data on multiple models, this is accepted, one controller is not obligated to interactue only with one model, if isn't, save data in the models with the same action will be impossible, a good practice is to choose this controller with wisdom :).


Ember SPA application with related models

Lets say we are working on a recipe app and we have 2 get requests initially.
These create the recipe and the ingredient model.
Now recipes are made of ingredients and amount of each ingredient.
And ingredients only have names.
Now populating the models are easy using the models and the default serializes and the adapters if we confirm to the https://jsonapi.org/
How do we handle when one of the ingredients is deleted. In the backend I use django if and ingredient is deleted DB also deletes all the recipes that have relation to the that ingredients.
But on the SPA application the let say we ran
ingredient.get('isDeleted'); // => true
How does the recipes model get updated ? So do you manually do what server does on the client(and delete related recipes by custome code)? Or should you just update the list and repopulate it(easier). And can you give dependencies between models so a model in the store would know that it need to be updated when one of it dependencies model is changed so it automatically make a get request and repopulate itself(are routes/models that clever?)
On that note what is the standard way of keeping server and client in sync.
What is the standard for this sort of stuff. Should client app re-get all that data again just to be sure that server and spa are insync and uptodate.
In the scenario where an ingredient gets deleted, the save has gone through successfully on the backend and now needs that ingredient needs to be removed from many recipes on the frontend before your UI is truly in sync, I would suggest using this gist to push your delete properly into the store: https://gist.github.com/runspired/96618af26fb1c687a74eb30bf15e58b6

Django app has multiple database and multiple user

I have written one Django cloud based app. This app will have multiple user and for them multiple database, so that their data should be separate and they can save only to same database.
1) How can we implement it
2) How to automatically one user from login page to assign the database to write on it.
I don't have a complete answer, since you do not give a lot of detail. But here are a couple ots that f hinDjango supports custom database router implementations. A database router is a class that helps django decide which database to use for a particular model. Unfortunately I don't think this mechanism is granular enough for your needs. You can also specify the database to use in your code by using using(name) queryset method and save(using=name) form of save() method for instances. Of course this also means that some features of Django are going to be unvailable to you, since you cannot always expect to have a user. Look at the docs here for more info

How do I access the URL that Ember Data will PUT to?

I'm adapting an old JS (no framework) + Rails app as an Ember learning exercise. The idea of the application is that I'm producing a pdf from some data input. In the initial version, there was no user persistence - you could modify the data provided to you in the tables, and then download the PDF of it.
As part of this, I decided to run with a decidedly non-standard ember framework - I'm essentially using Ember Data to load the initial value of the tables. Ember has been a really natural fit for the models I have on the Rails side, and it's made a lot of the more complicated calculations a lot easier. The issue I have is that my initial idea was that when I came to download the PDF, I'd respond to the "save" action on Ember Data with binary data (with an application/pdf header), which I could then use something like FileSaver.js to serve up to the client. Then, I found that EmberData needs JSON return value.
So I base64 encoded my PDF response and fired it back..but it didn't fit the model schema. I thought I'd then do a manual AJAX save -
CalculateYourTV.RostersShowController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
download: function(){
var roster = this.get("model");
var team = roster.get('team');
return this.ajax('*URL GOES HERE*', record.toJSON(), "PUT").then(function(data) {
And this is where I'm currently stuck. Is there any way to access the URL that EmberData is posting to? I could hard-code a route in the Rails side of things, but I don't like hardcoding routes in here, and I'd like to keep it as reusable as possible (I'm planning to eventually allow data persistance).
Just open chrome dev tools (or firebug) and monitor what's going on in the network tab. You should see any ajax request your application sends out, including the EmberData's save request.
You can change the URL that a specific model will hit by creating custom Ember Data adapters per model.
For example, say you have a person model that needs to not hit the default /persons URL.
App.PersonAdapter = App.ApplicationAdapter.extend({
pathForType: 'special/custom/endpoint/for/folks'
That said, Ember Data may not be the best tool here for your PDF "model". You can always use Ember Data for the majority of your models, but use a quick $.ajax for other stuff that doesn't fit your definition of a true model.
You can ask the adapter to build a URL for you -
adapter = #store.adapterFor('application')
url = adapter.buildURL(type, id)
where type is the name of the model, and id is its id.
If want to look up the adapter directly in the container it is

Django Rest/Ember How to connect to models

I am getting started with Ember, and Django Rest Framework and I can't seem to peice together how to connect a model so that Ember can use the data in that model and create a simple drop down box. I have one model that I am starting with that is as such:
All I want to achieve is allowing Ember to use the data in this model and create a dropdown like so.
<select id="model">
<option value="model.ID">model.Name</option>
Can anyone help me with this? I am complete new to Ember and Django Rest.
Without going into a ton of detail, I've created a mini example of what you're looking for
You'll note that I'm using mockjax, so instead of hitting any real endpoint, it's all mocked. Additionally I'd recommend using a client side record management solution (such as ember-data or ember-model). That's another discussion though.
In the application route (which correlates with the root of your app) it hits the model hook (which should return the model associated with that route. I'm returning a POJO of the users. That model is being assigned as the content of the application controller (automatically generated). The the application template is being built, and it's being backed by the application controller. Inside the application template we create an instance of ember select, and we tell it that the content backing it is model (which is the model/content in the application controller). We also say, use bind the user model (you could do id) and the name to the value and the label respectively.
I then bound the value of the select to selectedPerson, so anytime the value changes, the selectedPerson updates, the template which talks about that person will update. Magic. Ember does the rest.
This is a really broad question, so if you have any other questions, please ask a specific question, and I'd really recommend going through the getting started guide, it's really short, but will give you a decent foundation of terminology and methodology of Ember. http://emberjs.com/guides/getting-started/
For Ember Data I'd do a quick read the of the transition document for ED 1.0 beta.
DS.DjangoRESTSerializer = DS.RESTSerializer.extend();
DS.DjangoRESTAdapter = DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
defaultSerializer: "DS/djangoREST"

Ember nested dynamic forms

I'm new to Ember.js but I decided to try it for my task.
The task is to make a dynamic form builder: user should be able to add boxes with names and then insert field configs (which are forms) into that boxes.
Field configs are editable and they should be saved after edit.
In the backend I use Rails+AMS+Mongo and the data structure looks like that:
Company has one UsersProfileConfig
UsersProfileConfig has many BoxConfigs
BoxConfig has many FieldConfigs
In Ember I've already created models for BoxConfigs and FieldConfigs and basic routes for them.
Now I feel stuck and don't know what to do next and whether it was a good idea to use Ember for that.
Could anyone suggest me workflow or next development steps?