how would you use subscription managers with meteor's template subscriptions? - templates

Meteor recently introduced template subscription capabilities. You can now call this.subscribe from within a call and the helper {{#if Template.subscriptionsReady}} will only be true once the subscriptions have gotten ready from the server.
Unfortunately this does not seem to be obviously compatible with subs-manager or subs-Cache
How woudl you use subs-Cache in-place of this.subscribe such that the subscription ids made by the subsciptions manager make it into _subscriptionHandles and _allSubsReady part of this.subscribe? Or otherwise asked, how do you get {{#if Template.subscriptionsReady}} and the function Template.instance().subscriptionsReady() to depend on Template subscriptions made with subs-Cache.
Example code that does not work:
# in some top level file
share.subsCache = new SubsCache(
expireAter: 5
cacheLimit: 10
#in a template file
Template.entryRevisionInfo.onCreated ->

The next (unreleased) version of meteor has a connection option to TemplateInstance#subscribe, and I would expect that you would be able to pass a subscription manager as the "connection."

Sacha Greif wrote a solution in the Telescope app. I've tried to extract the parts that are significant to a basic implementation below. As far as I understand it relies on explicitly setting the ready status of the template... setting it reactively when the subscription is ready:
subsManager = new SubsManager();
Template.templatename.onCreated(function () {
var instance = this;
instance.ready = new ReactiveVar(false);
subscription = subsManager.subscribe('yourCollection')
instance.autorun(function () {
if (subscription.ready()) { //reactive


How to observe a computed property in EmberJS? Creating a FB like notification feature

I am building notification feature for my app just like Facebook's notification. I have almost made it work but just unable to observe a computed property.
Here is the scenario:
There are many deals and when a deal is updated(like it's name/ price is changed), the notification is sent through RabbitMQ. The object payload that we send, it has an attribute "status" which could be 'read' or 'unread'.
notificationsCount: function() {
var notifications = this.get('notifications');
var unreadCount = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < notifications.length; i++) {
if (notifications[i].status == 'unread') {
return unreadCount;
Here, initially 'notifications' is an empty array. All the notifications coming from RMQ as object payloads goes inside this. This 'unreadCount' is what I want to show kinda like a small badge over the notification icon.
When I click the notification icon, all the notifications' status should change to 'read' from 'unread'.
readNotifications: function () {
var notifications = this.get('notifications');
for (var i = 0; i < notifications.length; i++) {
notifications[i].status = 'read';
Through debugging, I found everything is working fine till this point. But what I want is, once the user clicks the notification icon and all the notifications are marked as read, the notificationCount should be set as zero as there are no more any notifications that is unread.
Theoretically, I have to either observe notificationsCount or execute notificationsCount once inside readNotifications action. But I couldn't find a way to do it. If there is any other way, feel free to share.
Thanks in advance.
The short of it is that you should define your notificationsCount computed property to listen to notifications.#each.status instead of notifications.[]. .[] triggers when the array contents change (elements are added or removed), while an .#each.prop triggers when the prop property on any array element changes.
Refer to the relevant Ember.js docs for details on this.
Additionally, you can make your code more concise using NativeArray methods (because, since you are already using the .property() shorthand, you do have prototype extension enabled). Your entire notificationsCount could be written as
notificationsCount: function() {
return this.get('notifications').filterBy('status', 'unread').length;
and your action as
readNotifications: function () {
this.get('notifications').setEach('status', 'read');

Loopback include unrelated lists

In Loopback it is easy to include relational objects when querying for data. For example, one can include all the comments that belong to a blog post in a single call using the include filter.
But in my case I want to get data that doesn't have a relation.
I have a User Detail page. On that page a user can choose a username and there's also a dropdown list where a user can choose from what country he is.
So from the client side I do something like:
Country.find().$promise.then(function(countryData) {
$scope.countries = countryData;
Player.find().$promise.then(function(playerData) {
$scope.player = playerData;
But what if I get more lists that I want to fill? Like, city, state, colors etc.
Then I'd have to make a lot of separate calls.
Is there a way to include all this data in one call, eventhough they have no relation? Something like this:
Player.find({ filter: { include: ["countries", "colors"] } }).$promise.then(function(data) {
// some stuff
You may want to try using the Where filter as documented here
An example of this for querying two specific things would be:
Post.find({where: {and: [{title: 'My Post'}, {content: 'Hello'}]}},
function (err, posts) {
You could create a remote method on one of your models that makes the calls internally and packages them back up for you.
Use some promise library if not using ES6 to wait for all and then return
Model.getAll = function(next) {
var promises = [];
.then(function(results) {
Register your remote method here
You could create a remote method on one of your models that makes the calls internally and packages them back up for you.
Use some promise library if not using ES6 to wait for all and then return
Model.getAll = function(next) {
var promises = [];
.then(function(results) {
Register your remote method here
I have problem and try with this solution but i get error "Failed with multiple errors, see details for more information.". It seems like there is bug on Loopback while using promise.all

Meteor accessing helpers from other helpers

I'm new to Meteor and its API / philosophy, so I might be thinking about this the wrong way.
I want to display some new friend requests on a page or a message if there aren't any. Here's some code:
// addfriend.js
friendRequests: function () {
return [
{ username: 'alice' },
{ username: 'carl' },
{ username: 'eve' },
hasFriendRequests: function () {
var template = Template.instance();
return template.helpers.friendRequests.length > 0;
// addfriend.html
<template name="friendRequests">
<h2>Friend requests</h2>
{{#if hasFriendRequests}}
<p>Someone's popular today!</p>
{{#each friendRequests}}
<p>Sorry, nobody likes you right now.</p>
My problem is that friendRequests will ultimately be a MongoDB query and I want hasFriendRequests to not repeat that query. I just want it to act on the friendRequests helper. But the code I have above does not work for that.
More generally, I'm interested in being able to apply any function f to an expensive helper so that I don't have to recompute it. So if you can illuminate me, that'd be awesome!
One way I can think of doing this is by putting the data in Session and working from it there. Is this how this should be done?
Any help would be appreciated!
Edit: I realize friendRequests.length works here actually, but I'm still interested in how to do this in the general case.
Although this will eventually be a mongodb query, you will most likely set up this friend request list as a published collection. In meteor this means that this collection is being copied over the wire on the initial page load, and only being sent once.
Once on the client, both your friend requests helper and your hasFriendRequests will use this same client side data. The data is actually copied into a client side mini mongodb database that just has the information subscribed to.
So the short answer is, there will only be one DB query for this, because meteor will do all the magic for you.
The key will be in setting up your publication and subscription. So assuming you only play blush and subscribe to it once. You are all set.

Enrolling Anonymous Users in Engagement Plans

I know that it is possible to enroll users in an engagement plan from with Sitecore by adding them to a specific state in the plan when they visit a campaign URL, adding them when they submit a Web Forms for Marketers Form, and manually adding them in the Supervisor interface.
Additionally, I know that you can use the API to add a user as described here:
However, that method requires a username.
I would like to enroll anonymous users in an engagement plan when they visit any page represented by a particular template in Sitecore (ie, page from the Product template). Is this possible using the API?
To expand on my above comment, and to supplement your own answer, here's a processor that you could add to the after the ItemResolver in the httpRequestBegin pipeline that would achieve the desired result. It is a very basic version that you could embellish as you see fit
class CampaignRedirect
public void Process(HttpRequestArgs args)
var request = HttpContext.Current.Request;
// must not already have the querystring in the URL
if(request.QueryString["sc_camp"] != null &&
request.QueryString["sc_camp"] != "XXXXXXXX")
// must have a context item
if(Sitecore.Context.Item == null)
var item = Sitecore.Context.Item;
// must be the right template
if(item.TemplateID.ToString() != "{XXXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXXXX}")
var basicUrl = LinkManager.GetItemUrl(item);
var response = HttpContext.Current.Response;
response.Redirect(basicUrl + "?sc_camp=XXXXXXX");
If you're not familiar with adding processors, take a look here.
Per Sitecore support, this is not currently possible. However, I was able to achieve what I wanted by adding a jQuery AJAX call to the campaign URL to the sublayout used by the page type in question. Naturally this only works for clients with JS enabled, but for my purposes, that is not an issue.
<script type="text/javascript">$(function() { $.get('/?sc_camp=[campaignid]'); });</script>
Edited 2014-05-19
I found a way to do this via the Sitecore API. This is rough and needs to check for null values, exceptions, etc., but it does work:
string cookieVal = Request.Cookies["SC_ANALYTICS_GLOBAL_COOKIE"].Value;
List<Guid> guids = new List<Guid>() {
new Guid(cookieVal)
Guid automationStateId = new Guid("{24963AE9-1C8C-4E18-8EEE-01BC249D1F1B}");
Guid automationId = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem(new Sitecore.Data.ID(automationStateId)).ParentID.ToGuid();
Sitecore.Analytics.Automation.Data.AutomationManager.Provider.CreateAutomationStatesFromBulk(guids, automationId, automationStateId);

Force a controller to always act as a proxy to a model in Ember

I'm looping through a content of an ArrayController whose content is set to a RecordArray. Each record is DS.Model, say Client
{{# each item in controller}}
balance is a property of the Client model and a call to item.balance will fetch the property from the model directly. I want to apply some formatting to balance to display in a money format. The easy way to do this is to add a computed property, balanceMoney, to the Client object and do the formatting there:
App.Client = DS.Model({
balance: DS.attr('balance'),
balanceMoney: function() {
// format the balance property
return Money.format(this.get('balance');
This serves well the purpose, the right place for balanceMoney computed property though, is the client controller rather than the client model. I was under the impression that Ember lookup properties in the controller first and then tries to retrieve them in the model if nothing has been found. None of this happen here though, a call to item.balanceMoney will just be ignored and will never reach the controller.
Is it possible to configure somehow a controller to act always as a proxy to the model in all circumstances.
UPDATE - Using the latest version from emberjs master repository you can configure the array controller to resolve records' methods through a controller proxy by overriding the lookupItemController method in the ArrayController. The method should return the name of the controller without the 'controller' suffix i.e. client instead of clientController. Merely setting the itemControllerClass property in the array controller doesn't seem to work for the moment.
lookupItemController: function( object ) {
return 'client';
This was recently added to master:
As of this writing it is not in any released versions. It will mostly likely be part of 1.0.0.pre.3.
If you're only after formatting, another possibility is to make a handlebars helper. You could implement your own {{formatMoney item.balance}} helper, for instance.
For something more general, I made this one to wrap an sprintf implementation (pick one of several out there):
Ember.Handlebars.registerHelper('sprintf', function (/*arbitrary number of arguments*/) {
var options = arguments[arguments.length - 1],
fmtStr = arguments[0],
params =, 1, -1);
for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
params[i] = this.get(params[i]);
return vsprintf(fmtStr, params);
And then you can do {{sprintf "$%.2f" item.balance}}.
However, the solution #luke-melia gave will be far more flexible--for example letting you calculate a balance in the controller, as opposed to simply formatting a single value.
A caveat I should have mentioned because it's not obvious: the above solution does not create a bound handlebars helper, so changes to the underlying model value won't be reflected. There's supposed to be a registerBoundHelper already committed to Ember.js which would fix this, but that too is not released yet.