how to use mutt to attach and send files recursively - mutt

I would like to attach all .csv files from /home/john recursively, something like the following would be fine but only attaches all .csv files from /home/john/ it doesnt include all the sub folders of /home/john/
mutt -s "all csv files" -a /home/john/*.csv < /home/john/message.txt
but what if I can do this and if there happens to be a .csv file in one of the sub folders with the same name? eg /home/john/1.csv and /home/john/tom/1.csv what will happen? will it still be attached?

No that command wont't find *.csv in subdirectories. You may want to use find and xargs, something like this:
find /home/john -name \*.csv | xargs mutt -s "all csv files" -i /home/john/message.txt -a
I think -i would have the same effect as < from the file.


Using xargs, eval, and mv ensemble

I've been using the command line more frequently lately to increase my proficiency. I've created a .txt file containing URLs for libraries that I'd like to download. I batch-downloaded these files using
$ cat downloads.txt | xargs wget
When using the wget command I didn't specify a destination directory. I'd like to move each of the files that I've just downloaded into a directory called "vendor".
For the record, it has occurred to me that if I ran...
$ open .
...I could drag-and-drop these files into the desired directory. But in my opinion that would defeat the purpose of this exercise.
Now that I have the files in my cwd, I'd like to be able to target them and move them into the "vendor" directory.
As a side-question: Is there a useful way to print the most recently created files to STDOUT? Currently, I can grab the filenames from the URLs within downloads.txt pretty simply using the following pipeline and Perl script...
$ cat downloads.txt | perl -n -e 'if (/(?<=\/)([-.a-z]+)$/) { print $1 . "\n" }'
This will produce...
...which is great as these are file that I intended on targeting. I'd like to transform each of these lines into a command within a pipeline that resembles this...
$ mv {./,./vendor/}<filename>
... where <filename> is "react.js" then "redux.js", and so forth.
I figure that I may be able to accomplish this using some combination of xargs, eval, and mv. This is where my bash skills drop-off.
Just to reiterate, I'm aware that the method in which I am approaching this problem is neither simple nor ideal. This is intentionally a convoluted exercise intended to stretch my bash knowledge.
Is there anyone who knows how I can use xargs, eval, and mv to accomplish this goal?
Thank you!
xargs -l -a downloads.txt basename | xargs -i mv {} ./vendor
How this works: The first instance of xargs reads the file names from downloads.txt and calls basename for each of these file names individually (alternatively, you could use basename -a). These basenames are then piped to another instance of xargs, which uses the arguments to call mv, replacing the string {} with the current argument.
mv $(basename -a $(<downloads.txt)) ./vendor
How this works: Since you want to move all the files into the same directory, you can use a single call to mv. The command substitution ("backticks") inserts the output of the command basename -a, which, in turn, reads its arguments from the file.

Shell script to create directories and files from a list of file names

I'm (still) not a shell-wizard, but I'm trying to find a way to create directories and files from a list of file names.
Let's take this source file (source.txt) as an example:
I'll use this command to remove empty lines and trim useless spaces:
$ more source.txt | sed '/^$/d;s/^ *//;s/ *$//'
It will give me this list:
Now I'm trying to loop on every line and create the related file (it it doesn't already exists), with it's parents directories.
How could I do this?
Ideally, I would put this script in an alias to quickly use it.
As always, posting a question brings me to the end of the problem...
I came to a satisfying solution, using dirname and basename in a for .. in loop:
for i in `cat source.txt | sed '/^$/d;s/^ *//;s/ *$//'`;
do mkdir -p `dirname $i`;
touch `echo $(dirname $i)$(echo "/")$(basename $i)`;
This one-line command will:
read the file names list
create directories
create empty files in their own directory

Bash script to change file extension using regex

I have a lot of files i've copied over from my iphone file system, to start with they were mp3 files, but app on iphone changed their names to some random staff which looks like:
I only need to remove part of file name after mp3. Please give me a script - there are more than 600 files, and manually it is impossible.
you can use rename command:
rename "s/mp3\?.*/mp3/" *.mp3*
shopt -s nullglob
for F in *.mp3\?*; do
echo mv -v -- "$F" "${F%%.mp3\?*}.mp3"
Save it to a script like then run as bash /path/to/ in the directory where the files exist.
Remove echo when you find it correct already.

Copying html files to create erb versions with bash script

I'm trying to write a bash (OSX) script that finds all html files in a directory and copies them to create erb files with underscores at the beginning of the file name. So test1.html would become _test1.html.erb for instance.
I was trying to do it a bit like this but there's probably a better way (and this way isn't finished)
find . -regex '.*/[^_].*\.html$' | while read file; do [need to do the copy X.html file to create new _X.html.erb file in here]; done
Any ideas?
Here is a for loop version:
for file in *html ; do
cp ${file} _${file}.ebr
and here is a find version:
find ./ -name "*html" -exec sh -c 'cp {} _$(basename {}).ebr' \;
find *.html | while read files
mv -v "${files}" "${newname}"

Move all images in folder to subfolder, and update all references in text files to those images to their new location?

I have a folder which contains a ~50 text files (PHP) and hundreds of images. I would like to move all the images to a subfolder, and update the PHP files so any reference to those images point to the new subfolder.
I know I can move all the images quite easily (mv *.jpg /image, mv *.gif /image, etc...), but don't know how to go about updating all the text files - I assume a Regex has to be created to match all the images in a file, and then somehow the new directory has to be appended to the image file name? Is this best done with a shell script? Any help is appreciated (Server is Linux/CentOs5)
sed with the -i switch is probably what you're looking for. -i tells sed to edit the file in-place.
Something like this should work:
find /my/php/location -name '*.php' | xargs sed -ie 's,/old/location/,/new/location/,g'
You could do it like this:
for f in *.jpg *.png *.gif; do
mv $f gfx/
for p in *.txt; do
sed -i bak s,`echo $f`,gfx/`echo $f`,g $p
It finds all jpg/png/gif files and moves them to the "gfx" subfolder, then for each txt file (or whatever kind of file you want it edited in) it uses "sed" in-place to alter the path.
Btw. it will create backup files of the edited files with the extra extension of "bak". This can be avoided by omitting the "bak" part in the script.
This will move all images to a subdir called 'images' and then change only links to image files by adding 'images/' just before the basename.
mkdir images
mv -f *.{jpg,gif,png,jpeg} images/
sed -i 's%[^/"'\'']\+\.\(gif\|jpg\|jpeg\|png\)%images/\0%g' *.php
If you have thousands of files, you may need to utilize find and xargs. So, a bit slower
find ./ -regex '.*\(gif\|jpg\|png\|jpeg\)' -exec mv {} /tmp \;
find ./ -name \*.php -print0 | \
xargs -0 sed -i 's%[^/"'\'']\+\.\(gif\|jpg\|jpeg\|png\)%images/\0%g' *.php
Caution, it will also change the path to images with remote urls. Also, make sure you have a full backup of your directory, php syntax and variable names might cause problems.