Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Web Development and IDE Workflow - amazon-web-services

I'm completely new to AWS and due to the many different types of services they offer I'm having trouble really figuring things out, so I'd love to get some input and fresh insight.
If I want to setup a development environment to play around with what would be the best course of action? (Please explain in detail, because like I said, I'm completely new to al of this)
How can I integrate my preferred IDE (Dreamweaver or Sublime Text 3) into my AWS workflow and web/application development process because it seems nearly impossible to be able to integrate these IDE's with any of the AWS services like EC2 or Elastic Beanstalk. Typically I would just connect my IDE via FTP to my hosting server but that doesn't seem possible with any of AWS' services. I know in many instances you can SSH into these work files and modify them via terminal (ex. using nano) but clearly that isn't a very user-friendly means of developing by any stretch of the imagination.
The underline gist of this post is that I'm trying to understand what the best website/web-application development process might be when using Amazon Web Services (ex. using s3/cloudfront as a CDN and using EC2 or Elastic Beanstalk for the application itself), as well as trying to understand how to correctly interact with various service environments so that I can still use my IDE of choice to add/modify/delete and push/pull files/directories from the various AWS services that I'm using.
Please explain any answers in detail and thanks in advance for any and all insights!
(As a side note I'd like to use PHP/MySQL, as well as MEAN, AngularJS, and other implementations of MongoDB/PostgreSQL)

Many Amazon services, including EC2, support SSH/SFTP. The SFTP is supported by both Dreamweaver and Sublime Text 3.
See my guide for connecting to Amazon EC2 with SFTP. It's for WinSCP client, but you can easily reuse it for configuring Dreamweaver or Sublime Text 3.


I'm just trying to understand the difference between AWS and a smaller site like siteground. How does it interact with an actual website

I think we're using S3 but I'll be sure in a couple of hours when I get into office. I'm just trying to understand the difference between AWS and a smaller site like siteground. How does it interact with an actual website. I am used to cpanel and FTP and having a whole bunch of utilities to work off of. But I don't see much support on AWS and I just want to understand the differences at this point. Can you please help
Siteground will provide you a pre-installed environment for your website set up, either for dynamic(php) or static files(html). where AWS S3 will only allow you to host static files, you may install your own web server in ec2. You might face issue while setting web server with AWS EC2.
For Comparison between both of them, you can check this article Amazon Web Services (AWS) vs. SiteGround
Thanks :)

Deploying a command line python program using Azure

My question is specifically related to Azure OR AWS, ie. a cloud provider. So, please do not downvote.
I want to ask how can I deploy a commdn line program like:
which is written in python.
to the cloud?
I want the program to just run indefinitely, ie.e it will post data from reddit to twitter.
Can it be done with Azure, i know Azure provides for website deployment.
But for this, I think is there any service?
Or if I have to setup a Virtual machien and set up the code, how to configure my machine so that it posts data to twitter (are any networking issues associated)?
Sorry if the question is beginner, I have just started using cloud.
If you were to choose AWS, you could run this easily within a docker container within Elastic Container Service (ECS). Look here for more information: AWS ECS Features
You can probably get what you want in the free tier.

Create Basic Landing Page to allow a user to start/stop an AWS Windows EC2 instance

I would like to create a landing page using Beanstalk/EC2 (beanstalk for PHP or .NET) that is a simple HTML landing page with a Start and Stop button, allowing a non-technical person to spin start/stop a specific AWS EC2 instance (Windows Server 2012) in the same VPC.
Is it possible for me to start/stop the separate EC2 Windows instance from my beanstalk web app?
Would I need to setup anything specifically on the EC2 Windows instance to enable this to work?
Would I need to setup anything special on the Beanstalk instance to enable what I've described to work?
Thanks again for any pointers anyone can provide.
Is it possible for me to start/stop the separate EC2 Windows instance from my beanstalk web app? Yes
Would I need to setup anything specifically on the EC2 Windows instance to enable this to work? No
Would I need to setup anything special on the Beanstalk instance to enable what I've described to work? No
So how do you achieve this?
1. If you wanted a frontend GUI, you could use nodeJS. This is a good resource for that:
2. Your backend will have AWS CLI installed and handle all the API calls. This is a good resource for that:
3. You can always automate a pipeline structure using Jenkins and the many AWS plugins. So say you want to give the user parameters to select from without building anything fancy. Jenkins will do this for you with the AWS plugin and the parameter plugin.
So there are many ways to handle this. To decide which works best for you make sure you have the business requirements well defined and then maybe setup an agile like structure were you have an epic and user stories.
Hope that helped. Happy hacking!!!

Amazon service for internet of things?

Does amazon AWS have decent service for internet-of-things type applications (e.g. NEST thermostat, Wifi controlled appliances)? We would like to connect up to 2 million devices through the cloud. I can see how you might be able to do this with Amazon SQS and the Elastic Beanstalk, however I was hoping that there might be a better way that is less custom. For example, is there a good rules engine for SQS messaging?
I know that the NEST thermostat has solved a similar problem.
Try Temboo. Temboo offers a platform containing methods for 100+ APIs, databases, and code utilities, the Library and the Temboo platform are accessible via the Temboo SDK in seven programming languages, the Temboo REST API, and the Arduino Yún.

Drupal with Amazon Web Services?

I'm not sure if this is the write place to ask, but this is the only site I know where I get my questions answered... anyways
I wanted to install drupal but where should I host it? Can amazon web service host this such application? Do I need to go somewhere else and host it? I do have an account with inmotionhosting, but I was thinking if Amazon does the job, why not just use it? Any thoughts and opinions?
You can install Drupal on AWS EC2 if you have sys admin experience. Otherwise you will need to use a managed platform, like Cloudways, for that. Configuring web server like Apache and Nginx, cache like Varnish and Memcached and other features on AWS is little difficult. Many managed servers have those features available in their platform so you don't have to configure anything or go through long process of installing application on AWS.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) will host Drupal no problem.
The service you're looking for is Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). It's pretty much equivalent to a private server with which you can do almost whatever you want (Web hosting included). The downside is that you have to do all the setup yourself.
If you don't know how to install Apache or configure your own Linux machine, you'd probably be better off with managed hosting where they'll set everything up for you.
You can also just use AWS Cloudformation to set up your drupal environment. It's a service that is part of AWS that will set up your stack for you. you may still need to know how to handle your config files but at least you do not have to go into installing the DB , Apache etc all manually.
Bitnami provides a free (Apache-licensed) pre-built Drupal image for AWS that you launch easily. It is great for quickly testing something but if you choose the right instance for your expected load, also for production (disclaimer: I am a cofounder of Bitnami, though as I mentioned the image is open source)
Drupal can be deployed and hosted automatically on Jelastic PaaS. You won't need to configure it from scratch. And if you wish to make some custom settings while installation, you can also easily install it manually. Both variants are described in the guide.
As a result, you'll get automatic scaling, pay-per-use pricing, management via intuitive UI, a wide choice of local service providers from different countries and other options to run your Drupal effectively.