I was asked to implement a new feature in one of our internal systems and for that, I was provided with MaxMind database file.
I created a console app with Visual Studio 2013 and .Net 4.5 and the NuGet package: MaxMind.Db.
I outputed the metadata information so you can know exactly what I am using :
Description: GeoIP2 City database
Database type: GeoIP2-City
Binary format version: 2.0
Build Date: 31-Mar-2015 4:58:01 PM
IP version: 6
When I search for, I get Minneapolis as expected.
But when I search for any of those :
I find nothing !!!
Could it be because the IP Version in Metadata is 6 ? So I have the wrong file ?
Thanks for any help, regards,
I am setting up a development server on an AWS AMI with ColdFusion 2018 and MariaDB 10.5.4
I did not find out what the current production versions were, but it is highly possible they were somewhat older. The application was launched in 2016
The code is unchanged from production, and the database is a direct backup and restore, no changes
I am getting errors in the code in the cfoutput query when it tries to format the field Named: DateStamp. This is one example of the code that errors. It is in many places:
#DateFormat(Q.DateStamp,"m/d/yyyy")# #TimeFormat(Q.DateStamp, "short")#
This is the error
"The value class java.time.LocalDateTime cannot be converted to a date"
The table in MariaDB has the datatype of DateStamp as datetime, and this is unchanged from production
I don't know why this is expecting the field to be a LocalDateTime when it is a regular DateTime. It has to be something in the configuration of this environment, but I'm having trouble understanding what. I have searched, but all I get is "how to handle LocalDateTime" type of links, so it isn't of any help as I can't change all the code when this is a test environment that must at least start with the same code as production
As per my comment on Adrian's contribution—in cases like this the answer is often found by comparing the datasource configuration between environments—most importantly whether the same database driver was chosen in both, and then the various advanced settings on the datasource, and finally any version/compatibility settings on the database server itself.
You need to find out which versions of ACF, MySQL and Java are running in production. Even if the application was launched in 2016, there isn’t any guarantee it was released on ColdFusion 2016. It could be an older version of the server.
select Q.DateStamp from where <id = a single> example looks like "2016-10-17 17:50:34"
Did you run the query in an IDE or did you run this through a cfquery? You need to make sure that it's returning as a DateTime object ({ts '2012-12-12 12:12:12'}) and not a string.
A date-time without a time-zone in the ISO-8601 calendar system, such as 2007-12-03T10:15:30.
MariaDB DateTime
MariaDB displays DATETIME values in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.ffffff'
I'm looking how to get programmatically the KB of latest security update, currently in use on local computer . Any tips ? I've tried some thins like wuapi but i'm not getting any results . I wanna check if the MS17-010: Security update for Windows SMB is in use .
To check a specific update programmatically, you can for example query the registry. Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages a key with the name that contains the KB identifier should be present (eg. "Package_for_KB111111_..."), and under that the CurrentState value is decimal 112 if it is fully installed.
MS17-010 is KB4012598.
Some more info with other possible statuses and more is here.
When I set up the sitecore demo retail site (source - https://github.com/Sitecore/Sitecore.Demo.Retail), I encountered with several problems related to Sitecore Commerce configurations and Sitecore Engine Configurations. I will divide this issues:
I got the following error while running the install-commerce-server.ps1 script on step 5 (Commerce Server Configuration)
I got error 'HTTP Error 502.5 - Process Failure' by URL - http://habitat.commerceengine.dev.local:5000/api/$metadata
On 'reatil.dev.local' site I got error 'Could not find property 'shopName' on object of type: Sitecore.Commerce.Engine.Connect.CommerceEngineConfiguration', when I tried to go on any page with products
I encountered with some errors of Sitecore Commerce Applications (Merchandising Manager, Pricing & Promotions) in Sitecore Experience Platform
However, I have resolved this issues and I hope that this info will be useful for set up of Sitecore Demo Retail site (https://github.com/Sitecore/Sitecore.Demo.Retail).
I have repeated instuctions for install of Sitecore.Demo.Retail and fixed related issues:
This issue had discussed in https://github.com/Sitecore/Sitecore.Demo.Retail/issues/81. You need to check file 'Server2012_FeaturesRequired.txt' like it stated in issued-81. Then you must check file csconfig.xml (path for me - 'c:\Projects\Sitecore.Demo.Retail\install'). I had bad SQL connection to MSSQL Server, which was default. Here example of working variant:
By another way you can run Commerce Server Configurator manually by 'CSConfig.exe /f' (path for me - 'c:\Program Files (x86)\Commerce Server 11\'). Then you can load xml-configuration and set and test SQL connection:
This issue appeared on my environment, because i had wrong SQL connections (by default) in Commerce Engine project in Sitecore.Demo.Retail solution. You must to change all connections in the following files Global.json, Habitat.CommerceAuthoring-1.0.0.json, Habitat.CommerceShops-1.0.0.json.
!!!Don't afraid to check appropriate configs in deployed solution
This error is appeared due the wrong tags (storefront) in 'commerceEngineConfiguration' tag. You need to remove this tags in Sitecore.Demo.Retail.config file. Working variant for example in showConfig.aspx:
You should to check connection strings in file Z.Sitecore.Commerce.UX.Shared.config (path for me - c:\websites\habitat.dev.local\Website\App_Config\Include). By default I had 'localhost:5000/...'
In Wakanda Enterprise 2.2.1, when I try to connect to a remote 4D datastore, I get this error:
The datastore's type "wakanda" is not available
The object passed to addRemoteStore() to get the remote datastore is:
hostname: "myserver:8050",
jsFile: "targetDS.js",
password: "mypassword",
ssl: false,
timeout: 15,
type: "4D",
user: "myuser"
Solution found:
This turns out to be related to licensing. In addition to 4D Mobile connector, addRemoteStore() also requires Wakanda connector to access 4D datastore.
The method is working as in V1 with the added Wakanda connector license. Please feel free to reach out to Wakanda support or your 4D sales rep for the updated license.
Updated post:
I tested in V 2.2.1 and received the same error. The same code in v1.1.5 works without any error.
Wakanda documentation including v1 to v2 migration notes do not report changes in addRemoteStore().
I reported this on GitHub issues as a bug. The engineering team will look into this. You can track the status using the following link: https://github.com/Wakanda/wakanda-issues/issues/221
-----------------------Original Post----------------------------
Is this solution upgraded or new?
In 2.2.1 local model and remote model have their own set of model files including a config.waConfig, which defines the configurations of 4D Mobile connection. The main model has to be local and remote model needs to be a new model:
Please check if you have that file in your Remote model for 4D Mobile and whether its values conflict with values passed to addRemoteStore().
I finally managed to install Oracle Apex 5.1.2 but I have problem with creating a workspace. Whenever I try to do so at the end I get an error:
I tried to create this workspace with following values:
The strange thing is that when I try to use Yes as option to Reuse Existing Schema no schemas are listed. Is it possible that Apex somehow doesn't have access to managing schemas?
I am using APEX with ORDS. At home page I get info that I have 1 workspace and 1 schema.
I've tried:
Using strong passwords as mentioned here
Changing provisioning type to request: Effect is the same. If user request a space and I accept it I get the exact same error.
Enabled OMF with parameter DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST = '/u01/app/oracle/oradata' -> *.dbf files are not created before and after the change in directory.
The root cause of this problem was installing APEX both on CDB$ROOT, so as a result, and on PDB1. I uninstalled APEX from root, repaired with #utlrp.sql script as in this tutorial and installed APEX again, but only on PDB1. Workspace was successfully created.
I had the same problem (apex 18.1/ords) in a database without CDB configured. The solution in my case was to run #apex_rest_config.sql script.
After that, the workspace is created without any problem.
If you don't want to reinstall apex to move it from the CDB to the PDB I suggest you try setting PDB mapping in your ords config file.
I did it by adding
<entry key="db.serviceNameSuffix"></entry>
to the end of my defaults.xml (you can find its location by running
$ java -jar ords.war configdir ).
Then access apex with /yourpdb in the path: e.g.
This will run apex from that PDB instead of from the CDB and will create the workspace in there, that should work OK. It did for me.
I had same problem at ORACLE 12c, according to this link my problem has been solved. The problem is the users can't create workspace in CDB, so you must change session container to pdf files by the following steps :
$root> cd ~/TEMP/apex
$root> sqlplus
Enter user-name: sys as sysdba
Enter password:
SQL> exec dbms_xdb.sethttpport(0); /*set port*/
SQL> alter session set container=YOURAPPEXPDB;
SQL> exec dbms_xdb.sethttpport(8181);
SQL> alter system register;
//install oracle apex again
to remove oracle apex i use this link, its perfectly worked for me.